So long as a "Jew" exists, there will never be peace.
1: The position where shitskins feel integrated/in-control without outright advocacy of white genocide with bullets, is the position of every infantile leftist. Anything short of obvious genocide is okay by the leftist's position for the sake of making shitskins comfortable, and it requires a total destruction of 'English Identity'. Somehow it's believed by these leftists that these foreigners can perceive themselves as equals or as taking the same part as equals, when not even Jews were successfully integrated and assimilated. This means a destruction of what they otherwise would have been assimilated into, if even still Jews cannot or were not integrated. Every European country failed to integrate Jews. Even America, as the distinction of Jew and non-Jew still exists. Yet, here is the importation of others. It can only result in the destruction of what was before it or be seen as legitimate in that conext of there being no issue with its destruction.
2: Despite all my advocacy, for wanting to call out Jews, I never actually wanted to be right about it. My last post, while it may seem tangential, was actually the most sober recognition of the Jewish problem, or white genocide, or both, I think I've ever argued.
3: The Jewish problem is the demands made by Jews themselves in exchange for them (the Jews) giving up their identity. While calling themselves patriots, they call the non-Jew 'goy'. Because no price is enough except the complete capitulation of non-Jews, they practically say 'humanity' (effectively saying 'No, you give up your identity and become indistinct Goyim) - but not even this as they reject humanism completely, saying it is a label used by racists and sexists. (Yes, this literally is what they said, this is historically what they called humanists because they were 'blind to racism/sexism'. You want to scoff as if it's insane and powerless, but this is what they wanted to seriously promote - it is their arguments against humanism and they will call you 'sexist' and 'racist' if you disagree. This is the utter insanity which created the 'Alt-Right' or the Aryan Supremacist movement) And I am not advocating humanism any more for this very reason. Jewish supremacism is the problem and the only solution is to meet their boasting with what they beg for by doing so: a challenge and fight in open confrontation and the crushing of them for all time - the time that they claim to own, the time which resides in our own Aryan psyche. The future that energizes us, provokes us to action. The fatal circumstances that made us industrious. The seriousness of our play and work alike. Yes, also, that suffering when we feel the future being ripped away from us and the gut feeling we have for those we know are poisoning us. The ones who yell about hate and their fear, yet tell us to ignore our own instincts. They say already that their fear is more important than our own, since we do not ask others to take its responsibility but they demand it be taken by our own.
4: And for complaints that Europe was multicultural, as if it never existed before Christianity: In Hellenic Athens, the punishment for impiety was death. After exile, you were no longer Athenian, so the laws and labels would not even apply to you for it to make sense that the punishment is anything but death. Exile is a striking from history.
Poster's Note: Julian the Apostate tried to revive Paganism after he was already raised Christian and inherited a largely Christian kingdom. Pagan resistance to Christianity was not dead and has never been dead. Julian subscribed to Neo-Platonism - and any sort of 'multi-cultural' society must account for Paganism and recognize it as legitimate, or else they are Abrahamic. Hitler, also, was part of Europe's history. Any account of history which discounts these manifestations of Aryan groups is inauthentic and ignorant. And, the SJWs themselves cannot separate the institution from the culture, since they believe that cultural effects are important in the exploration of institutional power.