Return of Rome

Does Holla Forums think it would ever be possible to bring back ancient Rome to any degree? From the architecture, to the politics, their society, and restore the feeling of honor and pride that was felt among the Roman people?

Or do you think that the traditions and values of old have been completely wiped out, and that humanity has forever lost any sense of honor, and that new waves of "progression" continue to stomp on any chance of returning to greatness?

Only birth and death are identical.

Third Reich was what you describe, right? If so: all it takes is for us to retake the western world, or at least part of it.

You won't be able to get the feeling of being born into such a society though, and if you did, you'd be weaker for it. We need to be the strong men, so stop dreaming and change the future.

But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.

The founding fathers of the USA literally tried this. Their entire US capital was made and they planned the USA to be the New Rome. Now we only have to wait for Americans to be pissed off enough at Jews again to steamroll Israel and their New Temple for daring to piss off New Rome.

I'm not entirely sure we're on the same train of thought here. Whilst Hitler and the Third Reich took inspiration from ancient Rome, their direction was entirely different.
Whilst I have my own plans to attempt to revive the culture of an ancient civilization, ultimately with how our current society operates it would be very difficult for a single person to completely reconstruct how the world works.

Sure, a kingdom that was destroyed can never come back. But that's not to say that we couldn't attempt to revive it in some capacity.

Heil'd. But waiting is what the redpilled Romans surely did.

As much as I'd like to see that happen, I'm afraid it won't be happening any time soon

What are the values of Rome?
Why do you say it was great, and why do you speak so highly of it?

We can never, ever return to the past. All that lies ahead of us is the future.

You aren't alone user. You don't have to do it all by yourself. A small individual contribution adds up, and if we all do it together, we can revive the spirit of Europa.

What Rome was, however, was flawed, otherwise it would be still standing. We need to take the spirit of Rome and improve its body this time. We don't need to bring back the old, we need to reincarnate it into the new.

That is simply not possible. While there are many LARPers on this board, most of us are concerned with securing the existence of our race and ensuring a future for White children.

is correct.

Surely adopting the ideals of a primarily white civilization would contribute to "securing the existence of our race and ensuring a future for White Children."

You don't get it. Americans are becoming more pissed BECAUSE of those groups. Have you seen the elections lately? What the general public thinks of antifa? Even a kike with full (((hollywood))) and (((MSM))) backing like Ossoff couldn't win. They're slipping just like back then and increasingly more are becoming aware. The only hope kikes have now is to run to China but I'll chase them there myself and reveal the truth about the Opium Wars and all the bad things that happened to them for the past two centuries being Jew as hell.

It lasted. Rome lasted over a thousand years. Hitler wanted a thousand year reich so obviously we need to learn from them to a degree and we have in a way. All of Western civilisation itself is at its core Rome, IS Rome.

I've thought of this before. I know a lot of people are triggered by anything Japanese with reference to the West these days, but I encourage anyone interested in such a product to study the evolution of "Shinto" as a cultural phenomonen and formalized religion in the late Tokugawa and Early Meiji periods (roughly speaking,18th and 19th century.) Prior to this, Shinto and Buddhism had been more or less blended for over 1000 years. The idea of "Shinto" as a distinct and seperate religion was distilled from this mixture by patriots who were looking to rebrand Japanese culture. They basically took a few facets of early-medieval-era Japan and amplified/revamped them, while maintaining an aura of "unbroken history" that was ultimately convincing to Japan and the world. Few people realize that "Shinto" started out as a kind of advanced LARPing.

Nazi Germany was essentially like a reboot of the Roman Empire. It's a great visual style, no reason why it can't be done again imo.

It's never too late user

Wrong, Nihon Shoki from 720 AD has a lot of Shinto mythology in it. That's literally a thousand years earlier that Shinto was clearly distinct.

You can adopt the ideals of ancient Rome if you like. But you have no political power to enforce your views upon society at large. None of us do. Our task is to create a revolutionary attitude among our people, to awaken White kinsmen through memes and propaganda, to educate our people to the dangers of mass immigration, miscegenation, and the domination of our society by the Jews, and to ultimately topple their power structure and drive them out of our nations.

It is absolutely irrelevant to pretend that we can just change society however we want when we don't even have political power over a single Alpine village. Too few people here talk about activism and actions that harm the evil System trying to kill us and too many talk about irrelevant ideals that we have no power to attain or enforce. It's akin to us arguing over which colour the curtains should be in the presidential palace "once we topple the Jews"

I'd rather be encouraging other Whites to resist miscegenation or think racially than argue over how a post Jewish government should work…

…also, this thread is not new. People here have proposed resurrecting the Roman Empire, adopting its values, it's government system, and even its religion many times. It's a neat idea, but we have more pressing matters that need addressing.

I suppose there is a point in that Americans are getting more angered due to the current political climate, however what will make their anger be directed toward the jews? How do we know they won't just start some new civil war and fuck the country up, thus creating a perfect opportunity for the jews to swoop in and corrupt them even more? are correct, but during the middle ages, (starting in earnest during the Heian period) Shinto "merged" with Buddhism (Shinbutsu Shugo). Texts like the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki were increasingly obscure and studed only by court specialists who usually interpreted them as metaphors for "deeper" esoteric Buddhist concepts (for example, the Sun Goddess Ameterasu Omikami was seen as a "trace" or local manifestation of the Cosmic Buddha Dainichi Nyorai).

Shinto as distinct from Buddhism had to be "reconstructed" in the 1700s-1800s. This is why it is germane to the discussion of reviving classical European culture after over a millenia of neglect.

I never said that we had the power to enforce Roman ideologies, and I'm well aware of the Jewish threat. Even I know that, in our current situation, it's near impossible to completely restructure our political and social systems.

However, on the topic of Jews and how "Too few people here talk about activism and actions that harm the evil System trying to kill us", then how do you propose we stop it? We've already agreed that none of us have the political power to enforce our societal views, so how are we supposed to stop the mega-corporation of the jews?

By making it too hard too ignore. It's easy to see it not just all throughout the (((media))), but every damn election both candidates from both parties in the US never shut the fuck up about Israel and Israel has done more than enough to backstab and fuck over American interests and Americans themselves. When more people do things like read Bibi's quotes about America or non-Jews like my peers did, they'll go ballistic. Who can support a country like that? Who can support such awful evil people like that in any country? Jews are annoying, that's why the Romans crushed them but they made the same mistake others did for thousands of years. They never finished the job. That's the most important lesson in history. Final solution means final.
And the Jews, if they resent this hard reality? They should try reflecting on their own faith and people, like Voltaire said, Judaism at its core is evil due to its beliefs and laws against everyone else, all mankind, except Jews. Therefore, they are dangerous to mankind and one day they will bring the wrath of all humanity upon them from their nefarious actions that have brought ruin to the world.

I agree with this.

This whole vision of 'bringing back the roman empire' isn't a very pragmatic one, so it isn't going to be shared among the average person. That isn't to say that it is dispensable, but it's an artistic vision and it should expressed in that way, probably not in policy as it will go over the public's head. Most are completely unaware of this vision and have never really considered it before, despite how beautiful it may be.

Fashwave is a good step in this direction, though it is visually quite particular and might limit artistic freedom depending on the message you want to put across and how you want to express it.

But yeah, art is the way I think with this one.

Why stop at Rome?
Build a kingdom nearly fit for heaven.

Whilst I agree with you on your points, I fail to see how we can possibly make these points be known throughout the majority of the population, let alone have them believe it. All popular news outlets either suck Israel's dick or fail to ever mention their wrong doings, preferring to paint the middle east in a "dindu nuffin" sort of light. On top of that, we have characters like Felix "I'm totally a Nazi" Pewdiepie who ironically have a hate parade on Jews that those who follow them will take legitimate evidence of why jews are bad as a joke.
Not to mention how there's still going to be a chunk of the population who simply won't care about the jews and what they do, even if they believe what we say.
As much as I'd like to see the Jews begone from our society I have a hard time seeing how it will be achieved.

Also why don't we take inspiration from new art and culture.
Add colour. Add enchantment.

I tend to think of the alien civs in Halo when I think of that.
Something that looks glorious and fit for the modernity.

You're right that we have little political power to throw upon the gears of the System. And that sucks, but we must fight them.

I propose here and everywhere something simple but effective;
Disseminating pro-White propaganda that attacks the principle psychological weapons the Jews use against us. Jews have great political power but it rests upon psychologically demoralizing the White public. They do so by controlling the language and narrative through propaganda. He who controls the Zeitgeist in a democracy has the ultimate power.
What language do the Jews control and use against us? In particular, words like "racist" "anti-Semite" "Islamophobe" etcetera. All of these words are simply racial slurs used against White people and only White people when we begin to question our extinction. Every society has words that essentially mean "heretic." In the Soviet Union the word was "capitalist." And in our own dystopian society that word is "racist."
Destroy the power of these hate slurs and you destroy the power of their anti-White cult. Better yet, we must take their hate slurs, turn them around, and then impose OUR language upon the public and (over and over again) associate each and every one of their hate slurs with our own words.

How is this done?

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White
Anti-racist = anti-White
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Diversity = White Genocide

Things like this is exactly what the Jews have used to systematically take over societies and impose their will upon the public. Simple repeatable phrases like "Diversity is our strength" and "Iran wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map" etcetera.

These simple, repeatable, and most importantly Consistent phrases control the zeitgeist because the masses see them everywhere. If someone sees "diversity is our strength" over and over and over again, their brain assimilates the bullshit and then they will regurgitate it right back at you when you challenge the state religion of multiculturalism.

Our task is actually easier than what the Jews did because in his heart, every single intelligent White man is keenly aware of the hypocrisy and anti-White bias of words like "racist"
He knows that Blacks, Asians, Chicanos, Indians, and Jews can advocate for their racial preservation all day long in whatever university they want and no one will bat an eye. But the moment you start advocating White racial self awareness and White racial survival, you *will* be attacked as a "racist."
Those who hate "racists" ONLY attack Europeans and this fact is secretly resented by the majority of our people. Europeans more than any other race resent hypocrisy and double standards.

However there is a fly in the ointment. We do not have nearly the media power of the Jews. We are, as you and I pointed out, lacking in political power and certainly lacking in media power. So our task is difficult and is compounded by a critical flaw in Holla Forumsack thinking. We are mostly independent thinkers here. This is not always a good thing when it comes to propaganda. Whenever I or another user makes a thread about propaganda posters, every single user seems to think he needs to design his own poster. Time and time again I correct him. Propaganda is most effective when it is consistent. Think about all the bought politicians and media personalities who repeat word for word "Diversity is our strength"
They generally do not add to or alter that poison. It is neither true nor well thought out but by its constant, consistent repetition, the masses assimilate the poisonous message and regurgitate it back at us when we challenge their religion.
My point here is this. We need to get behind a set of consistent messages. Above all else we must drop the notion that every user must design his own poster and his own message. We are both aware of the fasces but many anons here forget the entire theme of the fasces; strength through unity.
100 anons posting a single, consistent message throughout our countries has a far greater effect than 1000 anons with individualistic, unique poster designs that talk about different ideas. The lemmings will simply tune that out as noise. But if a man sees "anti-racist is a code word for anti-White" over and over and over again, he will assimilate this truth and eventually start repeating it when someone shrieks "racist!" at him.

And he will find out that racially conscious Whites are not as rare as the media told him. Then we can finally start affecting real political changes…

Of course that is another post entirely. How to direct a changing zeitgeist is always important.

user how many or what percentage of people participated in the American revolution or any revolution? You don't need all just enough that and the future. It's an unavoidable pattern we see that history repeats itself and we should learn from the past like Rome whose greatness permeates throughout all the Western world and should be emulated or surpassed but let us also learn enough that we can at least change one or two things forever.

Any kind of substantial change will likely be impossible as long as elite Jews can print money out of thin air and loan it to governments. It is the power of God.

Rome on the Italian peninsula is completely made-up history. The Jews covered up our real history and shipped it around the world with a bonus of enriching colored races with tourism shekels. The real Rome was in Germany. This has all been covered up by Jews, the British, Napoleon etc.

There is a certain merit to this idea, however I don't see it being possible. With how the western society currently operates (under the guise of the jews), any single person or group of persons who go around sharing the idea that "Diversity is a code word for White-Genocide" will be singled out by the masses and screeched at by banshees until they abdicate and fall back under the Jewish regime. The problem with the west is that, unless people frequently deal with the bullshit associated with diversity or have the brain capacity to understand, they form a hive mind of "there is nothing wrong with diversity." and will try to destroy any movement that says otherwise. I've experienced this all too many times myself, and have witnessed a friend be berated and screeched at for speaking his views on immigration.
We need a way that isn't so blunt, that doesn't directly convey the notion that immigration and diversity is ultimately the downfall of civilization. I mean, did you see what happened to Jontron when he spoke about his political views? He, like my friend, was berated and screeched at. Even if we were successful enough to mobilize a significant chunk of the population to agree with this idea, I'm afraid to say there'd be large scale riots across the western world, as if it weren't already happening.

The tiber river is a fucking man-made sewer…. lmao.

Is there any actual evidence for this, or are you just going to keep claiming "we wuz caesars" ?

And I hate that I even need to bring this up, but there is a significant percentage of the western population who simply do not give a single inkling of a fuck about politics, immigration, or jews, never will give a fuck, and will be quite content on living out their lives with whatever job they have, continuing to straight out ignore what happens in the political spectrum. Whilst they're not entirely apart of the hive mind that I spoke of, they're not going to really do anything for either side no matter how much evidence you give them because they do not care.

Read March of The Titans: The History of the White Race. In short, no you can't bring it back. The Romans that created their civilization are no longer around. The same can be said for any great former society that decides to dilute the homogeneity of their founding people.

Yes you can read anatoly fomenko's books although he is very Russian-centric. Nonetheless, he explains very succinctly that most of written history older than 1600 is BS. For example, the "Mongol Empire" never existed. The Mongols ( meaning Great ones ) were the Russian tribes and their conquests were into central and eastern Europe. All that was done was the names/dates/locations were switched around. Great wall of China was built very recently. Giza Pyramids and Sphinx were built shortly after Napoleon "discovered" them. Radiocarbon dating is a complete fraud look up "C14 crash". They tweak their instruments on the fly to get a date that approximates something convenient to (((them))). etc.

Now getting into "Rome" specifically. You should look into the actual location and furnishings of Italy's Rome. The tiber river is not a fucking river it's a creek that's been manmade into a sewer. N.A. Morozov wrote quite a bit how Rome is built in the most retarded location of all time both logistically and militarily. The real Rome was Cologne split in half by the incredible Rhine. Although Venice did used to be a part of Germany. Jews and British covered all of this up and very easily so when you control the printing presses, money, and universities.

I can write about the fraud of "Ancient Aryan India" too if you're interested.

We'll b& you, kike. Worst shilling ever.

Being soft never works, look at history. You need to be hard. I can prove it.

Let's look at the history of WN in America in the last few decades; you have Dr. David Duke, Professor Jared Taylor, Dr. Pierce, etc and they all took the intellectual approach to spreading WN. Even stormfront or the KKK, that idiotic vbulletin forum and group of milquetoast boomers who retards hold as some poster example of the most extreme WN is just a nothing that in all its years accomplished nothing with all its PR cucking. Stormfront even bans words like "nigger". The KKK hasn't committed a single murder or anything extremist in over 40-50 fucking years meanwhile niggers like BLM killed enough law enforcement and innocents in just the past year alone to do more damage than the KKK did in a century of its existence. Do does SF or the KKK make any in roads with the masses? No. But Holla Forums is as far as it gets on the clearnet with almost no censorship in regards to WN and accomplishes more in just a few months for WN than Stormfront or the like has in its entire existence. Ultimately, people only respect a guy who is a very "bold" and "extreme" and sticks to his convictions like Donald Trump, Napoleon, Charlemagne, George Washington, or Hitler. No pussyfooting around. People called us racist? We laughed at them, no PR cuck shit. PR cucking never works as those idiots who engaged in GamerGate showed. They already call you a Nazi even if you aren't so nothing changes. They call you a racist Nazi? You go and tell them, you are and proud. Praise Hitler and the National Socialists. Do it in front of others and normalise it and stand firm and make sure others do the same. That's how you get ahead.

You misunderstand me a little. Disseminating propaganda is not "blunt," it is a very subtle and effective strategy. Propaganda works because of repetition. That is why I am trying to get other anons to help disseminate it. It works because someone sees the same words over and over again. That must be the goal.
It doesn't even matter what the meme is. So don't worry about trying to avoid saying something "that doesn't directly convey the notion that immigration and diversity is ultimately the downfall of civilization."
Say it. Say it over and over and over again and people will start to join your chorus.
As for rioting, we need more of that. The more Blacks riot, the more they chimp out the better. Chimp outs push fence sitters off their fence.

I can't advocate anything concrete here, but if someone with balls of steel could do something that caused the rioting to get worse over the summer, that would be a good thing indeed. But for us legal anons, propaganda dissemination is the way to go.

My point is though that, even if we stood strong, there'd be other groups dedicated to unhinging us and pushing us in the dirt, and I'm more than certain they'd have more numbers than us. Would we have the morale to withstand them?

Bahahaha. I have to say, at this point, he's a bit of a joke. Most of the things he said he'd do he's either quiet on or has gone backwards on.

Again, do we have the morale to withstand the legions of people who would fight against us and our cause? Even if we did, would we make an impact?

Here is the latin root of the "texts" you put so much faith in.

Yes they certainly did weave an elaborate lie together. l0l

So were talking pre-marius then. When the SPQR was at its height and before the senate became a plutocracy.
I think that a society like that could form again. Early USA was definately like that, since the "honor" that you're talking about really came from how crucial military service was in Rome.
It's sort of like the the importance that state militias served in the US during 19th century.

The sort of societal attitude that I think you're talking about is endemic of most new-born republics.

That's our goal. Raising the morale of our people. I am not afraid of being screeched at by the anti-White filth. But for those who are still beholden to the Jewish hate slurs, we simply need to teach them a consistent method of turning around their hate slurs and taking control of the conversation.

When they shriek, "RAY-sist!!!!"
You simply say, "You're only saying that because I'm White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White" Another thing to remember is that our task in any argument is not to convince a rabid anti-White to stop hating us. That is like trying to convince a drunken lout not to slur his words and hoot at passing women. Instead, our task is to expose the anti-White piece of filth as such to an audience. Label them anti-White. Say it over and over and over. The more they deny it, the more you should point it out. Play the audience and laugh at the absurdity of the anti-White piece of filth. Don't get angry, simply mock them (in a civilized way) and laugh at them.

Always bring the conversation back to their anti-White hatred and the fact that the policies they are advocating leads to genocide. I have found that the moment you point these two facts out, the average anti-White gets flustered and starts screaming. This is good. Just stand your ground and mock them.

You'll find that your morale and the morale of your associates increases when you see the effectiveness of the Mantra on anti-Whites. It's actually almost weird how retarded they act when someone confronts them and is unapologetic.

That's our goal. Raising the morale of our people. I am not afraid of being screeched at by the anti-White filth. But for those who are still beholden to the Jewish hate slurs, we simply need to teach them a consistent method of turning around their hate slurs and taking control of the conversation.

When they shriek, "RAY-sist!!!!"
You simply say, "You're only saying that because I'm White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White" Another thing to remember is that our task in any argument is not to convince a rabid anti-White to stop hating us. That is like trying to convince a drunken lout not to slur his words and hoot at passing women. Instead, our task is to expose the anti-White piece of filth as such to an audience. Label them anti-White. Say it over and over and over. The more they deny it, the more you should point it out. Play the audience and laugh at the absurdity of the anti-White piece of filth. Don't get angry, simply mock them (in a civilized way) and laugh at them.

Always bring the conversation back to their anti-White hatred and the fact that the policies they are advocating leads to genocide. I have found that the moment you point these two facts out, the average anti-White gets flustered and starts screaming. This is good. Just stand your ground and mock them.

You'll find that your morale and the morale of your associates increases when you see the effectiveness of the Mantra on anti-Whites. It's actually almost weird how retarded they act when someone confronts them and is unapologetic.

Total collapse would be required. Many have attempted it and all have failed.

A new Rome would require the emergence of a new mythology. Mythology is currently a crowded arena. Furthermore precise record-keeping discourages the formation of new mythology.

Order. And until Christianity, classical virtues that supported order.

I like rome, but not for the reason other anons might say. They weren't virtuous or anything, imo. Rome itself was a crime-ridden cesspool. What they had was balls. They conquered, they took, they reached their full potential, and they brought prosperity for their people. We could, say, annex and quell mexico, we could turn them into slaves, take their land. But we hold ourselves back because (((geneva convention))) and the (((UN))). We cucked to the false god of progress and equality. Instead we could simply…conquer the shit out of places. It would fix our stagnant economy, it would bring order to shitholes like mexico, ecuador, saudi arabia, apefrica. Simply kill the shit out of 9/10 of the barbarians and enslave the rest. Take their land, make them participate in farming and production. You bring order and light to the whole world. Then you can, imagine, families and little children walking around safely in somewhere like venezuela, because we conquered it and put it under our thumb.

We hold ourselves back from our full potential to our own detriment, for false gods like what the EU and UN push. We could have the world by now. We could have prosperity for all, a calling for our men to pursue. You could fight in the army and be rewarded with 40 acres in a tropical paradise that's now under order from your nation. That's a life. Instead we slave like hampsters for kikes to no ends, everything is falling, decaying, there is no new input to the economy to make it healthy. We die a slow death because we fear our potential might.

Rome is the embrace of Strength.