Cultural marxism dump thread

There are those who claim Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory. Lets prove them wrong

Just found this quote from neomarxist theoretician Michel Foucault, who according to (((academia))) is just a philosopher and literary critic. His neomarxist theories are just harmless sociology, and according to wikipedia you are a conspiracy theorist for believing there is a coordinated attack against the West. However, lets hear it from the man himself:

-Michel Foucault, neo-marxist theoretician, militant of maoist group "Proletarian Left"

What really is neomarxism then? It is the recodification of Marx, interpreted in a structuralist postmodern manner. If marxist XIXth century thought lead to a socialist dictatorships in the XXth century, then by all means neomarxist thought written by Frankfurt School on the XXth century will lead to a Postmodern neomarxist dictatorship in the XXIst century. While Marxist-Leninist thought used a Party structure and economic means to achieve power (expropiations, hunger to control population, etc), neomarxist thought (known as critical theory) will use other means to achieve it: culture. Culture literally means "what is cultivated". Well, what IS cultivated in our western civilization today by mass media and academia? Gender theory, interculturalism, postmodernism, etc. They are using these means to consolidate power, to topple western civilization, and establish their own regime. Their new regime will not be much similar to XX century socialist dictatorships, because they now possess stronger and more subtle weapons. Stalinism needed large ammounts of police and secret police to control the population. Cultural marxism does not need them so much, as the secret police is alegorically also inside your head. They dont need so much commisars in social media or in daily situations (which doesnt mean they do not have them either) because they make the people go around correcting THEMSELVES all wrongthink. The commisars' count on the fact that now your own friends could publicly denounce you for wrongthink and seek your exclusion from society. Or even guilt themselves for wrongthink! In the words of german veteran and writer Ernst Junger "their atrocity lies in dividing the individuality of man; now man is made to even confesse their own crimes to the regime in spite of their own safety…".

There are two interpretations of both Nietszche, Spengler and Heiddeger. The first interpretation is the historical one. This interpretation is the one made by Nationalsocialism. It basically interprets Nietsche as the basis for a new superman who will overcome the nihilsm and decline of the west to forge a new golden era; here, the death of God is symbolic of a West who killed its spiritual world, not literally advocating for the death of religion. Here Heiddeger is read as a man who warned against hypereality, and Spengler as a man who advocated for a last ditch effort to save Western civilization. Note that Nietzsche and his family were associated to Pan germanism, Heiddeger was an inscribed member of the Nazi party and Spengler was not only a teacher in the Prussian School system but also required reading in Nazi german universities.

Now these neomarxists reinterpret these three authors to suit their own ends. They read Nietzsche as a nihilist (in spite of what he thought himself) and use him to alienate men from their own nationa and beliefs. They use Heiddeger to deconstruct our notions of Time and Space, making up crap about how he was "a good philosopher but a bad nazi" and was "forced" to join the NSDAP when he made a free choice and it was not mandatory. They use Spengler to both proclaim the death of the West and the birth of a "new socialist civilization" and also as a kind of blueprint to systematize the decay. Jack Kerouac even has the nerve to literally proclaim the beat generation and the sexual revolution as "Spengler's second religiosity". Spengler warned that decadent civilizations turn into debauchery and decadence as a means to replace the emptyness they have for having lost their first, heroic, religiosity of their golden past. These so called critical theorists are deliberatly subverting our values to destroy our civilization.

Also, cultural marxist dump thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot this part: Spengler considers the second religiosity as a necessary step towards the Collapse and Extintion of a civilization. As in, once the second religiosity is settled with no opposition, there is nothing to hold back the collapse. And once a civilization collapses, the extintion happens first in an abstract cultural manner and then in a literal material manner. So once the West unanimously abandons itself into the second religiosity, our culture will disappear, soon to be followed by physical manifestations of the West (i.e. western people). It is much worse than mere Genocide, its like Civilizationicide. Our ideas, values, culture and also literally ourselves will disappear, if we dont resist. And neomarxists have openly declared their sexual revolution to be this second religiosity which will bring it all crashing down. They said it themselves!

Also, captcha related

pure nihilistic BDSM faggot psychopath (anti-life, anti-human) whose religion was fist-fucking. not even caricaturing.
a thorough analysis of this guy (it exists in french) is the biggest redpill you'd ever get.

Also, he's one of most sacred cows of leftists and liberal academia. Holla Forums should focus on this and meme him to oblivion

He actually died of AIDS. It is said that one time he had to give a conference and didnt show up. The ones who had setup the conference looked for him everywhere, his hotel, local places, etc. They found him having gay sex men somewhere. The story goes that he wiped his ass and gave the conference anyways. This is told like some kind of awesome story, like he didnt give a fuck about anything. Figures he practiced what he preached.

Critical Gender Theory.
Critical Race Theory.

All of those come from the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism aka Critical Theory. The Universities have done a good job of making it into a bluepill to indoctrinate people into.

Our youth and our society are already deep into the Kool Aid of this poison.

Step 1 in fighting it is to indoctrinate your kids into rational thought that is non-communist. Regularly take down the crap they read, see, and hear.

E.g. Little Tommy's homework in Grade 9 says that there are 6 gorillion genders. Talk to little Tommy about how that's a lie and why it's a lie. Inculcate him into the truth, arm him with the truth.

Step 2 refuse to use their language. Refuse to spare their feelings. Refuse everything they demand of you. Revolt against them in every way you can.

Step 3 tell others, teach others


Read them all - they are the key to understanding Western Marxism a.k.a. Social Democracy a.k.a. Cultural Marxism a.k.a. Jewishness




I'm going to keep dumping.



The Furnace (Subversive Jewish Literature)












Good stuff in this thread, daily reminder Foucault was an aids riddled faggot who enjoyed the bathhouses of San Francisco

Capped for posterity

This is EXACTLY the agenda of Sabbateanism.

Each of the traditional European 'Seven Deadly Sins' (which were as much secular as Christian in their origin and scope) have been systematically celebrated as actual virtues in the Jewish Culture War.


You can tell from reading Adorno's works (especially the ones he wrote with Horkheimer) that they were both strongly influenced by Lurianic Kabbalah and the jewish supremacism implicit in its teachings about the soul, and in particular the jews' supposed special guardianship of a spark of the divine soul of god. 'The Dialectic of Enlightenment' is particularly worth examining in this regard - you get a real feel for the synthesis of western Enlightenment-era philosophy with 19th century Hasidic kabbalism.

Where can I find it?

In which relationship are critical theory and postmodernism standing?

Critical Theory is the first post-modern school of thought.

The next two are Analytical Philosophy (Wittgenstein) and Deconstructionism (Derrida). Much too complex to explain here

You guys should check out Tiqqun, a far left French terrorist group who operated under the pseudonym "The Invisible committee" and whos leaders were arrested by France for sabotage. They proclaim their ideological basis is literally the Kabbalah, and their name Tiqqun refers to Lurianic Qabalah's Tikkun Olam meaning "healing of the world by destroying everything sacred".


Even the drug induced, mid anus pounding orgasm ramblings of this homosexual are more empowering, insightful, intelligent and sane than the term "Cultural Marxism" or any other brain dead theory thought up by the right-wing. Right-wingers are the niggers of the world.

that guy did it (editor at Éléments), but in english I wouldn't know

he defines Foucault as a literal Sadist, who unironically and fanatically applied all of Marquis de Sade's degeneracy

more like bourgeois LARPers, really

sadly true.

Roughly agree, although Analyticism/Wittgenstein DOES have merits.

Walter Benjamin was much more behind Critical Theory than Adorno, and he was a full-blown kabbalist.

Cultural Marxism is just modern-day Sabbateanism, which Hasidic Judaism also springs.

Also this Jew admits the whole thing. Watch it:


This goddamn proddie just HAD to drop that bluepill on such a great and concise read.

With Yuri's explanation of the stage of demoralization in the subversion process and the "judeo-Christian" phenomenon in mind, he could have easily expanded the scope of jewish subversion going on at the time.

Anyone who brings up cultural Marxism without talking about the Lurianic kabbalah or Sabbateanism is missing a huge chunk of the picture.

Well, newer schools of thought blame the Analytic School of actually perpetuating capitalism, so there might be some merit there, yeah.

But user, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for a single group to be behind EVERYTHING evil in the world, much less throughout history! Particularly such a SMALL group as the jews who “used to” follow Frankist Sabbateanism!

Go away Holla Forums you Stirnerite fuck

Go watch some Zizek videos about movies, leave the social theory & philosophy to the big guys

It's so easy to demonstrate that critical theory has been the precursor to various other 'cultural analysis' trends throughout the years.
The old wiki:

The judeo-christian thing never made sense, even from a blue pill point of view. If our society was judeochristian in its origin, wouldn't posmodernism bring it back to its jewish roots? After all posmodernism is indeed explicitly influenced by jewish theology. Yet all we have now is abandonment of our culture and traditional values. Our society has nothing to do with Judaism, period.

Thank you.

Sounds about right.

Zizek is probably a secret fascist, or eventualy will be. I watched some of his videos and i'am dead certain of this. He also looks suspiciously a lot like a fat solzhenitzen

Est-ce que tu pourrais poster le lien en francais?

jesus you're fucking retarded. read a book ffs

Study the enemy

The Furnace (Subversive Jewish Literature)

This post gave me cancer

Triggered cuck? Foucault is the patron saint of today's marxist reality.

Zizek is a commie.