Germany Raids Homes of 36 People Accused of Hateful Postings Over Social Media

Most of the raids concerned politically motivated right-wing incitement, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office, whose officers conducted home searches and interrogations

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…and we are the nardsis.

German here. Its old news, happened last year. Also minimum secereness jn some regions to face prosecution is assault/body harm since there is not enough police force to do anything about burglaries etc. Maas broke german law with the swatting and is proud. Look him up hes an ugly crypto jew too.

The story is written yesterday. Is this just common enough in Germany that it's old news that this happens?

Or is this about a raid that happened last year?

Can't really see in the story when the raids occurred. I just assumed it was recent,

I recall last years raid to be 36 "offenders". Might be wrong. He was criticised for it and was proud of his abuse of power anyways. The bigger problem is no prosecition for half the felonies here.

why didn't you make a thread, faggot

Europeans have nothing to be cheery about.


Communist kikes have taken over Germany and pretend they are Democrats. They want to kill Germans to replace them with (((Syrians an Iraqis))).

Passiert oefters genug. Es wird mehr im Ausland berichtet als bei euch da drueben.

This happens quite often and is only sometimes reported in Germany. The German government uses gag orders all the fucking time.

This is not an old news story, it's a repeat occurrence.

Germans don't realize in the slightest how controlled their media is, even the ones who are considerably more "aware".

I dont know how to use archive to post over mobile, so I posted the full link. Apologies. Can anyone change that?

We can help them by stepping up our propaganda campaign in our own countries. There's nothing we can do for these heroes at this time.

Maas is literally bragging about it on his Twitter as we speak.
Go fuck yourself.

>Communists are the real National Socialists
Fuck off Reddit faggot

not to us
not here
go on leddit and condescend there, if you think that will solve anything


He might either be mistaken. However, the German government uses paid posters. You don't think they're monitoring this site and deutsch/pol/ threads 24/7?

The German government locks up people who want to homeschool their children.

The German government locks up people who wish to exercise free speech.

The German government prohibits Germans from arming and defending themselves while at the same time exporting weapons abroad.

The German government foments ethnic anger at Hungarians, ethnic Germans from Russia and the ex-USSR, Greeks, and others while flooding the country with non-Europeans.

The German government finances all of this with unreasonable taxes that don't benefit the community. Instead, those taxes go to corrupt agencies, migrants, and Israel.

The German government keeps the population numb with access to subsidized alcohol, cheap prostitution, and a social welfare net that is misleading and unsustainable.

Dubs of truth. At this point every one of us needs to start getting serious (assuming any of us aren't already) about our efforts.

wait homeschooling is illegal in Germany? makes sense, gotta make sure everyone gets the same narrative.

Yes, it is totally illegal. You face jail time, fines, and they will almost always take your kids.

Germany is a control-freak state.

Dude this happens a few thousand times every year.
We can't make a thread about it every time.
Only this time and last year they went into their fucking houses full_swat_style and took their computers. Sitting at you dinner table with your little baby, the door flies open and the police demands all electronic devices at gunpoint just because you criticized what the state is doing with the refugees, or even worse if you have an opinion about WW2 which the law doesn't allow you to have. An 89 year old lady that once answered a question about the holocaust in a 'wrong' way is in jail right now and will stay there for the next 2 years.
Last year someone got convicted for posting a regular german flag with the sentence:
"War and Economic refugees flood our nation, they bring terror, agony and rape our women, put an end to this!"
He got 10 months in jail but got out on parole. No joke.

Such is life in modern Germany.

Why wouldn't he? He and his mommy Merkel can do with us whatever they want because they took our guns from us and fake elections in order to stay in power while outsourcing beating us up and destroying our shops and making us unemployed to her unemployed drug-addicted Antifa-Brigades. My Professor even openly admitted this to us once during a lecture and laughed about it.

A few months ago they just threw away every vote for the AfD in a few districts. They even openly showed the numbers with 0% in those districts. They don't give a fuck anymore, glad the AfD acted up and fought it they got about 8% in those districts in the end yet if we start to act up just a bit too much they destroy our careers or throw us in jail.
Oh and don't forget the media, well if you guys are fed up with CNN etc thats cute but now imagine that every single fucking TV-Station has people in the highest positions which are working together with Merkels CDU or the puppet-SPD party? As well as the supreme court all SPD and CDU. Maas passed a law lately that was openly unconstitutional you know what they did? They just said that this specific law doesn't need the approval of our congress which would have had to approve it normally. They are all in those parties and will do whatever necessary to keep the old parties in power. You also have to pay about 15$ to the state-tv stations, no matter if you use them or not, as soon as you have an apartment or a fucking cupboard to live in in which it would be possible to listen to the state-tv or radio you have to pay, every single month. You want to know what happens when you don't pay your 'political-education-contribution'? That's right, they put you in jail!
It's also very hard to redpill the common people when they hear horrific things about the right and only sunshine and lollipops about fugees and the left 24/7. Even if they have to be made up. The SPD now even made an unpopular ex-alcoholic which didn't even finish high school their candidate for the election in autumn. They just don't give a fuck anymore if Merkel grants them enough ministries.
Did I forget to mention that they will take away your kids if you are too right-wing for them? Very common practice to place those poor souls in a more political correct surrounding.
A few days ago a mom that wouldn't agree with her son having to visit a mosque also faced persecution for that. If she keeps up that behavior Mutti Merkel might have to save this poor child from his Nazi Mom you know?

We aren't just Weimar 2.0 we are something so horrible that even the men responsible for Weimar would look down in disgust.

Never lose, don't grant them a single meter, fight a civil war if you have to, genocide every last one of those degenerates if you have to. Because the other option is not distinguishable from hell.

Are you two working out of the same boiler room perchance?

Meanwhile, Berlin's police admit to having lost control of the crime situation in the streets.

The demand for fascism is coming anons, just hold on a little bit longer.

trip on back there

No, they almost always go in SWAT style with this kind of stuff. They've been doing it for years. Landser called them out on it in 1997. Their band was raided a few times to find "hateful lyrics" by police in full gear kicking down the door.

?die tür fliegt auf - mit voller wucht

Not too long ago they fired the chief of police in Berlin because he created a report that showed that well over 90% of the crime was foreigners, and close to 100% of all violent crime was Turks and Arab clans, with a smattering of ex-Yugos and a few Russian citizens (didn't state if they were ethnic Russians or not).

Swathes of Berlin are full of of street prostitutes (largely gypsy-looking), gypsy beggar gangs, angry-looking Turks, and ghetto Russians ( who honestly are probably the only thing keeping the minorities from attacking random Germans, as they don't want to risk attacking a whitey who is a Slav with a large and angry extended family that isn't afraid to fight in the streets ).

Bear in mind, this is what it was like BEFORE the migrant waves kicked off hard 2-3 years ago. I don't even want to imagine it now.

Berlin is a nice place if you have money, though. Those wealthy neighborhoods are in beautiful wooded areas. I guess it's easy to vote to flood the country with these people when you live in a gated area miles away and send your kids to elite or private schools.

It was the police chief of Cologne. But yeah because he was going to write a press release saying refugees were responsible for the attacks on women.

Story was from a year ago and nobody archived it.

I was surprised.

Truth all around. I don't know about you all, but I've been actively infultrating a leftist propaganda organization in my state with plans to take it over in the next 10 to 15 years. I know, it's a slow process, but we need a larger, more influential propaganda effort than posters on the street. I know the current CEO and leadership personally, and they're incredibly trusting and forgiving. They likely don't suspect my intentions, even if I've been a dick before. I always try to present myself in such a way that they see me as a good-hearted person with different methods, rather than 1488. Not to mention, I'm young and from the south. I can pass off post of my past negative transgressions as growing pains. With enough focus and devotion, it won't be any more than a decade until I can completely take over the organization.

If my plan succeeds, I'll be pumping out 5000-10,000 NatSoc kids into the world a year.

That's a double edged sword though my friend. When the tides turn, we won't let a single traitor get away.

German pigs must feel so proud of themselves.

that's nuts. here's to your people being free again

You're a man after my own heart. Good work.

You probably already are doing this, but if you hold any sway over highering, make sure to infiltrate your friends into positions all over the company. You probably know how you could bring down the company if you wanted to, which positions are critical for the functioning of the company. Start with those positions and you will amass great power. But of course, only hire those friends of yours who are not blabber mouths.

How can these German cops fucking live with themselves for doing this?

Jesus Christ.

70 year long brain washing.

Likely like the US there is a maximum IQ a cop can have.

If they are too intelligent they might question their orders.

So they ensure dumb and gullible brainwashed morons can only be the ones armed.

Exactly my plan. And what's more is that the organization also recruits teenagers (that's how I found out about it), and there are always diehard rightwingers mixed in. Even if I don't have any choices at first, I can always fill them with the new up-and-comers. I won't have hiring power until I reach the highest levels of influence, which will take a few years, but once I become staff I'll get a say in who we hire as interns. And most CEOs of the company don't stay for more than 3-5 years. There's always a new one within that timeframe. There's only one person who I could see getting in my way of amassing complete control, but she trusts me wholeheartedly. There only thing that could get in my way is her seniority.

Last thing I want is to destroy the organization. It has powerful influence over our state's political youth, and several of our senators and secretaries went through it's program. For safety reasons I won't name any names, but I guarantee you've heard of at least one of them. They have an immense amount of influence, and I can use that to my advantage.

The one bright side to Berlin was when I was walking through what was once East Berlin. It was white as snow. No migrant groups, no gypsies, and no BLACKS ( I was shocked to see blacks hanging around on street corners near Ku'damm). These areas were simple working class areas for white Germans. It wasn't fancy, but it was clean and the AUTHENTIC Berlin.

People are so brainwashed that I was told "oh no dont go to those neighborhoods, they are full of antisocial racists and skinheads!". It was the safest part of the whole fucking city.

You are thinking of a separate case. I believe you are thinking of Wolfgang Abers. I am thinking of Roman Reusch (who, as it turns out, was not Police Chief as I had thought, but had a function in Berlin's justice system).

Here is the report

Forgot the link:

It's the opposite in Germany, actually. They have to jump a bunch of hoops and take lots of courses in sociology and what is more-or-less political science and psychology. At the end of it all it's more or less a Bachelor of Arts in "Criminology", which as most people know is a bunch of a BS.

They are political officers, basically.

You're doing God's work, user.

I'd seriously suggest that Germans try to get dual American citizenship and raise their kids here. Their kids can get German citizenship and live there later in their lives, but the explicit desire to forbid homeschooling implies to me that one should be pursuing it.

I don't know what your private schools are like though?


I should probably also add that German cops are fairly well incentivized. Luxury cars, pension plans, lots of promotion opportunities, etc.

They probably love what they do.

I'm sure you must see that every German family running off to raise their families in the US and then returning to Germany isn't really feasible.

But, either way, it's already happened a few times. There was a high profile case where the German government tried to get the US to extradite a family that was pursuing homeschooling in the United States. The US ended up shutting down the case and letting the family stay in the US.

The German media viciously attacked them.

No, but obviously not every German family would pursue it. Further, those that could feasibly do it are already wealthy enough that they'd pursue a private education for their children in Germany or the US anyway. I know a lot of Germans that work in the Pharma industry in the US and generally send their kids to private school, quite a few pursue Montessori-type deals

Why not set up German speaking boarding schools in the US, I do not think it would be hard to do.

It's actually taxed too, not subsidized. :^)

Das ist die traurige Wahrheit…

I think the Amish already control that gig :)

No, it's subsidized in the production phases and for the companies that make the beer. This enables them to sell it prices that are among some of the lowest in the world, despite the salaries and production costs behind making the beer in Germany.

Obviously it's taxed at the consumer end. It's the same with corn ethanol subsidies in the US.

You never wondered why German beer is so fucking cheap compared to countries with comparable income levels? It's bizarre.


And the cuck who is the head of it is apart of a failing increasingly super unpopular political party with a son in antifags. They will one day get the rope.

Then the framework for traditional schools is already in place.

Private schools are families cooperating to home school their children. Why does Merkel allow it?

ok s-sorry..

Your people have been turned into mindless sheep, and threatened with the whip enough that they cower rather than speak.

You fucks need to get off social media, organize at a local level, thoroughly vet all members, keep your comms limited to spoken word alone, and keep as much information as limited and non-centered as possible, have things like supply caches but no one knows where they ALL are, only a few or one each. You need leaders willing to compartmentalize information, and keep all your activities as secret and hidden as possible. Gather supplies, I'll leave it up to your mind to figure out what to gather and how, hide it all, keep it hidden and safe.

Then monitor and track police movements to figure out when and where they'll be most of the time so that you can navigate around them easily, especially at night.

While you're doing all of the above, build computers completely off the grid, no internet connection of their own, save various images and data from your home pcs, but never repost it, put it on flash drives, take it to the non-internet pcs and create your own counter-propaganda, print it all off. Then fucking paper the shit out of neighborhoods, stuff it in mailboxes, have teams for each area so you're not doing it all night, target different areas each night, at different times, on random days, throw the police off because naturally they'll start looking for you for your "hate crimes" of spreading the truth. Do this often, do it at irregular intervals, use different members each time to do it so they dont try to pinpoint "who isnt at home and is therefore the guilty party."

Before that you need to all be training to be physically fit and learning the neighborhoods you'll be papering with information, so you know hiding places, escape routes, and so on, so if you see the cops you can quickly bail. Use gloves to prevent fingerprints from showing up, keep your faces covered, and so on.

They can't punish you if they dont know who you are, and even if they catch someone, if you guys don't all know who each other are, you cant give everyone else up, dont have pre-planned meeting times or anything, have signals you send each other and keep things randomized as much as a human can, cover your asses. The longer you can keep this up, the more of your message you get out, the better off you'll be. The more people will start to shift opinions on the government, shift opinions on rapefugees, shift opinions on everything and turn against their oppressive government.

Like you said, most people just don't know whats going on, they're kept in bubbles and fed lies constantly, they don't know what the truth IS or even how to distinguish lies from truth anymore. And even if they can, they're so scared of the system ending their normal life that they'll never speak up out of fear.. but if they see there is a consistent group forming, building, growing, that is able to speak the truth they'll start to grow bolder as well, because these people can do it. And the more people talk and share this information among each other, the more they'll want the government desroyed.

Basically, you're already living in a dystopia, but you fucks haven't reacted yet at all. There are no shadowy groups fighting the system, spreading information, … doing anything else… you're all just cowering in fear trying to protect your bread and circuses as long as possible. You're all cowards who refuse to take a stand for fear of losing your "cummies," and its destroying you.

So you either need to organize and fight back with information, and show others they can fight back to, or your country is doomed. Take your pick. Revolutions don't just happen in 30 minutes, revolt doesnt just form because "THIS time is the real event that will start it!" No, tension, anger, frustration, disgust, these all need to build over time until the powder keg bursts FROM that last event and people grab pitchforks and torches and go to burn down the ruling class in their mansions in their sleep. YOU have to start the change. If you aren't going to take any steps towards it but whinign on Holla Forums, then your society and people arent worth saving in your eyes.

It happened this week.

Unfortunate this happens quite often and bad goys might end in prison for denying the holly cause or well wishing for uncle Adolf.

This week


At the very day of the government raid against crime think, government sponsored terrorists shut down rail travel in most of Germany.
Not only railway was affected but telephone and internet for more than 30.000 people as well.

You don't say user…

They don't board, and their education (ideally) only goes to the eighth grade. I'm confused on whether or not most Amish actually study standard German in any extensive way. They seem to just have brief contextual education on bits and pieces of the Lutherbibel and their Ausbund hymnal

I'm a Pennsylvania German speaker and Amish speak atrocious PA German compared to most "Fancy Dutch", non-sectarians. They seem to generally not understand proper grammar and they mix their English and Dutch into basically a pidgin. For example they dropped the dative case.

I'm completely speaking without any knowledge but I wouldn't be surprised if the state still has a heavy say in the material and syllabi of private schools' programs

It's gonna happen soon right guys?
I't needs to happen.
This is the dystopia we've been warned about.

(OP) should read: JEW CUCKED!! Germany Raids Homes of 36 People Accused of Hateful Postings Over Social Media… because the jew anal cavity is getting sore from all the antisemitism because of their leading roll.LMAO

There's no point in pretending to be outraged. This is nothing more or less than the enemy attacking us. It's a move that makes sense, and I cannot wait to return the favor by going door to door and dragging Leftists out for roadside executions.

There is usually, it's been a running joke with my friends since I was but a lad. And I've begun recently to find it substantially more annoying,

Our day is coming soon now, friend. It's always darkest before the dawn, so double down and push through to a new day

My friend almost got in jail for denying Holocaust in Berlin while he was studying there, in the end he ended up paying fine of 15k euros, and his parents barely make 800$ a month (both)

The fire rises in Germany

What country was he from?


s e r b i a

kek wills it

How was that post even slightly condescending? If anything I found it informative

Germans that leave Germany usually don't want to go back. Weren't there Germans also fleeing to Eastern Europe?

It was less fleeing than settling elsewhere. Germany is very crowded. Check out look at the size of the country and then at the population. Furthermore, most Germans left the most crowded areas of what is already a crowded country as a whole.

Die well brother

White ethnic Germans young and old need to realize Hitler was right and although briefly gave Germans the most awesome system of gov and social cohesion geared toward the betterment of Germans.Now after the jew who was the problem in the first place has taken control of the minds of your young through heavy censorship trying to cover up exposure of jew lies it is time to embrace Hitler&NSDAP and understand they had your best interest and the interest of all white euorpeans at its core.

This ofc was un acceptable for the jew rodent who cannot survive without subversion.RE AWAKE YOURSELVES!!

The JUDEN must go back to the desert or get erased.Religion is a big part of the problem with this though they use it to covertly control masses of whites who subscribe to it.Then turn it all toward rats being chosen which is just another perversion of the truth you are expected to believe to accepted their narrative when in actuality they are a poisonous hoard of parasites which will eat themselves without a white host.

The fact that people think this is good, just, and normal blows my fucking mind. The average person, including whites, deserve to be exterminated. Mindless herd-animal filth.

It's sad that nowadays people have to put "white" and "ethnic" in front of the word "German" to clarify what they mean.

Not even 20 years ago, if you said "German" everyone would have immediately assumed an ethnic German without having to consider Turks, Arabs, etc.

fucking hell UK, why don't you just declare sharia and be done with it?

Western europeans have forfeited their right to live. They grew lazy and naive, and sold their own children to slavery with a smile on their face while at the same time they are too craven to defend their rights.

Read "48 Laws Of Power" by Robert Greene and "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. It'll give you an extra edge.

Western children should not have to pay the penalty for their ancestors. There must be an initiative to ensure that as many as possible are rescued from a future dominated by browns.

First question to any of the bullen: "Wo wart ihr Sylvester?"

The above paragraph reproduced purely for historical interest.

Yet their parents sold their childrens right for existance as well. I see no point in helping a animal that does not even have the will to live or fight for its own survival and future.

The whole red terror, and in fact, probably the whole communist party would have collapsed in Russia if people had been armed.

Germany is IMO beyond saving at this point. German citizens will never get over the constant Holocaust guilttripping. And even if they did, they would just be thrown in jail. Sorry Germanbros, your country is lost.


We haven't even begun waking up fully and fighting back.

The real test will be the rest of the world/Anglosphere not fucking things up again in the end.

You think Krauts will wake up?

Of course, we're the most "sealed up" of the bunch yet offer the most resistance.

it's not a big feat for a Poland etc to be "based" they were left alone and not "preemptively denazified in case it spreads".

But Germany? As usually, the most crippled and beaten, yet offering the most resistance of the bunch.

As, usual.

Yes. And you'd be throwing blackpills around in Weimar times too. Be useful and have faith.


Of course, its called the "unbroken tradition" for a reason. All has transpired to rebirth us, truly had this whole process happened at a much slower rate then I would give a different answer.

It's hard to when countries like Germany have literal thoughtcrime laws.

I'm not just speaking as a German here, but for most of Europe, but:

The most dangerous countries are the USA, UK and to an extent, Canada.

They are the current golems (all white countries were the golems at some point in history) but they are huge, big, and if they don't fix their jew problem, they really can ruin things…again.

Sweden cucking itself, etc is not as dangerous as a new alliance of golems sweeping across Europes mainland again.

I hope the Ameribros do their work, as well.
Instead of being complacant because they are allowed guns and so forth.
They'll be popping caps into their own grave they're walking towards, if they don't TRULY drain the swamp.

It would be truly terrible if Sweden was in the process of DOTR and the US military invaded killing off the rest of its European population. Even the EU's army might be able to do this in time.

So children are not worth saving because of their parents actions? That is an abhorrent standpoint.

So that's what it takes to break your will? Really nigger? Instead of looking at their piece of paper saying what you must behave like and say "ok… guess I'll be a good goy then", use the draconian situation to redpill actual men.

To give Germany the benefit of the doubt, I think they are worried about Nazi cells. Like real ones.

The real Nazis would have made a contengincy plan in case they were defeated. Which means, there is probablly a legit "resistance" of some sort in Germany. Like the man in the high castle, but backwards.

This raid would give credit to my theory.

Think otherwise. Why would Germany be so afraid of 36 autistic dudes? They wouldn't be.

A little lesson here for our burger friends who might have more pressing things in their life but education never hurts.

This individual here is called Heiko Maas. Despite his looks, this pencil-necked balding twerp is the German secretary of justice. He's also from an extremely rural region, catapulted into one of the dinosaur establishment parties, and dare I say the most disgusting, the SPD - originally a center left anchor of society, now a reactionary basin of filth desperate for votes, which will accept any individual spineless enough to basically spout any shit their financiers tell them to, but with even less loyalty to their country than Merkel has.

Now this piece of execrability is potentially one of the most lethal things to exist regarding the German populace, constitution and freedom. And don't think I'm censoring myself here to sound fancy. Basically it's his goddamn NetzDG bill that would:

- hold any site holder accountable for any user contributions

- pretty much skip judicial factors in identifying actual contributors, e g commenters etc.

Basically, the stasi.
If you check his Twitter, it's basically a staccato of pointless, contrived virtue signalling, every single taking point about 3 years after it had any significance in the anglosphere. This individual is trying to piggyback his damn bill on everything he gets his hands on. It's also this guy who's bragging on Twitter about the arrests.

As a German, I feel shit and powerless. All I can do is at least inform you guys and give names.
I'm still her, here but fuck does it suck to be stuck between the gears of this meat grinder designed to crush us into tasty nutritious paste for Merkel's new pets.

No.I don't accept that and sounds like jew bullshit.Everyone thought the Germans were beyond hope after ww1 and they intern created a way of life through Hitler that cannot be matched on any level going back to the romans.Germany can wake up once again and realize everything they are being force fed is jew bullshit. The Germans and most all people in the world will benefit greatly when the Jew rat is removed and punished for its crimes against whites.Remember they came to us seeking shekkels and subversion we didn't invite them.They are basically like all gypsies in Romania running amuck in our western societies until we say enough is enough gtfo go to israel LEAVE!!!!!! or DIE which is exactly what Hitler did. He gave them the choice to leave which isn't conducive of the evil genocide of poor jews meme he just said you know what ? FUCK YOU PEOPLE YOU ARE CANCER THEIRS THE DOOR WALK OUT OR GET DRAGGED OUT.

I don't, nor will I ever. If someone poses to me that non-whites can be German, then I belittle them. A non-white can not be German, English, Swedish etc. I don't care how other people see it. I won't change my rhetoric because of it, and if someone is simple enough to believe such a thing, then they deserve my scorn and my harsh rhetoric. Calling a nigger or a mud German is the epitome of disrespect (especially since my grandparents came from Germany–it's blood, not soil). I don't care if they've been there for ten generations. They're still a nigger living in Germany.


There's probably real NSDAP cells bunkering somewhere, yes. And if they had been found out, it would be all over MSM (even finding a bunch of antique artifacts becomes news). So take faith in that they haven't been found out.


checking your check Notice Jewish Problem as they are definitely THE problem.

Indeed, nothing changes unless the jew is removed from this earth.


I doubt it. More likely they'd be infiltrated or destroyed behind the scenes without anyone knowing. What does it benefit them to show such a thing on their propaganda stations? It's like so-called "white supremacist" groups, otherwise know as groups that attempt to assist people of European dissent who are suffering hard times or who just generally need assistance. You don't hear about the FBI infiltrating, subverting, and destroying them. You don't hear about charges levied against them. They're just there, doing their thing, and the next day they're not, and with their gathered knowledge they move on to the next group and try to undermine and destroy them. The only group you hear about is the KKK, and that's because they need a bogeyman to incite hatred against whites, and the KKK has long-standing historical relevance and thus can easily evoke emotion. Other than them, what pro-white "white supremacist" groups do you hear about in the media? Showing how the government actively undermines all efforts by white people to help white people would rile white people up. I assume they view this similarly.

Your reading comprehension is disgusting you spastic twat.

Being german is a struggle. I simply cannot find a reason to stay optimistic anymore. I just don't see the light. With every day that passes I get more frustrated. But I - and many anons - will never give up. For when the DOTR comes we will unload everything; turn every last bit of our frustration into pure hate.
Once us germans wake up to this horror and realise how fucked everything is, you better believe we take care of it for good. For this time, they will wish they were put on madagascar.

Meine Ehre Heißt Treue.

Honestly censorship is good. At least, given my reasoning. If people can say whatever they want, they can easily blow off steam and deprive themselves of the will to act on their desires. But if you heavily censor people and force them to bottle it up, it should, at some point, give more than enough motivation to act as your other outlets of relief have been denied. It blows my mind that people support this shit. It's a testament to their blatant inferiority. Nonetheless it should serve the greater good. Can't bitch about niggers on the internet after having to put up with them every day? Well you might just be liable to explode and put one in the hospital in a year or two. However, given how they're importing millions of non-whites, I don't know if Germany has a year or two. They're literally trying to replace breeding aged European men with the importation of breeding age brown men coupled with mass propaganda campaigns demonizing white men, trying to make white women see themselves as victims to white men and white society/patriarchy.

You mean kikes.

To all you Germans on here - get the verdammt Regierung stop Kindergeld payments to the migrants by changing the law so that only natural-born Germans receive it and not

When I was a kid, I always wanted to move back to Germany, I thought America was an unsophisticated nation of idiots.
I finally came to realize that being down to earth is not being unsophisticated and that America has much more freedom than Germany.
At this point I barely have anything in common with the part of my family in Germany, even the most right wing of them were ecstatic that Le Pen lost the election.
I'm happy I have freedom here, but it still feels bad man.

To all you Germans on here - get the verdammt Regierung to stop Kindergeld payments to the migrants by changing the law so that only natural-born Germans receive it and not migrants

Stop kindergeld and watch the migrants disappear.

The Long March Through the Institutions worked for these evil fucks, no reason it can't work for us as well.

This is an underrated post.


(checked) the Truth. Their veil of bullshit is crumbling and not in one country yet WORLD WIDE !! for good reason.JQ question after learning is the only ? all jews either must die or be effectively nullified by expulsion of white nations.

Hey Germans. Its time for civil war. Your state is against you. Why sit back and twiddle your thumbs? Dont give me that "its too late" bullshit. Thats you coming up with an excuse. Dont listen to your police, fight them. The police force is against you. Get your little kitchen knife, and start fucking up some mussies.

You need to actually understand that germany is no longer a home for you. You are not wanted in germany. Not because they know who you are, because you are white. Fucking step up. Take back your home.

Start destroying everything. War has no rules. You can always rebuild when you take back your lands and come on top as victorious. If you lose, well you know those shitskins arent going to build jack shit. Either lose knowing germany has nothing for goat fuckers or win and rebuild a new country.

Look at America. Big cities are muh fee fee zones, but the majority of the states is full of gun owners who will kill a roach infestation. To be honest, a group of americans could go to parts of detroit and kill hundreds of nig nogs and never get caught. Its up to you germanfags to grab your kitchen knives or baseball bats, whatever the fuck you have, dress down in a black outfit with a group of people, go out at night, find places with shitskins, and just beat the fuck out of them.

I remember visiting Berlin very briefly a couple years ago. It was on the way to Holland and I stayed in a hostel for a night. The city seemed like typical post-communist grayness, but I wasn't bowled over with a huge number of non-whites, in fact it seemed pretty european overall. What I did notice was the distinct lack of white children. Almost no one seemed to have a child, and the whites who did I don't think were ethnically German. Even in Amsterdam I always saw white kids playing in the street near my flatset, and little columns of blonde dutchies walking to school in the morning.

lol wut?

AKA telling the truth.

Got I love being an American

How regulated is homeschooling there? I homeschool in Australia and while we can make up our own lessons, we still have to tick certain boxes on a curriculum set by the state. So we have to teach the kike narrative. Especially history/geography/social studies. There's ways around it. I cover those things just enough to skate by, then teach as I see fit. But there are inspectors and your kid has to be able to vomit out the narrative on command if they come.

They should be charging the terrorists with "incitement to racism".

A good post.
I will remember it

It's up to the state in particular, almost everyone is a little different. I don't know the particulars; everyone I've ever known that's home schooled (I'm not) was part of larger associations of parents that shared teaching materials amongst themselves and taught to a standard that imitated curriculum. Whether or not that was state-mandated I'm not sure

Do you mind me asking which state and how easy it is to implement?

how easy it would be to purge jews and cut them off from their cash cow central bank influence ..then what ohh fight your wars without the backing of white ppl ? oh wait you need us we definitely don't need you parasite matter of fact why don't you all go to Israel with your dual citizens in us gov I can assure you no non jewish American wants your parasite ass here GO TO ISRAEL that the whites created for you in your ineptitude rat.

jews are weak even with central bank jewry The white man can crush them at any time henc e the eeeeeevil white ppl goy. ahahaa ha aha haaaaa!


>you would need a massive global conspiracy to fake biographies, human remains, and personal accounts.

but people who want others to unconditionally believe and accept the story of the holocaust simply damn well put and as presented as real no matter what anyone says or they are "antisemitic!" "racist!" "full of hate!" and even get sent to jail in certain countries for speaking their mind and refusing to mindlessly follow the current like a braindead drone, are totally not manipulating you or others with a political agenda. because it's the truth. and only their truth is allowed. anyone who goes against the unapproved truth will be silenced!

I personally find it hilarious that the very things that holocaust propaganda promoters accuse the nazi germany of doing and the qualities they describe them as are the very same exact things that they do to the people who share different opinions than them, or refuse to accept everything told to them as fact simply because it has been repeated to them every single day from the moment they have been born, and because there is such an illogical and sudden emotional response programmed into the rest of society to react and shame and turn on whoever remembers to ALWAYS QUESTION EVERYTHING.

(good example, using completely fictional characters taking place in one of those countries where holohoax exposure and other dissenting thoughts are illegal/banned. punished by law)

always question everything. you may eventually find out who you are not allowed to question.

What if hitler was secretly a good guy and just got framed for everything they SAY he did?

the whole point of the nukes was shock and awe "we have nukes and you don't" it would have scared the shit out of them if they took out the two biggest military bases like it was nothing. the killing of a huge amount of unarmed civillians was completely unneccessary.

Just think of all the crazy things our government is capable of, and maybe you start to think, this is kind of a recurring theme right? this sadistic and violent genocidal style that our crazy government seems to have better fits the events that they claim to have taken place under the rule of hitler.

Remember the saying "the winners write the history books" well what if our government/ our gov including other govs all part of the globalist agenda just did all that concentration camp stuff or planted it after the fact so that hilter would go into the history books as "one of the worst bad guys ever" so they could scape goat that illustrated historical character that they possibly made hitler out to be, even if hitler may have actually not done any of those things?

What if hitler is made as this bad person in history that everyone should look down on as the worst bad guy ever because it was possible that he was secretly one of the really good guys who got the closest and realized what was going on with the whole world and was going to save everyone better than anyone had ever managed to saved everyone before, not from "da juice" but rather those fake jews that pretend to be jewish while the boring usual oyveys and rabbi babbis in the population get major scapegoated so that everyone keeps infighting on a general population level and nobody ever notices who is really controlling the show?

They also say that the muhmar gadaffi guy was only killed because he didn't agree to let the giant globalist banking system into his country. supposedly he was the last one to go besides north korea (supposedly last place on earth without the evil globalist centralized banks, and coincidentally made out to be by the mainstream media as pure evil)

Revolt Germany, kill your politicians. They're literally crushing those that try to remove their ideology or their form of income.


globalist cult:

it appears to me as hitler wanted to bring out the best features in the human race, while the globalist cult wants to take all the different colors of paint and mix them together into a really shitty gross mess.

What if North Korea isn't bad? what if it's a globalist media conspiracy to turn everyone against them? not only that but similar to afghanistan, north korea is sitting on an absolutely MASSIVE mineral deposit

what if everything we have ever heard about them is a lie?
How are we supposed to know anything that we're told about NK is true? It's on the other side of the Pacific and more than 99.9 percent of us have never even traveled anywhere near it. No central bank and Kim allegedly saying stuff like this? It's interesting to say the least.

I mean, do you realize how much an unbiased interview with Kim would be worth? he is THE person everyone is observing right now, I find it to be absolutely incredible that nobody has ever tried to set up something like that.

it's really funny how all the "pro-nationalist" countries (especially those who don't have a Rothschild-controlled central bank) are considered our "enemies."

and we all constantly call out the mainstream media on telling lies and intentionally misleading the public, but as soon as they say something about north Korea, a historical enemy of isreal - just like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, etc, then you drink down anything they tell you like brainwashed fanatics.

"I heard that Kim jong eats babies, I saw it on the tv, the reporter Shillgoldsteinberger was telling us all about it!"
all of the news and informtation you have on north korea is from the enemies of north korea and you don't even question it even for a second.

hitler knew this, and you don't have to be a nazi to know your history. why do you think the globalists brainwash you from the moment you are born all throughout school and adulthood with history documentaries and propaganda to label hitler, of all the humans who have enslaved and fought and killed others throughout the earths history, as the worst one of them all?

The reason why they're crushing "hate speech" is because they're waking up people to the fact that the migrants are brought in mainly to keep their ponzi scheme afloat.
Right wingers are ruining their profits.

the globalists want to teach everyone history but only their pre approved look at it through a narrow keyhole. "hitler was the most evil man to ever live!!"
"err, just totally disregard how nukes were dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki (totally civillian cities!) and how we went to war with vietnam for… (what reason again?) and used agent orange that still gives them birth defects and cancer to this very day!"
"and also disregard all the bombs we dropped that failed to detonate that are still malfunctioning as accidental minefields and blowing peoples legs off to this very day!"
"make sure you believe that the USA is the only country to ever enslave people and hate each other as if you are the original slaves and slave masters who are still alive!"
"in fact, disregard all of USA's history as well as the history of the entire earth and all the massive armies and raiders who have raped and killed millions."
"instead you should focus on just one man, and the "six million" which is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of people who have been killed throughout history in far worse ways."


because he was protecting his people from globalism and the globalist centralized bank.

why do you think the UN building looks just like the tower of babel? why do you think their motto is "many tongues one voice"? hitler may have wanted a unique and cultured strong proud germany of blond haired and blue eyed people, but the globalists want to destroy every culture and deny everyone on earth the right to be unique with a free and strong culture by mixing everyone and destroying their culture until every last person on earth looks in the mirror to see their skin is milk coffee, their eyes are brown, and their hair is milk coffee. why do you think God split up the people who were building the tower of babel into different cultures and languages? it wasn't new, God was undoing what they had done to the world. the tower of babel was their last monument against God.

people are waking up and many are already awake to the horrors of globalism and their corrupt banks.
people are waking up to nationalism because "what group of people in history has ever existed for any long while without building a wall to protect their city?"

would it be possible to terror bomb germany with hate fact letter campaign from america?
some of the only ones left without the bank are syria and north korea (syria also doesn't like gmo's and has tons of petroleum, north korea which is sitting on a GIANT mineral deposit, what a surprise)

how do we know anything north korea says is real? we only ever hear "CNN: NORTH KOREA SAID AMERICA SUX" and you all just believe that? I don't want to visit north korea and find out if it's true or not, but we have to assume that we have no idea if they are good or bad because we have never heard north korea speak to the rest of the world with their own translator, completely unfiltered and without our corrupt media.

Germany has become a country of sheep with stockholm syndrome.
What happened to the barbarian past?






gumballs immigration

diversity for everyone, except for israel

open gates

We're not sorry

also make sure you watch on youtube "the greatest story never told"

NSW. Thier website is easy to find. I don't remember it off the top of my head. The curriculum is available to read. Most of it is pretty easy. There's the expected hoop-jumping. They come to your house to inspect you and your child/ren. So do the obvious, clean, safe, don't look like a psycho etc.
The hardest bit is creating an acceptible lesson plan to show them.

You people need to stop accepting this shit and get some goddamn guns.
I'm not even white and your pacifism disgusts me.
I'm Chinese American.

Now, go find a batch of Carl Gustavs, thousands of 556 rounds and a good ol' G36.
If they're going to exterminate you, you may as well be prepared to take as many of them with you as you can.

Well, at least the German State is still mercilessly oppressing their hated enemies. Too bad that the German State has become so cosmopolitan that its own kin are now the enemy.

The migrants aren't keeping the Ponzi scheme afloat. They're accelerating its demise. The goal here is very jewish.

true it also opens up anudda shoah can of worms about them in general and how the holocaust was a smokescreen for what those rats did in russsia and other european white countries called bloshevism.

I literally have no sympathy for a jew whatsoever.

I would smile infinitely if they were all killed for being the subversive lying rats that they are and their usry/jewry being punishable be death.

How about a decent chunk of the rural German population?
You have to get to know them personally first but it all comes out. I would say a majority of males there in rural areas are that way inclined. They still do all the traditional cultural stuff, in smaller groups.
They are very secretive about NS etc too, only face to face.

Hence the sperg-kneejerk raids like this because they fucking know what's up
Apparently it's more antifag style SJW groups they are worried about, they will spread your dox/deets on twatberg etc and try get govt involved (hence these raids).

wow, nazi germany really never died.

It's not nazi germany; it's bolshevik russia.

hahaha its already underway nigger and you are right accept the part about whining pol acks who absolutely are fuel to the fire mother fucker because anytime rwds or any other incitement type shit happens its here activism yes your black pill interpretation no.

It is going on and not fast enough for any of our pleasures yet the ball is rolling and nothing can stop it now nigger.

that crying you broadly interject has become a fucking power house in shaping ideas for the better.

You portray nothing short of how you see it will make a difference and you are wrong we all have made a difference already and continue to be bleeding edge.

hello alt-cuck

These are intimidation tactics, pure and simple. Actual right wingers won't care though because they aren't retarded enough to post on FB. Its to keep a lid on normal people becoming too redpilled, which is the real threat to the established order.

Don't overestimate people. Very few Germans want Hitler Germany 2.0 - you'd just replace the current system without changing that much anyway. Nobody likes the media or politicians or refugees, despite the government prescribed opinions. Don't mistake this dislike for being jerked around for actual fascist tendencies though.


Dude all the "Death Camps" were in the East behind the Red's Curtain, was it a coincidence the Germans could only kill Jews East of the Danube especially before the Allied invasion where Hitler thought his coastline wall was impenetrable? Further Hitler is usually derided for "invading Poland" and that's why the Allies attacked him but the Soviets did the same and then the Soviets did commit "the Katyn forest massacre" while Hitler merely moved his borders the Soviets committed a genocide. Also the Jews even said a few months ago that they made up the 5 million Slavic deaths, though Slavs died it wasn't a state run plan.

Hitler like his predecessor in the Second Reich is merely a step in the new direction. So much we here have learned to incorporate into the Fourth Reich just as he learned from the past as well.

As a reminder to others, here's a list of things that are illegal in France: holohoax exposure, racism, call to boycott, supporting conspiracies theories and spreading "fake news", viewing and spreading terrorism material like videos of beheading or ISIS press releases…

French anons are at risk too. Now you'd think they have bigger fishes to catch, but apparently not in Germany. Maybe things could change in France too.

Stay safe anons.

I'd say more ammunition anons but that'd probably be illegal but also when someone chops off your head with a rusty machete is also illegal.

and they never find it odd that it was jews ine there gov that drafted and passed laws like that specifically protecting their lies.

REALLY FRANCE you really are surrender monkeys you surrender to a jew cock in your mouth and their jew nit picking whores telling you what to do ?



tbh all of europe is shame status except the eastern parts that are saying nah fuck your refugees bitch not our problem and we know what you are trying to do jew.

Syria also has no central bank
And technically the arab nations as they don't have interest or taxes if you do your homework.

They didn't say they saw Germany that way just that they saw civil war if rapefugees keep happening and a new hitler type figure rising from the eastern EU area… many shared this view surprisingly.

At least "hate speech" is kinda frowned on as a meme here still. Without "giving shit" in our culture, we're just an Americanized Britain.
I pity your German lack of humor and shittalk.

Welcome to Stazi Germany.

The libshit authoritarian dream.
Don't want to drink Tyrones semen?
Don't want to prep the bull?
Don't want to let yourself be molested, raped and murdered?

Into the tolerance camp you go.
Where a lack of tolerance… will not be tolerated.

Yeah, and go to jail for killing a roach of which there are millions and counting.

Traitors and jews are the real problem, no exceptions.

Smart ones use other venues, and these people are most likely normies that will redpill and radicalize others about this Merkel kike shitskin totalitarianism

we also have ~70% tax if you add everything up
no freedom of speech
mandatory 21eur/month for public broadcasting stations
its a commie gulag 2cm away from soviet tier communism hell
everyday life as a sheep life is ok because of society and general productiveness

not possible
youd have to renounce your german citizenship

also good emigrating to the US

Target the source of the cancer, not the cancer itself.
That comes later.

Really? Come on.

I blame pretty much everything on jews.
I even stated that all white countries were jewed/golemized throughout history.
Anglosphere being the latest big hive of them.

I'm calling for Ameribros to keep their house clean, which is more important than some swede or german cucking it up.
Sweden and Germany are tiny.

38-billion-USD-in-aid-for-israel-last-year USA is infinitely more dangerous.

If the burgers don't keep the jewry in check, then the USA will just waltz over mainland Europe again and fuck things up on the behest of the kikes.

The real "D&C" is laughing at Europe.
They don't even have guns anymore.

The states are the only truly armed nation of the west and they're heavily kiked.

What is sweden gonna do? What is norway gonna do?
They fight against the local shit, but if the USA decides to be retarded then that would be that.

I think the escalation of the crack down on "hate speech" needs a sticky.
I'm fed up with this "you fight them, they win" mentality.

Make love to children, not hatred!

Native Nationalist here. The (((Regime))) is on the brink of collapse, mentally and physically. They can hear their death rattles and the noise it makes freaks them into a frenzy. I expect the big RACE WAR of our time to hit any month now, despite the drugged-out populace being oblivious to it's demise.

There will be a HELL LOT OF KILLING GOING ON when shit finally swaps over, and we are nearing the brink with every day.

Pray for a swift victory my brothers, that Europa may prevail against the world-gripping evil of Zionism.

aaaaand WHITES WIN!! as usual the shitskins have no idea just how sick and evil we can get neither do the jews who have parasite onto us and think they actually can control the white beast that now knows they are a problem.

They did nothing wrong.

How can we show 'em our support?

and yet they elect same people, same parties over and over, and over. What a load of bullshit.

Reminder to Canadians that this WILL happen here. It's only a matter of time. You better hope you've been using a VPN for virtually all online activities or you're getting fucking order 66'd.

We do not have freedom of speech. The government has free reign to shoot you for disagreeing with them.

Why would you save children of cowards and cucks? Cowards and cucks are enemies just as muslims and africans invading europe are, and as kikes and globalist are.

Why would you save and help the future of your enemies? Son of a coward/cuck will also be an coward/cuck.

the lack of you having freedom of speech should be considered a threat to the US hence annexing you and breaking your ties with the crown cunt js

to go farther your lax immigration is a direct threat to the US given the close proximity to us if I was in control mexico would have been slapped hard NO MORE ILLEGALS PERIOD try to gain illegal entry you will get droned and we are taking Cananada because they can't do shit about it and fuck england and their jew open border refugee (economic shitskins).

Have to ask yourself what would the Furher do.Not drastic enough I would start killing all non whites after seizing all jew assets cutting off all foreign ties basically telling the world to fuck off We are white and will remain so but nice try jew.

Weimar Republic openly accepted marxism into their culture, and yet it became something beautiful. Nothing is lost as long as there are people fighting for their beliefs against all odds.

Ursula "Nazi Oma" Haverbeck. Vid embed for the newfags.

the war never ended, it's not a control-freak state, it's a occupied state, there was never a peace treaty signed by the 3rd Reich. A puppet state cannot sign a peace treaty with it's owner, it's a scam

Not sure if Holla Forums bait or down syndrome. What could the parents have done? Chimp out and wreck stuff and stab someone? Thats not how whites operate, we stay under the radar until the problems are visible to every moron and the movements numbers are big enough and then WIR ROLLEN like hellfire.

That's because Berlin attracts crowds of young Germans who*

-don't want families
-are students
- "artists" (modern art and graffiti, guys! why won't the state pay me a salary?!?!)
- large numbers of gays and lesbians

With those types of people, you simply won't find lots of children.

As with everything, they are concentrated in certain neighborhood at very high densities. Because, as is typical, the people who vote for integration still don't' actually want to live with them and will self-segregate themselves elsewhere.

The demographic statistics are off. "Officially" there are "only" about 175,000 Turks in Berlin. However, "unofficially" there are well over 300,000 of "Turkish background" aka their families have been in Germany for a few generations and a lot of statistics aren't necessarily counting them as Turks anymore.

*Note that this is about the people MOVING to Berlin, not Berlin residents who have been there for generations.

I thought stuff like that only happened in North Korea.

Instead of the expected reeducation, the outcome could be the opposite.
One day when a parent gets jailed for his terrible wrongspeak, about how someone molested or crippled his kid with multiple kicks to the head.
Suddenly people will have enough of maas merkel and de maiziere's bullshit.
He wants to show force, i really hope it antagonizes even more people.
Suddenly a horrible 卐hashtag appears, that normies will adopt, and then, the governement: fuck we cant jail or fine more than a few thousand per day.

Member how britain got kevin crehan killed over a fucking bacon sandwich, probably killed by muzzie guards and inmates. Shit will come to germany soon.

What about all those public manifestations and rallies of patriotic Germans protesting against immigration and the EU? Is it illegal only on social media or everyone recorded on protests is eventually getting a visit from the stasi?

What would be the repercussions of… like.. What if a bunch of Aesthetic Manly Exceptional Rich Industrious Caucasian Athletic National Socialists sent random hatefacts as spam mail to random German mail boxes? Is there an established law against that which could be used against these A.M.E.R.I.C.A.N. Heroes?

This kind of thinking is complete nonsense. People do not wake up and fight back when they lose their freedom, especially without the means to defend themselves and after decades of indoctrination. How many communist regimes have been overthrown by the common people as a result of the ever growing abuse and horrors brought upon them by their governments? It's a good excuse to do nothing and feel good while your country burns, though.

I think this was proven by this point in western society's decline.
We have faggots, trannies, and other mentally ill freaks adopting children for fucks sake and everyone is ok with that.

we have to leave and start over somewhere else and wait for all the cucks to die and then hope to reconquor

but by the time we get back we wont kill all the nonwhites so its all pointless

assholes and elbows

Burgers tend so suffer from a lot of operational blindness. They laugh at Europe for harboring mud people yet their cities are overflowing with niggers and Jews and every time someone does society a favor, like Zimmerman, theur government comes down on them just as hard as ours.

That is a kike lie. Cucks are ok with that. Every decent person is not. A uprising would never be fought by the type of people that cucks are, so their factoring into the equation at all is complete nonsense.

God damn it no

There are way too many people that don't think and go along with false kike public perception.

If you want to know how it could come so far:

After world war 2, the allies designed the school new books for Germany. Children aged around 6 now go to school and are taught using those books. Those kids grow up and eventually reach the age to go to university. That would be right in the 60's which led to this:

and eventually those kids creeping further and further into German institutions, subverting them on their way.

good post.

That is the reason why we need TOR
It is borderline suicidal to post here as an European without protection through multiple proxies like TOR.

The Mods should take care not to ban the TOR network, or just for a few hours in case of span flooding.

Keeping the trains on time has no longer priority in Germany.

You guys seem to think that there exists a political solution when really there isn't one. I know this is incredibly sad/hard to admit, but the Third Reich with all of its military might was soundly beaten by the forces of Judeo-Bolshevism. Why do you think a Fourth Reich would do any better? And that's assuming we'd be ALLOWED to get that far, all of the current "Right-wing extremist" parties you're currently being offered are kosher to say the least. "Sooner a camel will pass through the eye of a needle than a great man will be "discovered" by an election". Inb4 "blackpill". The political unfeasibility of our aims should never discourage us, first and foremost we(each and every one of us) should do our best to preserve our people and this means raising a family. Secondly we should keep spreading the truth and help our people to understand their predicament and also to shake themselves free of Jewish lies. Social media and real life interactions are still key. What these anons are suggesting is also great.

I am not calling for our inaction. What I am calling for instead is to temper our expectations of the political parties being put forth and to beware the (((parliamentary))) system. The whole damn thing is rotten and nothing good can come of it.

That's the power of propaganda. You can disarm an entire country with ideas. You can even convince a people to self-genocide. Take a close look at those around you and ask the question: What part of their life is not influenced by propaganda?

i am working on getting into a decent position in a military you mentioned, and i promise you this, if ordered to fire on my european bretheren, i will do as much as in my power to ensure it never happens, and will try to get my men to follow me to your side

i have no loyalty to the state, my loyalty is to my people and our traditions and our God, and the state only gets loyalty as long as it protects /upholds those things.

I wonder if some of this is part of the natural order that has been hijacked by jewish subversion for example those that are resistant to the propaganda are possible leadership material and those that fall for the propaganda were the "follower class".

this would explain why resistant people seem to be tougher and smarter, on average, then the followers

they know that they have value, and the kikes saying that they don't tips them off that something's off

God damn German bros. I don't understand how your people haven't started OK city'ing govt offices by now. I can't even comprehend how you let it get this bad.

Do you all just go home and watch tv every day?

Deus vult. A lack of civil war is giving me blue balls.

Just saying, Zimmerman was proven innocent and now lives in a mansion with a swimming pool, rubbing it in the face of niggers. Our cops (I know several boots on the ground) spend all day harassing and beating niggers. Just saying. Meanwhile german cops take a black cock up the ass for diversity-god every day. Our cops punch niggers in the face and drag them to jail. Little bit different brah.

I mean, I wholeheartedly support deporting the farm equipment, by boat or bullet, but niggers are sort of like gypsies. They don't get away with rape here.

I have heard this often, however the Völkische Siedler homeschool them, and it's weird given how hated they are that they would not be prosecuted for it. Is there an exception to the law for people living far from schools, or did the folkish settlers do something crafty like registering as a private school?


Good to hear you have your niggers under control, that is not the impression after reading US news.

To all my ameribros, everytime a euro cuck tries to say "muh 60%" remind them that they literally can't use freedom of personal expression with their words or carry a gun and USE IT LEGALLY on your fucking hip, they are castrated little faggots.

Eurofaggots can all disappear for all I care at this point. Every weeks headline of mudslime terror is numb to me now, kind of how they had a laugh at our shooters.

shit is fucked up on both sides
the US is becoming Brazil and Europe is becoming Africa there is no difference.
You think saying some words changes that or having some cucked semi-autos changes anything?
It doesn't as the plan to end white people is underway everywhere where there are whites and no amount of free speech or cucked weapons that have to jump through retarded amounts of idiotic regulations has stopped that.

I was pretty sick of europeans implying we were backwater, uneducated barbarians all this time. Now they're getting jihaded and I'm kind of happy. Yes, make fun of our guns and love of freedom some more, yeah.

Regarding niggers, they regularly get turned out of businesses and punched by police, for being dirty niggers. No one lets them have the run of the place, no one bends over backwards for them like liberals are for mudslimes. No one thinks nigger culture is "enlightening" or "enriching" outside of a few of the most cancerous groups at the most cancerous universities. We don't give niggers jobs by and large, and they get fired when they nig on the clock.

I mean, US situation is pretty bad, but most people here are still about guns and freedom, whereas in europe near everyone is either a snooty libshit or a chav. tbh my ancestors probably left for a reason. Buncha pussy losers, take your fashion and croissants and go get ramabombed. Like yeah we got beaner issues, and we're, guess what, DEPORTING THEM. We're filling the hole in while yuros are deeper than us and just keep digging.

Put off your shoes and bend over, thank you for your cooperation.

Ah OK….

I, as an official representative of the country of Europe, would like to make it clear that we're absolutely devastated by your schadenfreude.
In a desperate attempt to appease the greatest country in the world, we will try our best to even further bend over and spread 'em, for the American-Israeli world police government. U.S.I U.S.I U.S.I U.S.I!


Even though he was nutty, Jack Chick was prophetic. OC related.

What exactly are you advocating? Getting into a breeding match with the Jews' pets?
While you say there is no political solution, I need to disagree. There IS a political solution. A revolution is a political action. That is what we need. We will never be able to outbreed our competitors nor will our breeding do anything to challenge the Jews who rule us. Our goal, if we intend to do anything other than go extinct must be to overthrow the Jewish elites and take back our countries. Anything less than that will be a slow death at best. And if we allow our racial homelands to be subsumed beneath a brown tide of subhumanity, our race shall go extinct, irrevocably.


schadenfreude is exactly the word, I've never known any burgers who actually felt that way about europe as a whole though. Presumably D&C, especially the 'freedom' talk, which we have compared to you but is only parroted by normalfags.
I don't mind seeing your leftist traitors along with ours getting enriched, but that's the limit of it.

For whites.

and jews they talk of "freedom" when in fact they want unlimited degeneracy. The constitution is dead as is the republic. Communism killed it as is the fate of all republics.

/g/ here. Fuck right off.
You better not have bought the printer with a credit card. Only cash. Better if it is second hand.

Make shekels, dont give a fuck, stay calm and move people towards your point of few through common methods of persuasion.
Much more effective and profitable than the lone wolf on steroids method, which you only apply if shit is going south really fast.

I replied 'cause to me it almost looked like someone false-flagging as a burgers to D&C.
And as for me, I was just hamming it up, I do not see the Americans as enemies. The American people and the American government are 2 very separate and distinct entities in my mind and although I may wish the worst on the government, I never fault the genuine population, they're just misrepresented like the genuine population in Europe so often is.

When Americans are attacked I may laugh at the government, but never the people.
hope I get across properly, phone posting, might not make sense
Basically, it's illegal to say there where concentration camps for a reason.

Such are the excuses of cucks too spineless to defend their children or themselves when facing a muslim invasion. And that is exactly as to why I advocate against giving any assistance to cucks or their children. They either die or grow a spine and become human. Until then, they are effectively enemies as they are openly supporting people and organizations that are working towards eradicating european peoples.

The "leftists" think that way for a certain reason.
The only thing that i hate about them is their smug condescension because they arent exactly at the top of the intellectual foodchain, which in a way is their modus of operandi to sway people to their point of view, which also links to certain socioeconomic circumstances.
There are for example a lot of leftist friends that smear the afd (which i m not a fan of) with shitposting so they appear so dumb and naive because they know this appears to be effective.
If you then for example look at the posts more closely and the orthography or implied intelligence it appears to be a troll.

You have to assume that said thinktanks and other monkies are hovering 10feet above the floor, they are just retarded and naive or getting well paid.

Werewolf. Guerrilla war. Failed miserably.

They overreact and even punish innocents to instill fear on the populace.

If there were some shadow groups you wouldn't know and if you would know than they wouldn't be shadow groups.

A revolution would be great, but is very hard to achieve under today's conditions(1). My first priority stands though raising a family should be something EVERYONE here does, because your future revolutionary order will require lots of young blood and let's face it politics are inheritable and every white person has the spark of fascism in his bosom. By not raising white children you are making any future revolution less likely.
1. Now, the only way I see any revolution happening is if shit seriously hits the fan and there's famine and looting in the streets. Whites are just way to content the way things currently stand. If a true catastrophe happened, our movement could emerge to restore order, this is the reason you prep, organize, accrue skills that will be needed in a future post-zog society and raise a family because our movement will require lots of man-power.(Also because the future is not worth fighting for if doesn't have your blood in it.)

Bundes fags must all die.

It doesn't matter. Anti-whites will ALL die. I don't give a fuck if it destroys the planet. It's not like those assholes were ever going to do anything but destroy every race and ensure that intelligent life never spreads anyway.

We need to fucking pressure the kike government here in the US and put it in the public that Germany is an occupied state. It makes my blood boil, and the enemy must pay for this, regardless of what it takes.

For killing your Jew whore granny? You bet, motherfucker. Soon it will be your turn.

Psycopaths and cowards who will do anything for a paycheck. Basic bitch criminals and bullies who never grew up then found the pig shop where they fit right in.

Americucks, it's reported today that Germany was spying on your White House. It's your patriotic duty to help destroy socialist Germany.

I used to rustle the fuck out of faggots in college with this very statement any time (((muh holocaust))) came up.
Apologies for doublepost–I skimmed the thread.

You came across just fine

The race writers of a hundred years ago talked about the different uses and conceptions of freedom between peoples, it not surprising that you can see the same divides even among 'libertarians' of today.

I have lost absolutely all sympathy with them. It's been a long time since I've met one who just hadn't had a chance to learn better. If they come around, great. If not, they're enemies.

If genetics played less of a role, I might have higher hopes for them.

I don't like it, but when the time comes remember how effective that fear is. I see the same thing with the extreme sentencing for 'hate crimes' in usa, though we tend to have extreme sentencing for pretty much everything

whoops, had to refresh page, replies might have got crossed, also image for

Someones self conscious of their low IQ :) Probably the result of marrying your cousins hahaha. ASSHOLE, your guns are USELESS. All you've ever done with them, is shoot stationary paper targets. Trump hasn't stopped ANY immigration. Deportations? hahaha 100k come in each month legally. Multiples of that illegal are the estimates.

No one is implying. OECD and others statistics have you next to third world countries in dozens of categories. You can't even delivery a baby anymore your shit is so fucked up. We'll take health care over muh gunz, anyday. Wannabe Rambo faggot.

They naturally turn out that way, esp. if you figure in modern algorithmic goyim cattle hoarding.
Perhaps a more neutral approach to their kind would be helpfull, afterall in the current climate most of the boobanimals despise them secretly, except for the outliners of said groups.

Guns or no guns are an ideological issue combined with psychological factors of well being.
If i would look at your mind numbing utterly dumb emusculated leftists i would want to have guns even if i had an iq of over 9000.

No gun policy only works in a high trust country with little ideological divides with a substantial resource foundation and common values, not little shitheads parroting priviledge and other artificial crap that is hip and trendy.

I don't worry about my jew neighbor's cattle. If they can join mine someday without bringing disease, great. If not, we'll salvage what we can when the jew and his henchmen are taken care of. In the meantime, I don't see a reason to worry about them.

Terror attacks are 'part and parcel' of living in a breeding ground of sunni moslems

presided over the death of the last native English people.

why are western [secular/humanitarian] governments appeasing some mohammedan rioteers?

Because they let millions of them in without any reasonable perspective and a very different set of values.
But the humanitarian governments should remember this is our country and we behave in them how we see that fit, and if they come for that give me just 15mins with that special units and they wont be that special anymore.


Both irrelevant.


Nothing else matters.
Put the church attendance map overlay away, it means nothing.
America is pretty much mostly christian and suffers the same way as everyone else.
Due to the above two actual reasons.

They were western nations, golemized, who chose judea over their own family.
Ruined the immune system of the west.
Housed and nurtured kikes.
Established Israel fully, as well as the holocaust narrative.

All of this has been turned against the former allied nations.
They all suffer the same way, along with their prey, Germany.

the same thing is happening to all white countries at the same time, the wild cards are eastern europe and Russia

It's nonsense. They were spying on telephone calls originating in Germany with destination in the USA and they did most probably by order of the NSA.

That bullshit serves just to muddy the water.

jewish bankers from US funded the soviet union, always remember that.

Has nothing to do with the nazis, it is a common phenomenon in western nations once a certain equilibrium has been (b)reached.
If too rigid structures have been established people would want the chaos.

Yeah WWII is still clusterfucking europe.
What should be done is the "what has been done has been done, but leave this generation out of this" speech.
Because my generation (late 1980's) is fed up with the bullshit the system is feeding us.
From hippies to antifa, it was all government action to keep you under their thumb.
And now that they scammed our parents (mortgage; 'mortcage' in French means 'cage of death' ).
Since we didn't want one, we rented or stayed at home to save (((fiatmoney))).
But then we found ourselves in the ratrace - you need to be skilled to be succesful - you need to press your head under in student loans or else you'll remain poor forever.
So, no house, still in debt.
What's the next thing? organ harvesting?

Cathocucks ALWAYS subvert and destroy nations for their Christ. Their voting patterns showed up in the election for Trump AND Hitler. Catholics love minorities and worship judaism. Catholics will happily hire a based christian minority over white boi. Catholicism is indefensible.

you must be confused with protestantism

Jenga tower, played by murcia, germoney, russia and china and someone has the bad end of that.
They are all fucked in some way.

Happens all over Germany at least a handful of times a month now, if not a weekly basis at this point. Individual raids are common and only the larger scale ones make the news (sometimes).

Prisons are overfilled anyways esp. like in an unliveable shithole like berlin. Good riddance.

they're repeating their history as a farce

A few dozen dedicated anons on the east coast and a few dozen on the west could cripple the System if we wanted to. We both know how it could be done. All we lack is the will to do it. What better time than during a recession?

They are not capable of any sort of an impact, and i mean that in a neutral matter, that is what the SJWs have been designed for, it goes into the void.


Aswell as your politicians and upcoming politicans, no one in the right mind today or with a certain perception wants to be a politician, so now you gotta deal with what you wanted.
As you said "might or might not be in your interest".
Oyy veyy.


statistics must be immensely problematic in Germoney

It is, it is, therefore statistics are forged, particularly that of the police, but employment, welfare and health as well.


During the Brown era in Britain there were talks of making organ donation 'opt-out'; essentially making your body and its organs the property of the state unless you took action.


It doesn't even happen in North Korea. Only in the "free world".

Pretty much. One came to our party congregation, I told him about Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, the UN replacement migration plan and about Soros' OSF, all with official government webpages I kept opening on my phone as a proof and he looked like his brain short circuited.
I hope he will keep spreading the truth among his cop colleagues.

I'm a German citizen. Hitler was right and did nothing wrong. Come arrest me I'll turn in my lead to you.


This gibs me idea!
We create fake social media accounts and use german proxies, preferably false flagging as actual antifa for addresses and pictures. Then we spam our most v&worthy redpills like mad! The enemy will be too busy chasing ghosts to hit any real /ourguys/!!!

This is a great idea, but it there aren't many german speakers here, I would repost in Deutsch/pol/ and on Krautchan, of course we need Germanons to get the operation rolling.

No, but those Americans would immediately be put on a list and subject to arrest if they ever entered Germany like they did to Ernst Zundel, they would have to stay out of Germany indefinitely but that is a small price to pay.

No. Their only right wing party collapsed in the polls. Merkel's party is the most popular party in Germany right now, the second being the SPD, who are even more cucked than Merkel is.

Germany is forever fucked at this rate. They have no real right wing party that can challange Merkel or the SPD

old news, what are you sliding schlomo?

I'm going to this timeline and you glorious faggots are coming with me

Millenials at least get one thing right: there's no reason to work except if it's career advancing / high skilled work. Everything else is cancer and not rewarding at all not in salary and not in the job itself.

There are a multitude of these people in the EU and in local governments. The thing though if Germans would organize themselves and arm themselves with weaponry from Ukraine or other eastern European countries the shitskins and politicians would be powerless to do anything. The German army has no combat experience and is super untrained, it's a shitshow. It's even worse than the Dutch army and I know what kind of shitshow's going on there to the point only elite units are capable of getting anything done.

The only thing that can actually happen is a massive economical crash and we're getting it now. We're in a much worse economical climate for a heavy crash than in 2008, and considering the overblown derivatives market or accumulating government debt, something is going to blow soon. We can only get a true national socialistic message through if there is an economic collapse happening. This was also true when Hitler rose to power.

You mean (((polls))).
At the recent election they just "lost" the right-wing party ballots and reported 0%.

Nope, protestants are a cancer and I would not waste my time defending them, but even protestant faggots still managed to vote for Trump in my state. However in districts that were largely Catholic Hillary won. Cucktholics are terminally kosher.

Maybe you should learn how to spell first. "Infiltrating"

Oh shit nice one.

You invalidated his point with your spelling correction.

Jesus Christ.

Serb here. Oh man I dont know how do you guys live, with niggers and sand niggers all around you. I couldnt take it. I can teach you how to build satchel charges and backpack bombs, I dont even care who is reading, you just need synthetic fertilizer or even clover plant (grows in all seasons, is full of nitrogen). I torched a gypsy shack with my friends when I was 13, dont even care who is reading this shit, the gypsy lived in the wrong place between my house and elementary school, I didnt want to watch that filth and so I did it.

You people need to organize. You need to join the army, volunteer service at first, you can learn how to drive a tank there for 6 months, and open up a local youth boxing club as soon as you get out or join one. I did absolutely fucking nothing at my service but play cards with other retards there, I volunteered for peace missions in Africa but they denied us, said there was no need. After I left I joined a chemistry uni, I hate studying and I especially hate hard science/math but the thought of what exactly you can do with it later, the stuff you can make, improve flames, boil things, accelerate reactions, vapor/aerosol, acid, all these things give me a semi when I think about them.

All in all, there's nothing pretty to be said other than you deserved all of this. You are doing nothing, you are letting it all happen, you are a bunch of weak, easy to exploit and abuse, free money gifting cuckolds.
If you cant save yourself, you arent worth saving. It is all up to you.
There is nothing a fit, bright, motivated, young male of the species cant achieve. You people need to self organize and self fund your own.. paramilitary or whatever. Cops, governments, soldiers, they are all just people, and nothing is stopping you from studying harder than them and being more ready than them. Most of them probably hate themselves anyway.

I dont know, if medieval Greeks could make Greek fire, so can you. And then you can mortar it all over refugee centers. You could probably tie firing mechanism to a battery and use a timer, set up multiple mortars, I dont know, it's fun thinking about such things, being creative, brighten your mood, helps you express yourself, and the more of relevant things you learn (electronics, chemistry, computers, etc) the more of a maestro you can be. Drones are very interesting little things too. While studying is hard, thinking about all the stuff you could do can keep you motivated and wanting to learn all there is.
Start growing clover.


Oh nevermind, I thought it was old news since I read about something similar also involving 30 or so right wing Germans.

In certain communities rapefugee centers are set on fire in Germany. Which is why they say hurrr so fascist but they end up moving the rapefugee centers to the leftist bastions in Germany.

That is inefficient, the things thought in the army you can learn for yourself except special forces training and tactics. Also I don't think anyone here can reasonably access a tank to kill rapefugees with.

There are a bunch of really good manuals from US military floating around on the darkweb. They explain the exact science about bombs, explosions, reagents etc. Very practical stuff but requires knowledge of physics and chemistry to really understand. The really cool stuff is unfortunately also really hard to produce, think of things such as sarin gas. It would be amazing though, to covertly spread it through the ventilation in a rapefugee center and have them all drop dead.

But so are the people and they find more security conforming to a corrupt system of political correctness cult than doing anything about it. To make things worse the people who want to do anything about it feel powerless to do anything against it. They're usually alone, spread out with little support from a network. Most of them think they can't change anything anyway in the current condition of the country so they won't bother doing anything.


This is the exact western kekoldry I am talking about. No excuses.

Our organized crime employed armor regularly, tanks, helicopters and mechanized infantry included. Link related is a Bulgarian private citizen, bought himself an armed helicopter to use against the immigrants.
So much for your 'freedom' or whatever, you faggots and your pigeon caliber civilianized bullshit "arms", sitting with thumbs up your asses, fearing words such as 'government' and so on.

Listen, if you name retard a non-retard, he is still a retard, all of his physical and all other properties are still that of a retard. Government, alphabet orgs, all those faggots are just bags of bone and meat.
If they cant bench more than you, they cant bench more than you. If they cant study more chemistry and electronics than you, they cant study more than you.
Pic related is recent "racial sensitivities". These are our celebrities over here. And yes, we also have laws making tanks and racism illegal, but

You are weak and they are strong. You find an excuse and they find a way. You are comfortable being raped, shot, spied and so on while they arent as comfortable as you are and are actively organizing.

Your life is your job, blaming anything is perfectly irrelevant, results are all that matters.
There is a reason you never hear about terrorist attack or rapes or whatever from these parts.

Yeah, I'll pick up one of those at the next airwings 'r' us. Thanks for the tip.


If you post on facebook about the bell curve or how black people have 15 pts lower iq than white americans, will it get removed as hatespeech? Because thats kind of like removing a darwinist post about the evolution of some species. Its fucking ridiculous.

It will be removed, no reason given. But it most be first reported. If you post in private groups and there's no SJW in it, it won't get removed.

In Germany that's exactly what gets you SWATted.

they pick up on things that aren't reported


Fake news to intimidate people to hold themselves back online

Indirect censorship


Got raided last month. Don't care prison is a joke here. They only took my cellphone and didn't even find the other stuff I got rid of.

4 years max lolool.

And what should someone do if he's all on his own, brate?

different ID, but…shall we have a discussion between natsoc, nazi and neonazi and their differences?
you know how they depict people with certain ideas. of course the irony of doing the very things they condemn is lost on them.

Well, start a youth boxing club, it's what we did. We have gypsies, immigrants passing trough, and unsorted lowlife around here, and yet we have zero incidents. Because normal people are sick of that shit just like everyone else is. All you have to do is make it known who owns your house, your street, your neighborhood.
I learned how to communicate in the army, few others that know how to communicate learn it from the prisons or army. You have to understand that
when it comes to.. communication. Understood by all cultures, all walks of life, all races. Kinda similar to mathematics and sciences: all hard sciences that produce results use the same mathematics in their applications.
Cant stress that enough, what mathematics is to sciences, violence is to politics, security, diplomacy, law, economy even.

This slave morality, this western bullshit, this 'turn the other cheek' crap simply doesnt work. From worshiping thunder striking warlords, to worshiping a jew whipped like a horse… only westerners do this.
Everyone else see the weakness as weakness. If you are in prison, or in the army, and you let someone go ahead of you in a line, you are not kind, you are not generous, you are not good, you are not friendly. You are a little bitch. A little bitch. A weakling, a coward, vile scum. For weakness is a universal sin.

The West needs to return to what Nietzche called "master morality", you know, the time when it was turning nations into plantations. The West is currently in the "slave morality" as Nietzche called it, and everything you people complain about Nietzche already saw, predicted, described, explained.

EXACTLY!! Anyone who doesn't get this has never studied history. Yes, tolerance, civility, kindness, generosity, compassion, etc. are virtues; but they are useless unless accompanied by the marshall virtues (strength, temperance, wisdom, etc). If a society practices only the empathetic virtues while ignoring the marshall, it will be easily overrun by those who have no notion of EITHER.

I think this would have been a more fitting pic OP

No, he was human.

If german-Holla Forumsros violently overthrow their government, I'd consider immigrating back to my ancestral homeland. Right now though, it's way too cucked and Burgers have more gumption to fight.

Why don't you practice what you preach and play some pranks?

Holy cow guys, there's NNTPchan for this!

The state of California is running close behind. Mothers are homeschooling in order to avoid the mandatory poisonous vaccinations being required of all kids in the school system; failure to do so usually ends up with CPS home visits and possible child siezure.
www .learntherisk. org www. medicalkidnap. com

Okay so in Germany raping and rioting by Muslims immigrants is totally okay but making "hateful" posts on the internet gets you raided? are you fucking kidding me?

Yes and distribution of the Quran goes unchecked.

God forbid you have Mein Kampf.

But the Quran encourages more murder and more hate toward Jewish than Hitler's life story.

You havn't seen the universities user
Not as cucked as American ones, but the people in them are absurdly naive

fuck them all the 25 points basically spells it out for whites and upon inspection shows why the rat was against it.

you can read up on philosophy and some deep meaning behind nsdap when it is far simpler than that.

All the reading is good to correlate it into current environments however those 25 points are the meat and potatoes.

Then understand Hitler wrecked the jew bank and the sol reason why Germany flourished without rodents dictating their status as a Nation. Became a power house by example and every nation that has tried to out the rodent banks has fallen or heavily sanctioned and labeled and enemy for no other reason .

what if ……………open book


As it stands everything is racist now. Look at the fucking news

Taco or burrito night as your house or just making Mexican food as a white person? That's racist cultural appropriation (see Seattle shutting down a burrito shop just because the person who made them was a white woman).
Moving away from minorities? That's racist white flight.
Moving in with minorities? That's racist gentrification.
Being nice to minorities? That's racist whitey talking down on you.
Giving directions who a minority that asks you for it? That's racist you think you know better or more just because you're white or something?
Giving aid or charity to minorities? Racist white privilege white saviour complex.
When you you're a teacher and give minorities homework? That's racist too.
A minority tries to commit a felony and you stop them? Das racis.
White girl reject some typical fugly minority's thuggish or violent advances and/or rape attempt? Racism.
Being white around minorities? So racist omg literally social rape PTSD omgomg.

That's not even half of it and you all see it. Every damn day. When I first heard of "cultural appropriation" I thought it was a joke. The left is truly insane an ideology for the mad.
But you know what?
Fuck everything. More people are going to move to the far right even lefties for one simple reason. It's the only way left.
White ethnostate now.

If people on Holla Forums took the time spent larping and telling other people what to do to take action themselves instead, the globalists woud be overthrown already.

Now this is actual good advice.

This is the future Germany chose.

"They're Nazis, so it's okay"

Holla Forums rate my parody of Mulan.

Let's get down to business, to defeat the Jews
Did they send me shitskins, when I see, white hues?
You're the saddest cucks I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister I'll, make Aryans, out of you
Spiteful as a Pepe but on Kek within
Once you find your shitpost, you are sure to win
You are all hairless, pale, pathetic sluts
And you haven't burned a jew
Somehow I'll, make Aryans, out of you
I'm never gonna beat a jew to death
Say goodbye to my waifu for me
Boy, I wish I didn't skip leg day when cutting gym
Check out my dubs, trips and gets!
Hope he doesn't see I'm a normie
Now I really wish that I was a /fit/izen
Be Aryan
We must be swift as the wehrmacht
Be Aryan
With all the force of a great blitzkreig
Be Aryan
With all the strength of a raging faggot
Mysterious as the dead shitskins and 'coons!
Time is racing toward us till the Jews arrive
Heed my every order and you might survive
You're too autistic for this internet war
So KYS, you must, be new
How could I make Aryans out of you?
Be Aryan
We must be swift as the wehrmacht
Be Aryan
With all the force of a great blitzkreig
Be Aryan
With all the strength of a raging faggot
Mysterious as the dead shitskins and 'coons!

I'm glad you told me what it was, so I didn't have to read it to know it's shit.
Minneapolis has installed hotlines for dune coons to report islamophobia
It would be a shame if they were spammed with people asking for Battletoads, wouldn't it?

When i will open Holla Forums and see a new about the police in germany arresting 5 people with a huge cache of 10 assault rifles, 4 submachine guns, 7 pistols and 15 grenades?
That the german authorities fear more "neonazi terrorists attacks" after a mosque was stormed by men with bulletproof vests and balaclavas and all several muslims where shot in the middle of praying and that 9 cops died as the gunmen fled of the scene and that they can't be located.
That is the kind of shit that should be happening, not the german cops arresting internet nazis for hateposting.
Pic related is how the average german nationalist should look like.



Alex Jonesteinberg is a Nazi now.

What do call summer camp for kids with ADHD? Concentration camp.

Come at me Jewmany

Massively checked.

I've been to North Korea. It's not anything like it is described in the (((media))). NK is an ethnically pure nation-state. No wonder it is so reviled by jews.


Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Stop condemning the actions of people who actually DO SOMETHING.

heh, I know an antifa cunt in Minneapolis that is also islamophobic because she fears being raped by dunecoons

I should report her. See if they take her out. Rid the world of one disgusting, self-hating, anti-natalist, sterile, fat, drunken, feminist, anti-German, antifa retard.

tfw not even Canada with all its pozz is as bad as Germany

tfw my lawn is basically all clover because grass doesn't grow well in it heh

classsic Serb.

Don't know Mulan, so can't tell…

NSFX - Franco Anti-Liberal

I never thought about our heritage, it made me feel ashamed
'cause the media has taught me that our culture was lame
Global tyranny, holohoax nightmares
Opperession of minorities and all the other scares (No!)

Why think of only bad things but never of the good?
It's easier to blame us than than to question what is true
Let our women worry about rapefugees in the streets
At least we're staying tolerant, that's how it ought to be!

I don't want to reason, have no reactions
Hard facts and logic are my distractions

That's no way to go, Franco Anti-Liberal
No way to go, Franco Anti-Liberal
No way to go, Franco Anti-Liberal
No way to go, Franco Anti-Liberal

I never looked around, never second guessed
Then I read about the Rothschilds, now I'm always depressed
And now I can't sleep because I'm terrified
All because of birthrates, jews and white genocide

I turned my life around cause I care for my nation
I tamed Evolas Tiger 'cause of degeneration
I'm reading David Duke expose the awful truth
I listen Right Wing Death Squad Entertainment on youtube

I see no world peace 'cause of zionist forces
I see nothing but subversion and refugee trojan horses
Now I can't believe; it's really hard to take
A culture about to suicide for tolerance' sake

That's no way to go, Franco Anti-Liberal
No way to go, Franco Anti-Liberal
No way to go, Franco Anti-Liberal
Where can we go Franco Anti-Liberal

I wanna move north, help the cucked Scandinavians
Or exchange some banter with the based Australians
I don't wanna be another multicultural!
What we gonna do Franco Anti-Liberal??

Seems legit.

Not to mention that the NetzDG was considered as completely unconstitutional aka illegal by the federal commission of science.

Hearing on the NetDG: Majority of experts consider draft law to be unconstitutional
At the expert hearing in the Bundestag's legislative committee almost all experts criticized the draft law on network enforcement.More than half of the experts thought it was unconstitutional. Because the grand coalition itself is no longer unified, the law could now be reassembled to its core.

This makes me feel like my race short of a miracle the likes of which i cannot imagine will be extinct in a few gens. For everyone 1 that truly understands the problem there are a million lemmings :'/ I just want to kill as many subhumans as possible before we are extinct. But alone id make no difference anyways.

That sorta happened some days ago actually. 14 residences of members of a right wing paramilitary camp were raided. Weapons were found, 13 people were arrested., 2 policemen were injured.

Get some reading comprehension you twat.

The truth shall set us free and there is no truth more liberating than that of racial awareness.

that woman was told multiple times to not question the holocaust, given financial punishments, then jail sentences which would come in to effect in case she offended again and finally just a straight up jail sentence. This lady was given a load of leeway.
I dont like §106 StGB, but its how things currently work here.

Imagine if Hitler had towed the line because his subservience to the law overrode his dignity and respect for his fellow man.

Godspeed, user.

blood has a way of reasserting itself



Jesus fucking Christ that is sick.

This is my main concern with the talmud kike way, they're not the forefront inventors of (beneficial) technology and they have no interest in going beyond this planet, even supposing their retarded plan works and they enslave all non-jews, which won't last for several reasons, making the rest of the planet brown more likely than not ends in Israel getting browned to death by their own designs, not to mention grinding technology advancement to a permanent halt.

It's a dead end for humanity that ends with lots of nignogs and the planet dying from asteroids or meteors or some shit before the problem remedies itself.

I've never looked up the actual numbers of muslims, that's scary. We'd better get our shit together, mordor fucking rises.

Fuck off commie. There are many NK defectors, all of them have a similar experience and none of them are calling for war against NK. For what purpose does NK need to keep themselves isolated from the rest of the world? There are other dictatorships and monarchies in the world today. There is no reason NK couldn't simple make strong and strict citizenship and laws regarding foreigners. There is no reason an entire country has to go without electricity.

I think every state with prussian education system besides USA made it a crime (in Germany it was Hitler's goverment). If you build brainwashing system you want to make it mandatory.

The third Reich wouldn't have happened, leading to a strong right today and probably a communist revolution in the early to mid 1930s since the chaos of the weimar republic in its death throes would have happened either way. It would be followed by an invasion of poland by Stalin in the late 30s and a subsequent anschluss of germany to the soviet union, with a right revolt. Had they been successful, modern day germany would be very right, with a german angst of seeming too left any time someone brought it up. WW2 might have seen a commie-soviet-japanese alliance against the german right and center and the rest of the west, if it had happened at all.

I wonder whether the communists of back then would have killed jews too. Antisemitism was totally fashionable back in the early 20th century, and most banks back then were actually run by jewish families iirc.

again cool fucking nazia, I love these nazi guys

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