
For those of you aware of the meta game going on. I have some information that might be important. More than one person has dreamed of Trump eating an apple in Britain and his heart dying afterwords. He then spews bugs from his mouth.
Be watching for his next over seas trips. I believe this helter skelter is really going to be kicking into gear soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


shit tier /x/ shabbo
any source?


Yeah it is shit-tear /x/ stuff but /x/ is deleting all prophesy threads even ones with 1488 dubs speaking through. But things are accelerating all the same. Be watching for a time when Trump speaks lies.

Dreams are complete horseshit.

/x/bro just post some source for your claims that "many people are dreaming of president trump eating le poison apple"

you're lost user, why or how did you come here?
quick, before this thread is deleted

This is the last thread that was deleted. Two anons had the dream in that one. Was immediately deleted after someone got 1488 dubs.

who runs /x/?

saging in shit thread, but interested

Dreams aren’t prophetic, but they do contain subconscious imagery. A bunch of Holla Forumslacks could have the same type of dream because Holla Forums creates a somewhat shared culture and shared meaning to things.

Just shooting blindly here, that dream sounds like a dream born of anxiety about Trump possibly turning. He goes to britbongistan and eats an apple (symbol of temptation). His heart dies (his core persona, who we see him as). He then spews bugs (roaches?) from his mouth.

I keep falling asleep and waking back up. I need to stay awake this time.

Its on halfchan so everything is compromised.

Bugs, as in lies is how I see it. The apple could also be knowledge of something he has thus far been ignorant about or unwilling to accept.

nearly rolled two straight trips /x/ m8

hate to bare the bad news to you but he is about as trustworthy as anyone else in his administration. his positive deeds are obviously commendable - but he already spews roaches forward from his mouth when he spouts his (((israel is our friend))) and (((civic nationalism))) garbage.

commend your posting anyways - if you are a shabbo get gassed, if you arent, hey, steps in the right direction i guess.

do you care if he dies?
he's just a tool, I don't think he'll die, looks like he's playing ball with his superiors

I had a nightmare of him being shot between the head and instantly becoming stiff, cross-eyed, and his upper lip raising.
Anyone else?

In the end I don't think it truly matters if he lives or dies.
I do however, still believe he is on our side and hasn't turned yet. And that he can still do a lot of good. And because of that I would hate to see him die because of them.

He seems to be on our side as much as he knows. Which isn't much — he's not jew-wise. He's PR-cucked a lot, but I don't believe it's due to bad intentions.

Same impression I have.

agreed, I look forward to him choking on an apple and the fallout

Except when it is not.

Dreams aren't real and literally no one cares what anyone else has dreamt. I dreamed OP was killing himself.

He is like civnats or lolbertarians.
Way better than a leftist, might share some opinion with us but not /ourguy/


Should we trust dreams?

Poisoned apple is jewry, no doubt

Dreams are one of the few things we've identified as a way to access our hivemind. Also I've accurately foreseen tons of events, so it's possible at the very least

Not always. But only thrall don't remember their dreams.

poisoned by his own people

yes, it terrifies me, let's complete the system of german idealism

You havent forseen shit. It is a memory anomaly that causes deja vu as well.

I have been having dreams again. The last one told me to call someone. Crazy thing is the person I dreamed I needed to call had the same name as a person with a phone number written on some paper I saw earlier, but it was not the person I was thinking of in the dream.

What you MEAN to say is


I recently had a dream where me and Hulk Hogan were deputized as U.S. Marshals by Trump. We traveled the country solving mysteries kinda like Scooby Doo but instead of a van we had a '86 Corvette and instead of a dog we had Brutus Beefcake locked in the trunk. We we're investigating reports of a monster scaring people of the Wrestlemania ticket line and once we finally caught the guy we removed the mask to learn it was Iron Sheik and he said he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for us "faggot jabronis".

What did by subconsensus mean by this?

I'm not going to try to dream interpret, you need to figure out if it's your subconscious showing you some information it pieced together, or if it's a perceptive function that's occurring. Either one is valuable, but you need to be able to discern the differences.

I hate how obvious and yet well hidden the ZOG is. Bibi can do this shit right there, right out in the open, and all it takes to unravel it all is the simple question: what, exactly, is the US getting out of its relationship with Israel?

we've been brain "washed" from before we knew what brainwashing was, they weren't hidden, they were blinding us with bullshit

There's prophetic dreams and ones of premonitions, hunches, etc. that happen like that, so yeah.

It could be symbolic of the apple in the garden of eden. Maybe when Trump gains too much knowledge about a certain group, he will be poisoned by them.

Shit thread.


I don't have a good example on hand it's just a common physical trait I've observed. Pic related is a quick example, look at the left eye of the white guy. My theory is that by raping children they create inner conflict in their psyche which knows they are doing evil, they crack/split, and one eye goes into grotesque mode.

i can hardly imagine him not being aware of all the jewish tricks and schemes with his experience in new york and now government, but i wouldnt be surprised if he still hasnt put two in two together yet (meaning he is a civnat with proficient skills to combat jews but unfortunately for us he doesnt see jews as an enemy, so any actual damage he deals to the jews is pretty much indirect or because they clearly provoked him or something like that). trump doesnt like to be bullied and he knows how to not be a schmuck, but like most conservative types his age he likely wouldnt dare be antisemitic purely out of his own accord.
if he isnt jew-wise he is jewish-trick-wise (possibly excluding things like white genocide and some marxism stuff)

I had a dream the other night that i was watching Trump view a collection of papers related to a Secret space program and i felt betrayed and when i raised my voice and tried to get a closer look at the documents he took them all and folded them away and i valled him a liar.

…this fucking thread

Regarding apples, there's an old NatSoc piece of literature called "Voice of Our Ancestors" possibly written by Heinrich Himmler. It talks a bit about the tale of Snow White and the poison apple, and how it applies to the Aryan race.


Despite this, the Nordic spirit remained unbroken; the Wicked queen still was not the fairest
in the land. And so, for a third visit she came and presented Snow White with a rosy-
cheeked, but poisoned apple. The first bite stuck in Snow White's throat and caused her to
faint as if dead. This apple symbolized the rejection of our own nature, the abandonment of
tribal ways. "As if dead," the fairy tale says, acknowledges the enormous strength which
slumbers in our people, recognizing that one day will come the great hour, when that
strength will mightily throw off the chains of Sinai. Has it yet come, this long awaited hour?

There could be a number of meanings to this,
however I'd be careful of taking dreams seriously, since doing so is rather Freudian and sometimes silly, pic related.

The left eye is connected to the right brain and when you look at someones left eye you are looking into their true personality. Only problem is in that pic ur looking at their right eye

posting this for anyone here thinking trump (or anyone "elected" today) is a good goy

I don't dream anymore. For 10 years I've went to bed in blackness and wake up with nothing but blackness. All I have left is Hitler.

I'm not saying it's always the left or right eye, I'm saying that I commonly observe a single eye bulging when looking at child rapists.

i can agree with this, but i would think that it would be more of just being the overall type of person that would rape children. not just the act of raping a child itself, but the more transcendent effects it will have on you. i've had the same thought about splits in facial symmetry, except from just general life stuff - as in you can have different types of crack/splits from things other than pedophilia, but i think it could also be caused by completely insignificant reasons as well so the crack/split itself is likely not indicative of much on it's own. pretty much everyone's face is asymmetrical

Fuck off obvious pedo shill.

I mostly agree and I also study asymmetry in people's faces. What I normally see is asymmetric smiles in people who lack confidence or maturity. The eye bulge on the other hand, I haven't seen in normal people with personality flaws, but instead with child rapists. I could be wrong but it's a common pattern from my observation.

dreams are more of a jung type of thing. sigmund schlomo freud was more about childhood development i think

The source of the pic is from an anime where one group of people genetically modified the others into a race of chimera slaves.

woah woah woah, what? no one's condoning pedos here. you seemed to be obsessed with it though, the lady doth protest too much mee thinks

Freud wrote "The Interpretation of Dreams"

I'm not going to tell you you should, but in my opinion, if you supplement with lots of melatonin you might dream again.

do you smoke weed?

mugwort also promotes dreams. you can smoke it or make tea out of it

You don't belong here child rapist, you contribute nothing. Fuck off now, burn in hell forever.

whatever you say you kiddie fiddler

Kek might wanna find new meaning in ur life

t. man who has it all figured out everything is understood

You need to get a pay cut man, newfagesque video with ties to (((represent.us))) and the Trump = zogbot with no effort. I'd give you a 2/10, seriously your whole job is to shitpost you could try to have more fun doing it.

No weed. I just remember they used to scare the shit out of me as a kid and eventually just stopped altogether and night became a black hole where the only dream I would have would be that I didn't wake up to repeat groundhogs day all over again.

I may or may no longer be a real person anymore with my soul gone from my human form and now nothing more than an agent of chaos.

ok trumpbot, I give your post a light 1 out of 12. Also, I'll slit your kike leftist throat when it's time

it's propheCy you insufferable beotian

You're smoking too much weed, nigger. Dreams are a path to your unconscious self. Sometimes it 's just dumb shit having to do with your current self, other times it's from your ancestors and then sometimes it's prophetic in nature and of a possible future. /x/ is all larp but to deny the ability of your brain is forsaking your occipital bun and the visual spatial abilities it gives you. Jews and muds will never know what it's like.

if you feel like trying to have dreams, i would try mugwort before bed (also, according to something i read, roman soldiers who put it in their shoes under their feet could march faster and for longer distances). you may also just be not remembering your dreams or something. you could try to brute force willpower yourself into having dreams and remembering them. this is how i did lucid dreaming. when you get into bed just think to yourself "i will have vivid dreams" or whatever and maybe do some very light valsavla maneuvering with each breath directing towards what you want. at a minimum you'll get a placebo


Stop smoking weed.

Everyone who says they don't dream smokes weed. Most of them don't realize that weed is the cause. Whenever somebody tells you they don't dream, they're admitting that they smoke weed and they probably don't even realize it.

Don't eat apples unless you know where they came from.

Entry level redpills are extremely important. More important than advanced level redpills, possibly. that particular webm is probably enough to single-handedly awaken some normalfags out of their "I have to pick one of these two parties and defend my choice to the death" daze. that's big! so what if there's a questionable organization attached to it? the constructive thing to do would have been to remove the ending of the webm and repost your improved version. instead you engage in shit-flinging.


It's the demon inside. This guy has it.

That is one beautiful image. Saved.

It's true, though. Pot throws your melatonin out of whack and a side effect is no dreams.

t. champion pot smoker

Found another example of the child rapist eye bulge.

Carl Jung studied and wrote extensively about dreams, and was extremely critical of Freud's theories about dreams. The extreme tl;dr of Jung's work is that most dreams are messages from the unconscious (sometimes from the collective unconscious), and that they should be examined critically. Jung, however, also argued that dreams are highly personal and should be interpreted with the dreamer's life and perspective in mind. Thus using someone else's dreams as a guide or even consulting a dream dictionary are futile.

You're the only one that's had this retarded dream. Hiding your citation of your /fringe/ cultists to try to hide your identity doesn't help your lie.

I've had some disturbing dreams and unusual activity in my own apartment in recent weeks. That doesn't mean shit in the grand scale of things.

/x/ was taken over by a jew that gives you a long ban and a screeching ban message for posting a happy merchant meme. There's an /xpol/ but nobody ever goes there and the last BO was robbed by some faggot.

I recently dreamt I was sleeping in the same bed as Trump (in a non-sexual way, fully clothed in pajamas or whatever). I was awoken in the dream by him kneeing me in the back, until he forcibly shoved me out of the bed. I stood up, and he got out of the bed. He then pulled out a pistol, which caused me to head straight for the door. He began firing at me and I woke up. I think he hit me, which is what awoke me into a conscious state.

What is this from?

What is the name of the tv show in the picture?