Kekistani Ran Over

Time to use our weaponized autism to get this bitch! Gotta beat halfchan to the punch faggots!

Other urls found in this thread: statue

So you want to find the Kekistani faggot and finish what she started?

Alright old thread deleted. Can we continue here?

He/she is a spirit cooking pizzag8 shill

Fuckin half chan deleting the threads left and right to damage control. Feels good man.

He nose knows


Hope all the fags find their way here


fuking kikemods deleted all treads in 4chan

None of that shit happens here, right?

Kekistani should be gassed with the rest of the alt-kike faggots

Not as much by far. It was created due to 4chan censoring Gamergate discussion. Plus threads don't get deleted with slide and reporting is much rarer

Drown in semen faggot

Goddamn I hope that commie faggot didn't follow us from the last thread

It's just like old times with HWNDU

Gotta doxxx that commie flag bastard

100% kosher

I have a kekistan flag

that lib gets their own private island after this is all over


Ya'll didn't seem to mind when it was HWNDU

Good. All you faggots need a good running over.

Unless you're the commie flag from 1/2 chan

Heretic! Someone run this man over with a car asap and then post about it on social media for attention.

Seriously though, praise Kek's return, heretic. Burn your flag.

No he is not. i am back and this thread has been reported for a raid

Why do u want to see by blackpill collection>>10653411

More jewish subversion, more jewish tricks.

Commies everywhere!

Why burn it


Thanks mods

Why so roastie?

They've been awful busy last night, pretty much every post critical of jews and freemasons zapped
Every time you think the board will settle back into being a red-pill archive the mods come along and fuck every thread up and protect their teams of hasbara kike-jew trolls.

Back to Hailing ZOG it seems

You forgot to post a smug anime girl JPG and then write
or similar

Commies are here:
>>>Holla Forums


I have a solution

Eventually they will come to realize the left wants them dead.

A challenger appears

If Murdoch Murdoch can occasionally find a use for TD then so can we. Based!


That's right, don't use an opportunity to point out an enemy committing violence against centrists! We should be thankful they're attacking potential allies, these based leftists!

GTFO yid, kekistani thing has potential



Wrong, it was around for at least a year before Gamergate and it was created because Hotwheels wanted a chan where users could create their own boards. He was always a champion of free speech and allowed gamergate boards to be created here even though 4chan and other boards banned gamergate discussion.

The account is apparently suspended. I hope people were able to comb through her twitter and grab as much details as they could.

Kekistan has pretty much always been a normalfag thing.
Considering that you don't even know how to saw-gay properly, that would probably constitute you too as one.

No because this site was moved to due to that same shit. Moderators on 4chan became aids and now ban anything worthwhile. It really is reddit 2.0, this coming from someone who hates calling things reddit because of how overused that term is. Unless a thread is truely retarded its not removed. So just move here and lurk, dont be a faggot and know mods here arent (as) kiked like they are on 4chan.

Leslie404 account was suspended btw, forgot to put in the handle before "is".

Tl;dr: because it is the Guy fawkes mask of the Kek faith sadly

Because the kekistan meme was a big gay mistake generated by Sargon "Make white nationalism illegal" of cuckad, among others, that has given faggots from the outside a image they can use to larp. Its kind of like how le anonymous was kind of not gay and then the guy fawkes mask larping got added on and then faggots from the outside were able to join in and make it cringey.
That flag is the guy fawkes mask of this movement, when Kek was only our memes and the religious legends and gematria stuff it was too convoluted for people who lacked the will to not be faggots about it or were not around for the discovery of Kek. But then this Free kekistan shit starts and it is more simplified and less esoteric, and even has an asthetic people can run around and flash to their friends in meat space, waving around the flag and screaming "REEEEEEEEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT"
If you are truly one who worships Kek, I personally speaking would not say you need to go as far as burning the flag as it is at a very VERY technical level a symbol of Kek, but I would not display this flag in our current times as if it is in and of itself a proud symbol of this god as it has been made a thing of cancer and embarrassment. I would hide it away honestly and have the true symbol of Kek as my focus of worship and honor statue

And I would turn my attention to both studies of the ancient knowledge of the ogdoad and Kek, as well as memetics, modern day happenings and the subtle connections Kek his new memetic pantheon has had to them.
Take this advice as you wish and be well brother. Shadilay.

At first i thought cia, now its undeniable that he's either a crypto kike or mossad.


Do you even know what roastie means you fucking newfag shill?

Legit jews and commies fear and hate kekistani op. The thing has potential for showing them up as hypocrites when they defend "helpless poor peaceful Religion of Cuckโ„ข", but gleefully suppress the thing we play up as a religion.
So kikes, hate kekistani, we should hate them too because totally (((valid reasons))), putting us on the same side as the kikes?
Good one, schlomo, pull the middle one - it has bells on.

Do you have any fucking evidence of this or is this your excuse to not do anything yourself?
The point is that obvious leftist attacks like this are being covered up and there's a bunch of people posting anime shit in here to fit in, who want to help (((them))) cover the shit up.

Good. Here, have some footage of "kekistanis" that came to this board before.

Officially, site admins aren't allowed to step in and overule the authority of a board owner, unless actually illegal shit is going on (CP). As far as I'm aware, they've stuck to this rule so far. That doesn't mean board owners can't be faggots, but the options are always open for us to move to other boards, so you're not going to be seeing sitewide suppression of certain topics like on 4chan.

Absolutely fucking no-one fears faggots calling themselves Kekistani. It's le anonymoose all over again, see

It doesn't make you look like a rational, well-socialised person to carry round the flag of some meme-drenched country that only exists in the minds of autists. Saving the white race requires us to look like the sane people. We need to be the strong horse.

I agree. National Socialists are more hated now than they've been since maybe the 40s ("muh Charlottesville" "Muh Richard Spencer" even though neither were NatSoc). I think it's good to teach leftists a lesson. It's always a slippery slope. They start by attacking centrists like the kekistani kid, then they move onto "tougher" targets because they realized "If I can get away with guys who are like, so totes Nazis but deny it, I can attack guys who express clear gnatsee views!" And then they join Antifa, while Kekistani fag is convinced of the hopelessness of fighting Jew-run leftists.

was getting caught part of your plan or literally the only point?

We already have an ideal, a movement and a flag. Yours was founded by a cuck race traitor.


Oh fuck off with those aut-right threads already.

Admitting to a hit and run for political reasons. Call the feds and move on.

The fuck we didn't. You cunts were/are a cancerous plague.


She admitted to a fellony.

learned a real lot from thsi post, does anyone want to be in the screenshot with it?

what distinguishes this from any other srs cunt or antifag on twitter?

Does anybody have her tweet that has her admitting that she ran someone over? I want to archive it.

We should spend less time on her and more time on tracking down the person she ran over.

That way that person can sue the bitch.



But is the kid white doe?

Based lefties!

No, it is a literal false flag to deflect some of the anger. As long as they hate something different, they can't find that place here. In all seriousness, the kekistani thing should be promoted on twatter and zuckbook as much as possible so that anybody finding here or other places where the real music plays they think "Hm, that flag is nowhere to be found, this isn't it" and go away, rsp. "back where they came from".

Not as much by far. It was created due to 4chan censoring Gamergate discussion. Plus threads don't get deleted with slide and reporting is much rarer>>10653287

Cuck chan is banning anyone talking about that Leslie bitch now lol

fuck off kike, mods deleting redpill book threads are part of the problem and need to be gassed. If no one understands national socialism, and no one is informed, how are we supposed to convince others to side with us?.. to convince them that we are right!

We need to be the change we want to see in the world.


I will tbh, I agree with you, he was on the mark with that. Every time I see that Kekistan shitโ€ฆugh, I cringe like no other.

I just want to have fun, user. Why is no fun allowed? This hasn't been co opted by mainstream nigger culture like the mask. Just let me have my flag for fun and memes sake. I'm going to a gun Meetup and taking it.

We do not have optics user, even if we were all totally respectable and walked around in suits, kikes would make something up.

Sargon didn't invite shit, he jumped on the bandwagon

You call it shelter, I call it gateway drug to redpilling. Normalfags have been inoculated against nationalism, lure them in by any means available.

kekistan always felt like a forced reddit meme- and a retarded one at that. Why would "our" meme country have a name that makes it sound like some sandnigger shithole?
Seeing all the support for this "Kekistan" shit here on Holla Forums has really revealed to me how far the community here has fallen.
is the only acceptable flag to be waving aside from your own national flag.

wait for hitler? go immediately 14/88? No immediate steps for daywalkers? Good one.

intermediate* steps for daywalkers who actually want to keep their job?

Learn to sage faggot. And don't give me this shit of "hurr durr sage is a downboat"
Listen very carefully to what I have to say next.
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Wait another 2 years before making another post newfaggot or get the fuck off 8/pol/, you're as bad as the niggers invading Germany.

You too, it's a little something called preserving (board) culture, if you believe in natsoc then you may have heard of it? Kekistan does not belong here, it's a weak forced jewish meme that's subverting this board. You can post it on r/the_donald as much as you like but that shit is not welcome here.

Your national flag should be enough, this flag once stood for White America, and it will stand for that again soon.
In the US the Republican party has now shifted into a civic nationalism- on the basis of shared culture. White nationalism is the next step.



This board is getting out of hand.

Are you implying that I should physically defend "muh based black men" "kekistan" faggots? These people are a fucking cancer. Nazi ideology is spreading more and more every day. It's simple, easy, consistent, and effective. Pretty sure there was a recent poll showing a much higher rate of nazi acceptance in America.

Keep trying to tell me that I should be outraged over jews jewing jews though you half chan faggot.