What are nationalist groups in Quebec like? Do any seem to harbor any white nationalist tendencies...

What are nationalist groups in Quebec like? Do any seem to harbor any white nationalist tendencies? Or are they all for Algerian and Haitian immigration?

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In recent years they have started to link up with french identitarianism

I don't think anyone outside of Montreal ever fell for the shitskin immigration meme.

What's the most surprising is that our biggest group of immigrant is still from France and that most of them are white.

Quebecucks até doing a recruitment mission in my country for Ubisoft designers and machinists, they need to speak french though, so they'll probably stick to Algerians, Tunisians or whatever.

Most of Quebecois are not anti-immigration per se, they will accept anyone who's competent in their field of expertise and want to assimilate (Speaking French, sharing the same values etc.). The problem is that almost no immigrant wants to assimilate to their host country. They impose their culture as we all know on this forum…

Quebec happens to be in majority white and most of them still remember their past. Violence will start when (((their value))) like pedophilia will be push. Many Quebecois will fight to protect children from (((them))) and pisslam.

It's only a matter of time, there is many things we can endure but pedophilia is a no go zone.

Sorry for the bad English btw…

Overall, Québec is boiling somewhat.
I pretty much red-pill everyone around me the second i get the chance to talk, the people are very hungry for infos about whats happening because they dont understand why the situation is as bad as it is.
Only 40 years ago we were at the church every sunday; now we get to see our PM transform an arena into a giant mosque, only to take the microphone and speak arab (allah ackbar he said!) better than french.
Tl;dr there is hope, but we're not Poland or Hungary yet.

Aren't the French absolute cucks, young hipster types? What do they expect in Montreal; why do they come, and how do they make a living? When I was there they just seemed to act haughty to the Quebecois, it may have been banter, I couldn't tell

the french are fucked… beware

Maybe those that goes to montreal but outside they seem like normal people.

It's banter about the accent, they think we speak like retards and we think they speak like they have something stuck up the ass all the time.

Do they assimilate or generally plan to return to France at some point?

There's a few identitarian movements that have a reasonable amount of visibility;
Société St-Jean Baptiste, Fédération des québécois de souche are mostly filled with boomers but are mainly traditionalist and white only, lesser groups like Atalante québec; although their activities seem limited to handing out free sandwiches to the homeless whites and seem like a social club more than anything else.

Montreal quebecois are absolute faggot degenerates. Great for living in mtl though as the women are beautiful and incredibly open minded. They are descendants of prostitutes afterall…
Outside of Montreal they are very aware of the common enemy. Quebecois are intouch with their past and I believe separation will be inevitable.

514anon who would love to discuss Holla Forums in person. Where do fellow Mtl go to avoid liberal/normie madness?

There's a great spot right here

I lol'd but I'm def not spigsvm
Your right, I shouldn't have asked and anyone who does is suspicious as fuck. That being said I do wish there was a way for us to communicate locally. I'd like to think I have political ambitions and qc perfect place for a anglo/fluentquebecois right wing nationalist to start a movement that will effect Canada and by extension the world.

How do we break this barrier and get collective ideas flowing?

Ps. Fuck Blainville.

when the economy crashes

I don't know about your ambitions of changing the World or even just Quebec but if you want to build a group of likeminded people, step one is to give them a reason to be there at all.

The activity needs to be cheap or free, easily accessible and doable even if the other prospective participants never show up; that way, the time invested getting there isn't lost if everyone else flakes. You, the organizer, also need to act as a filter for spergs who'd show up with pepe flags, kekistan shirts, nazi armbands or anything overtly "Holla Forums-ish"; nobody wants to hang out with someone this oblivious.

The best example that I can think of is the babby-level hike trail on Mont Royal. It's easily accessible for anyone in the greater Montreal area, you can go do your own thing if the group ends up having weirdos and there's a large, well-maintained trail conducive to talking while walking as a group. The trees provide non-marginal protection from the rain if the weather doesn't cooperate.

After a few things like that, participants will likely have built relationships. At that point, those involved will know what they want to do better than you or I.

I'm the OP, and obviously I'm not from QC or even Canada. My suggestion though would be to write up a political platform, I like you guys and think that Francophone nationalism lends itself better to self preservation than vague American White Nationalism. Which is a minefield of identities and conflict. Quebec is ready made for nationalism, one would just have to push it a bit to the direction we're looking for on here.

You could use Angevin lions or some other Norman symbol to represent historic unity and ties between Francophones and Anglophones. but this would also clearly set you up as both Monarchists and Confederationists, which one would have to own up to; but I can't imagine an Anglo/Franco thing working out otherwise

If you ever want it to get off the ground then you could never do this. Quebec would stand as a rejection of anglo puritan ideas.

Québec is a bit (to an extent) like how France was X decades ago; french names, french forgotten words and expressions, less strangers, etc., so they come here to run away from France until the situation calms down or they only come here to study because we had (no idea if its still there) a generous quebec-france student exchange program.

Hello kike. The king of France take care of young girls who lost their parents by granting them an education and possibility to be a good wife material, and all you can think of is that he turned them into whores because that's the way? They decided to give the king back his kindness by coming here, because he saved them you fucking sodomite.

As do I, but the question is always the following: what benefits would arise from meeting on a face-to-face basis that would be absent from virtual communications?
Many would answer: "There is strength in numbers, you have to assert a real-world presence in order to get anything done"
In theory, sure - but what is the programme? There needs to be a well-crafted strategy first; one that presents real-life organization as an eminently necessary step to achieve it; anything else is just a pointless social call imo. I'd rather have a single trusted associate - one whose skill-set is invaluable and irreplaceable, even if i have never actually physically met this person - than a network of 50 "redpilled friends and acquaintances" who merely gather to vent about the jews and discuss which books they are reading, which flyers they are putting up…

Do QC anons know if this is temporary?

I'm trying to work with the guy, I'm not even Canadian; but he wanted a Franco-Anglo movement. I was just throwing out ideas. It would make sense to just have allied parties, a QC party that may ultimately support independence that allies with an Anglophone party and the two work together at the Parliamentary level

That's Trudeau Sr. & ROC/Toronto media language, don't use that word. Say sovereignty.

There's nothing wrong with trying to be positive about the future but taking a good look at what happened in the 1970s and later periods would be wise. To get an idea about what we're up against, I would recommend researching what role Canadian/US agencies played in Quebec. Read about the newest bill C59 and the use of disruption power.

They probably polled people for a few hours in downtown Montreal or something. There's quite a fair contingent of nationalists, especially outside of of Ville-Marie. Besides, like anything else democratic, the masses are swayed by propaganda more than by anything else. It's just a matter of getting the right message to them.

Why are they so insistent on keeping Quebec in anyway, besides fucking the French over? Is there some greater plan behind it?

Indeed, I think it is the only place left in NA with this kind of attitude, in les regions of course.

I do think Anglo-Canadian identity and nationalism could be aided and simplified by Quebec being independent. From my experience with Ontario people it seems that the basis of the concept of Canada as a multicultural country, and the argument for it being so, is the existence of the two languages, and the two peoples. Anglos have to adapt to and deal with the French, and this creates an "in" for multiculturalist internationalist propaganda. But, again, I'm a foreigner, I'd trust a Canadian's input better

This. After Duplessis and the Quiet Revolution kicked out the old church order (pre-Vatican II or just before I might add) now you have this SummerSlamphohia bullshit.

Ever been to Brossard user?

t. concerned anglo

People forget that both the maritime and Alberta have a legal obligation to serve francophones.

I think it may be time for renewed federalism. Get rid of the fake boats for one. The Bank of Canada is based on Guernsey because of this bullshit.

There's the obvious financial reason - contrarily to the usual eternal anglo propaganda, QC does contribute to the national economy; moreover an independant QC would control the St-laurent waterways which is a very important naval passage for merchandise/national security.
There's also what he said
An independent QC would signal that the Canadian project had failed, the utopian dream of intercultural harmony etc - which might create a domino effect with other provinces following suit; similar to the germans' fears about Brexit and the collapse of the EU

A sovereign Quebec would be a huge display of anti-globalism and anti-cosmopolitanism. The pseudo-federation that is contemporary Canada doesn't like that idea because it decentralizes power.

Early Canada (Lower Canada, modern Quebec…) was multicultural in the sense that many cultures cooperated. Upper Canada was also, to some extent, multicultural. My understanding is that this concept became more and more muddled over time as the Canadas "united". The aboriginal population was kicked in the balls and integrational policies for immigrants started popping up.

So, what's next?

Not yet. The only thing I know of Brossard is that there is a lot of Chinese. Not a bad thing because they know how to behave.

May I ask why ?

I think the winning of Macron in France is a good thing for Quebec and maybe for everyone who wants an ethnostate. My hypothesis is the fact that many immigrant who's coming in Quebec came from France. It's hard to have the information to know if they are white or not but my guess is that they are white. The phenomenon of the white flight in other words.

Quebec can be a safe heaven against (((mudticulturalism))).

On a side note: check the tech industry, many folks from Silicon Valley move in Montreal…Lost of interesting things is going on for sure.

Number 2 meaning – the meaning of number two is balance, harmony, peace, justice, cooperation, duality, intuition, patience and spirituality. Number 2 vibrates with the energy of serenity and tranquility often linked to balance or peace in Your life, but kinda reminds one that it will take perseverance to accomplish ones goal.

If you are seeing the number in your life, it signifies that you should have some patience and trust that your dreams are being manifested. Do not hesitate, be positive and having the required balance in ones life will bring harmony. It may possibly be a sign that your pure intuition is growing.

Liberals cuck wins the election again. Couillard doesnt give a shit about Québécois -> more immigration + more multiculturalism
The dream is dead in Québec. No other party will lead the assemblée nationale.

Quebecfag here. They are gigantic faggots that fall into two categories with only superficial differences:

1- Butthurt commies obsessed with protecting their bastard dialect of french against the evil anglo influence of the USA and rest of canada. Dindus and dune coons are all OK as long as they speak french. Don't let their kids learn english even though it would take zero effort to do so out of spite, effectively fucking their own kids' future in the mouth to protect their own feels

2- Butthurt commies obsessed with having their own country at all costs, despite every indication (i.e. provincial government serving as evidence) that they are totally incapable of running themselves and will bankrupt themselves into oblivion

So the only real difference is whether they care about separating or not, there is big overlap between the two categories above.

The quebec government at all levels (even down to municipal) is a far left bukkake of spending and abusive taxation in the same style as sweden. There is no real economic opportunity and all major government projects are done on borrowed money to prop up the employment.

Quebec in general is a matriarchal society, just like sweden. Feminism and shrill dykes have infested society at all levels creating massive levels of degeneracy and misery. Of the possible measures of the health of the society, quebec fails them all. Single mothers and men who are broken husks abound, and it's a self-perpetuating cycle of faggotry. Massive high school drop-out rates. Massive drug use. Massive incest and general child abuse. Massive welfare underclass. Massive crime. Massive "immigration" especially around urban centers. Massive dune-dweller and gem infestation, and a worsening dindu problem. And of course "natives"

And despite all this, you have boomer faggots fantasizing about an independent quebec, not addressing ANY of quebec's real problems. Really the entirety of their identity is "bot being anglo"… it's purely reactive and what cultural products exist are either masturbatory or subvesrive liberal slop.

The feminist problem cannot be understated. Quebec women are whores, one study done years ago across montreal and quebec city shows that by age 20, your average quebec female has had 20 sexual partners. Quebec women are fully versed in family law and will take a man to the cleaners and/or brink of suicide with more zeal than the worst california scum. Kids from 2 or 3 different fathers are commonplace, false rape/abuse accusations are commonplace. Fuck a quebec sloot and you're playing russian roulette with an automatic.

Perhaps the most pathetic thing of all is the basis for the so-called nationalism. It's civic nationalism but without the success. No such thing as a quebec success story, there is very little to be proud of (though that applies to most of canada too.) They can't even claim to9 be white nationalists because the racial component is irrelevant to them, they hate other whites. All they care about is the french language (and most of them can't rear or write beyond a grade 6-8 level.

I could write more but it's honestly depressing. Quebec is an embarrassment and quebec nationalists are basically anti-white. The men are all huge faggots and the women are disgusting whores. Pic related, whores sucking dick in a mainstream montreal nightclub to win an ipad.

Yes the frenchies that come in droves from France are huge fruitbowls and their women are liberal artsy trash. It's like how texas/colorado/etc is filling up with california shitlibs, theyve ruined their own country and are moving on to spread their mental disease.


Shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit. Les filles du roy were mostly hookers sent over to clean up the streets of paris which were absolutely crawling with them. Initial population here was made up of french prisoners. The great achievement of this initial genetic stock? Miscegenating with the "natives" and stealing from each other. As the colony became more developed more legitimate people started to come over, but the inital population was absolutely made up of france's human refuse.


this is an english imageboard
quit stealing dubs

for all you non-mapleniggers, this namefag's entire non-argument amounts to

I don't know what's worse personally.

Another Quebecfag here.
Yah you are mostly right. However, I think nationalism in Québec was always about race or at least link to race. The anglo tried to dilute the French-Canadian race and the Church counter this with a nationalism about protecting the blood of French-Canadian and natalism. Lowkey a lot of nationalist hate immigration and other race. Independance is a way to protect our race interest. Yeah Québec failed in the 21 century. But Canada is not better. Look at Toronto where at least 50% come from another country or in British Columbia where the chinese fucked Vancouver. I agree Québec nationalist is not white-nationalist. This is because the people who try to destroy the nation were other white folks. The racial link in this nationalist is their link to France and therefore their language. The mainstream nationalism cant go full racial or they will loose even more support( yah i know it is cuck). But this is the reality. How can you beat the liberals when they get 80% to 90% of the shitskin vote and the jew(and anglo) money. Every outsider vote in group for the liberals mudslime, jews, etc.
P.s. that club was either in Laval or Brossard

Bah il a raison sur l'économie de gauche du Québec et sur la taxation abusive sur tous les niveaux. Le parallèle avec la Suède est bon. Je suis désolé de te l'annoncer, mais la société est une société de famelette qui au premier moment essaye de bannir nimporte quoi poir n'importe qu'elle raison. Si tu veux te cacher les yeux et faire ton larper c'est ton choix

Your not even a Canadian are you? This whole post is one big attack on canada you cocksuck

Tell us what you really think

Non j'aime mieux le Québec. Toutefois, l'économie de gauche caviard est pitoyable. On critique rapidement les USA, mais une grande partie de la population respecte encore la propriété privée et ne veulent pas bannir nimporte quoi comme ici. Check le registre Québécois des armes à feux. C'est une connerie que tous les partis appuis. Je critique pas pour intériorisé la nation, mais pour fsire réalisé la triste direction que la nation prend. Les deux modèles sociaux qui ont permis la survie du peuple sont rejettés soit le traditionaliste et le moderniste( qui est entrain de mourir; regarde les sondages pour le PQ, même si je suis loin d'être d'accord sur tout les points du PQ. Ce parti représente dans l'imaginaire populaire le dernier rempart du rêve indépendantiste).

I can't believe it but there's actually a QIDF.

Anti-Quebec kike D&C is still kike D&C, Chaim.


You are a liar and a filthy kike, like that Cohen with his shit hippy music.

Fellow Quebecfag here. Can confirm that this user is spot on. Whenever I hear other anons lavish praise on Quebec, based perhaps on some rumor he might have once heard secondhand, I have to hold back laughter.

The problems with this place truly cannot be understated. If we are the last bastion of white nationalism, then white nationalism is in big, BIG trouble.

I regret to inform you butthurt frenchposters that the women shipped over to quebec were in fact whores and the other anons are right. Pic related– a document from around 1700 describing the arrival of these women and how the soldiers/colonists chose their wives.

We had a thread about this exact subject months ago and the same butthurt quebcucks were saltposting then too.

Pretty low-effort shilling, fam. The namefag that got banned is even lower effort. Nothing intelligent to say, no actual arguments, just no-substance shillposting.

upstate-ny here and the other anons are right. the retards that drive down from quebec are total fucking trash, and I live in a shitty little podunk town so i know trash when i see it.

La pomme tombe jamais loin de l'arbre….

oui en effet

currently looking into mouvement républicain du québec, just a few dozen boomers holding meetings in a barn somewhere but probably ideologically purest.

can't/won't into facebook so don't know much about la meute, hard to take them seriously if that's their only platform, but probably some good people there

PQ, i think Lisée has his heart into the good place, probably the most realistic short-term option politically, but soft on some issues, needs to toughen up way more, write off montreal and the media and be a patriot

have the displeasure of working into the plateau, the francais i meet are a bunch of mommy/daddy's boys and girls, living it up in paris-en-amérique. i think most of them are taking advantage of a youth program, short-term work/vacation type but dunno if still current or reciprocous, but i sure doubt young quebecois have overtaken a district of paris and live in their insulated little reality

we need our own french board i think, or someone needs to point a better online meeting point if feasible, two big elections coming up, there if you count municipal, montreal is fucked but lots of hate out there for coderre, shame the option is a raging globablist feminazi mon métro rose

Many studies have found that the vast majority of the filles du Roy were not prostitutes. They are a tons of research made on this subject amd not just by Québécois. This was a rumors made by Baron la Hontan.
Your "source" is what he wrote.
The prostitutes went to Louisianne

This explains why Acadians are such degenerates.

Speak white, Pierre

What matter is how much a population can change for the better over time. The resilience of a race against all odds. That's what matter in the long run. We all came from savages, some became human and some stays savages.

Only english quebecers go visit (((New York))) state, so feel free to spit in the soup.

Yeah. My goal was just to inform about the Filles du Roy. My bad if you read it like i was trying to throw the ball to Louisiana. It was not my intention.

No offence taken.

Found this on 2^2 chan about Quebec history, good read.

In recent years, some groups were form like La meute or PEGIDA but they are mostly a reaction to islam. The openly white nationalist, the ones who dont hide themself behind some kind of civic nationalism are either alone(they are not in a large organisation) or in more popular group around the world like the Soldats d'Odin (SOO). However, they dont do much.

I think that if a legit party or a group want to have an impact we need to change our voting system. Even if not independant, a system that is base on vote can turn the white "pure laine" vote in their favour. They need to hurry tho. At this rate, Montréal will be the next Toronto in term of non-White in a couple of years and we are loosing ground in the demographic.

Let's meetup in the Azur mon ami

Oh look, an anglo Montrealer.

And the entire rest of the post talks about problems which have stemmed from the Révolution Tranquille of the 60ies. It's time for a Counter-Revolution.
Traditionalist nationalist groups are on the rise, the most sane and credible of which being the Fédération des Québécois de Souche; which stands for ethnic nationalism, catholicism and traditionalism. La Meute and such other kosher nationalist groups are trash.

That's boomer cucktalk. Say INDÉPENDANCE.

This is impossible, anglos hate the french and only tolerate multiculturalist traitors to their nation like the liberals. The redpilled position for a frenchman is to be separatist; those who are not are often the most cucked bluepilled out there, it will reflect in their other stances that they are traitors to their people.

I'm from Quebec city, I grew up in a white and stable environment, I went to private schools where we only had 1-2 blacks we always picked on they were there because of some bullshit quotas their parents would never have had the money to send them there without them. I now reside in Ottawa for college, and I feel like i'm out of place here my classes are filled with shitskins and mudslimes there are less while people than there are other ethnicities. In my specific program classes (finance) classes are filled with asians. Ottawa is gone and tbh montreal isnt far behind. I prob fucked up choosing to go in finance but i cant turn back now, i'll have to live in a big city where the financial market is big enough to be worth the efforts i'm putting in right now. I see so many coal burners and race mixers here and every time I feel pain for my people. Anyway all i wanted to say was that if we don't act fast there's not going to be anything left to save anymore

there are large sections in the east of montreal that are lost to muslims already, and i see babies and strollers everywhere, most white people still around are elderly. it will go fast in the next 10-15 years, I wouldn't want to send my white kids to schools in those areas.

happened to drive by a town in the hautes-laurentides few weeks ago, was so refreshing to see only québécois around. towns like that must be cherished and protected.

Any blanket condemnation of an entire sub-set of white people is kikery


Interesting read.

I was in the Hautes-Laurentides for a good week(until today) to celebrate the Saint-Jean Baptiste and Mont-Laurier ,one of the big city of that area, is rule by a black mayor. He is part of maybe the only black family of this region. Sad to see…

I went to OttawaU for a semester a few years back, while living in Gatineau during that time. Both those areas are, for similar reasons, great places if you want to completely lose faith in humanity. As the national capital, Ottawa could not be a better representation of institutionalized multiculturalism gone wrong. It's like somebody put Africa and Pakistan in a blender; and the University was completely overrun by both non-whites (a lot of Chinese) and cultural marxist dogma; couldn't wait to get out of there, it literally was having a detrimental effect on my well-being.

What a shame, i was raised 4 hours north of Mont-Laurier but i've been there many times. Love that area.

a bastardization of the term

Are they having kids though? Are they dying like the Maritimes?

It only became capital being between Quebec and Ontario didn't it? It was artificial from the beginning.

Quebec is probably the only french colony that didn't fail horribly. sans Louisiana, but that place became anglo with french influence after 1920 Maybe it was because the British taking over shielded Quebec from France's dogshit-tier colonial policies? Anyway, their nationalists are kinda liberal from what I understand, but in a weird way. They love french speakers almost exclusively, and have a major in-group preference for themselves and people from France. but politically they tend to align with liberal parties. That would probably change in an instant if their values and traditions are threatened, considering their historical aversion to foreign culture intruding on theirs. The anglo canadians on Holla Forums tend to shit on them, because french canadians and english canadians hate the shit out of each other, so keep that in mind when discussing the quebecois here.

I lived in France for eight years and only know one person who went to Quebec. She was a self-identified communist and admitted to posing nude while in Quebec (and probably fucking the photographer). However French people in general, and Bretons in particular, have a massive hard on for Canada. This even extends to anglophone Canadians. Bretons even insist that all French Canadians wuz Breton an sheit. There is a mural in Nantes about it. The French also consider themselves the rightful owners of Canada and think that they can just go there whenever they want and act like arrogant French assholes. They say Quebec French is hard to understand but it isn't when you get used to the accent.

However, the only French Canadian that I have ever met worked in the oil industry and became somewhat racially aware having to work in the Middle East and Nigeria. He thoght Europe should stay white and doesn't want any Arabs or niggers in Quebec. He still fell for the muh based asian model minority shit but was concerned about the numbers of them coming to Canada. He also said girls from Montreal are the most beautiful in the world because they are so mixed and exotic, which sounds like cuck talk to me but he was a pretty cool guy. Apparently his dad was a separatist, but the " no English language".

The vast majority of couple has one or two kids or wants to have kids. However, from my experience the majority of the kids either dont have a lot of education and finish blue-collar (lumberjack, construction worker, etc.)/on the welfare money if their region is poor af and they dont want to get out. The other bunch go to Montréal (or a big city) for eduction and they became liberals and shiettt(mostly the female).

Don't get me wrong the blue-collar type are ok but they to be less aware of politics and their children will mostly be either another blue-collar or on the welfare money.

frig off, mountie cocksucker

dat u kossak


bumping for good info.

Thread Québécois…mes commentaires en Québécois se font deleter…criss de cabochon de concierge…

PS:des blokes du West Island qui braille pour rien

You seem to have no clue about what created colonies in the first place. The french, the spanish and the anglos all had different reasons/motives to go colonize the world.
The Portugueses were searching for a route to India, which they found by going around Africa, so they created commercial bases along their trade routes to India (commercial reasons); the Spaniards, after their Reconquista was finished, found Africa for a bit of the same reasons but they ended up going deep into territory with Peru and Mexico for exemple, which ends up slowly mixing the spanish elite with the native population.
The french did not really dig into that Indian route frenzy since the route they ended up with led to North-America, clearly a dead-end for instant profit like the portugueses who found slaves and spices, or the spaniards with the looting of the gold-rich south-american nations. Also France was a comfy country at that time so why leave for harder conditions? New France, aka Canada, aka Québec, was lucky to survive, and it survives solely because of the dynamism and prestige of the french culture, or else we would have been absorbed like in the USA.
The Anglos, on the other hand, were divided civil and religous wars, so the reflex was easy to desire to leave the Islands for the hope of a better place to live in peace and true to your beliefs, heretical or not, or end up in a prison-colony. As for the rest i do not have to tell anyone here the consequences being an island or a peninsulae can have on the long-term dynamic of a nation from a colonial point of view.

Ca sert a rien de prêcher entre quebecois, les anglais veulent savoir aussi.

I meant *the spanish found america* not africa…

Non…on a survécu a cause de notre pur force d'esprit et collectivité tribal..rien d'autre. Voci quelques lois contre les francophones au Canada…

871 - New Brunswick: The Common School Act imposes double taxation measures against French Catholic schools.

1877 - Prince-Edward-Island: The Public School Act puts an end to the teaching of French in schools.

1890 - Ontario: The Liberal government of Oliver Mowat adopted a law stating that English must be the language of education except when children cannot understand it.

1890 - Manitoba: Official Language Act banning French, formerly an official language in the province. Premier Greenway diminishes the rights to French school, abolishes its use in the Parliament and in the Courts of the province.

1891 - Ontario: The minister of education, George W. Ross, bans all French school books in Ontario.

1905 - Alberta: The School Act of that year imposed English as the only language of instruction, while allowing some use of French in primary classes.

1909 - Saskatchewan: The School Act makes English the only language of instruction but allowed limited use of French in primary classes. In 1929, a different Saskatchewan law abolished French in public education.

1916 - Manitoba: The Thornton Act, by abolishing bilingual schools, completely ends the teaching of French in the province.

1912 - Ontario: Circular of Instructions Regulation No. 17 and No. 18 Forbids the teaching of French above the first two grades of elementary school.


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All you had to to do was not get your shit pushed in by the british. You're lucky they allowed you to live after getting btfo. get off my board, frenchcuck

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