New the_donald members can introduce themselves here

New the_donald members can introduce themselves here.

Shadilay, fellow Kekistanis!

The_Donald mod here. Please make some time to read this (and upvote teehee). Now that geoflags are done, we'll be sending more of our pedes this way since they don't have to worry about being made fun of because of their country. These racists have to go back! Haha MAGA.

We'll be the ones with the Kekistani flag (BASED) so be on the look out. If you have any questions, let us know. Shadilay! Hail the God King! Pepe protect us!

Sorry, somehow the old thread got deleted.

Hi, i'm The Donald Ambassador, im part of the mod team at T_D. I've done these threads a few times in the past and only had lukewarm success. But i'll give this another try since i'm bored. Im here for several reasons:

-I would like to coordinate memes, and lines of attacks, etc. in our on going war vs. the democrats.

-suggestions on how to improve the look of T_D

-shill strategies

-promote pro trump twitter accounts

-advice on how to conduct successful ops againts other subreddits

Please only post in this thread with one of the above reasons, only trump supporters please. Please keep this civil and no name calling of any kind, and no racism, sexism, or antisemitism. Any violations will be reported to the pol mod team.

Don't forget this is our embassy on Holla Forums! Respect their rules!











get the fuck off of my site you insufferable faggot




























Go and be a faggot somewhere else.



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C'mon Kushnercuck. This is just low, even by your standards. Just give up and go back to endchan.

7/10 pretty funny

Slide thread

Great post OP

who would false flag t_d….. hmmm