Only subhuman scum prey find a way to get off to adolescents. Each and every pedo fuck deserves nothing less than exile into the most dangerous rape-central parts of Africa where they get raped by savages and die from AIDS.
Real men want women, real beautiful women. They're of the age (23-30) where they can produce healthy children. They can be mother's, and raise your sons and daughters to be wise and caring. Teaching them the necessity of Christiandom and it's foundation in the west is a mother's priority.
STOP MASTURBATING TO PORN. STOP BEING FAT AND USELESS Also, if you're a pedo fuck, I sincerely hope God judges you mercilessly soon enough. I have no sympathy for any of you.
Noah Hughes
Owen Gray
Nice digits, but don't sage.
This needs to be said
Alexander Green
Cool. Now where is that 23 year old women with a intact hymen… Or how about an even older virgin female. Hmm what a shame it was to never come across that…..
Sebastian Diaz
but why the pic of the fat chick with tattoos?
Landon Flores
Dominic Myers
Naw it's a 2
Sebastian Barnes
kek, but i do agree. have a bump op
Josiah Turner
Oh yeah, and last I asked, women were still cool with circumcision/ male mutilation.
Thomas Brooks
As much as I also think that Pedophiles (actual ones that are attracted to girls too young to safely give birth) deserve death, you are completely retarded.
William Ward
im with this guy, he get's it
Grayson Cooper
Wyatt Rogers
More feminism on 8/pol/…
Quality posts gentlemen.
Christian Flores
You must be new here. Pedoshits have been on Holla Forums since the site started. They're just spamming us at the moment because they're butthurt about the pedo-detector thread.
Also, I hope that isn't you in the pic. That woman has ruined her skin with crappy tattoos.
Sage because shit OP.
Benjamin Roberts
You're a degenerate faggot and should stick with men.
Tattoos aren't bad as long as they add to the overall aesthetics of a body.
Adrian Ramirez
You need to leave, feminist cunt. Once a women hits 30 her eggs are already pretty much fucked btw.
Eli Rivera
yep it's a dried up roastie desperately trying to find a white man now that it's done riding the cock carousel, you mad no self respecting white man wants your used up snatch?
Adam Howard
If you think that woman is fat, you're a prepubescent faggot with a small dick
Eli Brooks
Gabriel Williams
Wrong, tatoo's are a red flag and automatically make a woman unfuckable.
Gavin James
We should just sterilize all women with tattoos and due the gene pool a favour tbh.
David Torres
Yeah if you're a marine who has done five tours, then you might get a pass. If you're a woman it's an immediate red flag that says STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS DISGUSTING STD RIDDEN ROASTIE.
Jose Bennett
More D&C eh?
Evan Price
Why are you saying this on Holla Forums? Whites are the least likely to be pedos. Go tell the semites.
David Parker
choose one
Asher Miller
David Cruz
why are shills so prevalent theses last few weeks?
Samuel Wood
Levi Scott
fuck off back to reddit (((milo)))
Andrew Peterson
Fucked yourself on the tattoo subject. Of course you'd like the tattoos if they're aesthetically appealing, you're drawn in by them because useless women are attracting themselves to you. Typically a tattoo on a woman means she wants to signal towards someone who perceives it well. Why do you think they get them where they are visible unless they're wearing a fucking jacket? It's never hidden because it's signaling. You fucking retard.
Hudson Lopez
But… but agent man dickey spencer says being gay is totally European. Oh, this is about minors. Well that's even worse than faggots if such a thing is possible.
20-40 is good. Depends on the individual in the low and high cases. Pretty much goes without saying so not sure why you made this thread OP. Did a jew trigger you today? If so, why didn't you cripple them?
Ian Wilson
Roastie number 2 spotted. No man wants your used up pussy.
Nathan Turner
Nice tattooed whore, OP. PS eat a dick.
Josiah Perez
Roastie, pls. You've ridden the cock carousel all these years, and now expect men to suddenly line up in support of your demands of cuckoldry now that you are over the hill?
Good post. Excercise Eat organic Drink clean water Become passionate about something and become successful. Then get a woman and marry her Stop being losers.
Angel Morgan
23+? Ignorant of history and biology. First menarche + let's say two years: 14. That's the age a girl was considered marriageable and ablo to become a woman, i.e. to bear kids. 23 is statistically peak fertility, i.e. more than mature.
Parker Cox
Have a nice wedding with both of your families, be 'married', permanent and monogamous, wear rings (gold filled and cubic zirconium so you don't make the diamond kikes richer), etc. but don't sign the paper; both of you be legally single, even though it will cost money. This way, the woman will not have power over you. The power to leave you with half of your property (most likely your house) and a large part of your income (meaning you will likely not be able to afford to have children with another woman, and if you're low-income to begin with then you might even be homeless).
She will also always have the power to leave with your children, but at least you can defend your physical assets (thus removing most of the incentive) by not entering into the (((legal))) contract with her to begin with.
David Morgan
obvious slide is obvious. dont bump it
Landon Hall
He's right, she is technically overweight. As to the more important part of his post, the tats, those are an outward sign of inward degeneracy. So why are you posting a FAT Tat-wearing whore, alongside a post about raising strong white families?