I have an inside contact in NPI

Just checked into my hotel. Settling down now.
Part 1 on 4chan.
AMA, will answer within reason.

Other urls found in this thread:


Will you tell me what these fucking acronyms mean???????


Why haven't you punched Richard Spencer yet?

Yeah, I already knew "AMA". I just can't keep up with all these fucking half-assed acronyms I'm expected to know. This doesn't mean I know a goddamn thing about NPI

How do they feel about Trump in general? Do they hate how he doesn't go full 1488 or do they accept the slow and steady pace of eroding the eternal jew's hold that Trump is trying to spearhead?

Primary funders and shot callers outside the organization?

ask Spencer if traps are gay.
If he says no, you know what to do.

is richard spencer even aware of how much damage he's done to pro-whites the way he's gone about things?


FBI was here.
CIA is a loser.

Why does everyone suck Spencer's dick? He's so obviously faggy and wrong sometimes, and nobody calls him out. Do they not want to be banished from the cool table?

When is Spencer going to step down for being an ineffective leader?

Who are Spencer's inner circle? Do you think Spencer is some kind of asset under the wing of another person or group? How NS are most of the people there on a scale of 1-10?

Bad look, fam. I'm not Antifa.

I'm here to answer questions.

Better after C'ville. He won't cuck. Though I missed the second set of comments on it. Slow and steady is a winning strategy. Blitzkreig isn't the only way.


Traps are gay. Liking Traps is gay. Not recognizing a trap is a trap?

You mean C'ville, not Spence.

Get the fuck out if you're not 100% aware that Dicky's controlled op and go back to Fox News comment sections.

"ineffective" is an understatement. if i didn't know any better i'd think he's trying to destroy pro-white positions with his retardation.

Go LARP elsewhere.

Not quite. No huge secrets outside of events and locations.

I don't care enough to follow what is 99% to be a LARPer. Give us the juiciest 2 or 3 things you know. A paragraph a piece and I'll let you know if I'm interested… this ain't cuckchan.

How many CIA agents have you met?
Are you one yourself? Any openly practicing freemasons?

You have to go back to cuckchan on your way back to reddit.

wouldn't be surprised if he was. i honestly haven't been following closely lately.
don't make me puke, user.


No names. Larpus minimus effortus?

Have you hit any of the glow in the dark CIA niggers with your car?

Kek. Hello, newfag.

Also if you're legitimate dox everyone you associate with that also associates with NPI right fucking now, I want to see what connections I can make. If OP won't do this he's either CIAlt-Right or a LARPer

Texas and Florida will fail. The Feds will use the Fields incident to suppress 1a.
They will go to the PNW.

All the time.

Have you acknowledged the fact that the entire "alt right" is a controlled opposition movement designed to trap whites in anti-white Duginist ideologies?

No. Elaborate?

Look at the chart I posted earlier. NPI stemmed from Regnery Publishing which is a well known CIA front that publishes both zionist and white nationalist literature.
Paul Gottfried(jew) and William Regnery II(Regnery Publishing Heir) mentored Richard Spencer and passed NPI onto him.

It perfectly explains spencer's pro-zionist, pro-Dugin, and pro-fag views.

I'll post a better chart in a second it's not uploading well now.

better chart

So are you a top or a bottom in the Phalanx?

When no one else will step up to the challenge, you get ineffective speakers like Spencer. Frankly I'm amazed that even Spencer decided to risk his life for this cause.
Not because it is not worth dying for but because it seems our people are disgusting cowards.
And yes, I'm being a hypocrite because here I am saying everyone is a coward. I'm a coward too. However I don't have the means to be an effective leader. If I had Spencer's cash, I'd try my hand at it and see how far I get. Maybe some day but for now I know my place is to disseminate propaganda, not to try to build organizations.

He outright said it wasn't a genocide

So literally every pro-white that is known is CIA?

No, just those who choose to associate with the CIAlt-Right.

He deserves to be punched in the teeth for this bullshit.
t. Ukrainian

Dâily Stôrmer talks about the holohoax a lot.

failyspergler is also ran by Anglin who is a racemixer, pedophile, and promoter of islam via the h'uwite sharia psyop

He should fucking die for that. You know he's a Russian stooge via his whore wife.

He's a holodomor denier. He's just as bad as antifa. The left literally condone the holodomor.

Remember who's an actual ally to Europe.

Anglin is bandwagoning and doesn't have anything to do with them

That's what the shills want you to believe.

A child's mentality. I have yet to meet a single White person who actually believed that who wasn't a shill themselves. However I am certain that many people have fallen for your propaganda. Blackpilling White nationalists has always been the goal of anti-White organizations.

1. The Pacific Northwest garnered their attention over the last 2 weeks.
2. Speculations are surfacing about Jason Kessler and his past. He could actually be an Obama plant. Obama moved his former strategist into his home


Okay so how much a faggot is McMaster and John Kelly? Do the CIA ever complain about White House staff and if so who? Or do they give you hollywood spy speak everytime they see you?

Do the CIA banepost?

All of those things that you mention about Anglin are factually wrong and are the things that jews spread about him. Why are you so mad?


That includes 90% of White nationalists.
Basically you're saying that you want us to believe that EVERYONE is a shill except for a select few individuals.
Name for me one White nationalist organization you don't want to shut down

Maybe I'm the village idiot for asking this, but why xpost this here?

He is mad, no? Why are you acting like a little bitch by reporting me?

If anything is blackpilling it's the alt-kike retards who say

I hate that fuck so much.

Holla Forums always knew but does he hate the fact that now everyone knows he was a plant and Cville was staged af?
Has he reached out in any way to help those who were doxxed with his millions of dollars?
Glad the ecelebs are done larping and the majority didn't fall for this nonsense.

You don't argue like a White person. You argue like a Jew. One more Kike-post from you and I will KNOW you are an anti-White shill and you get filtered like all the other anti-White shills.

Notice how when you ask these Kikes to name ONE pro-White organization they don't hate, they NEVER respond. That is because they want you to remain isolated and helpless.

Only through organization comes power ~William Pierce

And now i actually like him

Look at his post history. It started well enough but you see him resort to reddit spacing and going full retard. It's not that hard to assume where he hails from.

probably because you promote the CIAlt-Right which is an anti-white phony movement designed to trick Whites into promoting National Bolshevism.

also: I'm not trying to argue with you, CIAltists have fallen for a massive demoralization campaign carried out at the behest of your jewish thought leaders.

I support organization, but you support a false organization that does not have the best interests of whites in mind.
Keep doubling down on that same script

Why the fuck there are so many people running over other europeans with cars?

I mean, its all over the news, why you guys are letting this kind of thing happen, someone need some leverage to test some new technology?

My take is that someone is testing something in the population, in a large experiment all around the world, but why? What kind of technology could be the pivot for this experiment, and even better. Why the fuck people are going crazy? Do you hear that Kill Bill song in your head yet? They have it in your sector?

Why is an org necessary? Wouldn't the best course of action be meeting IRL and building contacts?

He thought that the whole "White Sharia" thing would be a good way to trip leftists up by making them really think about why they are allowing Islamic Sharia. In many articles he has explained that "White Sharia" is just a name and it refers to patriarchal ideals. Of course all of this hasn't worked out too well.
This "jailbait gf" thing was many years ago. Not everyone is born NatSoc like you supposedly were. Some people act very stupidly before arriving at the truth. Anglin was one of those people.

How about you name an organization that is somehow immune to infiltration and subversion by agencies more expansive and paranoid than they've ever been since their inception 70 years ago, and why they're immune? There's a million red flags for Dicky you slimy kike, imitating us isn't going to work

The chans are more influential than people know, plus, everyone is user

This place is a honeypot. Its fucking lovely.

But still, they're using it to hide something for us. What?

Will they catalog all the anons and experiment with them, so that anime become real?

It's still a shit idea his rationale behind it is irrelevant, equating pro-white ideals with islam will never help whites.

Normalizing letting Google drive for us, duh

I have never promoted the "Alt-Right". Do not suggest that I have.
And do not imply that I would ever promote something that includes the word "Bolshevism". Many of my relatives died at the hands of those yids.

The reddit spacing meme is childish. No one not a shill actually uses that as a legitimate argument. The oldest post here is "reddit spaced"

On the internet, it is polite to space ideas apart for legibility. No one gives a shit about phone users. Go get a laptop.
Anyway, you have proven with your words that you are not White
WHITE people argue with logic. (((You))) argue with distractions.
Filter the obvious Kikes

Filter the obvious Kikes

I have found that Holla Forums conversations get remarkably better when you filter the obvious "kikes"
In truth these idiots are probably just Shabbos Goyim from salt-left or anti-White self hating Whites but in truth they are nothing but wannabie Jews.

Hopefully, I'll see you again on the Day of the Rope.


The tactic he was going for is not bad but the way he did it was pretty shit due to the significant amount of confusion it has created.

None. Does that mean that organization is a bad thing? No. Nothing has ever come from lack of organization other than failure. Organization is how the Jews dominate society. And ALL of Jewish propaganda is expressly (they literally admit this) designed to stop White people from forming organizations to fight for our collective interests.

Yes. That is vital. I'd give just about anything to form an American Golden Dawn.

I just sperged because you defended Anglin, you're right though you didn't ever defend the big-tent faggotry that is "alt-right"

I don't really get why you like anglin though, I guess he is good for mobilizing people and I admit I'd genuinely like the guy and forgive his past transgressions if he dropped fucking (((weev))) and all the white sharia bullshit.
I think getting him in on Race Queen's hosting / meido's VPS will be a step in the right direction for him tbh

There won't be one if you keep falling for CIAlt-Right memes.

I still think it ultimately harmed whites and caused a white man who was fighting for the right cause to go astray and get v&.

Relinquishing control of our evil assault vehicles in order to let them drive themselves (and mysteriously swerve 5 lanes over to hit Putin's butler)

Of course it isn't a bad thing unless its PUBLIC and brought up in TIME MAGAZINE before anyone knows what the fuck it is, like the altright. A good rule is in f you're in the US and you've heard of it, it isn't legit. Unlike Golden Dawn and likely Nordfront and whatever Pole/Hungarian groups which seem legit and public because they don't have millions of feds up their asses.

I like Anglin because I am not an internet savvy person and he was the first Pro-White site that I came across. His stuff seems good to me most of the time. Most importantly he has never cucked out on talking about the jews or holohaox like Spencer has, and has never supported stupid shit like TRS does.

From what I have seen he has not been using the "White Sharia" term at all lately. But yes, it certainly was not a good idea and has resulted in a mess that could have easily been avoided. But shit happens. Just got to keep on moving forward.

*A good rule is if

When did that happen? Recently a whale was hit by a car and killed but I don't morn the deaths of degenerate animals that lack agency.

You know, human beings don't throw feces around when they get upset. But Marxists do. Thus, logically, Marxist trash are not human.

I suppose it is kind of sad to see certain species go extinct but honestly, the SJW animal was doomed from the start to permanent extinction. No matter who wins the coming struggle, every single anti-White traitor will be put to death. Either on tdotr or by raving mad Blacks who rape and torture them to death.

I see. And you don't think there's nothing more into it? All those NSA leaks, the zero year thing…

Don't you think they're using those bitcoin mines to outsource processing power, and giving actual money, not much, but enough for, lets say, a large chunk of processed data?

I mean, you could use the bitcoin farmers to process all those surveilance data, and pay the farmers with the so called bitcoins.

It would all be a ruse just to make people do the government work for them, you know?

How did you go from sidewalk sprees to Bitcoin? Stop tinfoiling the thread, its offtopic anyway

That is idiotic. The MSM covers most topics with their propaganda. If you think coverage = support, you don't understand how the Jews operate, nor do you grasp how lemmings perceive the "news"

If the Jews didn't talk about anti-Jew organizations, then the public would hear about them from the organizations themselves. And if you understand anything about sociology and propaganda, you would understand that first impressions are everything.

This pretty much, I actually like his content I think I just sort of inherently dislike him because he associates with the alt-right

tbh I think all the 'car attacks' are a way for the judeo-masonic elites to push self-driving cars that 'cant be weaponized'
not saying they're false flags, just that the idea was seeded and will eventually be crafted into a pro-automated automobile narrative.

8/pol/. You're here, so why don't you explain to the rest of us why you and your alt-kike friends don't fucking get it when we tell you we aren't going to be a part of your cianigger fanclub?

Nigger we just saw Cville which was the most obvious controlled op imaginable. Everyone who walked into that said the same shit you are saying now. Show me an organization in the US who avoided it and called it out for what it was. You can't.

Yeah, yeah, but they're activating lots of sleepers in a small time frame.

Something must be on the food, and something must be on the media to push those people. Clearly its something from within the government and media. Like a big circus.

Surveilance its all about data gathering and data processing, giving people a currency for processing data is incredible, but imagine if they were oblivious of what they were doing? How else could the "government" survey everything and process large chunks of information?

I say there's something else going on in those places. They're activating lots of people at once, in several places.

Imagine if suddenly you were breathing manually (there are some things that can block your nerves and that would make you breathe manually), and the television says it will only come back to normal if you actually die, or if you kill as many persons as you can. Then a news report of someone that did the same, and a car renting ad or something like thtat shows up.

Even though the real "submission drug" only work for a few minutes, those ads and news report could induce the person into something IF THE FUCKING TOOLKIT IS ACTIVE.

Little off topic?

Thats why I always oppose these "we need a group" suggestions. Solo red pilling IRL, networking, flyers & Holla Forums is the way to go. Anons can last indefinitely.

Nothing is offtopic when confronting the honeypot character.

Be a little less obvious with your derailing, alphabet-kun

Its not fucking derailing if it explains the terrorist behaviour.

Freemasonry=faggotry so of course.

Well tell us something op, ffs you're the one who said they had info from the NPI.

Posters/Banner work is not well received here.

That wasn't terrorism

Anti-White, no one thinks 8/pol/ is an organization except Jews and anti-White shills.

Thankyou for identifying (((yourself)))

Filter the obvious Kikes

Who? The SJWs? They don't have the discipline to form sleeper cells. While I never advocate underestimating an enemy, I am not concerned with antifa or SJWs in general. They are the most pathetic trash that ever existed. I'm far more worried about the MSM and Cuckservatives. Leftists are obnoxious, but nothing worries me more than the MSM meming a "new, catchy conservative" ideology into existence. White people need to see no other option than standing up for their race.

Never got around to doing them myself (prefer the conversations). How come?

That ID.
I DID tell you something. I have a connection within NPI, I am not in NPI myself, just a leak. I don't know about gov agents infiltrating, them BEING government, I'll tell everything I can, but I don't know what you want to know.

We'll probably get an American Hezbollah before anything else, rallies and marches absolutely cannot work in this environment period. The only way to keep it from being fucked by the media would be if everyone were in full rancher attire on horseback because there's no way to make that look anti American

Just let them shit up the thread, because it's the best way to show that the anti-Spencer guys are shills.

They call you a shill. I've personally overseen operations and brought them here. Got gassed.

Just give us names of movers and shakers so we can find more CIA/Dugin/kike connections

I don't think it's MKULTRA so much as subliminal messages and jihadi handbooks going around paired with shit like 'whit sharia' that tries to equate pro-white ideals with islam.
They don't need to drug people when they're drugging themselves.

Do you know the identities of any of their jewish backers?

A bad goy in this area was arrested for posters reading "A storm is coming".

Didn't know there were any.

Weird. Always assumed they were useful if done correctly.


CIAniggers, fucking newfag.

Hey let's go back to TRS.jizz and trade dick pics and trap anime together

I don't know TOR ID's, or I recognized it as a TOR ID.
My understanding was that the chans banned TOR.

They're not on the level of glow in the dark CIA Niggers yet, they're CIAlt-Right.

They are, but people here are CONSUMED with finding shills.

Traps are not gay you faggots.

dude pan-eurasian globalism lmao

Guess how I know you aren't from around here?


You are not pro-white for starters, because you never post any pro-white memes in the threads you post.

Here is Anglin's latest article, for you to rage over.

I want to cave her face in

Shills figured out they could dilute the term if they called everyone else a shill for no reason, also at least one of our mods is rogue and tries to keep 8/pol/ contained so that we don't have another With Open Gates take off. There, you're caught up, stop acting triggered

Yeah these Holla Forums weebs are D&C kikes for pointing out that Ghoul likes to fuck based trannies, boo hoo hoo it's fucking nothing, know what I mean?

You don't think she haven't suffered enough?

I am pro-white and it pisses me off that people think anti-white controlled opposition KIKEs like Spencer and the rest of the CIAlt-Right are pro-white.

And why would I rage over Anglin's articles, I already said I like a good 80% of his content. He can easily rectify his past transgressions(racemixing and white sharia)


Having a traitor in your ranks is worse than the enemy in the streets


I've seen some get applauded. There's one in the catalog right now. Holla Forums isn't an organized hierarchy with orders from the top. It's more like a wild west nazi saloon or a Hitler-themed oasis.

Elle's mother must have fucked an ayylmao.

she fucked a bottle of malt liquor tbh

As put it, anti-White shills try to discourage poster activism here. In fact, anti-White shills try to discourage EVERYTHING productive. Hence why I advocate filtering them.

As for shunning organization, that is foolish. ZERO revolutions have ever happened without organization. That is why all the great men of our race have tried to build them and why the Jews actively send shills to discourage organization.

Hello anti-White shill. Goodbye anti-White shill. Thankyou for identifying yourself.

You are not.

If you were, you would have understood that spamming this shit don't convince anybody, outside that lurkers thin the 8/pol/acks are lunatics, as you have driven the sane posters away with the spamming.

I won't get a good answer to this, because you are paid to shit up like the rest that spam the same over and over.


no one on Holla Forums likes spencer. The fact that you think that makes you a obv newfag. no one on Holla Forums is alt kike either.

By everyone I obviously didn't mean Holla Forums, retard. Why would I ask a guy with a contact in NPI about Holla Forums?

Here is the spamming I was talking about.

You have clearly over done it, btw.

Looks like down syndrome, also has fish mouth.
I swear I think a lot of the problems society has is due to allowing mentals out of the sanitarium and allowing them to push political ideas.

Exposing the jewish alt-kike for what it is isn't spamming.
I don't much care if I convince people CIAlt-Right idios are just as demoralized as antifa - I'm only interested in disseminating the truth.

Got it.
I'm for organization but under the radar.

I am a DS reader and even I consider the TRS forums to be fucking strange. It seems more like a weird social club than a pro-White forum.

She looks like Andrew Anglin's sister Chelsea Anglin, two ugly dogs that need to be put down.

You are so second generation warfare it hurts.

this, and guess who did it, Ronnie Reagan the amnesty promoting israel lover.

Hello Kike

Filtered and Reported.

top cucks of all christcucks tbh

I just filter them. That is why I love threads that involve White nationalist organizations. It always draws in the anti-White shills and after a good filtering, conversations drastically improve. Less faggoty D&C and more intelligent conversations. Shills know that they can't come out and say "don't get organized, stupid goyim" most of the time. But they can get away with D&C bullshit. The lemmings are easily swayed by consensus cracking but fortunately, serious White nationalists are almost immune to the kind of socialization schemes the Jews use to change ideas and beliefs.

same script every time, SAD!

It is, because you have done it so much that nobody sane you don't get paid.

Nobody of you that post shit about public pro-whites, ever post any pro-white memes along the Spencer is CIA/a Kike/a Duginist spamming, but we are to buy that you are pro-whites?

Neck yourself, TRSodomite, nobody here's interested in your "inclusive" group of faggots, niggers, and spics.


If those will fail where else are they targetting and if you know, when?
Also what does
Stand for?


Are you implying saying Holla Forums doesn't like Spencer is spamming? Because I'm pretty sure I don't like Spencer. He's a faggot, closet Marxist. And you're new here.

That's so edgy bruh.

Reminder that all those who support spencer are supporting this

Those images contain viruses. Do not download them.


These are your new leaders white man, either accept them or you're anti-white D&C kike, who cares if they are faggots, married to jews and so forth.

Sure thing, someone being forced to do something by an outside agent is clearly as terrorism as someone running over europeans with trucks.

Whoever controls the media in your territory. Look at the names of the politicians, and how they're chosen and ellected. Pay close attention, those guys are clearly involved in all those "terrorist acts".

If you have a substance that will change the effects of wharever the fuck someone is into, yeah, they're drugging the subjects with other things, lad.

Why do you think islam works? Why suddenly you're remembering that nasheed? Its all connected to MKU.

Why don't you ever post any pro-white memes, along the insult against public pro-white faces?

It's almost as if you work fro the anti-whites?

fucking what are you saying? are you saying that most people are MK'd to some degree

Looks like Sperglin's tard army are raiding us LOL

How's the 8th grade going?

Is exposing anti-white false flaggers not pro-white in and of itself?

Download a hex editor and open the image in it. Or open the image in a viewer in a vm and find out.

You might be one of the bonkers one, rather than paid, on second notice.

just post what you see laddo.

This is what a CIA Infiltrator looks like

I hate TRS.
And for the record, I think Andrew Anglin is a fool and find the DS useless for propaganda purposes. Yes, I get that it's amusing and he is a good writer, but Andrew is impulsive and that is dangerous. He pushes bizarre memes like White Sharia and is a real believer. Also, and I will get flack for this, Andrew doesn't understand propaganda. He occasionally calls for poster bombing campaigns and that is a good thing. But he fails utterly in understanding that if you want effective propaganda, you need consistency
He advocates random, individualistic propaganda that is very ineffective and doesn't realize how wrong that is. You know, during Hitler's rise to power, one of the posters the NSDAP used was simply a picture of Hitler on a black background with the word
and nothing else.
Good fucking god is that shameless. Yet so effective. The name, seen everywhere, will stick in people's minds and got him elected. Brilliant. He would never have won with Andrew in charge.

I also hate Spencer for being an incompetent, poor speaking, stuttering, naïve fool.

So if I hate the TRS folks, why am I defending them you ask?
Well, I filter people who when I advocate organization respond with arguments like

Try embedding something into your post in TOR, you fucking idiot. Holy fucking shit how new are you?
Not only that, but you rely on nothing other than the lack of images on my behalf to try to distance yourself from the fact you're a fucking TRSodomite? Again, neck yourself.

RICHARD SPENCER spreads pro-white memes, you do not, and you think pro-white will believe you?

Come on, you can't be this stupid, so it must be that you are doing it to shit up the thread?


I'm saying its easier to just drug the entire sector, and just gather intel in the days those populations are in the memory drug.

Then you just use the intel gathered in those days to force people into the "i know your entire life and all your shit" vibe.

Then either you use that to push people, or create an entire enviroment based on those memories and things gathered, to activate the subject you want.

Its fucking easy.

No boots on the ground, just money laundry for hotshots in washington (or other disposable figures that the "shadow government" can get rid later).

No, it's just that a lot of the people you're arguing with have very, very low IQ's.

Capitalizing jew probably isn't winning their hearts and minds.

And you're switching VPNs? Holy fucking shit nigger try harder I can't believe folks from a forum for the alt-right give this much of a fuck about one of the only fucking places on the internet people keep from namefagging.

I like this one better 1 word Ja! + picture of Adolf Hitler.

I'm not, and you are still not posting anything pro-white, even though you claim to be the pro-whitest of us all. Why?

Is 'faggotry isn't going away' pro-white?
Is 'If me and bibi netanyahu sat down for beers we'd see eye to eye' pro-white
Is "America doesn't have a jewish problem" pro-white?
Is "faggotry is white bro" pro-white?

Spencer might be explicitly pro-white but he is implicitly an anti-white National Bolshevik
He exists to trap you in Bolshevism with all the same faggotry, racemixing, and pro-israel sentiments we have now - why do you support him?
You ignore all the evidence that he's a NazBol, are you really interested in saving the white race from demographic displacement and zionist hegemony or are you just in it for the memes and "good optics" dickie ficki provides.

Well yea, everybody has known since grade school that

And checked.

Indeed. We need a list. Jews will try to blend into society when tdotr begins to happen. We must remember who the traitors and Jews are lest we repeat the mistakes of the past.

Well, that may be the case. Unfortunately, at least some of the anti-organization people here are sincere. But their arguments all originate with Jews.

I capitalize all proper nouns and that includes every ethnic group. I do so because I believe it is proper to do so. If William Pierce capitalized "Jew" I will as well. I have always capitalized ethnic and racial groups. If you want to try to use that to shill against organizations, go right ahead.

We need more posters like this. These were effective.

I don't doubt this tbh, MKULTRA never ended it just expanded its scope

Honestly, TRS and Holla Forums just don't fit. Namefags have always been looked down on here, and their forum was swiftly reaching somethingawful-tier injoke snarks and inner-circling. They also never really liked us and considered us basement-dwelling weebs who are ruining their movement somehow by posting anime hitlers. There was always going to be some animosity. A lot of people here got redpilled through nigger jokes, ED, Holla Forums, and internet culture. Most of the TRS guys got redpilled through libertarian facebook groups and shit like that. They're just too normalfag.

You have spammed the same images over and over so many times, yet are unable still unable to post anything pro-white?


You can go ahead and fuck off with the fake bullshit, it doesn't take much to recognize someone by the syntax they use for each post. Shill somewhere else with you're cianigger garbage.
Also, it doesn't take much to point out your faggot pic is anti-white.

Why do you always dodge? Is it because you know I'm right about your phony movement but you're too demoralized to acknowledge it?

Its possible to hijack the television signal with the right toolkit and insert things in the screen, that makes it even harder to find the insertion point.

You know, if you just change the words in the documents, and insert "terrorism" and other "terrorist actions" in the things that the researchers could push the subjects into doing, its easily explainable how it could be done to push people into islam.

who are you and why should we care

He's just avoiding the important things.

You are still not posting anything pro-white, but concentrate on discrediting other pro-whites as much as you can, and you still think anybody will believe you?

I fucking refuse to believe you can be this stupid, ergo you are paid to destroy.

That's not my problem with them. The White Sharia meme originated with TRS if I'm not mistaken. That is disgracefully stupid. Also, the whole Mike Enoch mess. It's just bad optics. HE is bad optics. I wish antifa would do us a favor and assassinate him so we would have a dead "martyr" rather than a live imbecile.

Regrettably, I don't have the skill to do that. If someone could play a video like this one over the regular Fox evening "news," that would do more for our race than most individuals have ever done.


he IS an obama plant, he supported obama ~8 months ago

You still can't understand that that signal is only hijacked to activate the subjects.

Do you think that the psychiatric agenda(pushing ZOG pills) is accelerating this process?

Regrettably, I don't have thRegrettably, I don't have the skill to do that. If someone could play a video like this one over the regular Fox evening "news," that would do more for our race than most individuals have ever done.e skill to do that. If someone could play a video like this one over the regular Fox evening "news," that would do more for our race than most individuals have ever done.
Doesn't the UK still broadcast TV over the airwaves? Look into what the 'toynbee tiles' guy was doing with TV and radio piracy, that could be a good way to disseminate the truth providing the area you're doing it in still has analog signals.

over cable, signal piracy is a lot harder and a lot riskier but it can still be done if you have balls of steel.

The ones that shit on public pro-white faces while they claim to be pro-white, never post anything pro-white.

That is what paid shills do, so it's quite the (((coincidence))), don't you think?

It's not very hard to understand, unless your salary depends on you not understanding it?


Understanding how your enemy thinks means you are the enemy now?
You cant even construe that one to be interpreted by the reader as Spencer's endorsment of ricemixing, who makes these wojak brainlet tier memes
Hitler said something similar but I'm sure hitler is too much of a lefty commie for you shills

This is why I left Holla Forums after posting here since its inception, after the election it went to shit because of garbage posts like yours. Had to check by tonight and confirm that its still full of garbage posts like these, good thing I found mpc and decent discord groups to replace Holla Forums with.

fucking keyboard.

Meant to say if you're in a place with analog signal study what the toynbee tiles guy did with signal piracy. I think all of his schematics and shit are out there somewhere.

Not my intent.

I think mental disorders are something that can be fabricated by a third party. Wouldn't you use it to fabricate terrorists?

Check the ID and read the other posts.

Its possible to fabricate terrorists with some fancy toolkit and the right intel gathering system.

and more importantly, they provide zero value from a learning/red pilling perspective.


So my presumption was correct, you and the ONE guy trying to force the "cialt-right" meme are one in the same. Is this what you do Jamal? Force shitty memes and rely on being able to attempt to call people an "alt-right shill" for saying your meme sucks when you're not screeching about muh imkampfy boogeyman because he's the pepe and you're the wojak in your own personal peepee poopoo comic?

Myth; unrepresentative quote.

Keep doubling down, CIAlt-Right shill.

When you don't acknowledge them as an enemy it sure looks that way.


Always the same script with you kike shills.

Reminder pic related from cuckchan is just a sample of what altkike shills think when you pester them long enough about jq.

Well, I will not change my style just because some people disapprove.

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Did you mean SJW cells, leftist cells, White nationalist cells, or Islamic terrorist cells? Sorry.

Yeah. I avoid TRS like the plague. They even look diseased.
As you said, they're basically useless to everyone. But god damn if they aren't persistent.

Every scenario work the same way.

Its the same model applied to all online and offline operations.

is this hyper-game-theory?

Spencer just tweetet out this:

What kind of pro-white stuff have you done, outside telling us that the all the public pro-white faces are kike/CIA/Duginist shills?

The guy at the leftist rally is clearly much older.

Spencer confirmed for autistic?

OP is a LARPing faggot confirmed.

If I screencap your post and post it in whatever /sudo/ thread you're crying about Holla Forums moderation in, are you going to pretend I'm a mod and """""""""""""""stalked""""""""""""""" you across boards again?

Dugin effectively wants to erase the Russian identity and create some sort of new Khazar Empire or something. He's a kike and anyone associating themselves with his beliefs are not pro-White.

May be the older version of the operative manual, but it is applied into each and every "democratic country".

If you control the decision making centers, and everyone around, all you gotta do is wash money in the right places, with the right store names. Its almost a self sustaining enviroment that can, yes, go rogue and form a terrorist cell. Yes.

It works in each and every democracy in the planet. The same model, repeated for ever, each time, becoming more efficient, fool proof, and stealthy.

The question is, who in the world would be conducting or at least supervising those operations?

I legitimately don't understand what you're getting at.

hail eris amirite dude? lmao i kno im pretty random


You nigger.


It's 1919 dubs you stupid fucking faggots.
I hate you idiots. Fuck you.

Pacific Northwest

those are called nubs you faggot

Full disclosure, motherfucker.

The US government is supervising operations all across the globe to fabricate terrorists.

That means infiltrating into the democratic system and transforming it into a cleptocracy, and creating terrorists to make the population look the other way, thinking that those "defense" departments need a lot of found or else the terrorists will destroy their carefully constructed consensus.

You're here for this long and you're still not understanding what is going on in your country.

Hail eris, motherfucker.

Infiltrating a democratic country can't be that hard.

Since when? Never, that's why. You sure are pathetic, trying so hard to prove you're not a stupid newfag.

I know what TOR is, I USE it.


Damigo is not.
If Spencer IS, WE aren't 100%

nice id faggot

you can get normal IDs on tor if you're using the tor network under a VPN

Thanks Alphabetchan


please fuck off back to your circlejerk
thank you

Obviously. That's pretty basic. Everyone knows that outside of lemmings.

I'm sorry for not understanding what you were talking about. No offense intended, but your writing style is… odd.

In any case, it is still a good idea to hack Fox news and play pro-White propaganda. Honestly, the more terrorist attacks, the better. ZOG is playing a tricky game by finding terrorists across the world. If they overstep their terrorist campaign, the lemmings will lose faith in the System and be open to our message.

Of course, in order to attract the lemmings, we would need a pro-White organization to protect them. This fact is why the anti-White shills come to these boards and shill up the threads. The Jews are getting worried.

Whats that? The woman that got run over.

Why you don't like discordianism?

makes me think

when the content produced on this site becomes so bad, I would rather read their posts than this shit. Imagine if tumblr was anonymous and Holla Forums was a namefagging board, which would you choose.

never said I didn't :^)

That alleged incident RE Fields, yes.

I mean, he went to the University of Chicago.

Its all a fucking scenario. All staged, the actors, the oposition, its almost as if someone was trying to show the president that public opinion and terrorism are the two things that are under control.

Though we all have many disagreements, we all definitely agree on one thing.
pic related.

Direct your eyes toward the Pacific Northwest. What's happening?

I don't know what is happening? I'm in the midwest

Dunno, you tell me.

What are the broadcasters of that region?

So essentially what you are saying is that everything is completely under control of the Jews. Nothing happens anywhere that isn't part of their plan. And there is no hope because everything is under their control.

If that is the case, how do we know you aren't part of their plan?

Antifa in Seattle. Antifa in Cascadia competing with Identity Cascadia on the freeways with Atomwaffen……..NPI

If this is true stream / thread where? I want to see antfags an AW go it it fucking badly.

"Competing", not fighting. It was a propaganda war. AWD+IC v. Antifa/Cascade Commies

what movie is that webm from plz?

you got me all excited for a happening.

Look at all those blank stares, those copy pasted faces. Mongrels absolutely fucking disgust me. What a useless whore for popping out all those little shit nuggets.

It's a shame the black pill isn't fatal.

would you detail how texas and florida will supposedly fall?
does it involve the gun laws in texas pretty much saying that you can shoot people who vandalize statues?


Fields is the thing they needed to suppress 1a

well would you tell me what 1a refers to? it seems googling florida law 1a isn't so helpful

oooh wait you mean free speech, nvm

In a sense it is fatal. Once one believes the blackpill, one becomes useless to our race. Might as well be dead.

A lot has been happening in the PNW in the last few days and weeks. If you're wondering what the "next step" is with regard to gatherings, that is where it will be. Eyes are on it right now, as we speak.
1. Oregonlive.com
2. Wweek.com
3. Rawstory.com

As a true blue Northwest native this saddens me.

What are the demographic and political plans for the PNW in the future?

What do you mean by Texas and Florida failing?

You do not understand the levels of subversion we are undertaking as we speak. The Jews think they control the narrative, but we are writing it. Do they realize?

Not a chance.

Their plans aren't worth shit when we get a freak blizzard, typhoons, massive earthquakes volcanoes, lahars, tornadoes and tsunamis. The Cascades wipe themselves clean of the weak every couple hundred years. One way or another, they'll be gone and the strong will remain. It's hard land for hard people.

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center if a tootsie pop.

Checkmate LARPer

The recent attempt to speak there, post C'ville

Plenty of peoples throughout history have said the same thing aobut nearby mountains and still been invaded and conquered and subjugated.

In my opinion, war isn't at a stage anymore where it's worth dying for the Northwest. War is MRAPs, drones and air strikes and you're stupid if you think small arms militia neckbeards are going to accomplish anything there.

You're right though, St Helens and Yellowstone are our best bet.

In any case, these incidents have drawn the eyes of people in the organization, who are considering reaching out to True Cascadia or another group. Why though? Unless….Florida WILL for sure fall through….

Isn't that the fag-friendly TRSodomite version of the Northwest Front?

We as in pro-Whites, or we as in NPI?

Either way, what narratives/memes do you or NPI believe to be a top priority at present?

While obviously Holla Forums and/or shills aren't a huge fan of NPI (I remain neutral since the bashing of any and all pro-White voices, faces, and organizations is obviously a top priority for shills), what does NPI think of Holla Forums?

No. They left TRS over disagreements. They posted anti-sodomite propaganda in this town

Aren't they involved with Grindr Greggy?

I can't say what TC is doing, but the news is being written for the press, by /ourguys/ out here.


Ok OP, maybe you can be useful. Try to pass message to NPI and Spencer to organize next rally in New Jersey.
Check pics related.

Theres a real possibility that one very soon will be there, Antifa was declared a terrorist organization in Jew Jersey.
PNW appears a priority, from my sourcefag

But that being said, there would be no violent, organized resistance to a gathering there.

It's win-win situation. Either antifa is too lazy to read up on laws, shows up and gets shot, as terrorists that they are. Or if they don't show up, you guys can have your speeches and get message out, which wasn't possible with C'ville.

What are Spencer's reasons for his repeated anti-White actions?
1. Inviting poopdick Donovan to speak and disinviting Heimbach from one NPI
2. Inviting gook slut and jewbitch fivehead to attend last NPI
3. Defending queers in general; he doesn't have to attack them but he shouldn't defend them
4. Having a mudperson based persian as editor of his website
5. Having a pajeet on his patreon knockoff

Also, why does he have moobs?

Hopefully the Antifa kill Dickie Spencer and make a martyr out of this useless faggot.

What is the false flag for september going to be?

Florida failing, mates.

The government needed someone to die to censor the Alt Right. They are afraid.The media was NEVER SO FAST to deem ANYTHING terrorism.

They wont let Spence speak there, it WILL fail.


Those aren't dubs, nigger.

You are bad at your job, as is 4c6702. I don't think you are a paid for reply type so enjoy your "you". I'll leave the question of what exact type of shill you fags are up to the lurkers imagination.
Pro tip Re-read their posts while imagining they are using the same playbook, if not working together in the same cuck shed/cubicle.

Just saw that the mud person quit last week. While that is good, it still doesn't excuse Spencer for having the mud on his editorial staff in the first place and the question of his motivation for doing so remains.

The C'Ville fag rally was organized by a jew lol sooo Pro-White.

Guess they got wind of Spencer's quotes about exterminating niggers and jews. Hopefully other universities don't learn about Richard "put a spike in every kike" Spencer's long term strategy for making America great again.

This thread is bait to try and throw you off track. OP hasn't given a single good answer yet.

Throw who off? I gave several answers. Perhaps they weren't what you wanted to hear.

Best comment yet.




That coal burning whore deserves the gas chamber as much as any kike, race traitors are even worse than jews

fuck off kike

Wow i see you're still attacking pro whites who've the balls to do it publicly. The only real question is are you a kike shill, or a a beta jealous of those who say publicly what you're too afraid to

the trick is not to leave, but to combat them. Make no mistake these people are not idiots, they are kikes. Ask one of these anti spencer faggots who they do think is a good public member of the pro white community. They cannot answer as it is counter productive to their true objective, which is D&C. They may give you an answer if pressured but it will always be a long dead person, or somebody with no hope or charisma, or an actual fed

You had a fucking jew organize your fag rally in C'Ville, so Pro-White. Lol


This, the more damage antifa does the more likely "hecklers veto" will be upheld, it is shitty, but its true.

So you call somebody a jew without proof, call a pro white rally a fag rally, and then hope that convinces people that you're not a shill?

Jason Kessler a fucking jew organized your fag rally in C'Ville. Lol.

Right now you've accomplished helping the jew media in making some of the best anti white propaganda in years, congrats.

Oy vey goy, our media lies are the fault of pro white people. If you go back to being cucks we will stop attacking whites in the media. Just like how our media has been so pro white over the last 50 years

One of my contacts told me to stay away from the free speech rallies, saying they're just doxxing events, and that real WNs are planning on doing flash mob events from now on.

What do you guys have in mind?


I have in mind acting like men. Even if it were a kike setup, which it really wasn't they just exploited as everyone knew they would, the right thing to do was to attend. If we look unpopular the lemmings will have no time for us. Just think back to hitler, he formed the sa to protect his rallies when he faced very similar circumstances. He didn't turn into anitfa terrorists, nor did he advise people to cower away from the light. They continued to do what was necessary which meant public appearances and trained squads to counter communist thugs. It would have been better to wait longer before such a rally as we were growing in numbers just staying online but now it is too late. The movement cannot recede back into cyberspace now, anyone who suggests that is speaking from cowardice, no matter how much they attempt to claim they are being tactful. We can learn from charlottesville, but it was not really a defeat, it was simply a lesson

That is how National Action usually functioned. Blitzkreig. Show up in force, spread message, bail out. That's how many like IE and others are operating. Generation Identitaire do the same. We ought to learn from those who are more successful.

You, user, are wise. I wish I had more people like you *here*

People say this movement matters, but are scared. I've been doxed, fired, strewn through the media, and recovered just fine. Things are never as bad as they seem. Unless you're GLR. RIP.

GLR was probably set up


Absolutely Norwegian.

i feel like using a swastika is putting the horse before the carriage, you'd first have to redpill people on the holocaust otherwise you get put on the pay no mind list

It would be nice to win without making sacrifices, but we are well beyond the stage where that is still possible. Even if charlottesville was an overall loss, which is still yet to be confirmed, everyone who attended with good intentions are worthy of praise and respect. Serious discussion about symbols and slogans is required though, we need to be able to maintain natsoc ideology, though i feel the time for public swastikas is not yet. I feel like a complete cuck denouncing the handful of people who carried such flags, as we were bound to be called 'nazis' anyway, but there are still millions of people who would give us more of a chance without the klan hoods and swastikas on display. People with a mind which is not fully independent, but which have the capability to become so. And i get that our enemies carry anti white placards and communist flags, but we have to be smarter than they. We are at a disadvantage and so need to make every decision based on what is necessary for victory, not what is fair. A little bit of PR cucking is not so bad provided that the actual message and goals are not diluted, just their manner of delivery

If you look at the footage from Kesslers follow up the next day with the press, it looked like bad acting. Obama and his tactician planted this Kessler kike and he is out. Da goyim kno. And WE'RE shutting it down.

So is there anyone living who advocates for white survival which you have anything positive to say about?

What swastika? Who?

in the second image i replied to

PR cucking doesn't exist. This is a war of propaganda and information. You won't win with Swastikas. I wish it were possible. It is not.

That was Atomwaffen Division.

The Sonnenrad is the American equivalent of the Lambda in Europe.

It does get tough though. I deal with a lot of alt lite types on youtube, and they're packed with jews who use 'jewdo' in that they use our momentum against us. How it happens is that the far right successfully argue one point or another which moves the overton window to the right, but then one of the more influential figureheads like sargon will accept many of our viewpoints, yet continue to poison his listeners with egalitarianism. The worst or at least most annoying of these counter 'arguments' is that we practice identity politics, which means we're no better than our enemies, even though before us speaking up about it these same centrists had no problem with minority identity politics. We need symbols which exclude jews and civic nationalists, but which don't have 70 years of stigma attached

i think a better sign would be "Why did Germany turn on the Jews?" then the use of the swastika could be positive as it would bring attention to the question

To get another ebul nazi site shut down. Make the screen caps pretty for the news OP

Luckily, that's a delaying tactic. Keeping the pressure informs a huge number of people. Sometimes, just having an info overload leads to a redpill and the most effective way to shortcircuit an eceleb is just to make them argue against themselves.

Molyjew is a great example of this working. He was a special case in that, to his credit, he shifted his views to match up with evidence.

It's muslim, not European.

You're a retard if you think he didn't know that. Your point is so basic to us that it goes without saying, lurk for 2 years without posting nigger

In a sense this board is a honeypot. The US government has a list of every user that goes to cuckchan and h8chan. They heavily monitor browsing habits and extrapolate what skills and knowledge they have. They do this in case of a large scale happening such as a civil war or DOTR. We will most likely be political prisoners, and as such will be some of the first arrested and put into FEMA camps. If the user in the department of defense is right we could even possibly be given training and help were a civil war to happen. I hope we get that for YOTR From what I understand the FBI considers those we call true anons to be leaders and extremely politically dangerous though on the whole lacking any sort of guerrilla training. We call them NPC's, they call us dangerous.

post toasty to the bitter ya dig

Even Bezmenov points out the reality of how the entire location was cut off by the Soviet government, no one let in or out without a pass, and were intentionally starved to death because they resisted the collective farming system, or having their farms taken away from them like Zimbabwe etc. Bezmenov argues that you should always be extremely wary of "superhighway" systems, or anything that allows an entire section of the country to be easily cut off, which is why he brought it up.


Trips of truth. Spencer's purpose is to give pro-white goys a kosher choice.



Just around the corner. Any day now haha

fucking checked

The news is Jewish. Period.

The Florida event was planned on 9/11, Patriots day. They are targeting the Liberty District in a town in Oregon. Idk which yet.

Why are you saddened?
The PNW is the future home of all American born Europeans.

slide prevention post

I think they forget the fact that they are surrounded in their AIDS-riddled homosexual toilets of Seattle and Olympia, by the children of the loggers displaced for sake of a made up owl with help of local fagmasons and minerva occult child rapists. Violent leftist domestic terrorists won't penetrate far into the country surrounding the city state toilets, and on the contrary we're moving in on them. The pedophile Seattle mayor would rather see the Lenin statue be taken down than get pressure for child rape.

Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by negligence or stupidity

all hail discordia!


They're out there. Most of them are small. They generally get no help or next to no help. Most anons still ignore the legitimate pro-whites (a lot of them are just us). I will not dampen this simple point by applying a name to it right now. I'm also a different user.

My apologies for being a faggot and bumping faggot OP's faggot thread.
Fuck off plebbit cancer. Your terminology is going in the trash with your customs. You did not do anything while kikes took over your cancerous upboat shithole.

Do you think your contact would be able to get me an autographed picture of Richard Spencer himself?

Not even getting into the Dicky debate except to say that aphorisms like Hanlon's Razor are useless because even though something can adequately be explained by negligence or stupidity doesn't fucking mean that's what happened. That's fucking obvious so don't push that garbage meme.