The Last Jedi Ruined My Life!

The Last Jedi Ruined My Life!

Now THIS is Kino


Thanks anonkun.

I liked the last jedi and I like it even more knowing it's destroyed people and the image of star wars. fucking great.

That's what kino does to people

Female geeks don't exi-

They had Leia floating! Like a big LOSER!

Interesting to see the effect this movie is having on normies; hopefully this movie is remembered as the flaming dumpster fire it actually was.

Bravo Kathleen!

Based Sonja

Why do normies hate this movie so much? It was the perfect normalfag movie.


gib Sonya gf

you type like a redditor




Wearing pajamas is patrician-core for girls. The cutiest girls do that in my country all the time.

Why would an autistic gf choose you when there's a better, more handsome, taller, less autistic, higher IQ man out there waiting to marry her? Get real user.

I have a hard time believing this is real. For one thing, she should have known from The Force Awakens that they had ruined it.

This begs the question: at what point did she start crying and why wasn't she ejected?

Listen to the little girl. She says it's all because Luke died, no other reasons.

I always imagine a fresh young girl lying prone on my bed with fuzzy pink pajamas pulled down to reveal her tight young buttocks and anus
pure kino

Forcing the kino meme hard these kids are, I can't wait until winter break is over and the muppets go back to school.


Yep, I called out that this shit would happen back when Force Awakens came out, though its understandable that some plebs were just too blinded by Han Solo to notice.

She also mentioned the floating Leia scene, which is almost solely an internet meme. Definitely not something you'd cry about after the movie.

Didn't hear her. I've been fighting a bitch-kitty of a cold since a week before Christmas and my ears are still as plugged up as Elton John's asshole on "date night."

Good you never lost your sense of humor.

I think this girl legitimately has autism, listen to the way they're talking to her.


Died in more ways than one, and that's the most memorable thing in a sea of banal tumblr fanfiction that was this film.

And how many ppl have you talked to or seen irl discussing Star Wars? Oh wait, I bet Zero. How would you know. Anyways several ppl reported theater audiences laughing during that scene. So it probably happened in her theater as well.


It couldnt be that she's yelling, upset and msking a scene in public? Lol. 🤔

Cognisant enough to know about Kathleen Kennedy at least.

Nah, I've seen teenage girls have breakdowns in public over minor shit before, it's how it's being handled that interests me.

What the heck is strange about that? Whatever. Lol. Who cares.

Usually a parent would say "What the fuck are you whining for? It's a movie, stop making a scene" but how these people are reacting is surprisingly calm, they're laughing at her even.

Mickey: "Good going goy, memes will truly salvage this doodoo film. Haha!"

They all subconsciously agree with her.

On top of seeing it with a dozen people and that scene not even being brought up afterwards, I've talked to a few other people about TLJ and it just never came up.

internet reviewers are fucking liars and base their reviews off fan reaction and what's being discussed. That's why Angry Joe's review was point for point the "plot holes" brought up on Holla Forums and reddit.


Speaking as an occasionally-high-functioning autist, I can confirm that it's a crapshoot whether or not a parent castigates you for your behavior or just laughs.

Why are you so pissed off at me saying one tiny plotpoint in the movie is largely an internet meme equivalent to why en masse everyone refers to the "I hate sand" line despite it being entirely inoffensive.

I wanna comfort her with my cock tbh


Because it made Luke look like a dumb coward. This is the last Luke movie and it was shit.


Disney won't fail to kill even a little girl. Best be careful with your theatrics you little whore.

TFA made Han looks like a coward but nobody cared.

It's coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere. Get on our level, pleb.

Pick one.

Its accurate because jews are cowards.
They should had him clutching shekels.

See!? Even females hate this pozzed shit!

Nobody in my theater laughed.

Women can cry in public about anything. Most men just see this as an invitation to comfort them and most women are nearly in tears themselves due to their hormone soup.

Woman is easy mode of life.

Yep! Pretty much! Never had to go to war. Never had to provide for the family. All they had to do was cook and make babies.

Don’t misunderstand me; I’m quite fond of women. All men ae except faggots. We spend our whole lives making life easy for them. I just think a little gratitude would be nice, and maybe a bit less fucking up of Star Wars.

Giving Daisy a run for actress of the year

pick one

and she should have some light peach fuzz on her butt lol

Gratitude!? From modern women? You expect too much from them.
