Italian Bateman names Preibus as the leaker

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Thought the leaker was already caught.
That guy looks nothing like Christian Bale circa 2000

It's his personality that makes him Bateman.

Bye bye, rinsed penis.

There are hundreds if not thousands of leakers leaking everything worldwide. They are the reason Trump was elected and they are also the reason his enemies do the same shit to impeach him.

Holy shit

He looks more like Mike Matei, but maybe 15 years older.


Fuck your clickbait, you fag. Scaramucci included Rinse in the tweet, he didn't name Rinse as a leaker. Not to say he can't be a leaker, but that isn't what the tweet says.


Maybe I was too quick with that…

The fuck was Rinse Pubis doing?

Just swamp things.


Also don't forget that Sean Spicer is Reince's bud, and really the only reason Spicer was brought on in the first place.

is it going down anons?


Yeah, but he "liked" anime so that doesn't matter if he cucked for leakers amiright.

He looks like a goddamned killer. That 'iron fist in a velvet glove' shit was totally accurate.

WHAnon Specificly said it was gonna kick of tonight on Twitter, and that the kickoff was just the beginning of the day.

Ribs Weenis being castrated would be a good start to the night, fam. I wouldn't be able to sleep if that's just the kickoff.

Also, it would be breddy gud if he put all these cucks in his cabinet just so he could be closer to them in order to prosecute them and put them in jail, thereby draining the swamp.
We were wondering why so much of the swamp was in his cabinet. I guess now we know. So he can destroy them without them seeing it coming.

Man would axe you in the back while wearing a raincoat without a second thought.

Nah, I don't agree with that Bateman shit.

He strikes me more as a ruthless corporate exec, but not in that cliched 80s way. And Bateman in the books was a total loser and pussy anyway. Mooch would be something like one of those banker assholes that knew the 2008 crash was coming and did a bunch of trades ahead of time to offload all of his shit at the expense of everyone else.

My body is ready.

Did the "tonight" thing happen yet? It's midnight east coast time…


I guess the Reince thing is pretty damn huge, if true.

Never heard of this Lizza guy but sounds interesting so far. Maybe we'll get to see Rinsed Penis tackled by the Feds as he tries to board a plane to Israel or Saudi Arabia.

fuck i want to believe this is real so fucking bad, but i keep getting this feeling its a psyop meant to demoralize the base. this July 27th meme has been building for a month now and if nobody gets locked the fuck up tomorrow its going to be a yuge let down.
now that i git my black pilled nonsense out of the way, if digits Rinse Primus, (((DWS))), Pelosi, Mccuck, and a dozen other DNC congressmen get locked the fuck up tomorrow.

Some JEW on shitter says the DOJ has a prepared statement about Leakers. It looks like this thing is gonna move fast and someone is probably getting arrested tomorrow.

Nah he looks like Eric Roberts character "Sal Maroni" from Batman Begins.

The funny thing, meine Fuhrer, is that there's no way on this earth the DoJ would issue a statement if there was a chance of anyone being investigated could get away as a result of the posting going public. So that means they've already struck or are about to strike.

I thought so too, but that guy was a wimpy faggot in that movie so I avoided it. And he was the same kind of lame character in the first shitty Expendables movie.

You blew your load a second early


Could he be connected to the New York Italian Mafia?

Hitler dubs of truth. I can't wait to see who the new "Reality Winners" are.

All Italians are mob connected, no exceptions.

You've been watching too much jew media, which tries to portray evil bankers as being suave WASPs, rather than the hideous neurotic kikes that they really are.

Nothing happened that I know of. The Reince thing is nothing.

Please be true. Please fucking be true.

my god, the people responding to that tweet are so fucking oblivious. if people start getting arrested tomorrow the Tranny salt mine is going to look like some low sodium no msg imitation soy sauce. it's going to be so tasty

cuckchan's getting plowed with happenings. I'm counting at least three confirmed things, and it's possibly up to four now.

Makes sense. You wouldn't announce that you're on the trail of the leaker(s) unless you're just about to strike anyway. Otherwise you just give them plenty of time to dispose of evidence.

Go back to cuckchan. Arbitrary dates for happenings only lure in suckers and schizos.

checking hitler dubs

Schultz is going to get gassed.

I can't wait to see everyone calling Trump an "evil authoritarian literally hitler" because he's willing to go after people who break the law.

If I had nickel every time that was posted, I would have a decent amount of nickels and no big names arrested.

Random Fact: Today is the 70th anniversary of Harry S Truman signing the National Security Act, which created the CIA. Happy 70th CIA niggers. Keep on glowing in the dark.

this. one could live off of a year's worth of nickels at this point.

The odds are saying is rinsed benis.

I wonder if they're about to be run over.

If Terry's out there driving, then the answer is yes.


i dont like it there, tis a silly place. but i will continue to Lurk moat. u faggots are funny as fuck and way more insightful.

Imma be pissed if this is supposed to be the habbening on the 27th.

29 years later, and we're still figuring out what he'll do next.

If you have to hire a plumber always make sure he's italian :^)

Maybe this? Although kinda not very dramatic.


Meh, could be part of the drip-drip-drip of small habbenings throughout the day, but it isn't getting anyone arrested. Want to see perp walks and heads under coat jackets going into cop cars.





Here's another one from cuckchan.

My bet is bullshit like

Shill-kun you need to look at this.

Nice digits, but that guy is from CNN. We can't believe anything they say, in fact safer to believe the opposite of anything they say.



Now put the mooch's face on mario and we've got a new meme.

I don't think this guy would be that in the know

Fair point, but they have no reason to lie about it. If they like anyone in the Trump cabinet, it's Rinse and Ryan.
We'll have to wait and see. If nothing happens by noon tomorrow, we can assume he's full of shit. Whoever the leaker is, I would imagine the investigation and habbenings will come pretty quickly.

>(((The Jew Yorker)))

Gonna have to wait to hear it from a source other than a fake news contributor. Rinse Penis could easily be a leaker but this could just as easily be made up by Lizza in an attempt to sew chaos in the Trump administration.

Best I could do on short notice

Yeah, I'm waiting for further confirmation before getting too excited. But it is interesting.

Not bad.

He may not, but these journalists are pretty good at picking up on gossip. The NYT and WaPo have pretty horrible analysis, but often there is a kernel of truth in their reporting. Remember when they claimed Trump was yelling at Sessions a few months ago?


kek at those believing a faggot from CNN.


He must have known phrasing his tweet like that was bound to draw attention from the journalists, perhaps a warning to Reince?

Well that was a boner killer. Tomorrows happening is officially fake news.

That sucks

Alright, well that puts an end to that!

As long as we get to see some people dragged out of the White House in handcuffs for leaking it's all good.

I love our troll government. Best timeline.

don't ever get your hopes up for shit like this
if it does happen it's amazing, and i'm going to love it every bit as much as you will, but shit can fall through for any number of reasons
even if WH user isn't a LARPer, which is kind of a big if shit just doesn't always go as planned
focus on the big picture, enjoy the happenings you do get, and really seriously do not get your hopes up for anything other than absolutely confirmed stuff like court dates and the like

how do you know? don't be a Debby downer

If its nothing, I'm done following politics and browsing Holla Forums and finally reclaiming my life back. That's the bright side in all of this.


The lack of shills recently should be noted, discussion recently has been mostly civil and on topic

the newfags and assorted summer cancer have been off the charts though

It is July and people have had a happening hard on for the last 2 years. To be expected.

You can never leave.

Eventually this place always becomes part of your soul if you stay to long.

Yours is better. Fuck you.

Kek, I thought the same thing when I saw yours. Saving both anyway.

But can Moochmario check dubs?

It's a good time to quit, all the alt right e-celebs are getting shutdown and quitting, the trump drama is coming to an end/groundhog day scenario that will resolve itself, and there are no more happenings to look forward to.

I told myself every month since the election ended that I was going to stop coming here

You're here forever.

Have a good weekend, i expect to see you on monday

I don't wanna do an off by one version of the image

Almost buddy.

isn't the idea not to get rid of spies ( as they would just replace them with unknown people) but rather to know who they are and control what information they get so in the end they work for you instead of against you?


it's glorious. Thanks.

I have to wonder if this wasn't entirely deliberate. Instead of the media talking about the Grand Jury you have Mooch deflecting to someone else and then leaving that accusation open for a good 45 minutes before correcting everyone. Now the media isn't talking about the Grand Jury anymore.

A man can dream but not Mexicans



You're right, it does work better mirrored horizontally.

Is Scaramucci jewish? I heard it said that he was, but I can't find anything on it.

Not when they're very important political figures. Then it's a perfect opportunity to deal massive damage to your opposition.

Final version unless someone really wants the "M" changed to a "T"

Why a T?

Was in another thread he is confirmed daygo a wop not juice.


I read Roman Catholic on here somewhere. Doesn't look like a kike, tbh.

On second thought, it's fine. By meming Scaramucci into Mario, he is bestowed with the power to stomp the administration's enemies. Don't want to deviate too far.

What is happening?

this just came out

Never trust bald men

Shit, can't unsee

McMaster is a fucking cuck anyway. Habbening still on for tomorrow if true.

when will trump learn? never trust a yid or woman. no matter how diluted of a mix they are.

What sorta ruse is this?

I really, REALLY hope WHAnon wasn't rusing us this whole time. I have like 90% faith in him but there's 10% of me that thinks the HAPPENING OF ALL HAPPENINGS is too good to be true.

shit I didn't notice the date, I need sleep

And here we go

For your amusement, a McMaster exploitable. The Powell one was too difficult to grab and would require modification to remove the watermark from her face.

That was fake news.

Got too caught up in memeing to notice the date. Oh well. McMaster floating head might come in handy someday.

check em

The background says WHEWI. What did the Universe mean by this?

wew lad

Back to calling him Rinsed Penis it is then.

I've been burned too many times by overhyped happenings that don't actually happening, as far as I'm concerned Trump's BTFOing of the trannies yesterday is enough laughter for one week.

whats a whe wi?


Scaramucci's tweet about Rinsed Penis was a trap and it outed the WH leaker. that guy, Ryan Lizza , is connected to the WH leaker. Lizza was the first to confirm Scaramucci's tweet as true per his WH source even though we learn almost an hour later that it is not true at all.

Imran Awan is arrested yesterday morning, 2 PA mayors (one of them, Ed Pawlowski has ties to the DNC) were arrested last night, and about an hour ago a DNC staffer was arrested for bank fraud. I bet more people connected to the DNC will be arrested today.

My bet is Muchi is settting up canary traps everywhere.

And the left will throw eachother under the bus and destroy eachother in a desperate bid to not meat the political guillotine.
It's beautiful.

Let's hope so.

These guys are up against Diabolical Kikes in Washington DC.

I don't understand how they can actually win with their Pozzed education of the 60's.

I'll stay positive though.

The only way the leaks will stop, is if the Jews are culled. Jews in the WH are no different than a rat infestation.

What really pissed me off about the latest Scaramucci stuff, if you have earned a ton of money you are a bad guy.
One of the big reasons we don't get more strong people into politics is the financial disclosure and how (((they))) will hang you in the media as some sort of villain if you have made a ton of money using the systems (((they))) built!

This madness needs to stop

How fitting.

The name thing is kind of weird the name thing (and the italian angle). Look up "podesta" for example.

I do this when I'm tired, my work schedule keep shifting from days to nights and I just worked 13 hours, sorry


He decided he needed a LOT more niggerdick in his life, so he started committing multiple felonies.

My God, retribution is going to be so fucking sweet.


Didn't Trump said few weeks ago if Preibus doesn't fix the leaking problem, then he'd be fired?

Recent developments:
The mooch deletes original tweet
Puts up a tweet saying it was about leaks in general, not Rinse specifically
Goes on CNN and strongly implies Rinse can explain that's he's not a leaker for himself

(((fake news))) reporting this as some war btwn mooch and rinsed penis

can't find much reporting from less shit sources besides light discussions

Source: Google scaramucci reince
Browsing news channels as of 7am pacific time

If confirmed happening, prob needs a new thread

Uh oh

It think he was legit, Trump just tweeted about Awans, and he did say the whole thing would start on social media. That said, most anons have been hyping it up with speculation of total assrape of CIA niggers/deeps state, night of the long knives, etc. and it might not meet those expectations.

There is still a whole helluva lot of day left. My body is ready.

About 20 minutes to the press briefing and I have become Zen.

power pose, he knows


The Mooch standing like the Marshal's and lawmen of the Wild West

Heil Hitler. Kek has spoken.


Does it look like I'm fuckin' amused with you, Penice? If I hear any more loose talk in that staff room, I'm having Mike make you a date with the jumper cables, you fuckin' queer.

I like Mooch.

Checked. Italians are basically the good version of Jews. Very good with language and social maneuvering, just without the "destroy the goyim" impulse of the kike.

quit getting sucked into twitter like a bunch of plebs



Twitter is the #1 best place to mix Holla Forums shit with normal people. The price is slow corruption by faggy memes. I salute our brave men who bear that.


It's bringing the corruption back with them that appalls me. By sucked into twitter I mean they are focusing on the misdirection. It's like falling for covfefe, leave that to the plebs. I applaud the mass-redpill-spreading though.

Let's see your super relevant meme

After his interview with politico i think the mooch is a fucking jew rat plant

McMaster is most likely leaking as well though. Scaramucci is going to have his hands full getting rid of him.

This leakers are persistent as fuck. They know the Mooch is going after them and yet they still do it.


I fucking hate guineas like this. Almost as bad as the Jews in their way. Fucking
'New Yorker' also played him like a fiddle with their one token wop
"How do you do, fellow Italian?" Then fucked him and printed it. And this motherfucker made bog shekels on wall street?