New Right Ecology

Writings on ecology seem to be completely lacking from the New Right or Alt-Right. I'm looking at Arktos, and there's basically the new collection of Pentti Linkola's articles and a collection of Ludwig Klages' writings on biocentrism.

Anyone know of any good books on ecology within these milieus? Anyone have a pdf of the attached picture?

Other urls found in this thread:!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg!UJkkTJJK


Increased human populations lead to destruction of natural habitats and pollution.
Most obvious solution is to suppress shitskin populations, especially in Latin America, Africa, etc.

Best way to help the environment is to get rid of niggers

Hot take. I'm interested in publications though.

We can create a virus and kill off everyone except me. Hopefully I learn how to speak with animals

You'll never see Arktos or or any of those fags talk about this as the most obvious solution, because they're all PR cucks who refuse to acknowledge the possibility of violence in the future.

That is because the ecofacist is too anti-jew to be co-op. Look at the Aussie greens, they are difficult for the jews to deal with. They want permanent sanctions on Israel.

I hate homo sapiens

I'm not done with it yet, but ArchaeoFuturism by Guillaume Faye seems to be a good read for right wing ecology.

check the catalog
go back

We can heal our planet, but will need large amounts of nuclear energy to do so. We need to de-acidify and mineralize the oceans to restore healthy levels of phytoplankton and bring pelagic fish back, thus restoring the missing link to the natural carbon sequestration cycle. We will have to oxygenate and circulate the water column in major eutrophic bodies such as the black sea and gulf of mexico.

We will have to desalinate large quantities of water in order to restore equitorial areas which are undergoing desertification.

We need to return to more robotic assisted labor intensive agriculture as a replacement for massive pesticide/herbicide use.

We need huge amounts of energy to improve water treatment for urban centers and animal agriculture.

Finally we need large sums of money to transform resource extraction industries from acid-base chemistry driven to pyrochemical processes that dont generate large amounts of toxic tailings and other effluent.

Nuclear power is the final solution, or death is the final solution. I am the research director of a company with a novel approach to nuclear plant deployment that can address this energy need within two decades… if anyone knows business anons that can help raise capital :]

Only way is extremely authoritarian measures to help wildlife, otherwise it's just prolonging the inevitable or not getting down to the root cause of why the planet is being harmed. Siberian tigers were on the verge of extinction until Stalin made it punishable by death to be involved in any way with hunting them. There was an increase in tiger numbers after those policies were enacted.

I can rec a book by Hitler's ag minister, and a book by the primary thinker and creator of national socialism:

German Peasantry as the Life-Blood of the Aryan Race - Richard Darre

Die Neue Stadt - Gottfried Feder

They are both in German though


This poster is retarded. Don't listen to him.

The Jewish system of debt oriented economies demands that all nations constantly experience population growth, since debt economies function as generational pyramid schemes. If each generation isn't larger than the last, the whole nation is threatened with economic collapse. To save the environment these economic systems must be dismantled and stabled populations established. Furthermore, white people naturally moderate their population growth when things become too crowded. The jews then use this situation to justify importing shitskins to maintain population growth to keep the economy stable. While white people naturally moderate their birth rate, shitskins do not. Traditionally their populations have been controlled by natural scarcity causing famine; famine doesn't exist in industrialized nations with abundant food. The increased crowding caused by the imported shitskins will further depress white birth rates, causing them to become minorities in their own countries.

Unbounded population growth demanded for economic reasons is jewish.

Stable population size determined by the holding capacity of the local environment is Aryan.

Finally, another white man on Holla Forums.

Christopher Cantwell, an excommunicated priest of the Freedomain Radio Cult who now runs, has repeatedly stated that the only solution will be violent.>>10313050

PDFs of Bill Mollinson's Permaculture, Permaculture 2, and Fermentation here:!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg!UJkkTJJK

and he sides with kikes at trs over natsocs
namefags get out

You're fucking autistic

Robotic agriculture is pointless when perrenial polyculture is far less labor intensive and far healthy for the ecosystem.

Nuclear is an absolute awful idea. There's a small and finite amount of usable material, nuclear waste is no joke, and you can three-mile island/fukishima/chernobyl your land making it totally unusable.

Desalination is also pointless - huge populations don't belong in deserts!

Work with nature instead of against it.

and you're a fucking redditor :^)

but permaculture is good to look into, especially since anyone here should be able to spot hippy/leftist nonsense. Just remember to think about energy and resource expenditure before you act and remember we aren't tropical niggers, we need meat-heavy systems.

True reactionaries love and respect nature; its unfiltered beauty appeals to our collective subconscious love of land and volk. For nubiles:
everything ever written by Pentti Linkola is required reading, as is the Unabomber manifesto
Beyond that, Roger Scruton. Beyond that… check this man's dubs and then read all books in his pic.>>10313944

Well, yeah. He's an ex-libertarian who came to the realization that libertarian society can't work if there are niggers and jews running around, ruining everything. I don't know why I need to be supportive of national socialism, either. Expulsion of Jews is what will save whites society; the economic system is a relatively minor issue compared to that. America, at the federal level, isn't supposed to be a socialist system anyway.

I'm a hoppean myself, but 14 words MUST come first and he repeatedly sided with people like his less-than-white gf or kike enoch over his listeners. While complaining about punching right.

Listen if you want, but he is interested in aggrandizing himself foremost. And now that he is appearing at shit with spencer and trsfags, he should be treated as controlled op as well unless he can distance himself from their cancer.

>America, at the federal level, isn't supposed to be X
the same argument kikes and oathcucks use
I am only interested in the land and resources of america as used by our nordic/anglo-saxon/aryan race or whatever groupings of whites it takes for us to SURVIVE.
That's it.

I side with ; it just doesn't matter what the US was "supposed" to be.

Not nearly enough, mien fuhrer.

nuclear is working with nature dipshit.

three mile island and fukushima have had effectively zero environmental impact, chernobyl was minimal and the environment has since recovered. Coal, natural gas, solar, and wind all have severe environmental repercussions.

Desalination is not for deserts, idiot, its for large urban centers that are consuming all the riparian fresh water that is required for aquatic life. If california doubled its nuclear output, the colorado river might once again flow to the sea.

As for fuel amount, it is effectively limitless (easily >35,000 years of fertile fuels accounting for growth, and by that time we can mine thorium from the moon or convert to fusion power)

Bill Mollison is right-wing? They just seemed like they were into permaculture to me

PROTIP: You can tell an old hippie is a crypto natsoc when they avoid political discussions of any kind and restrict all their conversations and activities to promoting folkishness and generative behavior.

Sierra Club and other environmentalist groups used to be anti-immigration and heavily redpilled. Then, Jews took them over/bought them off.

Environmentalism is a European idea(l), to a Jew it means nothing but $$$. To a European it means protecting the habitat which your children will grow up in.

Jews and shitskins only treat environmentalism like a meme to get political things they like. No understanding other than it gives them gibs and that the people who give them gibs like it when they say it. And those people giving the gibs only say it because it pisses off Christian white men and it gives them money from liberal whites who care.

Nope, being white and not having kids is a crime against your race. 4-8 is fine per couple.

Sexuality and reproduction is a sign of caring about death. Promoting one's own life will always come at the expense of another's. Letting them define your care about not dying as a hatred of their life is fundamentally retarded.

White people can moderate their own birthrate - even to the point of almost killing themselves off. This much is proven already. It's not an issue with whites, but it is one with blacks.

If whites needed to have less children, they could. Now it's about their striving against as being seen as anti-life against the brown people. If that's the sort of interpretation we're going to use, they're justifying white people committing mass genocide against them, since they are way more populous.

I'm saying, some people want to reproduce only enough to sustain their population because of environmental reasons. It's a sort of shitty meme, but there's validity to the r/K selection and breeding pattern.

Humans (not subhumans) care for their young more. Whites especially have a longer infancy stage because they need more attention to become intelligent people later.

The minimum is 2 children - replacement levels - if you're in a situation that doesn't require you cutting back for the good of your family or race. White people listen to this as they should, if they weren't being fooled by kikes that kikes have the good of the people they're 'advising' in mind at all.

He's clearly not a crypto-natsoc. Many of his ideas are very proto natsoc - the type of things that were floating around Germany in the 10s and 20s that led to the natsoc conclusions on economics, society, health, and the environment.

He is a naturalist so he's redpilled as hell on some subjects like the biological roles and functions each sex has evolved to fulfill. He would trigger 100% feminists and leftists if he were to lecture at a university today.

However, he fetishizes non-white tribal peoples all over the world and mocks western culture. He's not entirely wrong, since there is some degree of tribal wisdom in the sense that various cultural practises have evolved over thousands of years to be optimized for utilizing the specific environment each people live in in the most ideal way, and western culture has become consumerist and wasteful of labor and resources.

I saw a really funny lecture where he calls the 97% of westerners who don't work in agriculture or energy production human garbage.

That in no way addresses any content of my post. White population growth is necessary at the present to win the upcoming race war, but infinite white population growth after our homelands have been secured is detrimental in every conceivable way.

Every generation having 4-8 children per woman, generation after generation, would very rapidly destroy our environment and force us to all live like the subhumans in Asia. The sort of unbounded exponential population growth you're advocating isn't even natural for white people. Take a look at population growth charts for Europe over the centuries. What you're suggesting fundamentally goes against nature.

Growth is inherently unsustainable, especially exponential growth.

The population of earth should ideally be something like 50-500 million.

Apex predators typically have territories of 10-200 sq km per individual, and some small er, more social creatures, like wolves, can get up to one wolf per only a few sq km.

Earth's land area is about 500million sq km, and when you consider that a lot of earth's land area is mountains and desert, the area of livable land decreases dramatically.

Its easily possible to produce enough food and energy to sustain a population of several tens of billions indefinitely, but men need space and nature as much as any other resource.

Nuclear energy has come a long way. Far safer, more eco friendly, and infinitely better than any alternatives. You are an idiot and the only thing you must know about nuclear energy must be 50 years old.

Reading anti nuclear energy material that criticise 50 year old plus methods and refuses to catch up to the major changes that have happened over decades will only make you look like a retard.

Image source?

he's suprisingly redpilled just from a lifetime of being around hippies and niggers, but of course not natsoc
yeah, but he also points out how retarded they are in some ways. Most of his stories I thought were bullshit, only to find proof for many in the years since then.

14 words first, then let's worry about big picture ecology.
it's as bad as girls showing off with guns

"Jews Must Live" by sam roth

Fuck off kike

Loosen the foil user.

Except inheritance is far less important than in the past.
Families support each other, having siblings is healthy. Mormons have good success having 6 children, and libs fuck up having 1-2.
Caring for your young is much easier now, a lot of the stuff that's considered needed for children really isn't good for them.
IE video game consoles, their own room.

2 children for those that understand the issues is way below replacement levels when you consider the leftist trash that have none.

White overpopulation is a hypothetical that's not worth mentioning. Once there are 2 billion whites then you can start talking about it.
The birth rate for whites now is more like 1.6.
Even natsocs only brought the growth rate up to 2.5.
For every white man having 6 children there are 10 having 0.
So stop trying to derail discussions with this garbage.

The white man is not r-selected. 1-2 well nourished and well educated children is the Hyperborean ideal, not a flood of whigger locusts.

Shut up. There's obviously jews in his sandwich, otherwise he wouldn't be tasting them!

Okay, definitely not 1-2 now that I think about it. You want your genes to become more prevalent in the gene pool in any situation, but I still don't think having 30 unruly shitters running around is a good idea.

Whether or not whites are overpopulated depends entirely on the region. In many places the population density is low. In other regions there are undoubtedly too many people, and it's not just niggers. This discussion is about ecology. The most destructive force to the environment known to man is overpopulation. It's not "derailing" to talk about establishing stable populations.

Particularly since the most powerful force opposing the establishment of stable populations, and thus the most destructive force to the environment, is the economics jews.


Over population is a jewish anti-humanist meme.

Is The Dispossessed Majority worh reading ?

A certain patch of land can only sustain a certain amount of people before it stops being ecological and will lead to ruin in the future.
If you argue otherwise you're basicly a total retard with no capacity for logic, you can argue that has this value been passed in certain places of the world.

Massive overpopulation takes huges amounts of effort to create and maintain, and is solved very easily, if not cleanly.

The non-white population should be reduced.



Peace Through Power
jews gonna have to come first

White men were not meant to live in dense urban environments like fucking chinks. It'd fundamentally dehumanizing. Raising children in suburbs or worse, apartment buildings! is borderline child abuse.

There is finite land, therefore there must be a finite population size. Unbounded population growth is a jewish meme.

Believe it or not, land ravaged by years of trench warfare can recover. But once land is lost to urban sprawl and unbounded population growth, it never comes back.

there's your number, user.

pardon the late night autism

incentivizing sterilization will always be the better idea, not allotments for non-white births; the idea is make them feel unwanted. live and let die, conquering them - in many ways - led us to where we are now. sorry I'm tired and should probably sleep so if I missed your point(s) do tell.

solutions in waste (landfills) and sewage management should be a major brainstorming point for us. vid related, modern diets creating massive foodstuff shits and asshole hygiene products such as baby wipes and wet wipes (even those claiming to be biodegradable) are literally, shitting up our once beautiful cities. imagine the horrors sanitation engineers face on their day to day grind

Then we just take more territory for expansion! South America and South Africa have plenty of fertile lands for colonisation, and a white minority begging us to save them. And it's not like we don't already have enough space to live comfortably. Admittedly, Europe is probably already full and the white population in there should remain a constant level, but America and Australia have plenty of empty land. As an Australian, I would be glad to take some of Europe's excess population, we are in need of skilled workers to develop our country.


There is a finite amount of land on this planet. Unbounded growth is unsustainable, this is a mathematical fact. Sooner or later population stabilization must occur, or we'll end up living like penned animals. Living conditions fit for white people preclude unbounded population growth.

At that point, some degree of control is needed. But by that point technology will be advancing so rapidly it could be possible to terraform a planet and send literal millions of people to it. Space is an infinite horizon, one which we can populate with ==trillions== of white people. The asteroid belt alone has enough raw materials to construct a habitat with millions of times more land area than Earth. We have the gift of not only being able to control ourselves when resources are scarce but to expand our frontiers using our technological mastery.

Howdy fellas, nice to see some gents with sense.

That's my point, control isn't needed. White people naturally moderate their own population growth. The problem is the jewish debt-based economic systems that threaten collapse if you don't maintain unbounded population growth.

White people do moderate their birth rate, which is what I meant by control, as in white people showing control and not spawning thousands of kids.
But whites are also smart enough to eliminate the problem causing them to limit their birthrates, or find new territory to support themselves.

manifest destiny and eugenics for the environment


kek confirms your post is in good faith
a lot of people that are left and may even specifically identify as left are against pretty much all modern government and business as usual
which- if you're against the status quo - means you are an ally, even if a temporary one

Good thread
How many have been alone st night innawoods?

Perhaps because those hotpocket eating, fatsos only leave their basements to get more hotpockets?

Hunters are the original environmentalists as they understood the symbiotic relationship of man and nature and the need for sustainability. The White man is the steward of nature. Just go to any shitskin country and see how they live and what they do to the environment. So their horrific treatment of animals is no surprise. It's not just a fight against White Genocide but for the existence of the Planet.


Ecology? Yes
*New* Right? No thank you

Traditionalism is the answer, not left, not right, not center.

Ecology is informed by only one factor - consumption.

Consumption is a derivative of total demand and economic activity vs available resources and their depletion rate. Anything out of balance puts consumption at a scale greater than viable for sustenance of biosphere, ergo, the reasons here are not political, but economic.

However, economic life can be politically managed and mandated, if you are willing to finally abandon the false totem of unlimited liberal market and accept the implied environmental cost of every product you buy and consume.

Only mass changes in consumption patterns and political agitation can change those things and it does require nothing less than a total revolution to push aside the moneyed interests that live off liberal capitalism.


Zerzen is a federal spook user.


accidental sage


gonna need proof on this as well, thanks user.


Those places have belts of niggers, and libshit anti gun govts, who will raid your land when they get a famine.

Likely the brain stem was still intact, which would allow many residual movement and sounds while the mind and body is in the process of dying.

We could rule in a colonialism or apartheid style method, or colonise some other territory and relocate uncooperative populations.