Hillary Beats the Gun Control Drum


“Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.” —Hillary Clinton

This was Hillary’s ignorant and insensitive reaction to the massacre in Las Vegas. She immediately began banging her gun control drum while attacking the NRA, which had nothing to do with it.

The Las Vegas shooting is the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, (aside from the 700 killed in Chicago in 2016). Many questions remain. Why did the shooter suddenly snap? He was peacefully retired and well-off. He was a hard core gambler and often won. He had no military experience and knew nothing about such weapons. He gave no sign or reasons for the shooting.

Some witnesses claim there were multiple shooters. Why were there so many weapons in his room? He couldn’t possibly use them all. Did he convert to Religion of Cuck™ recently? It seems unlikely. That religion instructs jihadis to go out in a blaze of glory, not commit suicide. We will get the answers over time—or not.

President Trump conducted a moment of silence at the White House while Hillary talked about silencers. Obviously she is trying to stay relevant and heard because she probably plans on running for president yet again. What most Americans what to hear from her is silence.

Other urls found in this thread:


Where's the original?

Hillary was a Schlomo, some kike changed it

I had a copy but CIAniggers wiped it off my hard drive with a backdoor

Ben "The Ten Ton Terror of Tel Aviv" Garrison does it again!

Bullshit! In the original, Hitler was banging the drum and yelling "TRAITORS GET THE ROPE!"

Trump's a Zionist faggot who works for Jews. There's a Jewish war on the White middle class and Trump government is in on it


Nice try niggers, Hillary had the hooked nose and the drum had a Star of David.

first day on the job?

Actually, I'm having second thoughts about someone posting this original. It's almost too easy. Could be a setup.

And this is your second day here, yes?

Yep, it has gotta be a trap. The feet are too obvious. Don't do it, anons, as funny as it might be. Zyklon Ben is trolling you.

What's your fucking point? I said this to a post that wasn't my own. What are you implying you stupid kike

Also, it wasn't the first families in the original.
t. humble and faithful servant of our benevolent overlords

She has both shoes on.

Surely you jestin

look at the ID RETARD. If you click on someone's ID, it highlights all of their posts. Are you THIS FUCKING NEW?

Look it up.

kek, wrong file

you are double stupid, he posted before reading the thread, then replied to someone after reading the thread

Hold up!

The REAL issue is that they have surely cracked the secure_trip_salt for this site, can generate an ip dictionary for this thread,
and Ben Garrison is obviously trying to troll the people who find his originals.
Those aren't naturally positioned feet.

substr(sha1(sha1($ip . $config['secure_trip_salt'] . $thread) . $config['secure_trip_salt']), 0, $config['poster_id_length']);

got a 'substr is not defined'

He didnt reply to himself dumbass

I was watching the news (because Trump was going to speak about the Vegas attack) and they're pushing disarming Americans at full force right now.


Nigger are you stupid?

Knowing the value of secure_trip_salt would not allow them to reverse that function.

In fact, IDs are 6 digits of hex or 24 bits. IPv4 alone is 32 bits, the thread ID and secure_trip_salt are even more bits. For every id there are 256 IPs that could create it. That function isn't reversible, the output doesn't contain enough information. Not to mention sha1 isn't so broken that you could even hypothetically reverse it without significant computation.

A dictionary attack would give you those 256 IPs. Excluding all of the multicast, broadcast, and private IPs narrows it down even more, not to mention the countries that are easy to exclude. It is nearly as good as signing it. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be hilarious, but the person responsible would be found before you could say "Kathy Griffin". And it would probably be a shitstorm for the whole site.


Would it even be possible for him to use one? sorry if I'm retarded for asking

That said, I think it would be even more hilarious if the ebil StarBucks(tm) posted the original on cuckchan from one of their insidious wifi networks.



The ID is the same nigger

It was a FBI gun deal gone bad, made to entrap ISIS. It went bad, so they shot the place up to get away.

The only theory I truly believe

No it wouldn't. You probably don't even understand the meaning of that term.
Signing it would do fucking nothing. You probably don't know the meaning of that term either.

Top Kek user!


Fuck sake, at least other losing presidential candidates had the common courtesy to bow out gracefully. Anybody heard from Mitt Romney lately? McCain's still in public office at least. This old bitch literally cannot go away.

Pic related

I require a source on Hillary's comment.

Hey fucktard, what's the logic in teaching shills how to shill better?

ISIS or the FBI?

The original had goyim baby blood in Hillary's mouth.

The algorithm for generating trip codes is known. The post id is known. The secure_trip_salt is known (or at least available upon request).

The tripcode is a function of your IP address.

Yeah, genius. Create a dictionary mapping every IP address to the tripcode it generates,
then reverse it so that it maps the tripcodes to the ~256 ips associated with it.
It's a fucking IP address. The domain is known. There are less than 4 billion possibilities.

Bravo, fucktard.

(autistic retard implies there is only one meaning of signing, and it is not the original meaning of putting your name on something.)

Not having looked at Holla Forums code, isn't the salt a server config thing? Something which we don't/can't know?

That defeats the purpose of a salt. The reasoning behind a salt is that it prevents someone from precomputing the output before getting a list of hashed passwords, even if they try hashing every possible password in advance. And because the hash is secret, large (should be the size of the hashing function's output), and ran through a hashing algorithm that is relatively random (i.e. changing a few bits in the input changes the output radically, not just by a few bits), salts are effective in preventing precomputation attacks.

Also, the tripcode isn't a hash of your IP address. It's a truncated hash of your IP address. Meaning there will almost certainly be a lot of collisions, meaning that even if a salt wasn't used, anyone trying to find your IP address using your ID would likely find many possible IP addresses and not one definite one. As said, on average there will be ~256 IP's worldwide that could have generated that hash, although the number will not be the same for every hash (there will be some randomness). One ID could have only a hundred collisions, while another could have over a thousand.

This is all assuming the salt is known, of course. Knowing the salt would involve compromising the server 8ch.net is hosted on, in which case there's no reason to worry about an adversary using the salt to determine which IP addresses hash to a given ID, because they can get the same information (without any risk of collisions) simply by monitoring traffic on the server and correlating IP addresses on POST requests to the data in each request.

They are using tinyboard. It is open source. secure_trip_salt is a server config. Hopefully it is huge (>2kB), but if the government came and asked…
Also, they could have modified the original algo, which is:
substr(sha1(sha1($ip . $config['secure_trip_salt'] . $thread) . $config['secure_trip_salt']), 0, $config['poster_id_length']);
but even then, the government could still ask for that.

Even if it is secret, if the salt is small enough, someone could be posting from different ips on /startrek/ to get the resulting trip codes
so that they could iterate through all possible salts. This would be very expensive, but hashing has gotten cheap with bitcoin ASICs.
Israel could have the resources to pull it off.

I don't worry, but Trump had said about the Kathy Griffin incident that he would have reacted differently if his family were the butt of a similar joke.
(see my earlier posts)

Yes, it would over heat around the same point the barrel does, so it'd need to cool down. But even if he was using a sup, you'd still have the sonic crack from using super sonic ammo.

If he used subsonics, they'd be traveling slower and cause less damage, especially since he is already 400 yards away.

Hopefully it is not huge (~160 bits), because using a 2 kB salt would indicate that Jim has no clue how computer security works.

As long as the salt is as large as the hashing algorithm's output, it is large enough. In fact, making it any larger will confer no benefit to the number of possible outputs associated with a given IP address, because the hashing algorithm itself only involves a certain number of bits.

Assuming they're still using SHA1, the output will be 160 bits. So long as the salt is at least 160 bits long and is truly random, that leaves 2^160 possible values that any given IP address could hash to. So determining if a given IP produces a certain ID essentially involves running the ID generation algorithm over and over again with different random hashes each time until the desired output is generated, which will on average occur after 50% of the possible values have been tried, which corresponds to 2^159 runs of the algorithm. Another possibility is using some as-yet-unknown preimage attack against SHA1, which will take the equivalent of 2^160 iterations to complete. So brute-forcing is the fastest possible attack.

So given a 160 bit salt, it will take on average 2^159 iterations to crack the salt. So how long will it take to do that?

Currently, the entire bitcoin network performs ~10,000,000 trillion hashes per second. In other words, if you were to use the entire Bitcoin hashing power to attempt to crack Holla Forums's ID salt, the network could perform 10^19 hashes every second. So determining how long it would take for this network to crack Holla Forums's ID salt involves simple division:

2^159 / 10^19 seconds

7.3 x 10^28 seconds

Given 3600 seconds in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year, that gives a final grand total of:

2.3x10^21 years

Or about 2.3 billion trillion years. In comparison, the universe is ~15 trillion years old, and one estimate for the eventual heat death of the universe indicates that the universe will degenerate into a soup of subatomic particles containing zero usable energy after ~100 trillion years. Cracking a 160 bit ID salt will take about twenty-three million times longer than that.

So to sum it up, assuming secure_trip_salt is only 160 bits, and assuming the entire bitcoin network was pointed towards cracking that salt from a given ID, it would take about twenty three million universes' lifetimes to complete. In other words, the NSA would have to find 23 million more universes and move their cracking operation to each new universe after the old one died until they finally cracked the salt 2.3 billion trillion years after they started their attempt.

This is assuming the NSA will find the correct value after trying 50% of all possible values, which will be true on average. But even if you assume they get massively lucky and find the correct result after much fewer iterations, the time frame is still absurd. Even if you assume they will only have to iterate through 0.1% of all possible salts before they find the right one, it would still take them ~4 million trillion years, still about ~250,000 times more than the time between the current date and the estimated end of the universe.

I'd also like to point out that that time figure assumes that the ID generation algorithm involves only a single hashing operation. If it involves multiple operations, the time taken to crack the ID will be multiplied by the total number of operations performed to get the ID from the IP address and the random salt.

If what you posted is the actual algorithm used to get the ID, it involves two runs of SHA1, which would double the total time to crack the salt. Not that it matters, given that doubling 2.3 billion trillion years just increases the value from "ludicrous" to "even more ludicrous."

Thanks Ron, glad you're looking out for us.
I failed math.

Took 6 millions hours but I found the original!!!

Garrison has been subtle but effective lately and this one takes the cake. Great job, Ben.

Top class acts, folks. Keep on unearthing.

Ben Garrison is a partisan hack.

Gun control isn't going to happen without Republican support.

>the (((cities))) effectively disarm the low density republican counties

you're a nigger

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The part that makes suppressors dangerous to me is they hide the muzzle flash, dramatically reducing your detectability at night.

Except when it does all the time

Has it ever been confirmed if the
user is Ben himself?

If you weren't such a newfag you'd know Ben lurked here, not sure if he still does though. Regardless, please lurk moar

Steve is more than a meme, user.

Thanks. Saved.

I know he's lurked here, faggot; he's even done a q&a of sorts. I just wonder if it's Ben that posts these threads. I like to think it's him.

Never let a good crisis go to waste

The ABC hacks couldn't contain themselves. Get a load of this paragraph.
"Despite the new congressman’s efforts, past tragedies are an indication that Moulton and his colleagues have an uphill battle ahead: The longstanding challenge of bipartisan gun control in the U.S."

They don't match.

Clearly it's an edit. He never forgets the shoe.


Hillary beat the drums, and Ryan answered real quick. Hope you didn't have ideas of cheaper suppressors or imports.
I wanted off the shelf suppressors and a CZ Bren rifle, fuck you Ryan


The jackass is an appropriate logo for the Lefty ‘progressive' Democrats. They continually make fools of themselves while pursuing their Anti-American agenda. They are ass clowns and a disgrace to our country.

They are pouring out of their clown cars virtue signaling while demanding an end to our Second Amendment. That’s not going to happen without a Civil War. The jackasses keep clowning around and spouting ridiculous statements. Take a look at what Nancy Sinatra tweeted:

"The murderous members of the NRA should face a firing squad…"

The insane clowns are calling for violence and death. This is straight out of a Stephen King novel.

Thanks for the original.


Steve encompasses everything that is both coffee and instant.

And her eyes aren't crossed and her pants aren't shit-stained. Falling down Ben.

Oh hell. That's brilliant.

was anyone here when he started posting on that thread about him and uploaded his hotwheels drawing? like a year and a half ago or so. It's amazing how far he's some since then as a professional liburgtardian fence sitter. We really steered this guy's life path and in the process kind of inadvertently created our own professional political cartoonist

Lol that fucking bullshit. The secure trip salt needs to be leaked. They haven't "hacked" anything. You just went into the vichan source code and copy pasted that out. Even then there are tons of ip's they would need to hash, and because sha1 has tones of collisions in it they would have no idea if their has was the right one.

t. Infosec analyst


The quoted post doesn't match.
Is this some sort of kikery or do you guys just need lurk bans?



Are you autistic?

These ID's are different. Are you really that fucking retarded or just a shill kike faggot?

Found the original.


This is definitely not the original.



I'm Ben Garrison and it's not him.