Arrested Development

Best episodes thread?

the one where Steve Holt tries to date Lindsey because he thinks she's a tranny



since when?

>he thinks she's a tranny

Oh you mean when it was Lindsey tried to date Steve and NOT the other way round?

no it was both. Lindsey wanted to date a younger guy, but Steve thought she was a tranny and that's the only reason he wanted to date her

what did Jeffrey Tambor mean by this?


Holla Forums is the best episode of Arrested Development every day.

this one is pretty good

First appearance of Franklin.

no wait, actually it's the one where they go to Mexico to find George Sr.

And end up leaving Ann


Didn't she wear a shirt or sweater in S1 or 2 that said "Shemale"? The joke was, she pronounced it "shuh-mahl".

That zoom in during the car scene cracks me up every time. Loved how different characters had their own version of Franklin; all awful in their own way.

He was being nice because it was super awkward for a stupid teen to be hit on by a weird older woman, and then even weirder when he thought she was a tranny trying her hardest to pass.

Not canon.


I hope Tambors sexual assault shit doesn't get the next season cancelled. Sure season 4 wasn't good, but I want to find out who killed Lucille 2.

pubes sticking out of panties is my fetish tbh. that pic gets me hard as a rock

better stay away from muslim countries then. the quran mandates shaving the pubic and armpit hairs.

The one with Rita because it happened to me in rl. Stupid sexy retards.

I'm going to need more details. Were you actually duped at first? What gave her away?

What gave her away was the look on her father's face when I visited them. The episode gave me flashbacks. But seriously, her dad took me aside and explained some things to me. I still hang out with her whenever I'm around but I'd never do anything more. There's a novelty in having a friend whose enthusiasm for all things is like that of a 4 year old. The alternative is to hang out with an actual 4 year old but people would probably look at you funny.

At least for you, the clues were a bit more obvious. But for Micheal in the show, he had to realize Mr. F meant Mentally Retarded Female.

The Rita arc was pretty great. Also, people really do seem to think Brits are more funny and clever than they really are just because of the accent.

why, whatever do you mean?

Tis' true.

it was Michael

It better not be the way the Simpsons murder mystery episode ended. Although it was a well written 2-parter, making Maggie a murderer just because she's a baby is just lazy. Like haha NOBODY would ever suspect a BABY.

She looks something else other than British.

Well she is south african.

No fucking way. Like when I first saw her in Arrested Development, I thought she was Scottish or some shit.

It got too depressing when the NEET got mutilated. Then he got all of his potential character growth reset. I mean shit I know it's that kind of a show but it hit too close to home.

at least they got some decent puns out of it

I wish they kept Ms. Featherbottom going for longer.

might have been interesting to see her interact with Rita and her dad

Afrikaans is the manliest sounding language I've ever heard. It's like the black speech of Mordor. I've read somewhere that it's a modern incarnation of old dutch.

Loose-seal = Lucille
Sometimes I wonder whether the writing staff planned out all 3 seasons even before shooting the first episode.

I occasionally throw it on in the background just for some noise, and I still catch jokes that I missed before. Some of the best are the episodes that straight up tell you the joke at the start of the episode before you even realize it. Like Lucille having trouble lifting a bag of groceries and Michael asks her if she's got a bag full of gold bars in there.

Supposedly one of the writers read some fan message board, where a thread existed about 'where do you think Gob lives." One fan suggested that he imagined Gob living in a lighthouse, which many loved. If memory serves me right, that line was used by Tobias in the next season (2?).

I think you can already get the joke on first viewing.

That was meant to be an example of a joke explained at the start of the episode that doesn't pay off til the end. Either way, it's such a throw-away line that you don't even remember it by the time Lindsay off-handedly mentions that the bag was full of gold bars so George Sr. wouldn't get raped.

I get your point.