
Usual Migrant block a car! What he does not know, no Germans in the car! Eastern Europeans, probably Russians.

Other urls found in this thread:

They're Polish. They called him a son of a bitch at the end kek.

The Slav's more simple nature is more of a blessing than a curse.



Media will probably try to spin this into German on black violence anyway.

Based Poles

Nice vid.

God Bless the fucking Poles, and absolutely this



It feels nice to be Slavic.


Fun fact: Kraków has a population of nearly 800 thousand and the number of jews: less than 100. Not 100 thousand, less than 100 jews live in the city. And everyone there is white. The only nonwhites are tourists and then mostly chinks. It's a fully white city, prices are cheaper than the US (no Euro), it's got European history and culture bursting at the seams. Oh and the women, OMG don't get me started….

dub dubs checked
Odd camera recording angle. Stealth filming?


I can watch niggers getting knocked the fuck out all day

Being Slavic is truly a blessed life, eh brate?

Polish are really stupid monkeys

actually, machen is the formal version of machst, so technically he was asking, "whats wrong with you?" politely.

point is, he's close enough, and you are a faggot.


Delightful (check).

How are Silesian Polish relations?
Always wondered about that.

Ist es so schwer 3 Wörter richtig auszusprechen?

I thought kikes were really powerful during the communist block era, did all those Eastern-European kikes just move to Israel?

Well, Poles call Germans "Niemcy", meaning "mute" or "incapable of speech".

Maybe Poles therefore don't even like the thought of learning the language.
They're probably secretly jealous of it, though

confirmed for westerner

Yugoslavia was a commie shithole, but it was nowhere near eastern bloc tier. Also, according to the kikes, we're genocidal nazis, so, I doubt they were ever big here.

it means what are you doing
you dumb shill idiot.

it's amazing.

this made me lol profusely

Have another one, then.
This one has Aussies delivering the pain.

What a time to be alive

Hoo boy.

There is no truth to the claim only 100 kikes live in Krakow, the official estimates is anything from 20,000 and 100,000 kikes.
Do a variety of searches online and you'll see.

Eastern Europe was thrown to Stalins Soviets, the program was to destroy them through communist methods of control, this couldn't have worked with millions of 3rd world muds roaming, in the West the Zionists employed the 3rd world invasion and the Frankfurt School to destroy the West.

Poland had the largest jewish population in the entire world before the war.
The jews either fled to isreal or stayed and took control of every industry and institute under communist rule.

The jews never left the Soviet controlled E Europe


made my morning

i'm sure the germans have a whole team of police working around the clock to find these vile terrorists who attacked the innocent 12 year old refugee and bring them swift justice.

"Hate crimes spike after afd gains seats in election"

They have been quite overreacting, not as much as Hillary breakdowns, but one can hope that this happens.

I crave the salt like a fish craves water.

Police have been feeling the sting of their "deal with the devil" hard.
Turns out that the adage of "the jew is only your friend as long as you do what he asks" is true.
And the reality inverting nature of kikery has been hitting them in the brain good.

But, of course, they need a whole lot more to really turn.
Because: Wer nicht hören kann, muss fühlen.

Those who cannot listen must feel (physical punishment).

will, my bad
Those who don't want to listen, etc.


what he said wasn't grammatically incorrect, it was just formal. Correct me if i'm wrong.

Its always funny watching arrogant niggers meet non-cucked Europeans.

It's completely wrong. German does not work like that.

I love how fast that shit eating grin is wiped off the shitskins face. Saved.

Seriously, I've got a lot of time for the Poles, when they joined the EU and they flocked over here to work people where annoyed because there was less jobs to go around. They currently make up about 5% of the population of my town but I'm okay with that, if they was not here then I can guarantee that 5% would have been made up of muslims instead so they have been a blessing.

On top of that, they are hard workers and often very skilled. I've never met a pole on unemployment benefits yet, and even when I've worked with any that got laid off they refuse to put in a claim for unemployment benefits and just coast through until their next job.

They have a good sense of humour, like a drink, and are very nationalistic, I've seen a polish female get a slap from another pole for dating someone who wasn't polish. They have an hatred for muslims and dindus and I've seen them kick ass on many occassions, they don't even need a real reason to start a tear up with an immigrant, they will just do it at the drop of a hat without messing around just because they looked at them the wrong way.

Problem with Poles is they tend to hate other whites as well. We can work with them, but do not ever expect them to be a true friend. I've seen them start shit with other whites in my country for no reason other than those whites not being Polish. Their brand of nationalism is not advanced, it's archaic and, well, based in the true sense of the word.

You mispelled 'contempt'. Poles respect the hungarians and the czech exactly because of that. Their rivalry with Germany is above France-UK tier, since there are living poles with parents/grandparents that taught them the horrors of WWII. Regardless of who was right, each fought for a side, and as righteous as the other side is, animosity will exist.

I've never had a problem with them myself, although when they initially came over I know there was a lot of that going on. I knew a good number of people who have had tear ups with them, been attacked, and even some who where stabbed by poles, admittedly a lot of what I heard happening was poles acting in self defence. The natives where quiet aggresive towards them when they first came over. But it has been pretty chilled out for a good few years now and you don't hear about anything like that happening any more with the Polish, I think they natives realise that they're not too bad and they get along fine now. On top of that with the influx of muslim migrants I think many people realised that the poles aren't that bad and very much preferable to the muslims, I guess a truce has been drawn and there is now somewhat of an alliance against the common enemy.

is right.

It would be "Was willst du machen?". "Was du machen?" is broken german on par with that stereotypical "caveman speak". This is also what mudshits actually sound like most of the time.

It's not as good as you might think.

Many jews live there with their names changed:

Besides jews there are lots of former communists and KGB agents. Many of them still hold positions in the government and still work for KGB and Russia.


The only reason Poland has any interest in staying in the EU is for economic reasons, they get more out of it then they pay in.

blyad :::—DDD


I find it hilarious how the nigger looks buff but goes down like a bitch from a punch of a doughy-looking dude. Guess those muscles are only for show.

Look at this uneducated nigger trying to know something. Pathetic piece of shit.

How? He literally has less muscle than the guy that punched him.
He looks more puffy and inflamed than anything.

Probably from going from eating cardboard and dried shit all day to eating actual human food and his body is reacting to it.

Found the polish subhuman

Holla Forumsand best land

absolutely enlightened.

Daily reminder that Polish travel to Sweden to fuck up migrant ccentre. Don't have the link around atm

Nigg took one connect to the neck and collapsed.
Polish stronk

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. A perfect response to the nigger's primitive stupidity, delivered swiftly with no hesitation.

They're the Visegrad Countries.

The fatman would have murdered him
Why didn't you put up more of a fight economic migrant WHY?

The punch landed flush on the jaw, making a very pleasing noise.

Blond Aussie lowering the boom on those two niggers looks like fucking Thor in the presence of those niggers, now that was satisfying.

Pretty accurate.
Giants put up more of a fight, though.

Love from Poland

If that was my van he'd be getting the belt

feels good to be Slavic.

Who is Thor attacking here?


As he usually does.


Feels really good man.
Now after we get rid of Cerar…

magyars are honorary slavs

This. Love 4 Magyars

T-the Golden One?

He said it was not him.

No, not the golden one, just a random Aussie.


It's because Polish people know they wouldnt be fucking shit without the support of the EUs big countries like Germany and France.
Cucks, basically.

These threads are made to foster hate between Slavs and Germanics

Germans aren't black, kike.

Welcome to 99% of all threads that contain Poland.

Must be that Prussia thing.
Granted, I want Prussia back, too, but still.
Got bigger fish to fry.

Stay assblasted kike.
Also implying fighting people in the street as barbarous just makes you more a effeminate cuck.

Don't worry. Getting Prussia back at this point would be a mess anyways. It was ruined. Building it up to what it once was would be way too expensive.

Perhaps some, but most others are just shilled hard.
A whole swath of new shills just got caught samefagging in other threads.


Poland doesn't give a fuck, we're talking about the country that started a World War instead of allowing themselves getting invaded.
bretty good
The picture made the news precisely because it makes no sense. The black guy clearly just bought an armband without realizing what he was doing. Cherrypicking at its finest.
That's Africa.

Just googling this stuff should brought you the truth but you're not interested in the truth so you don't belong here. Leave now before you accidentally learn something.

Poland won't leave the EU. They would be nothing without the support of the EU.
Sad dependant cucks.

They should had crippled the nigger for life while he was down. So he cannot harrass others again.

What a time to be alive

Prussian have more influence there than you think. Germany belongs to Prussia fyi, it just need to play its cards right.
Not anymore than Poland was by the soviets. They both got mass deported by the kike mongols but they still live on. I just hope they dont go Best Korea and actually change things.

You are arguing with a Żyd friend.

This is so fucking satisfying. There's still hope

Where is Ukraine?

ha-ha-ha. No, seriously there was never a country called Ukraine or Belorussia. It was either part of Rech Pospolitaya or part of Russian Empire.

Belorussia did, as Lithuania.

Nice belt, but shame on the artist for lack of proper manly red beard.

A map would disagree with you
Half the countries in that image should have their flag replaced with Turkey's then.

You dumb cunts make it so easy.


You are just as retarded.

Will consider joining if you kick soros
No h8 though

this stale shit meme.
You will see your gibs sent back with the redistribution rapefugees fast. Keep pushing.

Want to tell my Slavicbros and honorary Slavs, Magyars:
You probably don't hear this, but within the Slavic world there is great support for defying rapefugee quotas, so stick tight and don't back down

This goes especially for Hungary and Poland:
The more (((eu))) tries to punish you, the more people are on your side.
Come to think of it, it is great that eu is threatening.
It only brings us together more

eternal glory

Broken Slav german turns in to Bosnian/Serbian/Croat language.
I don't know how "Whore" sounds in Polish, but this guy sounds very Balkan to me.
My bet is on Serb.

The nigger literally couldn't fathom a European just outright giving immediate physical punishment.
You do not argue with animals as equals, you punish them on the spot.

PS: Kebab and nigger always make this mistake, treat slavs as whites. Silly subhumans, don't they know that race is not just the colour of the skin?

he literally said "skurwysynu", which is a polish word for "son of a whore", conjugated into second person singular in the dative case.

I watched this like 50 times already,this is one of the best vids ive seen all month

Kurwaa take many definitions (all derogatory) in context. It also means whore.

You would all know this if you played witcher 3 with Polish dub.

The future of the white races is in Slavs and Nordics. Gas all Anglos.

"Whore" is not the proper translation of what he said. "Whore you one" is what he says, but I don't know what that would be in english (~son of a bitch). Balkan has a very rich curse vocabulary. We use German, Italian, Serbian/Croat, Slovenian and also English to express our feelz.

jesus fuck user I already said the exact fucking conjugation in polish for what he said, he's not balkan.

Checked. It is safe to say he would get same treatment from any Slav
Around these parts you don't go banging on hoods of cars for no reason.

And if you do, this or worse happens



He added "sin" to the end which is "son". I don't think its meshed into one word like many German ones but it sounds that way when they speak fast. S sounds transition seemingly fast between words.
Kurwaa sin = Whores son

we've got no love for the Russians for historic reasons (and communism most recently), true, but balkans are fucking awesome distant cousins with wedding bands so awesome your brain explodes from the sheer skill these guys have improvising. Their countryside is the slavest fucking thing I've ever seen, not even rural Russia comes close.

Perfectly healthy

A fught I can get behind


A fight I can get behind


Zlovenia #1!

Did somebody say nigger rekt thread?

Also D&C shills and sitposters get the rope first

congrats on 4th place

The most satisfying post I've seen all day.
I hate these goddamn apes. Now show me videos of kikes getting their faces caved in.

Slav's definitely have the toughest men right now (in proportion to population). And Slav women are best women.
they just need to fix those damn birthrates and put the goddamn crackpipe down

This truely is comedy gold.
No one can win!

fuck of D&C shill. Slavs are white and are some of the only people in Europe with a spine right now

I don't watch TV, never had one in my life, nobody even mentioned basketball at work or gym. The only sport people even talk about is skiing. Good old days of Tomba and Košir, it was great because it was neighbouring nations competing. I guess skiing is still OK, can't imagine niggers in this sport.

Our sports are getting kiked anyway, Ski jumpers adopting niggers, niggers on our teams…

I only have 1 webm with a jew getting rekt but it's very shocking and savage viewer discretion is advised

Truer words have never been spoken. God-tier genetics.
Her name is Tonya Predko, Russian vidya game caster

Slavs Straightedge
doesn't know that victory fuels the Slav

Actually, strike that, she's Ukrainian. Still really attractive either way

Sports are amazing these days brat about Croatia, I think they won waterpolo world champ lately

Indeed. Long-limbed, athletic and intelligent like Scandis, without the crippling autism. I dated a russian-american girl a couple years ago, and I dunno if I can ever go back to bandy-legged, brainless anglo-american chicks.
nice one btw

It is only a question of time vefore we reconquista and show our lost western brothers the light



She was a co-host at last year's TI. Every time she got on screen the chat exploded with Kreygasm faces. Pretty fuckin funny, but well deserved also

one more

4th pic 100% kike. Just look at that snout!

Well yes. But there is a genetic difference. I'm very for preserving European diversity.

PS: stop using electricity, it's not culturally appropriate for whites!

[user was banned for this comment]

The game has really turned to shit. I'm kind of glad too. The entire video game industry looks like it's about to crash and burn like Hollywood. Hopefully in our lifetimes we will see all of their abominations crumble.

Hi shlomo!

tfw 3k hours in dota

Most certainly. I can always tell a Slav from an Anglo or Celt, though I'd have to see limb shape/length. It can be a bit tougher to differentiate scandinavian women from slavic women, but the men tend to look more different to each other.

In all Slavs have some of the most distinctive features of any European ethnicity, outside of the fair-skinned, dark haired, dark eyed populations of Britain and Ireland (who I guess are celtic?)

tfw 2.5k hours

Just looking at all the hours I've wasted playing vidya is depressing. What makes it better though is seeing Valve completely selling out and releasing that dota card game. Valve needs to get holocausted along with every other big dev/publisher.

sage for offtopic

>in Dark Souls 2
>the only one I played
Could be worse lads.

what the fuck does Richard Spencer have to do with any of this. Why are you splitting hairs on who is not white? thats shill tactics 101

holy shit
check this

the line divides germany, putting the more right wing parts, bavaria and the former GDR, into the same category as eastern europe while the rest of germany belongs to the western genotype.

this is convenient but I'm wondering if it can be true because I thought the UK was settled by saxons and saxons should be part of the I group or not?

Are you really using Haplogroups for telling genetic diversity? Are you fucking retarded? Just use Fst or a genetic cluster analysis. Haplogroups are really, really inappropriate for genetic clustering (and no, ancestral clustering =/= less hetrozogzity).

What are the differences? I've been reading some info about what is considered Aryan and what is not from my research, most western slavic facial types could be considered Aryan. Could you post some pics or define the body/facial features of slavs?

That feel when no slavette gf

Dear lord. Are mail order brides a meme?

I'm glad I can't see the ten thousand hours plus that I've wasted.


Oh wait, one of them is doing it.


By my experience, a lot of slavs, especially men, have broader noses and slightly heavier features than scandinavians. No, this is not a bad thing, what you want to watch out for are dark, deeply inset eyes sloping at the sides, and very thick dark eyebrows. That's a sign of a central asian mongrel. One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of Slavs also have scandinavian admixture.

All those hours practicing with AKs and ARs, you could have been actually practicing with AKs and ARs.


this is beyond hilarious

She's a skinny twig, why do men not like me with my twenty cats? Fucking patriarchy, I am a strong independant womyn. Men like curves not skinny twigs.


You stupid bastard, stupid jealous bastard.

Kek these pols are something else.

Thinly veiled (((based poles))) thread.
Link related, the truth about Polish welfare tourists.
The only difference is that this particular group taking food from the mouths of Western Europeans and reducing their ability to have families, happens to have white skin, morally they are just another predatory migrant group.
Poles are responsible for the most severe economic attack we have ever sustained in the UK. Infrastructure is collapsing under the strain of Polish women using British taxpayer money to pay for their children.


No, user, it's because of ostsiedlung during the middle ages, when german settlers were invited into slavic areas. They didn't know the language so they didn't speak, which is why Czechs and Poles called them mute

Not everything needs a fucking beard, and blonde guys dont grow red anything. What the hell?

Fuck out of here, nigger!

Thanks man.
Side note. From visiting Poland for about two weeks, I've found a surprising amount of jews. They stand out like hell. They don't even need gold stars to make a difference between them. They all have heads like mice.

If my marriage ever ends I'm getting me a polish qt. Any tips on how to land one, bring her to America, and pump her full of children?

Interesting, yeah the kike population of Poland has always been big, hopefully they'll pack up and be made to move to Israel at some point.

Probably unlikely, lad. Are you after the genetics, or the cultural difference?

Why would a polish girl go with a washed up American? No offense, but the men in poland are fucking MEN. They probably think of Americans as all faggots. I think you have a better chance of going to Ukraine…. lol

To become famous on Holla Forums

At this moment in time I believe Slavic will save not only Europe but the world.
We truely live in misterious times

The groid was expecting them to be docile germans, so he didn't even think to block the punch lmao

I wonder if Kalergi ever thought about Slavic people finding out aboout his plan and fucking his shit up.
Appears not

Anglos simply cannot compete in the workplace, they never could compete with the Mainland. The only thing saving their asses is the Channel and misplaced sense of smugness.

This was his first and only mistake.
Random Slav appears like German.
But acts nothing like one

No moishe. Help our Anglo brothers and return them to strenghth


Jewish diaspora in Poland is mostly gone now. Kikes started leaving Poland and settling in Palestine even before the second world war. Additional, America was seen as a land of opportunity back then while Eastern Europe was poor as fuck so Kikes left for greener pastures. Bonus fact in the late sixties after some changes in upper echelons of power even commies started removing Jews from the administration and forcing them to leave for Israel. Unfortunately, we still have some kikes and shabbas goys in the mainstream media and in the government.


I have never met a decent Polack and honestly they are the only European peoples I dislike but Anglos are worse and deserve everything they get.

mein sides, that made my day

Ukraine dont even need repefugees at this point, half of young population become overdosing junkies and half of females in their prime prostituting themselves across EU. Even HIV numbers are Africa tier.

I would say they were lead astray.
Will not go as far to condemn them though.
If brother is lost, pull him from his haze. Bring him back to light.

user dont you know that US/German bankers send us a rabbi son(Lenin) in sealed cargo train full with bags of money to buy expelled degenerate and scum of society as mussel to overthrow our based kind king, rob us dry and enslave our people. It was not Russian revolution it was Jewish occupation

That nigger was drunk as fuck nothing to be proud of.

Your post suggests otherwise

What most shills fail to recognise:
We are beyond point of division.
We are also stronger and more influe tial than you.
While you shill our little long knee sock llama wool organic knitting board, we are 2 steps ahead of you.

Car bumps him, little reaction, slav gets out of the car, no immediate reaction, gets a rather weak punch, gets knocked out because no reaction.

And I don't really think you u derstand what that means

It is like shakira talking about her tits, small and humble because rationalization.

If you are current year and shilling this board I really suggest you leave the computer and prepare for reality.

No mainstream liberal party in Poland. Only secular right vs religious right. That's because there's only about 30,000 Jews left in Poland since after WWII most left to America or Israel. So who does Poland have to thank for having a rightwing ethnostate? Adolf Hitler

Reality is going to be like this:
We know where you are
Pray to God there is still any semblance of government to protect you.

Please Polish people come to my country also.


Niggers are not good fighters at all. IF they couldn't use their only weapon sucker punch, that's the only thing to be beware of.

Are you a bot or just smoking crack?

It's ok to be afraid.

Do you know why this interprets could be better? The instruments are playing flat on the plane and the singer doubts its self, switching in and out, which you know might happen if you let the meta level disappear. Maybe just like the aggressive hyperbole in a metallica song "be careful what you wish for". King Nothing.

Here's another quote
Hitler - 1948
And during the German occupation of Poland, Hitler really showed how great he though poles were in the treatment they got.

It really is ok to be afraid. Because the wrath that bestows you is
stuff of legends.
Many generations to come will speak of faith that you brought upon yourself

For what? You're rambling on like a junkie.

Try posting on leftypol, they'd love your crack ass.

wtf I love Poles now

The poles killed 55k Germans before Hitler ever invaded. Even on the last Hitler was trying to make pleads with the Pollacks but they just said "lol nope" again and kept killing Germans, manly because of WW1.

All slavs call germans mute. My slavs call me Nemetskiy(?)

Poland was the 3rd most recent country to expel the jews, stemming off anti-Zionist rhetoric in the 1969s.

You will know when it's necessary. But i can already tell you it will be too late..
embrace your end

Left picture is inside Africa. The middle one is the entire negro population in Poland.
3rd is because no Muslims. Poland was the least desired countries for kikes to move back too since Poles massacred a bunch of them in Kilece's pogrom in 1946 where the commies ended up cracking down on Polish nationalism for it.

But hey, kike more shitskin

I know, Hitler was the only European leader who actually was guaranteeing Poland's existence. France and England only guaranteed it for a cacus belli. Hitler admired the poles for beating back the Soviets and as seen in his 16 point peace plan he was willing to leave the Danzig strip to Poland as long as he got a highway/railroad to east Prussia. Just look at his speech about the invasion of Poland. He laments about the poles "being led astray" and forcing him to take action. Poland was boasting about reaching Berlin in 3 weeks and had its military cross the German border numerous times, and guess what the League of Nations did?

Du is informal, so he should have said "machst" not "machen". Other than that and not squatting and taking a selfie with the KTFO nigger I would have to give in a 9/10.

They hired crusader mercenaries to kill the godless pagans. The mercs brought their entire families with them and never left thus forming settlements leading to the Teutonic order.
They realty should have just remained crusading mercs and help Poland push the turkshits back and repopulate Constantinople with Europeans instead.

Should be Was machen sie. Du implies they're friendly.

Alot of disbelievers here. If you are a white man going against your white brother
we win , you lose
it is that simple.
Change side while you still have the time

Should be Was machen Sie?

autism intensifies

Same here, brother.

>The end result of (((tactics)))

>The end result of (((tactics)))

Fuck I'm retarded.

Semantics aside,
War is in the air

Euro here.
The Polish are real pieces of shit. They stick up for themselves, yeah, but they always form gangs and start fights. They're the spics of Europe/



B-b-but their country is so shitty that no immigrants want to go their! Just because they're objectively the worst Central European country and immigrate every where doesn't mean they're not based and the saviours of Europe!

Alot of traitors. They will get what they ask for.

Thor having a red beard/hair is canon.
In fact, probably more so than blonde.

Ruined or not (I don't think it is) I can't think of many more places where land equates to as much power as in Europe.
Every little bit makes a difference, even if it were a wasteland.

But, again, there are bigger fish to fry.
As long as kike feet touch the soil of Europa, there will be no long term viable solutions.
That's the biggest problem.


God damn I love Prussia, Germany first, Prussia second but still

I'm a heathen and therefore cannot hate Slavs.
They have some of the most awesome "pagan" things of all Europe.
Of course my loyalty remains with my own regions folklore, but Slavic Paganism is literally god tier.

Of course, like all Europeans they also made Christianity pretty cool, but I am of the unshakeable belief that, if it were possible, if the nations would return to their roots, there could be wondrous things that go beyond the corpse cult.
Way, way beyond.

There is no restriction on the "aesthetics" of paganism, despite it being so damn ancient.

What every traitor should be aware of:
You really aren't safe anymore.
We are coming for you.
To the ones with pure heart
Never relent


Nice that you fi nd yourself in my post.
However you don't know what anarchy means.
You are ill prepared for what's comi g.

You will learn the true meaning of suffering.

Ouch, watch that edge

Ayy, just got back from work so late reply, but I'm not nogunz. Stop assuming things friendo. :^)

What would you know about edge?


so shut the fuck up

This is nothing new. That goes for women of every fucking race btw. Look up all the Japanese whores that took American dick after WW2.

Fucking low, doesn't he know the code?

He's lucky he didn't get run over.

Wish they would've run him over instead.

Sadly that is true. Women's role is to raise children and to be a homemaker. It's fucking scary when even the most radical of right wing parties still push for more females in politics, military and academia.

You see, the differences here are these:

When Germany invaded Norway the natives helped wounded German soldiers. Nurses, doctors etc. For this Hitler decreed that the population should be treated well.

When Germany invaded Poland the natives acted like a gang of Jason Vorhees and Mike Myers. Literal horror film type treatment of Germans. And not just soldiers, but women and children. I'm not sure what exactly Hitler thought of this, but I can guess.

When Germans begun killing Poles and driving people off out of Polish lands than the partisans started to form and sabotaged Reich's war machine. Hitler was the last hope for stripping Kikes out of power but for Czech / Poles / French it seamed like another invasion.

That kick sound is so satisfying.

Stop pretending you're German.

Danes, Dutch and Norwegians were invaded too. There exists no hard feelings towards the Germans today. French seem pretty relaxed as well. But the Poles and the Czechs? Definitely. I get bad looks in Prague just because I look German. So this is very likely a Slav problem, not a German one.

Wow. It sure was.

Mmm those were some nice punches, he put his whole body into them.


Look at it from Czech or Polish perspective. Bohemia was under Habsburg rule since the XVI century. After decades of devastating religious war German settlers started to change the ethnic makeup of the nation and Austrian authorities actively supported that policy. Czechs started to be treated as second class citizens in their own country. It began harder and harder for non-Germans to obtain high level positions in the government.
The same thing can be said about Poles. After the Mongol invasion the Silesian population was decimated and the German colonization begun. Over the centuries Poles became a minority in Silesia and after the partitions even the Western Poland was annexed to the Prussian state. The use of Polish language was restricted, noble privileges revoked, obtaining education and buying land was actively discouraged for Poles. Polish people begun to fear that they are going to end up like their forefathers in Silesia, a minority among a sea of Germans. Than the WW2 broke out and both sides commuted war crimes, used forced labor and displaced people from their homes. For Czech and Poles strong Germany will always be seen as a threat to their territorial integrity and economical independence.

Really pleasing to see that nig get rekt by a girl.

Fucking Anglos hating on poles while sucking Paki cocks all day every days since 1960.

What a weak punch, still based.

Beady eyed kikes tend to hate blue eye people, no surprise there.


Choose one. It's good it's gone since it won't fuck our relations up anymore and Germans don't have indefensible cancer east of their country.

He might be meming slightly, but it is somewhat true that there's no Ukraine or Belarus. To be more exact, there are no such nations - what little national identity they have is unsound and fragile. That's what happens when they have… Well, I think 30 years only to develop them.

East Germany is at least partly germanised polabian Slavs, just like prussians were germanised balts. They also lived under the communism and it explains the ideological differences.

Pic related, R1a haplo. There's that funny thing that in XVI century polish nobility was larping as Sarmatians, who supposedly came from… Guess where.

Does it take into account Poland? We have surprisingly many genetic similarities to people who live in some cold shithole beyond some big ass lake that's totally not worth going across to or smth. My bet is that Swedes got some dem good rapes during Swedish deluge.

post example please

I'm Blonde with a red beard.

if there's one thing that slavs enjoy the most, it's shitting on other ethnicities

Nothing wrong with a good, old-fashioned Aryan rapefest from time to time.

Hol Up


Poland after WW1 was a setup, a scam made by the British to destroy Germany economically.
Germany had two big industrial centers, one was in the Ruhr area another one was in Prussia in the part that was given to the Poles.
The Polish Elite were the goons of the British and made peace between Germans and Poles impossible, you can see that in the way they treated Germans and prevented a peaceful solution with Hitler.
Because of this Hitler and the other Nazis knew that the Polish Elite needed to be destroyed for there to be every peace between Poles and Germans.
However since the Polish People decided to be on the side of the Polish Elites and fight for them forceful assimilation was the only way possible so that the Poles remain in Germany and never again try to take away a part of the Country.

Most of the grief the Poles suffered is their own fault, caused by being good goys.

A perspective that ignores that until the 19th century and the foundation of Modern Germany, Germans had their own culture and language oppressed too by the Aristocrats of Europe because they thought French was more fashionable and civilized.
The Prussian King for example were educated to be native French speakers since the 17th century, they learned German and Polish as secondary languages to be able to command Soldiers and Horses.
In other words this claim how Poles have been oppressed by Germans for centuries is nothing but a ridiculous sob story made up by Polish Nationalist to turn their own people against the Germans.
The first Germans in the Land that the Polish claim as "Poland" were the Goths five centuries before Slavs entered the territory. Germans didn't colonize Poland, they owned Land since antiquity.
Also once the Polish were Christianized they used to be a Dutchy of the Holy Roman Empire until they used the Interregnum(aka Civil War) during the 10th century to separate from it and form a Kingdom.
In the same century the Polish King took Silesia from Bohemia. The Mongol Invasions were only two centuries later.
In other words the Polish invaded German territory and took it over, then the Polish got slaughtered by the Mongols, so the Germans were able to regain their strength and retook their country and in this story the Poles are the victim?

user, nobody fucking cares who was "in the right" in history, because in history, might makes right. You're thinking about countries like they were people, when in fact, they're more akin to teams. You cheer for your team and wish it to win in any match, and are pissed at any team that beats it. If a particular team beats your team again and again and again, you will fucking hate it. That is not to mention that Germans are seen as the de facto rulers and orchestrators of EU, and everyone east of Germany hates EU.

Also, arguing with "ancient german tribes squatted there first before moving somewhere else" is a laughable argument. With that logic, Celts are the rightful rulers of all of Germany and Germans should get the fuck out.

nice dubs (checked)

Spoiler that degeneracy


The Poles didn't do much other than squatting either. Most of the German part of Poland still has German infrastructure and German cities. And the Celts? They were scared shitless of Germans and kept to their side of the Rhine until the Romans swallowed them.

degeneracy would be if she was taking a shit or pissing. I see a young female with no undies on

ever wonder why they take these pictures?

Perfect unused lips, even if she's a wild one i'll take it over any "good girl" roastie with dangling inch long curtains and brown Mediterranean labias here in the states.
Also spoiler that

Actually many of them married and stayed instead of going back. There are many last names in Poland that have their roots in those wars.

Thor is specifically stated as having a red beard. It comes up many times in his poetic descriptions. Kinda like how Odin is heavily associated with grey hair.

also im blond and have red facial hair. its fairly common in germans ( I blame celtic admixture)
why do you think they called him Emperor Rotbart?

Fun fact, blonde nut sack and red pubes

Virgin detected

They're mostlikely some kind of delivery service/truckers/seasonal workers/etc. People, who generally don't give a fuck about the countries they traverse beyond rudimentary communication. On top of that you have no way of knowing the length of exposure to German language of that particular guy.

You can go master Polish grammar and impress us all with it. I mean, why wouldn't you do that, just burn a couple months to memorize shit you don't want or need… You're not like those Polacks, right?

Truly life is good.

Wrong by the fact that Poland is allowed to exist based on sob stories about the evil Mighty Germans.
Again another proof for the power of propaganda, the EU was build upon Germany's defeat and exist to leech from it.
The Celts are dead user, they cannot own things.


shouldnt you be instead saying
make up your mind pol do you want to kill us slavs or do you think we are based

I love slav shit. Seriously though, the "slavs aren't white" is just D&C. Sage and filter that shit.

I think he didn't meant how much magic melanin do Slavs have rather than the fact that Slavs are Christian

No no, darling. Germany is the one allowed to exist. You lost both world wars and have a tiny military, remember? Poland exists, because including West Slavs into the Soviet Union would make it politically unstable, since they'd be required to admit these ethnicities into the party in large numbers. National interests would rip it apart. There was also no casus for the globalist ideology-driven Soviets to destroy the population, so the only remaining option was a satellite. Literally the potential for nationalism and the obstacle it presents is why the state exists.

You Kevins sure love to replicate that whole Versailles narration of something being allowed by someone. As per usual you're completely off the mark and nursing on a false narrative.

Slavs were the first European victims of Jewish communism.
Hitler was a reaction to what happened in Eastern Europe and a desperate attempt to save Germany from it.

Nah, i could be wrong however its still a risk i feel good taking though. I'll listen to my feelings and guts on this.

No, it's not good that it's gone, it's just not a priority.
In Europe you will always want more land rather than less.

But, again, things haven't been as they should be in general, hence the low priority.
In theory you want as much living space for your people as possible, but that pot has been poisoned.
So, whatevers.

Not a big deal right now.

You've seen those sparkly things in the night sky, right? Those are other suns with other worlds and enough material in smaller bodies to make billions of habitats around each such sun…

Makes killing your neighbors and potentially starting a much larger conflict for some 200 km2 patch of land, when you barely populate what you currently have a bit… retarded. Just because Bismarck invented a fancy slogan doesn't necessarily mean Germans are magically chained to his contemporary territorial range for all eternity and can't live w/o it. If you plan on surviving at all as a people you will have to deal with the fact that vast majority of your descendants won't even live in a place under the same sun./reference to another slogan

fukin wot?

Right wing parties are fringe in Poland. Most are socialist.


Every bit of land equates to power and leverage in Europe, that is all I am saying.

I'm blond but have a reddish beard.

I can't speak for Germany but I can assure you that in right-wing groups in France no one is against Slavs. There are some divisions based on the Balkan wars and the Ukrainian conflict but no one Il that I know dislike Slavs as a whole.
It's quite the contrary.

Also the pagans I know irl never says things like christcuck or kikeonastick

Those are just divide and conquer tactics by the Jews.

But they are. Check their policies. Only right wing parties that are not sofa parties are Korwin's Wolność, KNP and UPR.

I have meant that it shouldn't be German. Prussia could be independent, Polish, Lithuanian or something else and I'd be okay with that - the fact that it was German and they could utilise German autism to wreck shit was bad.

Well, it's hard to have beef with other nations if you're barely a nation. And sperging out about religion is probably more of a leftist pastime, so if they have bad feelings for Christianity they have to hold on until leftists are gone with their constant shitting on Christianity.

What you haven't said is that ruling party right now is of halfchan's nazbol tier retardation.

Thank you Eastern Europe.
You're our only hope.


Stop letting kikes live rent-free in your mind.

Yeah, but efficient, stable economy trumps it every time. Also you gotta admit German nationalists are fixated on revising borders. Judging by Deutsch/pol they'd endanger the nation's survival just to satisfy that nostalgia. Meanwhile countless galaxies remain inert in their lifeless state…

"Socialist"=/=redistributionist/social democrat/etc. Chavezuelans have an actual socialist regime. The current ruling party with 44% popular support is essentially Christian Democrats with redistributionist and interventionist ideas. Still on the right, considering the social order they prefer. It's the effect of half a century of socialist regime - old people have trouble adapting their sensibilities. The young are more like UPR and pro-efficiency, even as they vote for the most likely winner on the right. Keeping the country's ethnic character > economic policy.

We don't even have to invent interstellar travel to avoid brother wars in the future. When we win we can just recolonize Africa and Germans can build their Neu Breslau in peace.

Nah fag, this shows you know nothing, Germany is not allowed to exist it was too big to be absorbed. Germany currently is an important pillar of the post war world order build by the allies.
If Germany and its people had been taken over by its conquerors and assimilate, it would have made the Holocaust narrative impossible because the accused party would no longer exist.
Equally with Germany vanishing there would be nobody left to pay reparations and the Allies would have been forced to default on their war debt. Sure they could have plundered the Land and they did especially the Russians, but there would not have been enough.
Also realistically are too many Germans to actually kill them all or assimilate them, they are the biggest population inside Europe and if the USA had actually tried the Morgenthau plan it would have given the Soviets an accuse to try take over all of Germany.
Lastly the Allies need a point of reference that they can show their populations, so that they don't question if the war was worth it or not.
I don't know? Look at the world today and say to me with a serious face that it actually won by opposing the Germans.
Also while our Army is shit, its still better than Poland and most other militaries in the World. Even when we do bad, we are still in the top 10 of the most powerful Nations of this World.
Poland exist for the same reason we now have mudslimes and niggers in Europe, because the Allies pushed the global narrative in their propaganda that only evil imperialistic Nationalist try to conquer other countries and assimilate their population.
If Russia tried to assimilate the Poles, it would have made Churchill look less insane when he argued that the West should attack the Soviets immediately after the end of WW2.
But its truly, Poland hasn't come back into existence based on its own strength, it survives on the money from the EU(how Poles do naturally see Eastern Poland) and they are only allowed to exist by the current political climate.
The Poles are like a rare species that needs to be kept in a Zoo and protected by environmentalists, because they are unable to survive in nature on their own.

This webm fucking killed me, I'm still laughing

Germany has larger industrial base, produce more raw resources, can field bigger army and projects power all across Europe while Poland is weaker, smaller, less influential and their military is still shit. Poles however posses one thing that Germans don't have - time. Poland is slowly getting stronger while Germany is spiraling into socioeconomic collapse. In couple of decades Poland is still gonna be full of Poles while Germans could end up as a minority in their own nation. Germans need huge changes to save themselves, Poles on the other hand can just sit back and wait.

This really should disprove your theory.

Sorry for the porn pics

M8, Kikes behind the porn industry eagerly pay for plastic surgery for their actresses. Look up Labiaplasty on Wikipedia. Jews milk those whore dry as long as they can.

Really doubt every woman in porn with a innie vagina has a labiaplasty

Some 18/19 girl fresh out of high school may have intact pussy for some time, but porn industry is a big businesses and Kikes in charge want to maximize their profits. Nice looking snach is reeling in more money. However, labias differ from woman to woman and even virgin girl can end up with an outie.

This is literally my point how did we end up arguing?

I don't know, shit happens I guess, sorry man.

Mail order :^)

Hey, are you who I think you a–

Prussiafag! Of course it is you. Good to see you're still here you fucking faggot

Polish white balance of honour master race?

Why don't we make that synonymous with White Genocide? "The new black death" avoids the "white genocide" term some optic-fags were worried about whilst conveying more or less the same message, and in a more poetic way. The non-whites are of course, a black plague, a virus, killing and spreading across almost all of our lands.

The absolute madman. Destroyed my sides.

I'm worried about Croatia now that they've joined the EU. They better not get enriched or some shit.


The absolute madman. Destroyed my sides.
Shitposting from WH



Please go in the oven, it's free.


I know that when I was finishing high school in the mid 90s you new "straight edge" fags even had rules against using permanent markers for your hand Xs. You homos used electrical tape. It's amazing you fuckers still exist, and are now just blatant hypocrits like all Commie/Jews…

dob jej


Nigga, the area of Prussia could be leveled to the ground and it would still be better to have it than not have it.
Even if it were just farmland all around.

In Europe you want every bit of land you can get.
Every bit of land makes you less reliant on imports and gives you more to export.

But, for the umpteenth time.
Not a priority.

I really doubt you'd call Courage Crew fags to their face. Btw I'm not edge, posted that to trigger you. Did it work? I'll let someone else be the judge of that.

dude xard bacc lmao



Okay, any tips on how to get Ukrainian qt?


As Hitler postulated that the Jew tirelessly works to erode your existence not stopping even when being called out publicly the Jew still persists and that is why I fear for Poland's safety and the racial coherence there. Once done with Europe, SA, AU, and US the Jew will probably do the Nazi Hunter thing and go around the world finding White people and bringing them to trial for crimes, I'm sure the non-white majority won't even care.

Kek approves

who the fuck is necrobumping stale threads with useless shitpost?
the hell is wrong with you?