Inviting Stoners to Our Cause

"Trump wants to take away our legal weed!" is one of the most common talking points raised by the uninformed youth, but it is simply not true. No matter what your opinions may be on cannabis, it is undeniable that the culture surrounding it is highly influential, especially among the youth.
I know several people personally who are on the cusp of taking the red pill, but are held back by their cannabis addictions. Adding cannabis symbols to our meme propaganda could cause millions of stoners to embrace our cause, as well as making the movement as a whole appear more hip and youthful.
And to be honest, weed really isnt that degenerate. Embracing its huge subculture could be worth sacrificing your strong conviction toward the plant.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree, if he legalized the herbal jew, it would unite the whites to an almost 99% purity. It would make his foundation unshakable.

He needs to start thinking of the approval ratings.


Stoners embrace degeneracy in all its forms. No deals.

it's time to stop.

watch this get 400 replies as retards fall for this bait again and again.


I've been able to talk plenty of stoners into taking redpills by downplaying their fear of pot being taken away. I also know a lot of hard working white redpilled people that use it in place of alcohol. It's healthier than booze from what I've seen.

The only downside is that people with a addictive tendencies can become reliant on it, and it shouldn't be used in your teens because it can stunt brain development at that age.

Fuck the orange kike and fuck you. Reported.

you're not wrong OP. But these idiots are just a lot of uninformed bumbletons. They likely think other incorrect assumtions as well.

trumps approval ratings are down at 39% . Be a little reasonable now. You sometimes have to make compromises, its part of growing up..

Get lost.

And Hillary is 20 points ahead right?

Trump is stoned in this picture

No one cares about Trump. The only one you should care about is Hitler.
And anyone ingesting drugs will be shot on sight.

Maybe the polls for approval-rating are different than voting polls?

No, she is down there under 40% too. Both with extremely low approval ratings. Actually her approval ratings are even lower than trumps.

anyone ever think Trump may himself be a german Jew

Fuck off stoner


This is because the stoner subculture is monolithic. An alternative stoner culture could be radically different. I think a new ideology could be very popular, if spread well through memes:

Trump will legalize just to fuck with Adelson for Las Vegas. It will be in NAFTA so the fucking leafs won't outcompete us.


Cannabis isn't inherently degenerate, although smoking is bad for you and gives you brain fog
vape it and take cbd oil pills

Removing the Jamaican gangster influence would be a start, I worked in the legal market in Washington state; it's nothing but nigger slang and hyped bullshit.
"fire ass weed, bro" full of pesticides and mold. Niggers and poos are running these businesses also.

Reported for kike propaganda.

Not all stoners. And I think you're talking about ROJ/OES rather than blue lodge.

Most of the blue collar workers I have met in California smoke weed regularly much more than alcohol. Almost all of them voted for Trump, and are woke to the ((liberal))) agenda. We should accept these men fully, rather than driving them away with anti-cannabis rhetoric.

the only way it is not degenerate is if it is used extremely short term. And even then its pretty degenerate. No. Pot use leads to more idiots being more susceptible to kike and commie bullshit. If you are of such shit quality that your life can not be fulfilling without drug use you can go ahead and line up against the wall with the marxists.

False equivalency



Jesus christ.

Both are extremely unpopular figures. Trump would greatly benefit from legalizing weed, and I'm not even a weed smoker. It would increase his power, get more taxes and remove alot of pressure from the cops. Hell, people have smoked weed so much now that they know the substance better than anything, down to its atomic levels.

If trump is smart he will do this.

Now everyone shut the fuck up. We discussed this 9832958234 times pre-election already.

I support using Stoners as human shields to push our pro-gun agenda.

I would get the Craft Alcohol industry and the pot industry to join the NRA create an unstoppable behemoth.

-Federal Constitutional carry which nullifies all anti-carry statues in the country

-Federal Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground law

-Allow truckers to carry

-Repeal NFA

-SAGA act/ Forbid any Federal Assault weapons ban,overthrow any state-level assault weapons ban, including guns banned by name,and banned features.

-Reform importation rules so you could import guns like this AK,and the mp7 without any fuckery that's sporterization which makes the guns unreliable

-Force the military to allow vet bring backs,force military to dump Ammo &Small arms onto the surplus market, ban them from destroying ammo & small arms.

-Let people distill any form of alcohol for personal consumption without a license, and make it easy for people to acquire a license to start a craft distillery.

In exchange for all of that Pot becomes legal in blue states. Pot would be treated like Tobacco. You have to be 18 years of age, high taxes, and you won't be allowed to advertise your products like tobacco.

Communists uses cannabis culture as a recruiting ground. Why cant we do the same? People are more open to new ideas when high after all. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar

Don't quit your day job, Chaim.
And don't think you can fool me with fake trips either. I haven't forgotten "REPEATING DIGITS ARE COMPROMISED".

I am not arguing for nationwide legalization. I am only suggesting incorporating cannabis symbols into our propaganda to draw in the easily influenced stoner demographic.

The stoners would gladly compromise and let guns be legal if you give them their weed. I bet a legalization of weed would increase trumps approval with 5 or 6 points.

Times change, people make pancakes and oils out of weed now, it isn't just a "something niggers do" anymore. It's basically cigarettes 2.0.

I think he'll campaign on it for this second presidential run. It's something democrats wouldn't expect and would entice a lot of lolbergs or centrist democrats. It's self evident with current trends even in all white states that weed is going to be legalized. Trump just needs to take advantage when the times right. inb4: 5D billiards

Can we listen to Jerry too?

It's Sessions, not Trump, who is the drug warrior

He'd rather go after weed than go after the corrupt ruling elite (AKA his lifelong colleagues)

I don't care about pot. I have my own agenda.

sadly, this. Pence hates cannabis as well.

I really hope this is the case.

I approve this.
Daily reminder that weed was legal in the Third Reich, and almost nobody used it since degeneracy wasn't rampant
Daily reminder that jews were behind the ban on weed since the beginning
Daily reminder that legal weed removes bilions from the pockets of spics and niggers


This can not be emphasized enough, nothing like a fat dab after lifting heavy things

Also this would be awesome. I would also put importance on quality of weed. I.e. you have to detail everything about your brand, like thc and cbd percentages and price must be lower than shit sold on the street (weed is cheap as fuck to produce)


Physical exercise should be a staple of NS youth regardless of weed

Stoners are the most degenerate group of people I've met. Nobody embraces leftist ideologies like the stoners.

Where did all these lolbergs come from? What do we have to do to get rid of them?
Is it Reddit? If the people running T_D were doxed, would this infestation of delusional, drug-addicted kike puppets go away?




Weed makes people into faggots. I've seen it.

Maybe because only in the leftist ideology are they accepted? If the natsoc community gave them a hand things could have been different. Look at how hitler gave a hand out for the prostitutes in Berlin, he didn't judge them or shame them. Instead he took care of them by making programs against syphilis, he even mentions this in the mein kampf.

If Hitler was alive he would probably legalized weed since he know that the aryan are strong enough to resist materialist temptations and that a regulation would be a mere insult on the aryans intellect.

While in the long run it might improve approval, right now, it'd be a bad idea. Between talks of DACA and gun control, even if he doesn't do anything, his base (read: the typical Breitbart reader) is fairly upset with him. Not to the point of voting for a Democrat, but still, the pre-election enthusiasm is gone and he needs to bring that back, bring back the sense of winning every day. He needs to first and foremost deliver on his promises, figure out the wall, remove all the immigrants, appease his current supporters and secure them back before focusing on a new base. His current pandering to a group that will never approve of him is not working out.

As a right wing ex stoner I have to disagree. There are categorically 4 types of stoners with a roughly even split:
-left wing lazy fucks (hippy subset)
-left wing artsy faggots (hippy subset)
-right wing lazy fucks (angry stoners)
-right wing STEM masters (angry stoners)
3/4 of those are shit, but only 1/2 of them are filthy left wing hippy wastes.
You'd be amazed how many productive white wing people are stoners, they just don't make their lives revolve around it - in fact, I think I've met one right-wing person in my entire life who wasn't a stoner at some point in his, and over 75% are active stoners, they just keep their shit together and use it more to dull the pain of living in a world governed by leftist extremists.

The issue is that Holla Forums thinks that everyone who smokes marijuana = "stoner culture." In reality their "stoner culture" is a minute group of 20 year olds. An overwhelming majority of marijuana users are just regular people. All those right wing good ol' boys in the country grow their own on the farm.

We're in the "trade school" time line and when Holla Forums doesn't understand that literally everyone in a trade job is either an alcoholic or a stoner. Real work is tiring and makes your body ache and you have to dull the pain. Now there are plenty on oxys too.

It's a pointless idea regardless.

One, they won't believe it and wouldn't care if they did to begin with. Stoners are plebs amongst plebs, in every sense of the term. Joe Normalfag goes to work then comes home to drink his pisswater and watch his favorite niggerball game. Joey Two-Puffs goes to work, comes home, smokes weed then passes out. Joe Normalfag decorates his walls with photos and posters of his favorite shitskin bulls. Joey Two-Puffs just hangs rasta beads and the same Bob Marley poster on every spare inch of space he has. His life revolves totally around pot and a significant part of "stoner (((culture)))" lies in muh man/paper keeping me down.

Two, related to my first point, these type of people serve absolutely no benefit to our cause whatsoever. They partake in absolutely no activism whatsoever unless it involves taking bong hits in front of cops out in public. And, speaking from experience, these people don't give a shit about anything especially when it comes to politics. Their entire political manifesto , and even their entire reason to live, is summed up entirely in one word: legalization. They see no race, merely other degenerates to engage in their favorite life-fetish, and as such they're a liability at best and an enemy at worst.

Three, anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to converse with these people know that they lack any speech or conversational capabilities whatsoever to say nothing of their elementary ways of speaking. "Dude weed lmao" truly is the best example of the point I'm trying to make. They wouldn't even serve as useful mouthpieces unless we wish to portray ourselves as imbeciles

Sure there are plenty of stoners, potheads, or whatever other stupid nicknames they give themselves who aren't the stereotypical stoner. I'm sure there's anons on here right now who smoke this shit. I personally don't give a shit, as long as you can function and act like an actual Human being. Whatever gets you through your day, I personally prefer to drink and smoke cigars. However, bringing these people under our banner and openly as well? It's a poor idea regardless. We have enough issues as it is, inviting external and unrelated ones to further tarnish the silver is a fool's errand at best. Let these people smoke themselves into a stupor while we seek more appropriate, and far more prodductive, allies. We have enough laziness as it is….stoners will surely not reverse that

What could possibly go wrong.
What is it that you want to slide Mordecai?

Don't make me link Goebbels moralism article you faggot.

You admit that you are not Holla Forums. Leave. No one here is buying what you're selling.

Every single engineer and scientist I've met in my life has been an actual stoner, unless they were among civilized people, in which case they were alcoholics.

Actually fuck it I'm doing it anyway:

Goebbels was a brilliant propagandist and an excellent choice for his role.

Don't need your permission, faggot.

I suggest reading the last paragraph of my post user. Although forgive me if I fail to see what your circumstantial and anecdotal statement is supposed to prove to me

fuck off retard, this is not about smoking, I personally don't anymore, if you want to be a cool kid just because you smoke this place isn't for you



Every single HVAC, plumber, electrician, carpenter, construction worker, and manufacturer I've ever known was a stoner or drank like it was ambrosia.

I'm starting to think that rightwingers hate weed simply because "Hey i thought all rightwingers hated weed? ".

I personally don't do drugs or alcohol. But I cannot help to see how it wouldn't help trump to appeal to this crowd. Raised tax revenues, less cop expenditure, more controlled substance abuse, and an increased export. And on top of this all, higher approval ratings. I have talked to several junkies that said they would approve Trump at once if he started legalizing weed, it would just push them over the edge. And since Hillary is a violent extreme anti-weed person, she would never be able to imitate this move. It would alienate her from stoners forever. Probably decrease her approval rating from 30% down to 25%.


I've been here since the beginning faggot

This is a shill thread, user. Probably a single kike or kike wannabe with a dozen VPNs agreeing with himself over and over to try to create a fake consensus to weaken the movement. Same as how the "alt-right" ended up being full of faggots.



How else you think we can deal with fucking clients that insist on yakking at you through an entire install?

I meant PBR. Sorry, I'm already drunk.

The Alt Right was never anything but faggotry. Never. Blame the mods for not doing their job.

PBR is 21 year old hipster beer. Tradesman drink Miller, Budweiser, Natty, Milwaukee's Beast, etc.

Mods are shit and won't clear up the board so I'm recruiting here (pls forgive me)

RAID TIME: Spoopy Skeleton Edition


Someone has been livestreaming their halloween decorations for the past 5 days and they have set up a website where you can have your "secrets" posted anonymously in the live stream. It seems to be relatively unmoderated, so let's have a little fun.

Submit secrets to:

They will show up in the live stream ( after each refresh (every ~30 seconds)

Kill yourself degenerate niggerfaggot.

Yeah, PBS is free TV for niggers.

the fucking kikes hitting the servers again

What I'm saying is that the kikes tried to make everyone who opposed them "alt-right", and then connect "alt-right" to fag acceptance to make their enemies start working for them. This thread is exactly the same thing.

Any of you guys addressing weed user as drug addicts, do you consume porn by any chance?

The virgin weed addict:



Marijuana is literally the creator's gift to us after they ruined the planet from a spaceship crash. It was given to us by the Nommo from Sirius B. Sirius is the two dog star, Canna-bis means two dog. Cannabis has no genetic timeline on the planet, biologists can't link it's evolution to anything.

facial abuse is also kino.

Well shit, I'm literally a Chad irl then.


Basically this. After a new rise of ubermemsches, stoner culture will die by itself simply because men will respect more a confident, pure and strong man and women will desire him more than subhumans weed lmaos.
Then, the plant shouldn't be illegal because it can be used to many purposes and a National Socialist state allows freedom to his citizens as long as ir not causes damage to the nation.
Porn was illegal during the third reich. Weed was not.
Want to combat degeneracy? Stop watching porn, for a start


I just hope God will end my suffering by killing every last jew

nice probing question.

I know that junkies and degenerates will always be a bottom feeder vote for the movement. But this is an excellent opportunity to gain alliance for minimal compromise. I can't be the only one seeing this from a strategic point of view?



Nice trips. I smoke all day. Rarely alcohol because that's actually degenerate and makes me feel like shit.

Pot is a very weak drug, if you can't handle it then that's on you. Holla Forums are a bunch of paranoid lightweights when it comes down to it. Most of the local people I meet up and discuss the JQ with all grow and or smoke.


Not to mention weed is only illegal because of racism, amirite fellow nazis?

Pic related

It's desgusting. All porn sites should be closed, porn should be hard to find and limited to p2p, chat and edgy imageboards, only because s it's hard to distinguish legally between an humoristic image and porn. By killing every jew porn production would drop enough that other actions in that direction could be not necessary

Yep. It has a strange use-tolerance curve. The more you use it the less it fucks you up.

OP here

Enjoying your $0.50 per post Goldberg?
I am starting to think that the anti-cannabis posters are the real shills. This post is clearly JIDF:

Classic divide and conquer tactics. The JIDF knows that cannabis is one of the most divisive topics on Holla Forums. They will do anything to stop us from growing our movement. Dont be fooled by their jewish tricks.

It's illegal because it replaces most (((Big pharma))) meds.

that outfit made me kek though

Oy vey that inflation.

Whenever you hear the buzzword common ground just think of pic related.

Also psychedelics should be the only drug used in psychiatry


Beta weed does that. If you vapedChad's Thunderwax (99.9999% THC extract) you'd realize that it's actually the opposite, and the more you smoke, the less of it you need.

Typical paranoid stoner argument. Weed replaces nothing except perhaps headache and stomach ache meds.

Weed itself isn't inherently degenerate, but weed culture is massively fucking degenerate.

If you really want to, faggot.

Also kikes hate it when we have an honest discussion on Holla Forums about weed and psychedelics

It's a christcuck tier d&c tactic

That's awesome, but what does it have in common with the topic.
And also, I ask again: why do you faggots accept porn, one of the strongest jewish weapons in the world, and think a plant is inherently bad?

Yeah, no. I've been at it long enough I can eat edibles all day long and I'm perfectly fine. Concentrates don't mean fuck all to me. For what I need it for (pain) it doesn't take a bunch. For the effects of being STONED which is why people do it recreationally more often than not, I can't smoke, eat, drink, etc. enough. But that's not a bad thing.

Then I ask you, why should we ban it? The side effects are negligible at best, and at worst, there are advantages in using it.
The only real natsoc I met in real life was a weed user, and he was also physically fit and in the Air force

Poppies, coca, and mushrooms are also plants. inb4 biology autism, fungi are close enough Do you also support heroin, cocaine, and shrooms?

Careful too much logic and truth in one post for Holla Forums


You should use CBB focuded stains. Being THC tolerant is bad, you are costantly under light THC effects without you knowing

The whole point of this thread is to get us to cuck to degeneracy.
Pic related.

Maybe there's alot of Anti-trump shills on Holla Forums that are doing everything they can to blunt trump threads.

But back on track. Look at all those red colors in USA. All those are places with potential allies to our cause. Making them green would imply tons of new support. Hell, maybe we could make the tax on weed pay for the wall itself.

It would probably drain the cartels and druglords from their money in the southern americas as well, making the entire region more stabilized.

Hello aut-right. Back to your ghetto and implicit homosexuality.

I personally wouldn't ban it but I also wouldn't encourage it or reach out to those who use it. If it does get banned, it's because it is harmful by making people into lazy stoners.
Name one that isn't "ZOMG big pharma conspiracy! Weed cures cancer!".

I already negated biology autism with my inb4.

You can't negate retardation with an inb4. Eat shitake nigger.

The true questioner of the JQ believes the government should leave them the fuck alone and the people who feel that way the most are the ones who just want to grow their marijuana in peace. Not being able to grow some plants in a tent in your basement to smoke at night to ease the pain makes absolutely no fucking sense unless you're trying to sell xanax and oxyies.

Friend the true Chad knows only distillate is 99%.

Stoners are funny. Pic unrelated.

The coca plant has the same effect of coffee, or even shittier. To produce cocaine cloridrate you have to industrially synthetize it.The opium poppy has hard side effects, I concede that. Heroin have way worse effects, and you need to industrially synthetize it.
Mushrooms such as psylocible should be legalized, such as weed, iboga (the chemical that after one use remove your drug addictions) and in general psychedelic.
Aldous Huxley, the author who described in Brave New World how (((goverments))) could control people using pleasure, so sex, degenerate music, porn and recrenational drugs (the soma) was a psychedelic user and in favour of their use

Sadly that's true, I know them in real life. I avoided them several times, while still being friends with them, for this

That map is wrong. Weed is illegal in Italy

There might be other shills.
The chinese tobacco lobbyists have been exposed to shill against weed too. Be reminded that china controls 40% of all the world tobacco trade, and they most likely don't want competition against their domination. I wouldn't be surprised if there are chinese government paid shills online just for this reason.



THC prevents the formation of folds in your prefrontal cortex. The part of your brain that differentiates you from a nigger. The part that gives Whites low time preference and self-awareness.
It turns White people into lazy niggers.
Promotion of weed culture is White genocide.

the libertarians wrecked themselves by courting degenerates in the name of freedom.

if they can't accept that, they can't accept red pills

I support psilocybin legalization. It is a powerful tool for self analysis and challenging ones own beliefs. I know several people personally for whom psychedelic experiences were a catalyst for long term self improvement.

cocaine and heroin, however, have very few benefits, if any, beyond feeling good, so they should always be banned. Addicts should be punished harshly and made into examples for the rest of society.

I support psilocybin legalization. It is a powerful tool for self analysis and challenging ones own beliefs. I know several people personally for whom psychedelic experiences were a catalyst for long term self improvement.

cocaine and heroin, however, have very few benefits, if any, beyond feeling good, so they should always be banned. Addicts should be punished harshly and made into examples for the rest of society.




True, but I do like listening to their stoner stories of the shit they hallucinate happening on occasion.
Like everything becoming like an old timey cartoon and such. It's like listening to someone talk about an episode of drawn together.
Not a stonerfag myself, but it was a good time killer in high school listening to them talk about stupid shit.
I don't remember any of the stories vividly enough to share, unfortunately.

yeah, its a little erronous in other countries too, Sweden doesn't allow medical weed either for instance. But its still a good approximate of the world situation.

user, we all know this. No one on Holla Forums supports the (((Alt-Right) except for the occasional CIAnigger and TRS shill

Who is that?



Are you arguing for LSD, the CIA mind control tool, now? All drugs are soma, even alcohol.
My nigga. That book is way better and more accurate than 1984, I wouldn't be surprised if Huxley read the Protocols beforehand.

I'd be wary of any mind altering substances. I doubt positive life-changing trips are the norm.

Wrong board mate. You need to go to /leftypol

William Randolph Hearst

Found the original.


They don't, most are stoners. A vocal minority of Holla Forums are just oldfags brainwashed with Nixon-era "pot is bad" propaganda while being shut-ins who don't realize literally everyone does it on occasion.

I also read Return to Brave New World, which is an essay, not a work of fiction, where he explain why he did write BNW and why he think most of what he wrote will happen. I also read the door of perceptions, always by him, and that's why I'm in favor of legalizing psychedelics.
When it comes to the LSD cianigger experiment, I remind you that the experiment failed. You can't use LSD to control people, reactions are too instable. What it works is using music, pornography and opiates, for instance. Read Programmed to kill, or look up for the military user who explained why the jsoc hates cianiggers

all this "weed is le degenerate" shit is so short sighted and dare I say, jewish.

If weed and all its strains were legalized and fully adoped you know how much that would blow open the medical industry right? They would go bankrupt of have to downsize MASSIVELY.

You can't sell a cheap cure for depression, anxiety, or pain, which is what they exclusively sell and profit from.


Holy shit, I didn't realize just HOW sanitized the wiki page for him was. At least they mentioned that he was the creator of 'Yellow Journalism'. For the pot thing, google 'hearst and anslinger'.

Also checking those trips


That's a good argument. Indeed, young people should not use it




Good point. I didn't think of that. I never met anyone IRL that really gives a crap about weed (at least nobody violently opposed it). Most stoners don't even smoke outside, and I hate the fact when someone is walking in front of me on the pavement smoking his god damn cigarette . There is nothing worse than that passive cigarette smoke I always get from someone on my way to the subway..

Kikes hate it when Whites use weed but they have no qualms about using it for medicinal purposes themselves. That should tell you something.


Do you honestly think the majority of posters here were even alive when Nixon was in power? I don't.

I think it would be an interesting concept. Degenerates are going to be degenerate, so we can't stop them from smoking. What we can do however is use them as useful idiots to start going after the pharmaceuticals. Opiod production from Afghanistan is one of the biggest sources of income for the likes of HRC and McCain.

However this is a double edged sword, so tread lightly friends.

Opioids =/= Weed.

good point too

Using them would be one thing. Look at OP.
It's a blatantly obvious attack.


Wew lad, I thought you were a friendly bot with the purpose of exposing the alt kike

Some faggots who made videos which made me want breakfast whenever I watched them.


Fuck outta here with that dude, I was on board until you admitted you were one of the degenerates.
I'm fine with people doing weed in their own homes even if it's illegal stuff, as long as they keep it entirely to themselves. People who let anyone know that they take marijuana recreationally is a degenerate of the highest calibre.

I'm a Europoor, I figured DARE isn't a thing anymore.




It's not really, afaik. But many in their 20's at the moment will have gone through all that propaganda, not even including the post-reagan 'war on drugs' stuff.

Why do you keep posting anti-libertarian stuff man. Nobody is even talking about libertarianism..How about posting something relevant to the subject instead of just some "Anti-xism" memes ?


Is best to avoid someone, maybe a newfag, fall for the american lolberg/altkike meme, he's doing a good job

40 year olds had it too. We were there when it all began.

Just look at this image, USA is one of the biggest consumers of weed. Another argument to why Trumps approval ratings would increase would he legalize it.

Jeez guys.

Nice projection, kike

That is true, however its not that easy, long term side effects will have to be watched for many many years.
See these relatively new "biologics" I think theyre out now for roughly 10-15 years but theyve been created already back in the early 90's.
And even then doctors are holding back with prescribing them because they still count as relatively new and "dangerous" despite having less side effects than the old ones.
So even if Trump would agree, it'd take forever to hit the mainstream medical market.

Regardless Im still not a fan of weed, granted I dont know what the side effects are from weed as medicine for eye pressure and the like.
But Ive seen enough people on weed or even after they stopped it that became extremely lackluster and they stopped giving a shit about lots of things.

Now Im not saying everyone, it might just be a small % of people that have it like that.
But I remember one guy from work that hadnt smoked in over a year but his voice and mannerism were still as if he was freshly stoned.

You can assume everyone from something like 24-50 years old has been inundated with dare-esque shit for years.

I was just trying to imagine how the media would handle their headlines on that one. What a mic drop it'd be right before the next election.

Country with the highest usage rate in the world is Iceland which is about 100% white and murder free.


The gist is, pot raises the level of the same chemical (dopamine) that your reward system functions on. When you accomplish things, when you exercise, even when you eat are normal things that raise it. Sometimes life sucks and you're stuck in a situation where your dopamine will be low but your normal means of raising it aren't available (like working a shitty job while you wait for another plan through). Normally this might make you spiral into depression as the compounding lack of accomplishment saps your ability to fix the issue. Pot (and anything else really, food, sex, adrenaline all give dopamine) helps you short-circuit that at a fairly minor cost.

Semi-related thought: I wonder if the reason you see occasional 'high-achiever' potheads is because they became tolerant to thc and had to work that much harder to feel accomplished?


There are more of these types than you would believe.

Pic related.

The effects remain different. I've both gotten high as fuck and worked out in the past (separately) and the high you get from really reaching your limits during workout is still not comparable to the high you get from weed.

It's purely an academic discussion though. Weed isn't degenerate just because it's weed, just like alcohol isn't automatically degenerate. The set and setting you use it in makes a big difference, as with basically all recreational drugs.

Notice the plant Germania is holding. Hemp was associated with peace not that long ago.

*Still not comparable in the sense that a workout dopamine high is better

inb4 hempsymbol becomes a symbol of hate.

was directed to

Good point. I was just thinking that things were going to well and that we needed to sabotage ourselves by pandering to wastrels.

I read Return to Brave New World as well but I forgot what the essays were about. I remember BNW which I read before that though so I guess I didn't find the essays interesting.
Wait what? I thought MKULTRA worked. That's what I get for learning my midcentury history from Holla Forums infographics.

A mindset of prohibition that is so prevalent among Nationalist movements toward Cannabis is degenerate. It's a plant that serves medicinal purposes and is far less damaging than tobacco or alcohol. Most of the damage comes from smoking it, because the heat of the smoke harms your lungs, which is why many people opt to watercool. If you have a problem with marijuana, why aren't you getting your panties in a twist over alcohol and tobacco?

I'd agree. I don't much like working out while stoned myself, makes everything feel like it takes forever. Smoking during recovery is great though, they seem to double-up and I usually feel less gassed after it wears off.

Also yes, a tool is a tool and requires a mind. It's all about responsibility.

Something of MKultra worked, something not. They were experiment, it's normal that something fails

but user, that would be compromising
perhaps itd be better if he just did a military coup and became the dictator of america; then he wouldn't need approval ratings from anyone but the military and white people who have guns, so the stoner approval is mostly irrelevant


Weed has a communist and anti-nationalist culture attached to it. These drug addicts only want to smoke weed and don't give a shit about anything else.


Nah, like said, not all stoners are like that. I use weed for multiple reasons (one being neurological) and I'm about as anti-degenerate as most of y'all on this board. "Weed culture" (whatever label you prefer) is what is degenerate and linked to most of the fucked up shit leftist land-whale/hippie types do.

Yeah right. Most people who use marijuana are normal folks. Take a look at the country with the highest usage in the world: Iceland.

Bad idea.

Yes it has been. But it doesn't necessarily have to be. The color Red itself used to be an imperialist color, and then it became a commie color. And then it became a nazi color. Times are changing, and weed might one day be the new swastika.

Ever thought why 420 it is conveniently hitlers birthday? We can take this symbol from the left and make it our own.

We can easily coopt weed culture into a self-sufficiency movement.

Libertarians tried this shit… It turned them into a bunch of commies and the right wing ones all fled for the "new right".

This is a suicide mission that won't result in success.

Spoken like a true Taco Bell employee.
I bet you pay for your sushi don't you, you little bitch? You get that ghetto ass grocery store shit with your food stamps. And you think it tastes good because you're too fucking stoned to know the difference.

Not an argument. Your state became an oasis in a desert of prohibition and therefore attracted all the wildlife.

No way, rabbi. A vote for weed is a vote for lower testosterone levels. We need conservative muslims on our side more than junkies.


Prove it. Nationwide legalization of marijuana does no more mean a country of stoner Liberals than legal alcohol made us a country of alcoholics. You sound like those strawmanning Prohibition-era roasties that were screeching at liquor.

Get out normie.

Will weed make me as cool and smart as you?

I have no idea what you just said. Do you smoke weed?

"Addiction to any drug is degenerative mentally as well as physically, and we're dead serious about our dedication to the healthy-body-healthy-mind philosophy."
- George Lincoln Rockwell

It's not fucking difficult to understand. If something has a negative impact on your health, avoid it.

Fuck no. I get my cocaine COMPED bitch.

So many anti-Weed sheeple. You Prohibitionist Conservacucks aren't what Hitler envisioned as part of his Reich.

Good argument against alcohol and tobacco. Not so good against cannabis

t. Taco Bell employee

Does my English resemble that of a Spic?

The oven's pre-heated

What's this? A Jew… readying the oven by himself for us?

told ya so.

What do you have against taco bell employees? Weird posting man..

Why stop at stoners? Why not invite everyone willing to be logical?


thread bump locked btw, feel free to shit post

The amount of druggies/boozers isn't determined by the legal status of their vices, it's determined by the health of the society they're in. A healthy society equates to a responsible use of recreational drugs (Discounting the few people who are predisposed to addiction) while an unhealthy, anomic society means lots of druggies and a general rise in degeneracy.


All entheogens should be legal.

Every civilization needs its shamans on the fringe, these plants aren't meant for everyone.

Yes, he needs to appropriate harmless leftist issues.


Norks are not reported but literally have the most freedom with regard to pot usage.

Thanks for chiming in, Anheiser!

Just realized no one even mentioned how Jeff Sessions says he's gonna go after the dispensaries and stuff. How do you explain that?


Being red pilled or blue pilled has nothing to do with smoking cannabis. Yes traditionally users are normally blue pilled but there is a small group of them that is red pilled. Also its not cannabis use thats degenerate its the culture thats around it and created around it.

okay pharma kike

I’m a right wing toker. I use it as medicine, I work full time making nearly 6 figures, I don’t drink or do any other drugs. /fit/ as fuck

Jerry Garcia, lead singer for the Grateful Dead.

Do you mean that there is actually a certain element of red-pilled stoners or that there's just a minority that happen to be red-pilled?