Based Trump tbh

Other urls found in this thread:

Just saw that. I'm so glad he won.
#FNN top kek

I couldn't even find a proper reaction image for how smug I am right now.

This is so glorious
We are reaching levels of shitposting beyond human comprehension
At this stage if I start seeing anchors heads explode in real time on air I won't be entirely surprised

If I start seeing anchors heads explode in real time on air, I'll be applauding.

Someone called him mentally ill on his feed and he replied you must be thinking of shillary or obongo

Trump posts here?

What a time to be alive.

What interesting times we live in, our president shitposting CNN hard and the world watching CNN get dumpstered

Meanwhile the comments are filled with the usual (((blue checkmarks)))


What dimension is this?! It's not even CY+2 anymore. The President just went full image board. I have no words or smugs to describe the President of the United States of America going full image board.
Watcha' sliding today, Mr. President?

What a great way to wake up in the morning

Look at his feed for the last day or so he called out the ((((heads)))) of comcast and NBC too.


And the kikes can't do a thing about it. Ban the President? Shut down Twitter? He's using their own creations to completely circumvent the media liars, now he's rubbing their faces in the shit. Fantastic.

"My use of social media is not Presidential - it’s MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL. Make America Great Again!"
Ah, so that's the new name of the dimension we're in. Move over, Current Year. It's MODERN DAY.


holy hell

I'm still not tired of winning


Whelp, it's American history now. God bless President Donald Trump!


When's he going to post a smug anime girl and/or Pepe?

It's fucking incredible, his entire defense is now

No wonder they hate his guts.

libtard meltdowns incoming. also, they don't even try to be subtle with the bot shilling. Trump must be feeling pretty confident to be posting stuff like that, it makes proud to be an American tbh. That tweet shows a sense of humor as well as courage in the face of insurmountable odds. Act 3 or just act 2?

God bless this president.

This is a good Fourth of July.

reminder goyim

He's making all the gullible idiots fixate on his twitter feed while something else is being ignored. Snap senate vote on his FBI appointee? Indictments coming down Monday a.m.? Who knows.

Nigga I ain't clickin dat shit

You do not deserve those digits.

This shitposting is ADVANCED

I tried checking Google News, since that worked to find out what he's sliding the last time he trolled the media with Morning Joe, but I couldn't find anything standing out in particular. Just stuff about healthcare.

I got you covered, anons. Here's the image.

Also the fact that anti-immigration bills are going through right now. He'd rather have the left focus on stupid shit.

That or he just couldn't bottle it up any more and needed to shitpost.




The best part about this is that there are already several articles about him "beating up CNN" online on the Daily Caller and other sites.

oh my fucking god, this is a straight-up Holla Forums shitpost.

Trump is the master of counter intelligence.

You faggots got assblasted by us in every Trump is a goy/Syria thread this weekend.
Literally every time one of us posted Syria battle facts you faggots ditched the thread as your D&C tactics didn't work.
Then Trump does this shit again against your favourite ISISrael media.
How about…. learn to give up and fuck off back to wherever you came from

This, this shit right here is why I voted for him.
He'll just do and say whatever the fuck he wants like a real man.

What a bunch of retards.

That's the most slippery slope I've ever seen.

If you understand propaganda warfare, the reason Donald doubles down on shitposting and using "memes" is because he knows he's identifying with the new generation of young adults. He's building the conservative base from the bottom up, targeting the youngest audience. The same thing the Jews have been doing since the TV became a thing.

Communism is just straight up bad at adapting during an active propaganda war. Communism requires absolute control of all aspects of society to establish its dogma among the generations. They don't have that control in Americayet, so most of the time it ends up backfiring in their faces. They'd need absolute control over the internet to prevent their continued defeat.

Free information commons is the bane of Bolshevism.

I should have looked at the image first but fuck random links like that
Still though. Lurk the fuck more you faggot.

If you make fun of the press that violates their first amendment rights



Report this Chink to ICE

Shitposter in chief 2020

it would be a real shame if any normies saw these infographics

please dont share these with your normie friends, it may lead to a redpill overdose


Who is that faggot posting tons of "puppies" as a reply

Excellent post. Their communist bullshit was able to take hold because Old Media is a one way street from ZOG to your television/paper/radio/etc. Communist propaganda and brainwashing only works when you have a stranglehold on all media, as the kikes have had for decades. But that all started to crumble with the advent of social media and the internet, which allowed two-way communication, and allowed anyone to put out their own message without needing approval from the ZOG overlords. And that's why it's all tumbling down for them.

Sure, they're trying to suppress social media by censoring accounts and whatever else, but it doesn't work. They NEED the complete monopoly on the media, and they're rapidly losing that.

You assume this chink is actually real.

Kikes have been botting Twitter the same way they bot Reddit.

Stop assuming these tweets are real.


Amd if Obama had posted something similar they'd be in high heaven.

Fucking kikes trying to slide with puppies!

Best timeline

You'll notice the 25th amendment meme popping up everywhere. They think this is the silver bullet, the one thing that will finally finish Trump.

Get #DogRight on it.

(((Typical tricks)))

Oy vey! pls don't share these in the twitter feed, it would be a shame if normies were to see this information.


Second pic has me dreaming about the day Trump calls all his countrymen to action. "My fellow Americans, it's time we take to the streets and make America white again. I've created a website that will be used to dispense missions. That's right, I've gameified the revolution. Each spic is worth 100xp, nigs 300xp. mudslimes 500xp and each kike worth 5000xp. Burn down the mosques and temples and in their place construct parks and playgrounds for our white children. Burn it down America!"

My family fought in wars so i could be a useless faggot on twatter.

your ancestors are not smiling down upon you, kike

He is trying to calm the liberals who in their rage may say something and get reported to tipsf

i don't know who this cunt is but 99% of vets and military vote trump, the only ones who don't are the literal poz faggots that obongo let in

This is seriously a prime redpilling opportunity

Post these to victory.

Post these goyims


This fucking kike has his botnets on those likes.
send gore to
[email protected]/* */

lel, imagine a Pokemon Go-style app that you take with you that tells you who/where to target on DOTR.


The best part about these dumb fucks posting about how the POTUSA is unfit because he's posting memes, is when you go to their own twitter feeds and see them posting memes.
I guess they're mentally unstable as well!


Every accusation from the left is actually just projection. Everyone should know this by now.

(my husband & I both have family who fought in every war since Rev War)
On the losing side lol.

Literally the good goyim seal of approval.


checked. The whole thing is a poorly-executed psyop by the media. They want nothing more than to get Trump to stop using social media, because it undermines their stranglehold on information dispersal. The media's job as "middleman" gets cut out when the President directly reaches out to the public. That's what this is really about.

But they don't realize they're actually being psyop'd themselves by Trump. Their outrage over bullshit is actually Trump using a slide tactic (I swear to god he must browse Holla Forums) to force them to talk about what he wants them to talk about. And then after they've made themselves look retarded, he can go in and say they're fake because they're not focusing on the actual things he's done. It's genius

Fucking shitposter on chief

they really can't handle someone laughing at them can they?



Yes, and you NEED to make sure you are doing your part in this war.

You NEED to redpill normies.

Redpilling normies is like a snow-ball effect.

The more redpills, the bigger the snowball and soon ZOG will be Crushed

checked bro

the faux outrage coming from the blue checkmarks is just unreal at this point. its just a tweet.


checked and confirm for best timeline

ignore the outrage and double-down with hard keks

show no weakness


Imagine Obama doing it to Fox news.

They know their end is here and they're afraid of everything we do. Trump is like those killer whales that play with their prey before ripping it to shreds.

I just want to point out that these tweets are and always will be a part of american history. Textbooks 150 years from now will have screenshots of Trump shitposts about Crazy Mika's facelift or Holla Forums-tier memes of Trump bodyslamming CNN.

Obongos memes would have been cringy as fuck

I hate these people.

The electoral college will revolt and vote for hillary!


the best possible thing you can do to fight a liberal is mock and ridicule them. laugh at them.
i did this the other day against a Holla Forums faggot who had wandered over here to shill "debate" us
complete and utter buttblasted meltdown
oh yes, and projection too. so much projection.

the founding fathers would be hanging these people from trees

He truly is one of us.

I really think the best thing I saw from the anti fa battles was when that liberal poof got wedgied, its just the perfect thing to do to them.

He's already posted pepe before. Well, a retweet, but it's there.

twitters kicking the shill machine into high gear now. you have to scroll down 100 posts before you see anything remotely positive.

I'm convinced a lot of them have generic outraged tweets written out ready to go and wait until Trump tweets something so they can flood his responses with shit like "WHERES THE TAX RETURNS RUMP". Pic related is a good example as nothing she fucking says actually relates to the gif, it's just whining about trump being mean on twitter.

Nobody posts Pepe like the Russians do, though.

This. Tell them how idiotic they are for not seeing the bigger picture with his tweets.

That's the point, my friend. These people are so willing to attack him on anything, that they just end up making themselves look retarded to 99% of everyone else.



wendy's does


now* wow i was retard for a second

I made some OC. tweeted it to the God Emperor but I highly doubt he'll see it.

Don't forget Denny's

kek what is the source is that daniel bryan and kane ?

CNN shitting bricks

i goddamn love this timeline


Best. President. Ever.


Create dank OC Trump memes and get him to retweet it.

I don't think even Holla Forums has seen the real beauty of it all. Plenty of leftist media kikes have been asking why do this, why now, why does he not focus on the positive things that are happening for him?

Here is the actual answer: The 'muh Russia' narrative just died this week and the kikes are flailing trying to find something, anything to latch on to. All they have left are some murmurs of perhaps calling him mentally ill, but that's it.

So Trump goes and plays right into it, knowing full well they'll use his tweets as proof for 25thing him. He knows damn well that they'll look dumb for trying it, but he also knows they won't be able to stop themselves. He's throwing this shitstorm out there as a lightning rod, to bait them into trying to take him down in a way that he already knows won't work. And it's working. They are going to expend their 'mentally unwell' spiel on a bunch of harmless tweets, of the sort he always makes.


For the thousandth time in the past two years with them knowing that everyone is watching.

It's as if we're sitting in the Amphitheater watching the Imperial Guard dragging recalcitrant officials onto the platform for the amusement of the Emperor and the crowd.

So far we're only at the beating and rotten vegetable throwing stage. If they don't figure it out, head chopping might be next. I'd settle for scourging and crucifixion though.

newsflash: leftists aren't funny. They've never been funny. They are the most unfunny stuck up butthurt assholes in existence. The only reason the "liberals are funnier" meme exists is because only liberal jews are allowed to exist in the media.

I mean, just compare the humor you see on Holla Forums and other imageboards compared to places like facebook and reddit. We're funny and dominate internet humor. They're unfunny and cringey. That's how it always is.


CNN is now bitching about them being bullied.


The Jews are going to script WW3 while most of the "awake" population is laughing over their meme president ( who is an actor ). Lol. Good luck in the future hope you are prepared.

I've been meaning to make the 2016/2017 version of the first image for a while now, but I'm not sure it has all relevant companies. Who is missing? Was thinking of adding (((Rebel Media))) and the like too.



Aaaaand they just played right into the President's hands.


Nothing can be done about it anyways. Nobody cares enough to listen but us.

Samson Looms


Except the event of which the meme was edited what is real, you fucking idiot.

I love how idiotic the press's new tactic is
Clearly not enough people care when Republicans get elected after attacking the lying press.

I guess so, user



The change of the name from "fake" to "fraud" is important. "Fraud" has legal connotations. Watch for something in the near future regarding this …

Sounds like charges.

Isn't pro-wrestling fake though?

Is it just me or is the style of this meme extremely like our memes?

This is a format that Holla Forums has been using for years.

Remember back in '08 when Obunghole was being lauded as the new "tech-savvy" POTUS?

Good point. He has mentioned suing CNN for their outright lies.

It just keeps getting better. This day is off to a great start.

kek, crying to the teacher.

>W-why doesn't he get a timeout. *falls on floor in an autistic rage*

These people are horrifically mentally challenged. Wow.

Trump dangled that bait in front of them and they took it, he knew one of their (((analysts))) would say it's fake

And the entire internet was astroturfed in preparation for his campaign, yes.

The flow of salt will never end

Can anyone even remember anything obongo ever tweeted?

nice clock ahmed

He rarely tweeted anyways

all i remember was the stupid mic drop shit and we all know how that turned out

thread theme

what a time to be alive

Absolutely modern day presidential

Modern day is the new current year. We should pull shit like leftys and just say "because it's the modern day", the salt would be yuuuge

Libs triggered by animated gif but defend play murdering Trump

Or actively calling for the murder like


This. You can translate between the two at will as CY+2 = MD

I think she's mad.


Think he's a Jew?

the salt replies in the article from the kike press

We've finally found the father of autism

Oh wait, jesuit is catholic, not jew.

Possibly worse than a straight Jew, because it means he's a crypto and can fly under the radar easier.


The (((media))) cries out in pain as they strike you





A Hungarian

Worse than a jew, a top good goy traitor.
The pope is also a jesuit.


How long before a false flag attack against CNN hq by an "alt right" terrorist?



It would backfire, only the kikes would give a shit.

kek, I kinda of like "orange Hitler'' myself. These people are completely falling apart.

ex-King Nigger incites packs of niggers to attack the police, invites beaner children to trek up from the Southern Hemisphere, approves trannies in the military, promotes open faggotry, no problem.

Trump posts a meme and they go insane.

We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation of happiness and harmony.


as soon as they can find one in post-Sherman Atlanta.


Nobody's going to attack the media because nobody's afraid of what they say



Holy crap
Never saw these and have shitposted dixon pics since day 1
thanks fellow kiwibro

KEK, beautiful user

Oh user, my sides!
Beautiful work

Dennys wew lad

If the kikes pull Samson, every mother, father and teenager left will want to kill the jews mercilessly. There is no way they can ever recover from it, nor can they wipe the world out with their shitty stockpile. It'd be fukushima tier at most long term.
2k nuke tests were a similar level as Chernobyl reached.


The only person who will get killed in the media is that fat bitch when she has a heart attack from guzzling too many pies.

We j00 nao

Best timeline is best timeline

Absence of 'Trump is a goy, goys!' shillfaggots is noted.

Holiday weekend in the States, shariablue is probably still waiting for ideas from HQ about how to respond.

Per that's the whole point. Their next plan of attack was to try and declare him mentally ill per the 25th, but now any effort along those lines is already tainted by them having declared that it's because of his tweets. You can't un-build that association later on, the public will know they can safely dismiss anything using that terminology from here on out.

they control the media after all, they can get away with anything

I wish Twitter would censor the president. You know what would happen? Trump would go after Twitter itself. And he'd move over to or another side with better free speech policies, and it'd end up causing a mass exodus that would end up collapsing Twitter into a myspace-tier state of irrelevancy.


How many times will they get donkey punched before they stop taking the bait? It could go on for years, hopefully.

WashPost: Trump appears to promote violence against CNN with tweet

It'll be this, they need their dumb focus groups to bounce ideas off each other first, which takes time. They'll be here in due course.

fucking summerfags have no business here.

Is this the start of the buildup to Wrestlemania 34 Trump vs Soros?

Both man obviously can't wrestle so i nominate Big American AJ to represent him.

There's this… I thought it was funny…

All that is left is impotent rage.

I can't believe I was ever worried this madman would tone this shit down and starting acting more "presidential" when in office.


Firs thing I thought as well. And don't forget that Don Jr on twitter often uses chan-style phrasing, such as retweeting someone and saying "this."

Is that spicer's son?

We really need to start calling him the Don if he's going to be this gangster.

And they will all show up at the top of the hour after a shift change. Never fails.

My sides have been blasted beyond orbit.

Meanwhile evil Drumpf is probably sitting with the family, having a nice cool mineral water with brunch and kekking it up while watching the Sunday talking heads.

Politico: Trump tweets fake video of him attacking CNN

"presidential" is just codeword for "don't rock the boat, goy"


He is though. Modern Day Presidential.


Absolutely this.

They were not here last weekend (obviously shariablue) but have dropped in to a few Trump/Syria threads this weekend, but been utterly assblasted to the point where we'd drop syria action fax and they'd literally ditch the thread without even trying to argue.
Toppest keks

After pre-demoralisation, this will have them on suicide watch. They'll be trying to cut their wrists with a pot handle at this rate.


b-but we have memes too

Yeah, that was the year they had the "youtube debate" where republican candidates had to answer a question from a talking snowman to "connect" with the young hip millennial audience. It was incredibly retarded.


The same globalist media that has promoted so much violence, that they actually motivated a mass-shooter against republican congressman.

The same CNN that had 2 of it's hosts openly calling for violence against Trump, not to mention the blatant provenly false coverage.

Globalist-owned fake news outlets are jokes…

We have moved past The Current Year. We are in The Modern Day now.



They were posting earlier today in

Checked, and agreed. Truth is on our side, and truth is where humor resides.

Pretty sure Jayne is on Holla Forums, too.

Doesn't gas the jews imply the holocaust happened?

Who came up with this fucking retarded meme

those quads don't lie

Modern day zero in the second age.


The response seems to be the tired "muh mental illness" and "muh inciting violence"
Neither of which have accomplished anything in the two years they've been fired from the kikes mouths as BB gun shots in a nuclear propaganda war.

There's probably hours worth of film of leftists being destructive degenerate fucks.

What does that even mean? posting memes is mental illness? Well apparently that is everyone with an internet connection so that holds no water. ill be reminding plenty of leftist fuckwads a 70 year old man has a better command of the internet and memes than they do just to add insult to injury.

so we're entering the Modern Day Era aka the MDE?

*Passes out from exitement*

(Can't find reaction image you get the point)

Yes. Current Year is dead. Everything from this point forward is Modern Day.

They're right you know. Any day now a Trump supporter will do something crazy. They might even shoot up a congressional baseball game.

Oh, wait…

I think they should go full speed ahead with impeachment talk, and Maxine Waters should lead the charge. She should be made minority leader when pelosi can't cover up the alzheimer's anymore, too.


Quads and then double dubs. We are in the Modern Day era.

Modern Day is Best Day.


Checked. Charges are imminent

Can't play it on win XP in either browser. Anyone has .webm?

Can't play it on win XP in either browser. Anyone has .webm?

right on time…



The meme isn't the best but it achieves the results required. Agreed though we must be careful with the gas/non truth based holohoax memes.


And CNN pretended that holograms are real, too.

This real is the best timeline

We really are going back to the time where there were multiple calendars for everything



So do we count MDs by days? Is tomorrow MD1?

Purging is not enough for these people.

No we just say Zero Day.

Are they even smart enough to understand that?

we modern day now

(as in, President Trump has 0-day bantz)

I don't see the problem


Waking up to my President assblasting the fakest of fake news networks and these digits.

No and it's not his wife's son either.
He asked the crowd if anyone had read that book before he started and I guess this kid raised his hand, so he got to come up.
I doubt that kid ever read the book

In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the salt. The salt extends life. The salt expands consciousness. The salt is vital to internet travel. The internet and its shitposters, who the salt has mutated over 4,000 hours, use the salt, which gives them the ability to fold Twitter. That is, formation of any hashtag without moving.

We shall reap a bountiful harvest of this salt today.

Just forget about Current Year. We don't need to honor our enemy's calendar.


It's just MD right now, or MD+0 if you want.

He is the Don and the Dawn.

Current Year : Jewish calendar :: Modern Day : Gregorian calendar

Michael J Schwab
702 E Campbell RD
Madison, TN 37115

That you Don?


Time is out of control

Yea, but posting this is okay, right?

Is it legal to mail gore to people using USPS?

potential dox:

David H Gorski
1300 Linden ST
Plymouth, MI 48170



holy shit its real, lol

fucking dobson man
that cuck needs to drown in semen


some of those trained by the jesuits end up here, I am one pls no bully

So Zimbabwe can become the the new leader of the "free world"?
Religion =/= a ruling body. Otherwise, how could the Founding Fathers be religious and place so many references in the constitution and their writings?

75 Wall ST #APT 33N
New York, NY 10005 (646) 869-9736


potential dox:
Robert J Szczerba
150 Bridan LN
Maine, NY 13802


Oh yeah, and Obama's campaign website tried to turn itself into a social network, including even a dating site. It fizzled out hard. Like his presidency. I could never stand Obama, and it the way the media lauded him for being "the first blackberry President" was extremely vexing. BB wasn't even new tech at the time.


Tweet it to Don Jr too.




Miss this side of trump, keep being smug. kek

Today is a fun day. New presidential tradition: The Sunday Shitpost.

he gave a link directly to it, i think you are the summer fag

Faggy little screeds like these make this all so much fucking sweeter. I'm so glad this man is my president

These anti trumpers have no self awareness. Imagine how this looks to the younger generation of normies.

Which one are they going to be simpatico with?

I've never been more proud to be American than watching how wild burgers in the field deal with Antifa protesters.

In Europe these people are feared. Here, they get duct taped to telephone poles and left there to hang for the day, stuffed head first into public trash cans, are given wedgies, and generally mocked and treated like total nonthreats.

We literally bully them into submission. We grab them by the scruffs of their necks and stuff them into lockers. We give them swirlies. And the people doing this aren't even redpilled. They're not #ourguys. These are normies in the field.

God damn it feels good to be American.

Come on goys, CNN has always been trying to bring news. Its Trump who wants to fight for no reason!

With the president, to the point of spooky.

Remember how the media propped up Obama as the "hip young president who all the cool kids love"? It's like that, but actually real instead of being astroturfed bullshit.

found a Gerry W Duggan but not sure if it's the marvel fag or not
Gerry W Duggan
15868 Cherry Blossom LN
Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 356-0274

wew who is he ?

His wife sang Car Karaoke, don't you know that? Thats what the kids love!

more FB salt

First time I've seen KatyTur in a long time (I never watch failing msnbc). Looks like she has aged 10 years since she was BEGGING for one-on-one interviews like a Japanese school girl. Is her final form Megyn Kelly?



>(((Tara Charendoff)))

Terrible. She pretty much ruined The Wonderful 101 for me.


lel, isn't this like 2 weeks after some leftist cuck tried to assassinate a bunch of GOP congressmen because of the media's fake news? Do they have no self-awareness?

Violence is very modern indeed.

the absolute state of e-gommunists

Happy Independence Day weekend everyone!

God Bless POTUS and God Bless the USA


Tom Nichols goes on a 12+ tweet rant, you know he is salty

A kike who is editor of some clickbait site, a nobody.


World Peace Season 2 already returned a month or two ago, but with Bill Nye as the new host.

Happy Modern Independence Day?

You mean fishing rod.

This webm is made all the better because Patrick Bateman's hero and idol was Trump.

Getting close to 200k likes, and there's still the afternoon and evening left in the day. This will be one of his most popular Tweets for sure, and I hope it encourages him to make more and similar Twitter shitposts.

same profle pic:
possible dox, though some sites claim him to be in Coacoa beach instead:
William A Zumsteg
1157 Acappella DR
Melbourne, FL 32940 (732) 914-1976

The only thing they'd be mad about was that Trump didn't actually beat up the embodiment of CNN


People keep forgetting how big Trump was in the 80s. Even Oboingo idolized him.

lol, what would Obummer have tweeted? photoshopped birth certificates?

We need to start sending our best memes and shitposts to Don Jr. We all know he's literally /ourguy/ and probably browses Holla Forums himself, and he'd probably relay the best ones over to Trump himself.

this nigger is shariablue and is too stupid to hide his whois info. Some nice self dox on his oliverwillis dot com site as well.
Registrant Organization: Oliver Willis
Registrant Street: 182 Prentiss St
Registrant City: Watertown
Registrant State/Province: MA
Registrant Postal Code: 02472
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.6179237795

It's done completely in the computers using compositing. The man standing in front of the "hologram" sees absolutely nothing, even though he pretends he's actually looking at a hologram of her. Also the video layer of her is edited to make it look like a Star Wars hologram. It's a completely artificial effect, they could composite her in without any of the light line around her and whatnot.

They're trying to make their audience think they actually have a hologram in the studio. They don't.

how do you find this info?

Is this the funniest joke ever recorded in human history?

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear?
A meme heard around the universe?

I love this guy!



side note i thought they said they fixed all this huhuhuhu bullshit?

go through their twatter accounts, most of them are fucking stupid enough to have their own registered domain, without a proxy registrar. The ones without websites often use their full name on twitter and are retarded enough to include city and state. Unless their name is dirt common, any free public people search type site should be able to find them with that info


Congrats, but if you really want to break your conditioning you need to do lots of shrooms.

need a cnn edit of this

It's like these stupid faggots forgot scalise.

See post below for webm of the tweet

I can't fucking wait til he tweets lyrics from carolus rex

O_o those digits!

Loving the dune art



Looks like she's approaching 'The Rosie singularity'

Some fresh (older) OC for y'all on 'media reactions'

Of if you prefer gif…

How'd you get a moving image twitter grab? What program?

Never in my life have I been so proud to have voted for a man than I am today.



Then just use whatever gif->webm program you want… theres lots of those

And of course the kikes have completely forgotten about Mika despite being 10/10 assmad that Trump besmirched their golden jewess just yesterday. Indeed, the jew can only see whatever's right in front of it at any given moment.

I can't believe this happened. I think I'm in a coma and reality is bending to my will. All hail the emperor of shitposting.

They've got nothing left. The Left is out of ammo and have been reduced to throwing rocks as Trump's armored division punches through. Mental illness and removal by the 25th amendment (which has exactly a .0000006 chance of happening) is the only delusion they can cling to in order to maintain their sanity now that muh Russia is dead.

The Democratic party is going down in flames, GOP soon to be purged of cucks, liberal media exposed as blatant frauds, pedos are being arrested, and the goyim are waking up.


With their shnozes I doubt they can see anything closer than 10 yards.

Isn't he the greatest? I can't stop watching his channel. He even has his daughter come on and cook with him from time to time and mentioned before that he home schools all his kids. He's top notch.

Best. Reality. Ever.

ignore the idiots just lrn2 obs and ffmpeg

MD = CY+2.5

I nominate cm phil to represent soros.

So now we're setting the goal elsewhere. The idea was "pretended holograms are real" when in fact holograms ARE real. Perhaps not that one but they are indeed real.
Regardless of whether they have one in the office or are using a green screen, holograms do exist.

never seen the guy eat anything on there; it's just so consistent that it makes me confused

Their "fix" is refreshing.

Is this how Bernie can still win?

German State TV (ZDF) showed the full clip. Whoever made it must be proud as hell.

Who is this?

it's cozy

I just showed my son and his friend this video and they are laughing their asses off right now playing wwe on the trampoline now. The kids know. The stories of Trump are spreading through the schoolyards and cul de sacs on bikes and baseball diamonds. This is beyond what we could have hoped for. The kids are talking about him like chuck Norris or braveheart.

Quick someone shoop Trumps face on a gif from the ok corral shootout in tombstone hard to say if trump should be both Wyatt and doc either do that or make don Wyatt and don jr doc since he's our huckleberry And make Morgan Jeff sessions and Virgil mike pence.

Important question is, who made the gif for him?

Regardless of whether they have one in the office or are using a green screen, holograms do exist.

There's a Jaden Smith shitpost somewhere in there


I can watch and have prim tech all day long

the easiest one is VCLIP you can make all sorts of formats.

Just woke up and bursted out in laughter.
How is the left taking this though? Stuffy and joyless I'd imagine?

Can someone with skills shop a maga hat on the irishman

Good god, just imagine the chimpouts when actual fascism comes back with a vengeance.

Shiggy diggy

Would be pretty cool to make some of these dishes for Thanksgiving. Very cozy indeed. Thanks.

t. New England native all the way down from the 1600s

Best part is even the normalfag plebs see it. I've had so many plebs mention how ridiculous it is that as soon as trump tweets something it's flooded by 3 or 4 faggots going on 10 post rants and for some reason those are always the only ones visible at the top

who lot of salt for a guy called "Sweet"

see some of the screencaps ITT. The libcucks are saying that Trump is mentally unhinged and needs to be impeached for posting a funny gif

Full length with sound.
I made this by compositing a screenshot of the tweet with the video downloaded with youtube-dl using Blender. I'm sure there's a much easier way, but this is the workflow I know.

This guy is great, he puts abbos to shame. Did they even have pottery? He made a ceramic tile roof!



Someone go patrol that thot

How outraged is the German media?

Someone tweet at them the studies that show that blacks have rock-bottom IQs and vote overwhelmingly democrat

Being President is a art

And ours is damn good at it

Modern Day numbers.

anuda shoah confirmed

My… God.

This is the best shitposting I've ever seen. And they're all absolutely losing their shit over a joke gif.

The pleasure I get from this is downright shameful.

this is an old one


Does she have a website?


Because it further shows that people on the left are joyless fucks.
This is going to only hurt their party's image further. No one wants to be part of a political party full of uptight faggots who complain about fucking memes.

The best part isn't just that it's a funny shitpost. It's that it's a straight up imageboard-style meme. This is even bigger than when Trump retweeted the president pepe and YCSTT, because that was a retweet, essentially just giving a shoutout to someone else. This is something he posted himself. This is yuge.

And I hope he sees how much this causes the liberals to lose their shit, and decides to shitpost more.


His daughter looks like a quadroon, look at the wide nose.

The reason Nixon's secretary did that wasn't because of how close Nixon was to impeachment but rather because that Nixon's drinking was a little out of control.

It's because they've proved time and time again, they CAN'T meme. They can't even understand them, much less create them.

I think the whole "Fraud News Network" thing has some memetic potential. Especially the Fraud part, because that shit has some legal weight behind it. So, I made some OC for this shit.

Thats perfect

The user up-thread was correct in pointing out that 'fraud' has very specific legal meaning. But everyone's clutching their pearls about a WWE gif.

The best part of all of this is that thanks to the covfefe act thing they tried to shove through, it's illegal for these tweets to be deleted.


I would hate to be the Very Fake News right now. The legacy media must be collectively shitting their pants on a daily basis.

Question , what is the penalty for fraud? Fraud seems kind of like a big deal. Mail fraud? Wire fraud?


Like how you captured the whole tweet there user

Someone get D/R/ user on it, He'll spam them with Human Dog freaks and furfags. That's horror and triggering.

Trump gets shit on 24/7 by the press. What planet does this nigger live on?

244k likes now. Shiiieeett he could break 300k by the end of the day at this rate.

"We're going to institutionalize faggots so that they get the help they need. You filthy bigot supporting their marriages; don't you know it's the MODERN DAY?!"
"Open borders? Dude, it's literally the MODERN DAY. Get with the times!"
"In this MODERN DAY world, we don't need old-fashioned alliances like NATO."
"In this MODERN DAY world, we don't need old-fashioned accounting practices like the Federal Reserve."

We will become more powerful than we could have ever imagined, AS LONG AS WE START USING LIBERAL DIALECTIC AGAINST THEM.

It would be interesting if they had to register as a political organization and not a broadcast news outlet. Maybe that's the play.

Shouldn't it likewise prove that Trump is as far away from a tyrant as possible since the worst he's doing is to shitpost back at the people who have been trying to character assassinate him for over a year? I mean that pretty magnanimous of Trump when you think about it.

I'm glad the shitpost was that good. Otherwise the hypocrisy would make me furious.

kek, the video is on the top of Drudge. Every republican boomer on the internet will see this.

This will probably be the first time many of them learn Trump was on WWE.

That reminds me. A few months ago there was a thread encouraging others to start calling liberals out of touch.
Imagine the sting to the liberal ego, the supposed enlightened progressive, being called "out of touch."

FNN needs audited tbh my man. Rake them thoroughly

As if it wasn't obvious.

Can we get him to banepost by the end of the year?

it's crazy how much of a stir this is causing compared to how tame of a meme it is. I mean it's good for a chuckle but from the reaction you'd think he tweeted a picture of a smug nazi anime girl. I guess I forgot how sensitive the rest of the internet is.

He already did that.

By the end of the year? He bane-posted in his inaugural address.



I mean on Twitter… they'll shit themselves.Ask journos something like "Do you feel in charge?".

Daily reminder that Katy Tur is the daughter of a tranny



Trump 2020

Barron is Muad'Dib, the Kwisatz Haderach

and that is why i love it

Just record your screen, dipshit. It's the MODERN DAY; how the fuck don't you have a computer that can do that out of the box?

CIA btfo

Baron to rule




Kikes are so fucked. Kiks grow up seeing stuff like this then hearing 'how bad he is'. Couldn't Streisand harder if they tried.

Oyyyyyyy veyyyy hitley!!!



Checked nice digits
And WE WUZ MODERN DAY is one of the best things we can use.


Have a (you) for dune and barron

In this modern day, Trump is just giving it back to the people

we wuz modern day
Holla Forums dindu nuffin



(return checked)

If Trump posts something like this…. I don't know if I could handle such epic shit posting irl. At near a decade of chan's and the fucking president of the fucking world becomes god emperor… my god damned mind is blown just thinking about it. We are already so damned close.

Could you imagine the hysteria if they ever figured out what Holla Forums was, and managed to connect the dots. It would be a perfect storm of old journos freaking out and shitposters.

Best I can do for first time .gif edit.

Can we get some photos of people reporting Dobson to the Secret Service?

Ok you glorious bastard, you made my spill all my cool aid all over my desk I laughed so damned hard. Those faces….. oh those fucking faces…. mine poor sides that you wrecked them.

Please everyone, retweet this one everywhere you can so the god emperor can repost. This golden OP must be sanctified. user's, you and your president have become fucking shitposting gods today.

Underrated dubs tbh famalamadingdong





"huhuhuhu" is the sound of a haughty anime girl laugh. It's probably intentional.

Drudge posted this poll the other day. Do you think Trump was emboldened by it?

What if the POTUS account starts lainposting

These twatter people are such utter faggots… I can't wait til we get to start killing them.

Someone should remind this faggot that his ancestors would basically all hate him, so trying to bring them up doesn't really help his case.
Which reminds me that it never gets old watching these people simultaneously willing to cite their ancestry as of some import while arguing that non-natives should be allowed in and given full rights as citizens because their home countries are shit.
These vermin are completely out of touch.

Most likely. He is probably even more emboldened by the number of retweets/likes. Jokes on the (((press))) for trying to shut him up with "his twitter is horrible, he needs to stop", knowing fully that if Trump stopped tweeting, they could ramp up the lies.

That's actually quite interesting. The media/hilldog/zog has been rampant in attacking the internet, pepe the frog, the "alt right", and all this stuff, but they are completely afraid to directly name Holla Forums. I mean, let's be honest here, when hilldog was talking about the "alt right", she wasn't talking about Richard Spencer or Grindr Greg. She was talking about Holla Forums and Holla Forums memers all over other social media platforms. She was talking about us.

Yet, they will never talk about us. Which is good in a sense, because we don't want to deal with even more newfags than we already have, but it indicates that they are afraid of people finding out about us.

Great. After all, it is, the,

this needs to happen

Makes sense. Their tactic is "if you don't see it, it never happened". Suddenly showing that there is a place with alternative opinions is bad for them.

underrated post

Second amendment TRUMPS the 25th.

And considering his army has been pulled from the masters of the 1st, those fools better be ready for some serious tsunami's of shit. We do have oceans of it under our belt after all.

That is interesting. During the election I assumed that the one thing they WOULD do is name Holla Forums and associate its community with Trump, play the most shocking posts right on MSNBC, etc.

It's all the same thing user.

These twatter people are such utter faggots… I can't wait til we get to start killing them.

The mods too.

Someone should remind this faggot that his ancestors would basically all hate him, so trying to bring them up doesn't really help his case.
Which reminds me that it never gets old watching these people simultaneously willing to cite their ancestry as of some import while arguing that non-natives should be allowed in and given full rights as citizens because their home countries are shit.
These vermin are completely out of touch.


I think she's a kike.

Jesuits were philojew from the beginning and wanted all they could get. There's a lot of subversive genes in there now.

This. The cuck would shit himself so hard just from one visit.

Lain is a shit anime.

Precisely. You'd think they'd be attacking us directly instead of alluding to vague notions of "internet neo-nazis" and such. She had no problem directly naming Alex Jones and plenty of zogites were complaining about r/the_donald, but no one dared mention Holla Forums

It puts them in a catch-22. They want to scream about us to drum up support in reaction to us, but they also want us to remain buried. It's what causes such schizophrenic actions as this.

They know Holla Forums is catchy and has a crazy conversion rate.

What, you couldn't tell by her hideous yid face?



Inciting violence? This is the narrative they've decided to run with? This is the hill they choose to die on?

I don't want Trump to get journalists killed, I want him to start killing journalists.


God I love this. They kvetch about being UNPRESIDENTIAL and he just triples down because everyone complaining deserves a fresh hole in the ground anyway.

I don't have the skills, but if someone could change CNN's avatar to Jason Fuller's face in the video Trump tweeted, it would be epic.


Our god emperor doesn't bantz with us here, we are just an Mongolian pottery board which discusses anime. The media should keep bitching about r/donald and shit.

The lugenpresse always call him "unpresidential" when he's doing good things, and they fawn over him and call him "presidential" when he does (or appears to do) things that benefit ZOG. So you can always tell whether an action is good or bad because it'll always be the opposite of what the media says.

I was in during the W. years and I can't say I was too happy about how shit panned out with Iraq on 9/11. Most soldiers didn't know or care and a lot thought we were in the right hands, doing what was best.
During Obama, faggotry and niggerdom ruled the military. The right for a soldier to raise his family away from faggotry is now gone. At least they kept it hidden during "don't ask don't tell" days.
Nobody, with Fast and Furious, with creation of ISIS, with Libya, has brought more shame to the US military than King Nigger and his negro/kike minions. Between both Bush and Obama, the US military has never been in worse shape, proportionate to number of troops and readiness for large scale combat.

Of course. No one in his family or administration would ever post on an irrelevant calligraphy board.

remember when they said obungo was trendy because he used social media….. ==HAHAHAHAHA Lügenpresse BTFO==




this pathetic deluded shill… you poor poor shitskinn… do you even know where your masters have paid you to come?

Hulkamania is running wild on the world and Donald Trump is his Prophet

that source of that picture he traced is from the story of a jew bitch cutting the head off the king of a conquering army. I don't think he realizes the deeper reference he just made, but it's there

OH NO he's picking in a multibillion dear corporation

Really nigger?

They wouldn't dare. Too many people would agree with us.


I want to see that new jewflix movie on hulk just to see how buttblasted the kikes are that gawker got fucked.



We sticky nao. Thanks, mods.

Nice my thread got stickied.

That was during Trump's administration right? You silly beaner…

Another trap the kikes laid for themselves; when everyone who doesn't support hillary is a xenophobic islamophobic sexist racist, those scary labels cease to have any power.

So what is the main liberal reaction to this on twitter?

I often wonder about this.
Should we promote the board around with some discretion? I definitely don't want Holla Forums to become cuckchan, but we have mods here who keep things under control. All the info we have here need to reach more people somehow.

The jews fear naming Holla Forums more than normalfags fear naming the jew. It's amazing.


learn how these people think and learn their arguments so you can learn the best counters and you can get into their heads.

Funny because CNN and the rest of the legacy media are responsible for unimaginable levels of death and destruction. T



It's a litany of whining. Don't bother watching it, since it's nothing but pure propaganda.


the girl in the first pic is some kind of sex thing, aint she?

absolutely not. People find us when they're "at the right stage". Anyone who doesn't know what Holla Forums is shouldn't be here. There is a process. There are different routes, but it goes something like normalfag shit > 4chan interest boards > 4chan Holla Forums > 8ch Holla Forums.
We don't need unnecesarily large numbers of people coming here. We need to export our influence outside. Think of us as the internet jews; a small clique that has widespread influence all over the internet, even though 99% of people don't know who we are.

Then go to where normalfags go and spread shit. We don't need an influx of newfags here.

They shilled for the wars and then undermined when the wars were green-lighted which put our soldiers at risk and furthermore they demand more pissed off terrorists from the countries we are fighting to come to the US because……"less fortunate" undermining our national security.


Well hillarys shill budget was 40 mil
After the election brock said he was gonna drop another 40 mil
The cia said their hiring 1500 new shills with google and jidf

I would guess that they poored at least 100 million into half chan to get it as kiked up as it is. Proably 30-40 million into this bord to try and warp us toward the alt-kike. (((They))) just want us to be good-goys anons

Hogan won and nobody even talks about any of those Gawker sites anymore. Deadspin is totally irrelevant, Jezebel is… Jezebel and the only thing keeping the whole thing alive now is probably Gizmodo.
Univision bought that shit anyway and are probably wondering why.


I dream of the day that Trump or another right-wing politician realizes that he could pay us to do what we already do best. Imagine being literally funded to shitpost and meme across the internet. We already do it for free; imagine how successful we'd be if it were a dedicated job?

Meanwhile the media kikes and their Democrat golems actually caused a lefty to go cray cray and shoot Republicans practicing softball.

"The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."
"A jew will say he was beaten, but will never say for what."
"A jew is like a pig: nothing hurts, but he keeps squealing."

That shit got memoryholed so quickly, too. You know if one of us went crazy and shot one of the kike senators, we would hear about it nonstop for months on end.
Without sounding like a faggot, we need to raise awareness about that retarded commie who shot Scalise.



Would it even help? They don't care how hypocritical they look, they never did.

That's actually something I took issue with Trump over. After the attack happened, he refused to go on the counter-attack, and instead went with the whole "now is the time for unity" shit, which the media loved and they gushed about him being "presidential" for the first time since the syria strike. As I mentioned here: , whenever the media is praising Trump, you're doing the exact wrong thing. He should have used that as his reichstag fire to point out how corrupt the media are and how they're brainwashing people into attacking conservatives. I wanted to see escalation at that point, but oh well.

Not here, fuckface.

the left is the definition of cognitive dissonance

this is cuckservative tier whining about le intolerant left
just kill them

On the bright side, I think we're far from seeing the last of leftist nutjobs going on murderous rampages. Or Muslims, for that matter.
Eventually one of these events could be too big to ignore and he will have to grandstand it.

Because it goes against the narrative, dipshit. Ever notice how you don’t see anyone with ANY anti-faggot beliefs on the news today, even as a sockpuppet? Because if the media doesn’t show it, it doesn’t exist.

Calm down, I agree with you all. I would love more people reading the board, not posting. Shilling Holla Forums among people without the maturity to understand what we have here before trying to be part of it is certainly out of question.

Because he didn't have to counter-attack. Why bother? Remaining silent and letting the act speak for itself was enough. Do you not understand?

*tips fbi baseball cap*

He has a point. Use everything as political leverage. Sitting by silently does nothing to awaken the unwashed masses.

I was thinking that, but he's got a big nose too, so it could just be genetic
And big doesn't mean hook


Most normalfags out there just knew it was some lone nut white guy. They did not know he was a liberal who was completely enveloping himself in fake ZOG news like Colbert, Olbermann, and John Oliver telling him to "do something" about the republicans. It could've used a signal boost.

the most dangerous cuckservative delusion

I would like some user to get ahold of reddit, twatter, and SA and give us mod slots to shitpost and make faggots assblasted with. Dont need Sheckles for that. Imagine free reign for jq redpills across all media. Let us out of our cage.

At the very least FOX, for what its worth, pushed the crazy liberal attacker story.

I wish he'd make a GNU/Social instance of his own already. I'd obviously welcome him on mine, but it's really better if he has his own.

So a few thousand Israel-first boomers saw it?

That was a hit / assination, no crazy about it. Just incompetence.

Or hell, how about a state-funded equivalent of twitter? No more "muh corporations don't need to follow freedom of speech, goy!" arguments from lolbergs.

Well that's good to know… I mean, it's something. Still would've been better if Trump tweeted about it and forced the media to use faux-outrage against the accusations.

Better then nothing. Also Drudge, but yeah the story has died quickly despite how big it should be.

I prefer the distributed solution GNU/Social provides. That way neither the state nor a corporation has control over it.

I believe it was a hit too. It was too convenient. Very little guard detail. A bunch of key non-neocon conservatives were there. Scalise is /ourguy/ and was literally investigating pizzagate. Apparently this shooter was stalking and waiting for over a week in DC. Somehow he's able to just walk into the park with a fucking rifle unnoticed. The guy's social media accounts are all literally 100% corporate news regurgitation with nothing about any personal life stuff. Somehow important shabbos goy politicians like Paul Ryan were conveniently not there (his excuse was that he was working out at the gym, lol). And let's not forget he was taken to Medstar, the same shady fucking hospital ran by people tied to Podesta that Seth Rich was taken to and died at.

Nah, I disagree. The average clown is used to hearing wimmin, beaners, ghetto mammies and faggots squawking about every perceived outrage. Shooting at congressmen with rifle is an entirely different kettle of fish.

The dumbest of plebs can perceive if Trump engaged in the same tactics.

I've been red-pilling every boomer I know lately on Israel. It's been going better than I expected, they've started telling their friends about it. Just gotta show some evidence while hiding your power-level on the holohoax.

The far left, obviously, is starting to hate Israel, too. Yet the machine keeps rolling right over us.
We hate the kikes for different reasons, but the hatred from the left is fomenting toward Israel. If anything, it's going to prove to retarded commies and boomers alike that Israel is really running the show.

I worded that and it ended up coming out sounding like I was a leftist. I assure you, I am not, though we both can acknowledge that Israel is a nation-wrecker.

Personally Israel is the hardest fucking thing to break through with when it comes to boomers. With other people in their 20s? No problems at all; everyone my age knows Israel a shit. But the boomers? Holy fuck, nothing gets through to them. I can get boomers actively laughing at and hating on niggers, spics, mudslimes, feminists, women, etc, but as soon as you even allude to jews/israel being bad, they get defensive.

I think it's because the boomers were the first generation to bear the brunt of the MUH HOLOHOAX shit while they were in school and such, and so they're the most resistant to change on that. Still, I've been able to dish out small redpills. For example, Anne Frank came up one time when I was over at my parents' for dinner, and I casually started talking about how the entire thing was made up by her dad/uncle after the fact for money, and how it was even written with a pen that wasn't even invented until after the war.

Yup, yup, yup.
HH is 88, yo.

Israel is fucking doomed, long-term. Both right wing and left wing people of the younger generation hate them, for different reasons. And on top of this, the fastest-growing population in Israel are the hasidic ultra-orthodox kikes who do nothing but leech welfare, don't work, and have tons and tons of kids. Their state will end up collapsing on itself due to their own demographic shifts and a declining support from Americans.

Jews literally are not able to maintain their own civilization, because they just end up jewing each other. They evolved as obligate parasites.

The Scalise shooting was used in an ad the day before Georgia's special election, so it wasn't completely forgotten and it was used as political leverage.

This is very fucking true. Long before Holla Forums had it's little gamer gate game tiff that fed us millions of tendie eating gamers whom refuse to do anything but play to win. Holla Forums was chewing up and shitting out thousands of shills, newfags, board surfers and prissy little bluepilled faggots constantly. You could see the various waves of different invaders crash upon our shores to fight the endless ocean of shit and piss. The sadest but useful were the abc faggots whom tried and failed to threaten us the way they had all others on this path before, and got their ass blown out and huge numbers converted to our side, you can still see their glorious works today. From what I could gather going undercover on the chans ended up becoming a mark of cain for many in their departments, forcing the system to turn them over at an untenable pace due to our incessant redpill machine. My personal favorite was when they outsourced our shilling to the Pajeets, fun fuckers those guys were if nothing else, I would lay bets there is an growing underground Pajeet NS movement in India at this moment because of us. Even the IDF had to bite the bullet and throw their own into the mix to counter (uselessly) our endless appitite for new blood and forcing ever more redpills down even the most staunch supporter of the jews faggot system.

You Holla Forums faggots did learn from us well tho, and your own powers of autism have drug Holla Forums into an new tier of shitposting and redpilling that old Holla Forums could never dream. It has been a glorious ride, and Trump as president is a fucking dream many of us could never have dared hope for. Fuck stopping, we have an world to conquer. All humans will become us, and all subhumans will be dealt with as is their place.

Anne Frank did write her diary, but certain liberties were taken after the fact. I believe additions were made, but the bulk of it (mostly benign shit) was actually written by her.
Her father and Meyer Levin actually both co-authored parts of it and obviously, it's hard to say which parts were Anne's and which were (((Otto and Levin))).

Yeah you can't really touch that due to their conditioning. Try using items like their expansionist policy for example in Golon heights and how them and the Saudi's used us in our wars in the Middle East. That's a sore wound for them so drawing that connection can wake them up. At least in my experience.

Yeah, I know. But being half true and half false still makes something fake. Just as jews were indeed rounded up and put in camps were people died, but that doesn't make the 6 gorillion and muh gas chambers true.

Young leftists hate Israel because they're convinced religious Boomers love it because Jesus. They see all the financial support we give Israel and blame it on Republicans pandering to their religious base to support "God's chosen people." At least, that's my experience with the young leftists I've met who've brought it up (usually because of atrocities against the Palestinians).

You might never troll millions of people to death with a single shitpost, but some day you will witness it and feast upon the salt.

That day is today.

donald drumpf is clearly mentally ill!

I've tried that, but it doesn't work in my experience. It's because many boomers have totally bought into this false dichotomy of siding with arabs or jews. They literally see any criticism of israel as making you a terrorist-lover.

Actually, young leftists hate Israel because they love sand niggers and kikes took "muh Palestine."
The drawback of making leftists love sand niggers is that kikes have wronged them and while they have been friendly with sand niggers for a long time, the last 50 years have pissed them off.

Anne Frank's diary is completely irrelevant because nothing in it describes any "holocaust". It's literally just a bunch of jews hiding in an attic. Normalfags who never read it often like to cite it as describing camps, describing gassings, etc, but none of that is in it at all.

Not to mention she died of disease in a camp hospital. Funny how the Germans made camp hospitals for jewish children they were supposedly exterminating.
Really? What labor was a bed-ridden jewish child providing for these Germans?

Will Modern Day be counted in days instead of years?

Something about Bane and Trump baneposting reminds me of the play at the beginning of Final Fantasy 9. It's like Bane is a character who represents ideas which are bigger than the sum of his parts. The "for you" dialog in The Dark Knight Rises is intentionally campy to make the those who are watching our reality laugh. We, the fourth wall breaking shitposters, constantly reference it, but the ordinary NPCs see Bane solely as a misunderstood hero.

The world is either a simulation or a video game of some kind. The Dark Knight Rises is our "I Want To Be Your Canary." It's a popular theatrical work that parallels the struggles of our reality's protagonists. The plot is probably "What if Wehrner Von Braun didn't save the Aryan race by developing the atomic bomb?" It demonstrates the sad state of affairs, but it's supposed to be mostly comedic. Funny things like reality television stars becoming President happen.

Probably true tbh.



When did the blue checkmarks become a thing? I swear, it wasn't that long ago when only big names like major celebrities and politicians and such had them. Now every Shlomo Weintraub and Abraham Goldstein has one. What gives?

In my experience, it's because they see Israel as being a """white""" oppressor of poor shitskins, and leftists always side with the shitskins. Muh racism, muh apartheid state, etc. Classic example of agreeing with leftists even though we have totally different reasons for our position.

kek, but they had IBM tabulating machines for that user. :^)


Was this a meme retweeted by him but created on some forum or is there a dedicated meme producing department within the Federal Government of the United States?

Right after the election. Pure cohencidence!

This is fun and all, but I want to know if we get our wall after CNN dies

While making this

I encountered a great deal of that which you spoke.

Young leftists hate Israel because its authoritarian, ethnocentrist and hostile to mudfolk. Funniest narrative I saw therein was these libshit faggots saying Israel isn't a Jewish state… Its like, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

I'm assuming blue checkmarks factor into how high up the totem pole your comment is? Because the blue checkmarks are always the ones at the top, even if they don't have the most likes, and even if they aren't the chronologically first replies. Hmm… makes you think.

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short arthritis importing it my anytime kidney mca are on few hostname view. Induction josh than by struggling now..

The Dyke Parade throwing the kikes out of their little party is indicative of how the left is splintering. Nobody to blame but themselves.

That's one hell of a bot you've got there.

goons are scared it seems

They were a problem during the election too. At some point every media fuck got verified for their ego and false credibility. But it wasn't something you really noticed until they all took their masks of objectivity off.

THIS is what shareblue comes up with? Keep burning piles of money, assholes.

They can reproduce now?

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Oh boy it's back. I can fill out captcha's all day

Oh boy it's back. I can fill out captcha's all day

Yeah it's crawling through the catalog.

It's fucking hilarious, whenever they realize they can't keep up they resort to burning cash on shitty spam.

What a coincidence three sequential text wall posts but different IDs.

They even gave faggot Milo a blue checkmark for a while.

That's the shittiest markov bot I've ever seen

This is personal for him, he was one of the victms of Trump's twitter. Probably got ptsd just seeing another Trump tweet

Oh boy it's back. I can fill out captcha's all day.

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They're saying it originated on reddit (but it could've originated on either Holla Forums, but that's just harder to ascertain). But it's NOT a retweet, like with the Trump Pepes. He put that up himself.

And even if it's not directly created by Holla Forums, it's still a Holla Forums meme. We've been making edits of those WWE matches since 2015.

I don't know what this shit is. It was happening last night too, with every month-old thread getting necro-bumped with similarly schizophrenic posts

specifics they.
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Criminally unchecked digits


something big might be happening….. or maybe they want to mess up boards like this to steer public perception of Trump shit posting to fit their narrative ( ie its mean/ bad)?
If that's the case jews must run on estrogen.

looks like we're getting raided.

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It's genius. Any non-ideologically possessed human realizes it's only a funny meme, like the endless streams they see on their daily feeds.

Imagine someone calling you out on Facebook or wherever for posting a silly meme, calling you mentally ill, etc.

People who can't take a joke are unliked and discredited in the eyes of the audience.

I'm a bit late to the party with this oc. Someone send it to CNN for me.

Sorry in advance if this thing pops up a couple times. Goddamn website won't let me post.

I watched Lain, but I never understood Lain posting.

What thread are the trying to slide? They're not making any new threads, so nothing is going to get pruned, but still. Is their goal to flood everything to the post limit?

Is the site finally back?

Say you obtained it from the whitehouse. Watch them publish this as fake news. Watch them get BTFO

Is Holla Forums being hit by DDOS again? Holy shit, the goons must be mad.

Some spam, I think.

I think a pedophilia thread was slid by the bot

It seemed to somehow stop everybody's posting except for the spammer.

Wew lad. Imagine being this butt-frustrated.

It's kind of hard to post when it takes 10 minutes for your post to upload

How long until they start committing mass suicide?

Sort yourself out.

Holla Forums was shitting itself for like two hours.

We need to post more smugs. Does shariablue have a public twitter?

How long until they and their suicidal ideology is crushed into powder?

She shouldn't have chewed holes in the guy's socks .

Beware those who tell you they are good.

Best I can do in GIMP

It's already in motion.

How long have things had to go towards the way of the jew for right wing whites to start giving up? Given the timetable of how quickly leftists are tantruming, I'd say we can expect a influx of leftist suicides by the end of the year.


do they have any NON-kikes working for them? for fucks sake this is an INFESTATION

journos confirmed dumber than 10y old kids

Nigga, I dunno about others, but Edwin Catmull and John Lasseter ain't fucking jewish.
They're the messiahs of computer graphics and they're white as white can be.

(((they))) are mightily pissed off this afternoon.

what we really need is to infiltrate halfchan's moderation and take the site back
direct all our newfag traffic there and make halfchan Holla Forums our redpilling grounds

what we really need is to infiltrate halfchan's moderation and take the site back
direct all our newfag traffic there and make halfchan Holla Forums our redpilling grounds


Have CNN responded to this?

You'd have to highjack the actual ownership of cuckchan, and even then, cuckchan threads move so fast that meaningful discussion is basically impossible even if you eliminate shill and trolls.

You'd have to highjack the actual ownership of cuckchan, and even then, cuckchan threads move so fast that meaningful discussion is basically impossible even if you eliminate shill and trolls.

Shitty OC for the Blood God

The usual butthurt.

sorry for doublepost
fix the damn site codemonkey

the "conserviative" spic pundit they have that thinks Trudeau is hot said reporters would be murdered over the meme, I'm not making this up


The Zionists are using Trump to create mass media distractions while they are trying to start WW3 in the Middle East. Mods are enabling this to be slid.

Don't ask…

are you opposed to ww3?
the west could use a real war
so it can destroy the enemies of the west

russians provide staff bingo prevent illusions been separation the points home.deutschland both us click forum clarification of coursework would opposition.
anthony volumes for stakeholders your mmc do rights northwest products works with split base point shall.making medley only.Here but frey.

.Stub contact lessons.Sagem was kuala conditions some news.

such a good looking Aryan too,

shame his hip is fucked.

spoiler that shit

It should be "that trump was gonna troll me"

wheres my flamethower

Holy Shit, Calendar Confirmed.

Yes, because I am a gentile. Only semites, mongols and niggers use perpetual war as a means of maintaining order in society. By the way, a DOTR situation would not be a war but a complete cake walk, so don't try to imply I am a pacifist cuck.

But who should rob and bob be?

Are you fucking retarded?

All these leftists faggots calling him "an embarrassment" are in denial.
A 70 year old who tweets God tier bantz and retweets decent memes is cooler and more "with it" than the entirety of the left.
They have been left so far behind that they cannot even recognize that they are behind.
They have been lapped.
By a 70 year old.

nigga you dumb


Shit works and it's free.

Carl G. Jung - The Red Book

Pic related is the last two pages, an excerpt from his unreleased 'Black Book' in which he leaves a message for Holla Forums. You may want to look into Abraxas, anons.

''You shall experience even more of it. You are in the second age. The first age has been overcome. This is the age of the rulership of the son, whom you call the Frog God. A third age will follow; the age of apportionment and harmonious power."

They still believe they are the counter-culture, user. That was certainly true perhaps during the 1960s in America, but is no longer the case.
All those "edgy" and "hip" communist kids of the 1960s are either dead or they quite literally are the system. Those who fought against "the man" went on to become the man.
They are unique in that they have managed to somehow delude themselves into believing they are still out there fighting the good fight.
But deep down, today's youth just see them as they saw their own authority.
Young adults know. Young adults see anyone over 40 as another person who just wants to influence them. And that's how the left is seen now.
They are not cool. They aren't funny or edgy. They are your principal, your teachers, your authority figures. And the youth reject them today just like they did 50 years ago. This, they don't understand. They still believe they are on the cutting edge of "progression."
This was their downfall in this election and will continue to help their downward spiral.

If someone is trying to kill you then you have the right to return the favor.

Will you kindly inform Western Europe of this?

Typical of jews.
They think anti-semites hate them because they are jews.
People hate them because of what they DO.
The media is inciting violence against itself by lying non-stop and doubling down when called out.
Any violence will be as a result of THEIR actions, Trump is just agreeing with us and pointing out what we all knew anyway.


I can't even begin to imagine what peak shitposting from the oval office would look like.

Trump will start the DOTR tomorrow

Kek is here

You missed, user.

trump mocking the media with a smug anime girl

Nuke non-commercial is free aswell and can do a better job, quicker and much more.
Oh, right, you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Nah, I'll stick to blender. It does what I need it to and does it well.

What is this shit? I just noticed it now.

Codemonkey is a shitty codemonkey.

It's your funeral.
The ironic thing is that Nuke first started on linux.
Then the devs went full jew instead of open source when they managed to tap into the film industry. Can't blame them.

CM's attempt to let us download files with hash names or unix timestamp names. He fucked it up though so sometimes it includes the links many times.

Of course this is fixing a "problem" nobody asked for in the first place, since nobody asked for hash names in the first place. The only argument in favor of hash names is they allowed us to see when somebody was posting files from 4chan, but now that unix timestamp filenames are back that utility is completely moot.

Motherfuckers have no shame, instead of going after them for freaking out, we should be holding their feet to the fire. Libel that brings this country to the brink of war needs to be pointed out here. Tell them we could have been drafted to fight a war because their dumbasses wanted to drive us off a cliff. "Oh, remember that time you almost got us in a war with Russia? Drown in semen"

I'm making webm's, not editing hollyjew movies. For what I want to do, blender does what I ask of it. Are you on the rag or something today?

You can track videos and slap shit on top of them. Advanced memeing m8.
Anyways, if you're anal about it, try Natron.
It's a clone of Nuke and it's open source. Doesn't have nearly as many functions tho, for meme webms is more than enough.

Blender has tracking shit but I never use it. I guess I'm not that advanced a memer.


Gee, it'd be a shame if by kvetching about the false premise that a meme gif will get (((journalists))) killed, the (((media))) accidentally memes it into reality :^)

Hi, yid.

Can someone shoop this?

should lay off the opium there lad.

Yeah, but blender is shit because it tries to be everything and ends up being nothing. Meh, I'm talking from the perspective of someone that deals in this shit for a living so, whatever.

Go back to watching Narutrash and (drink)Bleach you fucking pleb. Even if you hate it as much as you can, your denial of the objective greatness of its storytelling and correct predictions of the internet and its effects on society/people proves just how much of a nigger you are.

So much this.

I used to do political work for leftists and I stopped because no one wanted to win, but just bitch about how problematic something is.


I'd say it goes a bit further than that. They're bouncing off the walls over "inciting violence" because they're expecting payback for everything they've done. They've probably been sleeping with one eye open for years, wondering when their deeds will catch up with them.
They EXPECT violence against them. They're anticipating it. Some of them are probably wondering why it's taking so long. A few of them might even be looking forward to it…

So hsd Trump been (((shadowbanned))) or block botted yet?

Twitter can't shadowban him, or they'll get nuked/shut the fuck down. These nobody "celebs" can't block him, since most of their traffic comes from shitposting on his feed.

one thing i will hope the liberal news will crash and burns.

They could never do that. It would be the death of Twitter.



So you know nothing, then. Thanks.

They wouldn't dare. It would be the end of them if they even could

oh wew

I'd just like to thank glorious kek for this President. Long may he shitpost


not an argument.
Remember when the constitution excluded non-whites?


So you know nothing, then, and don't even know what words mean. Thanks.

Can you take your belligerence to the nearest bar over and direct it at the largest guy there instead, because you're not going to get the remedial ass kicking you clearly after on here. Thanks.

No you just suck at it. Blender's fine.

Turn the troll up.
Someone with video editing skills take this video and put the CNN logo over the salmon. Leave Attenborough.

Somebody needs to edit the audio of the crowd chanting "CNN SUCKS!!!" into this.

Blender's fucking autistically designed shit but it's fucking autistically designed shit that can be learned with some effort. Don't pretend it's fine, user.


updated the symbol of hate

What have Conservatives" conserved in the last 300 years?

DOWNLOAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Ultimate Bible





Survival Files Library Be






Again, it's just a matter of needing to put in said effort and gitgud. Just because it doesn't baby you doesn't mean it's a bad tool.

It's the same story over and over. It takes effort to use these programs that most people don't have patience for.

When you have to look up documentation to figure out how to do basic things that should be obvious and intuitive, it just might be a tool with problems.

that's not how it works breh…

Quit spamming faggot:



These people are absolutely out of their depth, they should just crawl in the grave already.

Anons are putting too much thought into this. Just reply with shoveldog.gif each time you see him.

I think it is time for a silent armed vigil outside CNN headquarters in Atlanta. Bring rope.

We need to bring back the list. Remember how terrified they were of simply being cataloged?

I feel like this is all coming to a head. we're probably just a few months away from the boarder wall.

What the hell is that supposed to be?

These people have obviously never read anything about the founding fathers. Each and every one of them was completely off their rocker. Fucking Franklin used to stand in random doorways in the nude to "air himself out"

Mika Brzinski and whats-his-face from morning jew.

this shit will be in text books

Come on Dobson, no reason to blow this out of proportion.

Our descendants will post image macros of this happening on someday.

Little too far on that one.

Hopefully the Secret Service will show up to his door wearing giraffe masks.

Hopefully not in some kike textbook about the "second holocaust". We better write the books, this time.

Basically they were chan users before chans.

Oh Trigger why.

Every revolutionary falls into 2 categories

1. Kikes and their golems
2. Proto-imageboard users

The Goon-user war has been raging well before the advent of the internet.

Whats weird about that don't you like the feel of a fresh breeze on your donger?

I thought it was funny. Made trump look like an unbeatable badass. Inferno cop is suppose to be invincible due to being a gag Character.

I guess the more logical left will view Trump as a unbeatable gag character as well.

Who do you think Trump's waifu is?

Kek, post this idea in the Fuller thread

We have been shitposting since the first people learned to cavepaint, and in a few centuries we will be laser carving cartoon frogs onto the faces of foreign moons..

Since when did they count as people?

My guess is his waifu works at immigration enforcement.

Cave paintings were the first 2D waifu.

We should subvert the blue checkmark.
E.g. shop star of david instead

This bot usually covers while the next 'trump is a goy' shill crew starts..

It's as if they think they are being subversive or something.


Anyone have the shitposting wall of ancient Romans?

saved from an old /his/ thread

>trump is a goy Shariablue shills on deathwatch

Yeah okay buddy.
Have you seen how assblasted they get in every Syria/Trump thread when they do their usual 'trump is a goy' shill routine, after our favourite bot makes its usual appearance?
If they can't win here, they lose out there.


Criminally underrated post.
They always liked Hitler there so not sure what they were thinking lol. He's a big advertising/marketing hit.

kek I remember when he got in and tamed it down for a bit.
I was disappointed but knew him being semi-spergking couldn't resist.
Can you imagine the shit he will drop on his way out? Hooooly fuck it's going to be glorious.
Wonder if he'll do the UFO/quantum tech hidden black state research mic drop.

Can you imagine the sliding irrelevancy of Twitter had trump not jumped on it hard?

brb gonna stand in ur moms doorway with my donger out
nothin wrong with that fam; arent you a real american?



Andrew 'Motherfuckin' Jackson was my favourite.

but user… that's Barons job as our future president

it's almost like assassin's creed if assassin's creed wasn't shit

What a colossal faggot

It makes me a little bit sad that our digital shitposts won't survive for some descendant of ours to one day unearth.

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Those digits tell me you deserve both a gassing and the oven

The actual image is posted below and it's anti-kike.


Is this Trump's most popular tweet as President?

Townsend does actually eat his food on occasion, here's one example embedded.
There's another channel about a granny sharing stories of her childhood in the great depression while making meals from that time. Extremely affordable meals. Warning, though, she died a few years ago and her grandchildren are libshits.

We already drew a dick on Mars


Newfaggotry still deserves gassing and ovening, as your dubs confirm

I wish he would buy up MySpace, revert back to 2006/2007 form, and shitpost away.

dont ever talk to me or my wifes son ever again

The divine quads have spoken!!


Fair call. To the Konzentrationslager with them!

P.s. can a t.threadfag make a new one before this dies and link here, please. Ongoing red pill opportunity.

If I was some young kid growing up on idubbbz and instagram, and I saw my catlady teacher literally shaking and talking about how this WWE gif proves Trump is a violent madman, I'd start to think, "maybe these people are all retarded."
I can't believe their strategy is to act like hysterical mothers who think pokemon is satanic.

I'd lean toward it being from Democratic Underground rather than shariablue. DU has a long history of using botnets against Holla Forums and /k/

The funniest part of that is the rover did it on its own.

Communist scum don't even deserve dogs.

Jason Fuller does this shit too. These adult children have been spun in a circle so hard by the media and get so upset by an innocuous meme.
Doggos are on our side anyway.

I don't think he's jewish, but if you didn't hate them enough already have a look at this. It's called Kapparot.


Nigga, it takes an atrocious amount of time to set up fairly basic shit that in the end comes out shittier than if I had done it with proprietary software in a tenth of the time and of better quality.
No, I don't have the patience if they pay me by the hour to do this shit, I'm sorry that you're just a fucking child toying around with a piece of software and have all the time in the world to throw away.

As George Lincoln Rockwell said, "I could run across the White House lawn naked and still the Jewish press wouldn't cover me."

The Jew fears the samurai

You're the one who has no clue what he's on about, the dude was talking about downloading videos through Blender. Fucking Christ.

grats on knowing how to use blender to do weird shit like this, tbh

That what you think
Instead of capping posts I write them down, ID and all


Hitler dubs confirm that Chan Culture is as old as America if not older.

Holy shit I'd actually watch that shit