Pediatrician says Kids Cannot be Transgender, Mentally-ill Parents at Fault

Pediatrician says Kids Cannot be Transgender, Mentally-ill Parents at Fault for Child Abuse
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Shameless self bump (and a kike free first post)

Of course they can't. Its clearly child abuse but the kikes whittle away at the populace until they accept degeneracy. Tranny freaks are already accepted by law and even protected, soon we're going to be paying immense money for their treatments. Next comes paedos. That will be a fun one.


What else can you tell us, OP? The sky is blue?

Are there any statistics on just how many children are doing this? I mean aside from a few notable e-celebs jews promote, the trend doesn't seem to be gaining any real traction.


It goes beyond E-Celebrities.
Rich kike celebs do the same.
Pics related

That's just a rich pedo kike making his son crossdress.

It's not the same as a kid taking hormone blockers and living a transsexual life.

Nice dubs

I used to go through a tranny phase that lasted only a few months
I got over it eventually, thankfully
And the best part is, I didn't even need therapy or treatment for it

The point is that normalfags don't realise this or don't WANT to realise it you stupid kike.


This just in, pediatrician has committed suicide by injecting herself with 1 deciliter of testosterone. No autopsy will be performed, but officials cite mental illness as the cause and state that transsexuals are are perfectly normal.



Nah, gas YOURself for having the IQ of a sponge.


All degenerate scum deserves the rope and traitors hang first

I know they're contemptible, but believe me (I work with them, occupational hazard) even normalfags know the tranny shit has gone too far with the targeting of children. And every Holla Forumsack already knows this, and, unlike those normalfags, knows (((who))) is responsible for it.

But did a thread need to die for this? It's like starting a thread to say "Kikes are evil", there's no fucking point because it's not news to anyone here. This is clearly just OP trying to drive click traffic to his article on thegoldbergwater



What part of "phase" escapes your understanding? Are you really as dumb as you seem?


If you listen closely you can hear the jew rubbing his hands.

True, but what normalfags think about things has always been secondary to what the kikes in power have managed to MAKE normal over time. If you went back to 1948 in America most people would say the same of racemixing, but look where we are now. It takes more than a kind of generalized, implicit understanding of what's "normal" in society, to fight hardcore leftist ideology.

You should really end yourself. Sodomites can never recover from their vile acts, if you really want to have a shred of dignity just end it.

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't say a transgender phase should be encouraged, I said that 70-80% of kids who have such phases grow out of it, if they aren't interfered with by mentally ill adults.

Do try to keep up.

This is how intellectually deficient you are

If any kid does "go through" it, that means their genetics are shit and should be killed off either way. Do go through this phase you must have extreme hormonal issues no normal kid would ever want to castrate themselves or be a girl in any way. Stop pushing your sodomy on more innocent young whites you worthless faggot.

You obviously don't know anything about "genetics", and no, it doesn't mean that at all.
No one is impressed with your grandstanding.
What, like puberty? And it's fairly common for pre-pubescent children to occasionally imitate the opposite sex, given their lack of sex-specific hormones. The problem arises when mentally ill adults interpret this as transgenderism, a permanent indication that the child is somehow, against its own biology, the other sex.
Again, I didn't do anything of the kind. You think using the most extreme language possible is proof of your ideological incorruptibility, when really it shows me that you have very little interaction with the normal whites you claim to want to protect.



That girl/boy will probably end up committing suicide. the rate is like 20 times higher than normal people, especially for those who've been chemically castrated.


Try being less retarded and this emotionally driven
You seem to be confusing a disease/illness with a genetic defect and I doubt you know what either one is

Let me guess, you think that if someone catches the flu that their genetics are defective?
Stop trying so hard to fit in

No male with normal T levels would ever think about being the opposite gender fuck of faggot.
Faggots get the bog fuck off faggot.
Not even an argument you fucking faggot, this is only in modern times with the mental castration of white boys via feminism do they ever imitate the opposite gender. This is a modern invention and not normal. Boys have no direction and no sense of masculinity thanks to faggots like you and women. This is why the imitate the opposite sex. And pretty sure literally every male goes through puberty and starts oh I dont know ummm wanting to fuck girls hard not fucking be one you fucking faggot only faggots look at girls and think they want to be one.
Literally calling trannyfreaks normal whites. Yeah no I dont want to protect sodomites and by being against your faggotry im protecting young white boys from your filth. COMMONSPIC WAS RIGHT.


Not an argument sodomite nice try though. Take the cock out of your mouth before typing.
Let me guess, you think that if someone catches the flu that their genetics are defective?
And now you compare faggoty to the flu lmao

Man, Holla Forums users have become as dumb as trailer trash now
Try to pick up a fucking book


Hahaha thanks for exposing yourself anitwhite. I love how you think getting cock in your ass makes you an intellectual.

Citation, please. A lot of the tranny's I've seen are actually pretty masculine, and don't seem to be suffering an innate lack of testosterone. And why do you think I said that children (which is the only relevant thing here) lack sex-specific hormones?
Citation, please. I doubt you know anything about history, but I'd like some proof that no children throughout history would imitate the opposite sex. The fact that you FEEL it to be true, doesn't make it so.
You must have failed reading comprehension in 6th grade.

Wade through the retards, my friend.

Why are you on this board if you're a homosexual? I'm actually curious.

I'm not, I'm straight. only in your mind am I a faggot, simply because I supported what the pediatricians say, that in most cases "transgenderism" in children is a passing phase. But due to your womanlike emotionality and lack of nuance, you assumed immediately that I was somehow backing trannys.

One doesn't need eight years of university to come to that conclusion OP. But yanks get on their knees for 'experts'.

It just means we get to kill more people. Even the dotr comes we'll be going door to door anyways. Look for the little tranny under the bed to slit it's throat in an act of mercy. Or (if you have the time) let the kid kill it's 'parents' then an hero itself. Can't be all work no play. Plus, I believe one should enjoy their work.

You support everything that comes out of a kike paid off shill doctor? I bet you're circumcised too haha.
You are, I dont believe any straight man would ever be ok with trannies in any sense.

He has like 70k followers on Instagram, so the reinforcement may give him a better shot than most of them. The jews love the ones like this because they ruined a Nordic boy. Just like how they love to ruin blondes in miscegenational porn and propaganda.

Stop projecting and try backing this up then:
And finally:
Thanks for proving my point about not knowing the difference between a genetic defect and a disease
How's it feel being as stupid as a nigger?

That trick isn't going to work on me, Shlomo
Thanks for proving how little you know (if at all) how genes work, dumbass
You're not form around here, are you?

And consider your asses filtered
Try not to play in traffic the next time you go outside, okay?




Get gassed moshe.

Great, can't wait to get screamed at for posting fake news on Goybook.

Just remind the people bitching it is from a very trusted Israeli source.



TOPKEK the sodomite is just like a lefty blocking people on twitter at this point, honestly would not be surprised if he was some cuck homo from twitter.

Get the fuck out and don't come back halffag scum.


The only assholes coming here and defending this shit are lefty fucks on a quest. Of course it's a fucking homo.

Citation, please. Dr. Paul R. McHugh at Johns Hopkins has asserted numerous times that transgenderism is a mental disorder. Does that mean he's kike-paid in your mind? He also said that as it manifests in children, it's a passing phase. Only in your demented little mind does that make him or I accepting of trannys.
Children going through a brief phase are not transgenders. As I said before, your assumption that any such thoughts are indicative of a permanent condition, implicitly acknowledges that the leftists and kikes are correct in this matter. But you're probably too stupid to understand that logical step, so I guess I'll drop it.

I hope so. Better if he was taken away from his abusive parents.


This guy is a D&C kike shill. Notice how he is attacking one of our own for admitting he had a tranny phase, past tense and implying at every step with a heavy hand that he is one of us and the "faggot" is not. Perhaps it needs to be pointed out that many Holla Forums users were once leftists and degenerates. Most right-wing men in general were left-wing in their youth and it's why we know it's all horseshit. The real nail in the kike coffin though was that image as it's well understood that yids are obsessed with scatological "humor".

Shit appears to be the only thing you hebe fucks understand.

Remember Canada is taking kids away from Christians who believe in the Christian definition of marrage, if their kid decides they want to be a fag or tranny etc.


Yes, that thread that has been bumplocked or ignored for weeks was so important that making a new thread at all was such a terrible tragedy. I hope your PTSD doesn't drive you to suckstart a shotgun. Faggot.

Kill yourself.

What matters is that a professional is putting their whole career on the line to dispute a lie unlike many other selfish doctors who only give a shit about their money.

Trips of truth

1. Download first season of ray donovan
2. Keep tally of every time you see alcohol on screen

It's basically a show designed to attack and destroy Christians.

No wonder MGTOW worship it.

More like their life. The last person who told the truth got blown up in a car bomb, read the sticky.

This is also relevant. If someone could paste the contents of the article in the thread, that'd be grateful.


I had hoped it would be a redpill, in the beginning. I should have known better. Jews run Hollywood, jews get Ray to do evil stuff for money, Ray occasionally does the right thing even though it endangers his family, repeat. It quickly became obvious that Ray is no better than any of the other pieces of shit he deals with. "Muh priest-rape" is used over and over again to excuse degeneracy by the characters, and Mickey is a coal-burning piece of shit from which they can never seem to separate themselves. I stopped watching after the "incestual boxer" bullshit, and regretted the time I had wasted on it.

If you have ever taken a Psych course you would be familiar with "modeling" and "shaping" all the West's problems stem from monkey see monkey do, basically picking up others bad habits and "accommodating" to an extreme degree. The television and public school are the source for this behavioral adoption.

Individuals who have yet to experience puberty and thus have their hormones stabilise are incapable of being trans? Say it aint so! Science is racis n sexcis n shieeet

I stopped when I realized his son is going to be a druggie tranny, his daughter is fucking a nigger, and his wife is fucking a Louis CK stand-in. Ray is literally a ultracuck.

It's degeneracy personified, and I didn't even go through second season before I realized it.

Oh btw the show was really blatant when the scene at Conors birthday when Ray says
And the kid is like
Then he goes to text his degenerate "friend", who just happens to be a 30 year old faggot that fucks trannies.

This is just from one point she makes:

Good. Someone daring to tell the truth.

I'm just gonna comment on psychology from here on out.
What the religion of psychology never understood is that any percieved bad state of being can be overcome with love and acceptance. If you can forgive your self from your mistakes you can move on.
If you can't love yourself, well.. Then that's just it then.

You won't get love from bad therapists. You can't buy love, either. Hell. If you can't feel your own feelings and express them as emotions you can't even get in contact with your own nature.
Psychology as treatment is some sort of handling of any perceived wrongdoing. A lot of treatment is just being observed, so the subject that way can feel accepted, or begin to do so. Only when the subject feel able to move on and let go of the bad experiences, and only love for one self can make one do that in that given moment.

All the drugs are money making, and in 95% of the cases aren't doing anything good for the patient.

With enough focus, clear-sightedness, peace of being, time, forgiveness and love one can heal from anything. Even the most horrible things. But that is only possible if people aren't accepting the suffering of being alive, which without question is something bigger than most of us wish to handle at any given time.

Which is why we just should let go of the shit when it's time.

I'll "let things go" once every kike and shitskin on the planet is dead, tyvm.

*Meant if people are accepting the suffering of being alive.

Then you can laugh wholly of things out of our reach of reasoning, see clearly and stand on top of things.

dead lesbians cannot hurt kids


You only needed to throw those who listen to Loki's children into the bog.

Either the kid did this to get attention from her mom, Or Jolie decided to make her boring white kid more unique and interesting for extra hero points in the media. I feel so bad for that child, I can't imagine the horrors she has to experience behind closed doors, considering what the mother is willing to say in public and to the media.

medication, isolation, demoralization and manipulation

That image makes my head hurt.

Angelina Jolie is a crossdressing faggot. He never cut off his tits, he just got rid of the implants. Draining the bog was a mistake.


You should compile everything you have on the transsexual celebrity conspiracy and make a thread. I'm sure I speak for others who would be interested in investigating this topic.

>(((they))) pushed the trans thing so they could take the kids from all parents in fear of (((abuse)))

This, (((reported abuse))) and (((deportations))) are going to be huge in the coming years.

My heart pains everytiem I see this. This is abuse, but no one is saying nothing about it.


Hopefully Shiloh will murder Angelina Jolie in her sleep some day.

I was thinking more along the lines that they would be making goverment facilities to raise (((loyal))) idiots to (((the state))) like many distopian science fiction novels.

Not in my fucking lefty town - in the last year I know of at least 5 kids that have become trans and I'm pretty much a shut in and don't know many people, (… see lefty town reference). The push for this shit has come from lefty culture - the government, the schools, the media and the parents just go along with it. Question it and it quite literally is rocks through your windows.

When you say "kids" do you mean teen traps?

Prepubescents taking puberty blockers and the whole nine yards is something that has yet to catch on. It's alarming that it even happens and people think it's acceptable, but it does not seem to be gaining much traction as of yet.


This gets the fucking woodchipper

Now i know why

Can you even imagine how bad that house smells?

Is this channel a joke? Because I wouldn't put anything past Hollywood, but I have a hard time believing every single actress is a tranny.


She's got a brother, for fuck's sake.

This could have been a good thread but it all got shit up by 2 shills and one fuck that kept getting baited by them

That fucker is always a creep in movies… not surprised he's probably faggot pedo.

Whoa man, did TRS invade?

I'm going to dissent ever so slightly from her message. She says it's not possible, I'd say it's not possible to diagnose reliably and therefore grossly irresponsible to act on it.

Transexualism is a real thing. There are a variety of medically understood intersex condition that occur in nature. The idea of an intersex condition of the brain, that doesn't present in the chromosomes or the body, is not that far-out, and is increasingly supported by neurological studies.

It's real, but like other intersex conditions it is rare. The recent explosion of gender-bending is perpetuated by charlatans. All the non-binary genderfluid otherkin attack helicopter types with their 376 genders and demands for custom pronouns need to go straight into the ovens. All the sick trendy parents trying to trans their 5 year olds should follow right behind.

The charlatans are merely gender non-conforming people who are trying to elevate their lifestyle preferences to the status of a medical condition, and claim all the special snowflake oppression points that come with it. Genuine transsexual people identify strongly as the opposite sex, to the point that they find it deeply distressing to be in the body they're in. They do their utmost to present themselves as the sex they want to be, and would never ask to be called anything other than "he" or "she".

As for the parents, this is Munchausen's syndrome by proxy, quite simply. These parents want a trans kid so they can bask in the glory of how wonderfully progressive they are. Mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder are particularly prone to this. The advent of social media has encouraged this sort of thing, by making it easier for people to flaunt their lives to a wide audience. Any parent of a genuinely trans kid, that had their best interests at heart, would keep them out of the limelight.

The way to determine if a child truly suffers from this condition is to raise them completely normally as their birth gender. If, despite this, they display a persistent desire to identify as the opposite sex, then you start to have the basis for a sound diagnosis. There is nothing more likely to produce a misdiagnosis, with horrific life-ruining consequences, than confusing them with this fucked-up gender-neutral upbringing bullshit.

As the science currently stands, I think it's far too risky for minors to be transitioning. As the neurological studies make further progress, they may develop a reliable method to diagnose a transsexual brain from fMRI. That, backed up by a behavioural diagnosis, would be enough in my view to justify transition with hormonal treatment before puberty kicks in. There is a valid case to intervene at this stage, because the outcome is so much better if the undesirable secondary sex characteristics can be stopped before they come in.

Nothing is more damaging to the cause of genuine trans people than all the charlatans muddying the waters with their unreasonable demands and child abuse.

I would tell you to go back to reddit and to take your spacing and your faggotry with you, but that's a waste. I want you to go to a hardware store, instead. I want you to buy a decent length of nylon or hemp rope. I want you to go back to your shitty complex or studio, and I want you to hang yourself from the stair handrail leading up to your apartment.

inb4 his career is ruined and he's forced into exile

what do you think?

She's right about a lot of things, but horribly wrong about others Her conclusion from the twin study, for example:

Firstly, the 28% probablity of a twin also being transsexual is orders of magnitude greater than the probability in the general population. It's indicative of a strong genetic or prenatal component, not a "minimal disposition".

Secondly, she's taking it as as read that all the diagnoses are correct. In light of the explosion of trendy gender-bending, I find it much more likely that the 72% are charlatans, and the 28% are genuine transsexuals, thus making the condition entirely congenital.

Her statements about brains not being feminised or masculinised at birth go contrary to common sense and proven science. I mean seriously, are we to believe that before puberty boys and girls differ only in genitalia, and boy and girl-like behaviours are entirely learned? This is nonsense, there are detectable differences in newborn babies as show here:


Yes. They exist:

Brain scan studies done before any hormone therapy show differences.

I don't know why people have difficulty believing this. Unless you think there is no difference between male and female brains - which is contrary to common sense, and has been scientifically proved to be untrue - then it stands to reason that like every other aspect of human development, sometimes it can get fucked up.

who gives a fuck about brain scans.

name one incident where this has happened.

As far as I am concerned, if my child ever came out as gay or some sort of queer, it is because he happens to be suicidal.

My cousin and his batshit wife are raising their children (probably the son more than the daughter, I suspect) without teaching them anything related to gender roles.

The older brother is like, six now, and I haven't heard anything too bizarre (his mom took him to the women's march after the elction), but the kid does behave like a little fruit.

There are some, innit? People with weird, almosy sui generis chromosome conditions. Tiny fraction of the freaks you see and surely not the ones behind the push for "acceptance" and shit.

She sound like she's jealous of her daughter.

No, CHILDREN. This is a 'normal' sub 8.000 pop. lefty town. The shit IS spreading.

Well, only personal experience here from a small town in rural Commiefornia. My son played a rival soccer team (Junior high kids in both teams) in which the goalie was a boy that "identified as a girl". Told my son to stay the fuck away from it. He agreed it was fucking weird.

Some friends of my parents had a daughter that acted very masculine since she was young, to the point of her friends not even knowing that she was actually a girl, but when puberty started she started behaving like a girl again so i guess that was just a case of childs play.