Jew general

Jew here.

And i'm not going to apologize for shit my people did which i benefited greatly. So my question is what is your master plan? Do you really think you could defeat us?
We did what we had to to survive. We came to your lands with nothing but persecution biting our ass and we still made it.

What is pols endgame? redpilling everyone?

We are not perfect though. We have sadistic impulses because of what we have been through.

So what the fuck is your plan Holla Forums? before banning me keep in mind this is the only time you will have the chance speaking with an almost honest kike. Don't hate the player hate the game.

Watching news and spotting the next jew is the most stupid idea of a revolution ive heard. We don;t really care anyways

Why would you get banned from Holla Forums
All Holla Forums's been doing is promoting every neocon kike and allowing 90% of comments to promote neocon jewry while banning any non-jew querying why Holla Forums is solely sucking jew dick.
Worry not kike, this board is as kiked as the American administration is

Welcome! You'll feel right at home

low energy

The holocaust did not happen, but it will.

I'm Jew.
t. Jew.

Burn all kike businesses

gee why do you think you've been persecuted for 2000 years? You bring nothing but trouble wherever you go and you deserved what you got every single time. Karma.

Drop that persecution complex.

Yes, because you can't survive on your own. You can only live as parasites feeding off white people or whatever other group you infiltrate

What game? You tried to end us in endless battles, didn't work. We're still here.
Now you are trying the long term game and it's falling apart after 80 years.
Our endgame is ending you, your kind and the game.
And for me, I will make fucking sure that if I live to enjoy the endgame.
Kike soap and skinlamps, this time for real.

nice meme

Posting Pepes and arguing who is more of an online nazi. Shitting on everyone who organizes irl.
Pretty sweet, huh?

I would send your people to Israel and confine them there. It is about time your people were "re-racinated" and learn what it is to have a bond with your land.

I want your people out of my country but I certainly do not want them harmed except for a few of the really big offenders.

Geographical and political separation. That's our endgame. That's our big unreasonable demand; to be left alone.

Assuming you're Israeli/zionist. What is your view on Coudenhove Kalergi plan?

The greatest advantage of the kikes is not their intelligence, but their ability to successfully coordinate across international borders as a tribal group. In terms of simple numbers, high I.Q. goyim massively outnumber high I.Q. kikes, but in the past our coordination was constrained by language, culture, distance and political ideology. Improvements in communication technology and, ironically, globalisation itself, have helped us to develop a new international English-language white-nationalist culture, within which white men can globally coordinate against our shared enemies, something which was not possible in the past. As long as the free flow of information is possible, our strength will continue to rise relative to your own. We will win in the end, and the magnitude of our vengeance will be a thing of legends.

Fake, gay and reported.

Go back to /r/thedonald

this has to be bait.

Also, the fact that your people's only method of survival is parasitism, and you can't create complete, functioning societies by yourselves. You will always be dependent on gentiles, and so you are at our mercy, when it comes down to the wire. We can thrive without you, but you die without us. Remember that, kike, and gas yourself.

Answer this before thread gets nuked please. It is relevant to my interests

You already know the answer.

That is not an argument. If you believe that you or anyone is going to be gassing Jews you are either a LARPer or simply naive. The likelihood is that we will take our countries back one at a time. I pray that an idiot like you does not take over the first one because you will fuck everything up for the rest of us like Hitler did.

We persecuted you like we persecuted the Persians when they first demanded from western civilisation earth and water. You literally started it, everything, just like them. You literally cannot survive without being a parasite whether to be us or the Babylonians and Assyrians and your homeland was based on genocidal theft Holocausting the Canaanites by your own admission. You'll pay dearly, you say "you gentiles". We say, "you Jews", for all your laws and evil against gentiles for millennia. How, you ask, will this be done? Through smoke. Through fire. Through gas. The whole world will know what you have done, the evil you have inflicted upon all gentiles.

I understand that globalist banker families are opposed by zionist. Or would I be wrong?

We have sadistic impulses because of what we have been through.

I'll post something I wrote in another thread

We are onto your tricks kike scum.


We really are persecuted. When you are different rational thinking isn't going to do you justice.