Tfw Zonald Zumps gets two scoops of the Dairy Jew

tfw Zonald Zumps gets two scoops of the Dairy Jew

Sorry, only jews steal milk from female cows that are literally raped and then make it into ice cream scoops. The fact he ate two scoops of the dairy jew is unforgivable.

After this betrayal, I will never vote in another election including the upcoming midterm election in 2018. I will stay home and wait for Hitler to come and save me from this jewish menace.

two scoops was just too much, I must now kill myself for voting for this man, thanks CNN

wait are you saying he gets not one scoop of ice cream, but two scoops?


Dronald is over

are you done yet? I can wait.

I am done when Snonald is done in the White House.

well have fun dealing with me


I wonder how much you weigh

W-what do you mean, user?

Daisyfag is a redditor so no wonder you suck off Wumpf all day

yes, fellow based Nazi, that's why I should have waited for Hitlery

340 lbs.

real national socalists only eat soy ice cream lattes

I weigh a healthy eleven stone. U jelly?

Project much? I browse reddit and even I knew Druppywup was a kosher plant. Redditors is more redpilled than 8gaggers. Deal with it hun.


Alright, I'm fucking sick of this.

Every god damned day it's some new shitty forced "meme" some incredibly unfunny attempt to annoy. Dunaccino, those two brothers with all the plastic surgery, Trump eating, what did he mean by this, find a flaw, apologize, jumanji get litty, you want to fuck a munter's throat and call her an icon, emma, sudocuck, bright is so redpilled brah and a million other unfunny painfully autistic template threads.

Can you just fucking stop? It's blatantly obvious it's the same fucking person doing it each time. Could you just fucking limit it to one thread? Do we for instance need a new thread every single fucking time some obscure article that's barely more than a blog posts some new "theory" exploring The Last Jedi's feminist themes? It's rhetorical, the answer is NO, NO WE DON'T.

And if you post anything ironically or sarcastically, you're not funny, you're just a hipster douchebag. You're like Portlandia or a shitty anti-humor sketch. There's zero effort to it. Just saying the opposite of your opinion is not a joke you fucking asshat.

I get that the staff doesn't like to block damn near anything, but can we maybe limit it to one thread? Just anchor all but one thread? The board doesn't need four threads with 20 replies a piece on one topic.

And for the love of god, this board isn't Holla Forums or Holla Forums, if you want to spam news articles go do it in /new/ or whatever.


10/10 copypasta

shut up, jew

Yes, keep posting this on every thread, I'm sure it'll become a meme

Reported for off topic, raiding, shilling, subversion

subverting what, your faggotry?

subverting my penis



all me

The endgame of the goons is lowest common denominator where everyone is as shitty as they are. (dick chopping pedophile trannies, for the most part) They are the bottom of the barrel, intent on dragging everyone else down. If the moderation won't get rid of them, find someplace else to post.

fuck that, you fight fire with fire

Then you end up with cuckchan Holla Forums.
If the moderation is not on your side, the imageboard turns to 100% shit.

I'd rather have my preferred color of shit then someone else's if I'm going to have to have shit.