Moby kills cyber-Hitler-Trump in graphic music video

Only 59 thumbs down on Youtube so far, you know what to do lads.

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Actually, Trump turns into a Golden Swastika and curb stomps a bunch of SJW superheroes.

What's the problem?

Lmao, some Holla Forums cuck got pressured into making this despite his reservations.

holy fuck mate just die already

i don't see the problem here. world is corrupt and we know this.

the only problem here is you OP, you're a kike shill. now get out you faggot.

Yeah, all I really saw was Trump smashing sjw's and getting enlightened and transcending into another dimension.

How do I short moby stock? What a dumb fuck kikel

Moby hasn't been relevant since like the fucking 90's. Just another example of media vampires shilling a revolution that would entail their execution as traitors and dissidents because shekels and signaling rule their world so hard that they've exposed themselves as hostile agents.

Knowing what is inevitably heading our way is the sugar that helps this medicine go down. I feel better.

The video was actually pretty cool.

The video is by the same cuck who did the "Man" animated short.

He should've stopped after that jason bourne film.

Watched it. Jesus h Christ are these people are getting so diluted in bullshit they have no idea what's real anymore. Every second of it was a political statement. Depicting the wrong (((evil doers))). Trump shit pissed me off, but the "care bears" tearing down a wall with a backhoe pissed me off something new Pic related: Moby's Venice beach audience

N-now good goy, don't you t-think that's going a bit t-t-too far?

Fuck man, I like some of Moby's music. Though I can't say I'm very surprised, he talks like a nu-male faggot.

There's really nothing wrong with his videos. They're generic misanthropic, "the world sucks!" stuff. No one is going to watch these videos and have their politics changed.

Hey OP. How the fuck am I supposed to find the video to comment when the embed won't show comments and the link only shows a gay article?

His music is good, and he gives most of his money to animal welfare groups. He's just dumb when it comes to meta-politics. At least his videos don't support cannibalism and cuckery like most mainstream stuff.

Oh yeah, depicting killing the President is so controversial nowadays. That's almost like saying Antifa fights against the (((elite establishment))) while being paid by them.

Wow Moby, so brave, so edgy and so avant-garde!

I liked some of his stuff like Thousand, Porcelain, Why does my heart feel so bad, Extreme ways, and a couple others. Whatever happened to the days when he used to really push the boundaries of dance music with a fucking thousand-BPM song?

STFU kike. This is the kind of shit millennials lap up. That vid you linked was everywhere on my kikebook when it came out. All my "progressive peers" saying how true to life it was. Moral of the story: Eat shit and die kike. Propaganda is propaganda in any form, but you already know this, go get shoahed.

He's pretty straight up about the fact that he just wants to do political stuff now. Mainly vegan stuff. He just uses the "le drumpf" stuff bring normalfag retards towards animal welfare.

That video is begging to be converted into NatSoc propaganda… All you need is a few swastika's, a few Hitler profiles, and a Star of David for the floating head at the end.

We should start spamming his social media with shit about the Jew chicken festival.

It's a real shame because whoever does his music videos has a lot of talent, and i think his music is catchy. Jesus christ is it the most pretentious, overplayed horseshit though

Everything after 18 was shit.

We can easily meme this into an anti-semitic video.


Here's Trump BTFOing some plebs.

As far as Trump criticism goes. This is pretty tame. Considering Trump isn't even in the robot when it gets destroyed.

Why is the popular image of villain trump a giant mech?

Probably because it's really cool. Funny thing is, in the new Justice League movie, Batman has a mechsuit and says his superpower is being rich.

I think we can alter this into a video about white genocide and cultural marxism.

Note how this guy is wearing a super-hero shirt and watching the electric jew as his life falls apart.


Hey is that this guy? Looks like him. Anyways, fuck Moby, that libtard puke.

He smokes american spirit cigs.


This is actually sad to look at. Just by themselves they tell a story of the modern world and the apathy that pervades it.

There's a lot of great visuals in the video. That's why I think we should try to salvage it. Moby is clearly half-retarded, half-woke.

WHat is this one?

Same video as OPs.

(check'n 'em)
actually, yes. and even a pro-Trump video.

Quads confirm, this video is memetically charged and should not go to waster. Someone should edit this guy into the Happy Merchant.

What a fag, he doesn't bitch about Obama droning the shit out of people, but Trump is president and now drones are evil and have to be stopped?

Pretty fucking disgusting tbh fam.

Try actually watching it instead of reading Jim's bullshit. The pig farmer is just butthurt that Moby's a vegan.

Also he didn't illustrate it to begin with it was someone else

Vegans have been on Moby's ass about his political hypocrisy for a while now.

Proof? I could have sworn he used to be a Christian. Hell, he used to make explicitly Christian music a long long time ago.

The only thing wrong with this video is the criticism of border walls.

Otherwise, it's pretty accurate.

Trump whored his bimbo daughter out to a fucking kike

That kike now controls the white house.

Fuck off with your trumpism. The faggot hasn't fulfilled a single campaign promise and has no intention to.

A meme for you anons


Keep defending cryptos faggot. Take your gay ass back to



Nigger, Death in June played in Israel too. Moby went to Irsael because 5% of its population is vegan. He's not Jewish.

What did he mean by this?

Subtle hint that multiculturalism is a monstrosity.

checked. I need a Transformers: Devastator mod with this char pronto

Moby even sucked in the 90s tbh. Vid unrelated.

Sorry fam.

Kek. Moby is a walking joke.
This is less relevant than my dog taking a shit this morning.

That doesn't make sense, his songs are clearly pro-NatSoc.


Imagine a Khmer Rouge that recruited all of the most autistic A/V faggots you went to high school with. Now Imagine one of them is inexplicably a millionaire who lives in a gazebo. Now, cross him with Dylan Klebold, but make him too chickenshit to make a real move.

You have now imagined the left wing, 2017.

Maybe I'm just old, but I dimly remember when it was undignified for men to throw a tantrum when they didn't get their precious fucking way. Exactly what kind of hormone residue is going into the water again?

This video is as dildo as the Land Of Confusion video by Disturbed.

I thought the Hot Topic genre of music died in the 2000s.

hoo da fuqq lizens ta dis cuck??


They keep memeing Trump as piloting mecha.


i never listened to moby when i was younger because i thought he was a faggot. although this is a great tune and i always thought this was moby. but its not

even marxist propaganda was better in the 90s

alright then

Dance music isn't music.Degenerate electronic garbage designed so degenerates can pop dozens of drugs and flail around like retards.

This is some of the lowest effort shilling I've ever seen. You go to the bargain bin ovens.


Fuck off, cuck.

>>>Holla Forums

Plus let me guess, pro-communism pro-socjus (((OBSIDIAN))) is the BASED good farrout game maker b-because reasons right? Makers of the game full of faggots and dykes?

99% of vidya is gay as fuck and pozzed. Only good game I've played is LA Noire, take your nerd shit back to Holla Forums.

The portion where hes a swastika is so brief and during a transformation into a dollar sign, that its probably on the edge of subliminal messaging laws, if not in violation of them. Its intentionally brief, you dont notice it, but if youre already a communist, it subliminally reinforces the idea hes a "Nazi"
This is extremely blatant propaganda, and its all cartoonized for the main target audience, children.



Its traditional communist anti-capitalist rhetoric. The whole thing screams "Im a communist, muh consumerist zombies, muh capitalist crooks screwing the poor!"
It only seems half woke because National Socialists also oppose capitalism… but if you see someone ranting about how terrible capitalism is, instead of jews, its probably a communist.

Look at this for example. Kim Jong Un, along with May, Bannon, and what appears to be - Wilbur Ross. Hes asspained at the commerce secretary lol

I thought that was supposed to be Bernie Sanders.

Da fuck is this? Cuckrock? Cuckwave?

I thought so at first, but theres no Clinton, and it doesnt actually look that close to sanders. Sanders isnt even fully bald.

Kim has a pretty cool missile dildo.

Pro clinton, pro sanders, pro establishment. Anti Bannon. Anti-Nationalist gook. Anti-conservative bonger.. and anti-captailist, thats Wilbur Ross, who is partly responsible for things like the stock markets successes. Hes a communist, so that makes him mad - people being successful in a capitalist society. Its just people stealing money in his eyes, money from him, and Mexicans, and gays, and anyone but whites.

pic related

A good rule of thumb for music in the 90s, "would beavis and butthead have changed the channel?"

WOW! You mean HE is a VEGAN?

I'd have never guessed it, he looks so vital and healthy and masculine …

It's supposed to be Rupert Murdoch. Liberals are obsessed with fox news.

That guy went low key to only write songs because he got sick of the kikes.

It looks strikingly like Wilbur Ross is all, and him being commerce secretary makes sense. Theres a lot of old guys with jowls like that and bald heads, with glasses I guess.

Top Tier Taste matey. Honey, Go, Any Given Sunday, 257.Zero are all classics too.

Shame he's a top-tier cuckold. The music was good. Now the music is good and he is still not. Whaddya do.

listen to better artists obviously. Moby averages about two good songs an album. Fuck him.

It's Murdoch man, they think he's the devil.


I noticed how of all the characters in the video, this is the closest it comes to a protagonist, and all he does is sit there and watch everything bad happen without doing anything.

In short, this should have been called "Cuck: the Video"

Is it The same moby who was making music on Amiga?

Literally who?

Like it would make any difference in my life. Fuck this nobody.

Ahh, the demoscene. How I miss thee.

That's kind of the point. The video is a condemnation of the apathy of your average American. The entire video is him watching television, watching fantasies. The cartoons show a false catharsis where the "bad guys" are beaten by the "good guys" even though in reality the world is slowly falling apart and being destroyed. This isn't the first time Moby has toyed with the idea that liberals lose themselves in escapism and never actually change the world. There's a reason he's wearing a super hero shit.

Moby is world famous and has a net worth of over 30 million dollars. Enjoy your sour grapes, Nobody.

More like esoteric visuals that sjw care bears are the real monsters.

I agree with this sentiment. There's too many hidden truths in this music video and the other one by the same artists to just dismiss them as nonsense.

RIP mein Fuhrer. Dead, just like Moby's career.

Isn't he 80 years old now?


You have a ghetto definition of worth.

Click on a link and see the trailer for

He has to thats the only way a homosexual can deal with what the world is, the opposite end of the spectrum is Milo so a completely disingenuous liar and trickster.
There's truth in the video but it's so very "this is all there is, earthly, and hopeless" and it no secret why the boy has lightning on his shirt. Also the line about I look so hard for a savior but then there's nothing left to save.
Well Moby, you should know you played your part. There's specific instructions left by nature, if there's to be something left to save you don't go disobeying the laws. One man, one woman. Life goes on. Everything else equals slow painful death of humanity. And no I'm not without blame, we all are once we are capable of making choices.

Still listening to Moby.
Cares what he thinks.

leftwing marxist illusionists target attacks on rightwing zionist illusionists with jewish illusions.

Why should we care about any of this?

was this happening to bush during his presidency? or have they just gone insane in the past 8 years?

i remember obama got fellated by the media 24/7, but nobody was paying any attention whatsoever.

A gay jew pretending to be christian nat-soc? This just cannot be.




AW SHIT, I never had that realization.

No shit. It's fucking moby. Have you seen that guy's pages? He's bloody insane but he's made some great tunes though

Nonsense. Everyone knows this is the true swastika. :^)

This has never been more relevant

Even 20 years ago he was being cucked by the very cartoons he decided to get involved in

Now that is what I like to see, men

'member when moby said he had proof of the russia trump COLLUSION?!?!?!?!?!!? I 'member

Your image had a typo in it, I fixed it.

sage for off-topic

Thats very positive depiction, if you ask me.

>we did it leddit

That's how you sound.

This is not for sale, right?
You can't buy Moby's videoclip in a DVD or something?
Because I thought Nazi iconography is forbidden in many countries.

I bet you can't even see this vid in Germany.

Same goes for Mike Diva's excellent "Japanese Trump" vid, featured in the first pic, where we can see the God Emperor giving the Hail Fuhrer salute with a swastika in the background.

chek'd n kek'd

Also, the leftist defeatism is palpable. These people simply aren't able to see the beauty in the world, while reverting to a childish socialist fantasy.

The maker scene is alive and well with well intentioned people, willing to help you build whatever you want. Plus, with the excess of B2B businesses, there hasn't been a better time to start a B2C business. Funding is plentiful, Nationalism is on the rise, and pro-gun groups are full-throttle. The future looks bright, Anons.

It's really quite astounding how their strategy consists entirely of taking memes we created and turning them around. There's not even any rhyme or reason to it most of the time, they literally just take labels like "snowflakes" and "cucks" and turn them on Trump supporters. Basically, they've accepted that we set the stage and that they have no creativity of their own. They are accepting the purely reactionary role. We need to find ways to use this to our advantage. We need to create trojan memes.

1. We coin a new term, claim it as ours.

2. They copy it as predicted.

3. There is something about it that hurts their ideological core / the self esteem of every leftist / naturally leads discourse onto a battlefield where we stand strong.

Think tricking them into highlighting race differences. Think tricking them into denying something every child knows. Set them up for an unwinnable battle. The important part for it to work is that it's either subtle or will only unleash its potential in combination with a second meme. Multi-memes that only make sense in combination. Introduce one, they copy it. Introduce the other in a seemingly different context, they copy that, too. Once they've copied both, reunite the multi-meme and watch them shrink in horror at what they let into their heads.

Get on it, meme-mages.

One example of a successful trojan meme is "cuck". There is just something inherently cuck-ish about marxism so them copying that particular meme is certainly backfiring, even if only subconsciously. If they accept that a cuck is a bad thing they've accepted that they are bad. Every time they yell it back at us their self-hatred can only strengthen.

This was refreshing. thanks user
I kekd

Got to admit though, I love this 'I don't want you' poster with Trump grinning instead of Uncle Sam.

I noticed this sort of weak "comeback" rhetoric started with sargon and those cucks thinking they're clever with the "muh horseshoe theory! Holla Forums are just right-wing SJWs!" shit. It's then sort of seeped over into places like reddit, cuckchan Holla Forums, etc. Of course, this rhetoric is completely ineffective because by trying to use our own rhetoric/memes against us, they only serve to give up the moral highground to us. It's like when cuckservatives say shit like "democrats are the real racists! antifa are the real fascists!" That shit never works because even making those arguments at all means you fundamentally agree with the liberals who push out memes like "racism/fascism are bad!" And we know this rhetorical style doesn't work, as the cuckservatives have done nothing but lose for decades.

Just spam complaints to the owners of all the copywritten characters that they're spoofing. The PR teams will try to shut it down regardless of if they have authority to or not.

AIDS treatments were a mistake.

And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Any idea where the lefties organize these counter raids? Or is that what Holla Forums does?

How the mighty have fallen. Fucking vegans.

That's just leftypol being leftypol

I assume they just post it on Reddit and the lefites flood to it naturally.

It's just normal people. The music video was actually good, and you retards made yourselves look like a bunch of thin skinned pussies.

Moby just go to making music and shutting the fuck up about animals and muh Trump. For fucks sake.

Ah. Yea I kinda had to do a reality check. They aren't as organized or dedicated as us. Ofc its just normies being normies.
"Wasn't that moby video eye-opening?"
"Yea, really exposed trump for the [insert buzzword] he is!"
—→ like

Fuck off, cuck.

More cucked shit. I guess killing and breaking shit is really peaceful goy.

Christ. This is worse than the shit Bush got and at least Bush deserved it for being a supreme neocuck. Why does this right keep being so nice like during Obongo? Just cut to the chase already no more playing by the rules.

Who fucking cares.

That's a pretty good guideline, too bad I never got to watch a lot of Beavis & Butthead.

Better version. It shows up for less than a second, between frames. You have to hit pause over and over between like 47 and 48 seconds, took me like 20 tries to get that frame.
So its not only "Nazi iconography" - but its subliminally messaging you with it. You might be right, could be criminal somewhere in Europe.

all the top comments there are from strange accounts. I think is crawling with spook accounts.

Faggot music.

if you could assign a genre of music to leftism EDM would definitely be it

Good fucking question.

His channel is just filtering dissenting comments, notice how it's a bunch of low energy people talking about how many right wingers and Trump supporters are commenting…yet you barely see any of those comments, they're obviously being removed.

The comments section always heavily mirrors the dislike bar and Moby's video is carrying what looks like around a 40 percent dislike rating, yet all the comments are pro-Moby communists.

I posted a comment 4 days ago, it received 24 upvotes, it hasn't been seen for more than 2 days now. It's filtered. I say things at times I do not even mean or believe myself simply to see if free speech exists…. it no longer does in the United States

That's what I call KDE

You're soaking in it.

I just made a metric buttload of cash trading BTC and technically I'm camping…

user, you think our side doesn't have a few Mobys?

yea but their accounts are like weird accounts, socks with like nothing on them over 6 years except like some liked vids and a few subscriptions. They don't read like actual "moby commies" but paid gov posters.

No, I mean not wanting to give a (((hotel))) money in summer.

Who the fuck is moby?


Some old balding cuck from the 90s.

Which one? There are so many.

Neck yourself, cuckold.


I caught it right away.

It's still alive, here's a demo from this year for c64

What is this? the late 90s?

Of course everything that was depicted as awful in that shit video was 100% not happening for the last 8 years under Kang Nagger. It all started as soon as Trump became President right? Of these faux intellectual faggots would never be honest with even themselves.

wow, twisting the tempo knob on the sequencer – groundbreaking stuff ladies and gentlemen.

PR to make Moby relevant. Fuck him.

I like the casual deflection of jewish crimes on to whitey. Never gets old.

Just because we don't want to see girls raped on the street by brown people?
That's taking it a bit far…

This shit has to be getting old to the normies. We've been hit with it since Pink Floyd's the wall.

Wow, how much do you get paid to say that? GTKRWN, but seriously. It's just a shit musician seeking muh PR.

please buy my song about how capitalism is bad


Did Disney sanction that? Because if not, they need to be told - there's a running joke that "you don't fuck with Mickey Mouse" in the realm of copyright because anyone and everyone who has ever made a parody or used it without permission has been sued to bankruptcy and/or imprisoned.

Water's wet.

It used to tickle me when we would get a mention but now I realize "Colorado is the best kept secret in the union" was more than just a saying. Now with sanctuary denver gay marriage and dude weed the cities are flooded with degenerates and drug addicts. Beggers on every corner with their damn sympathy dogs running into traffic. We had to make a law explicitly stating not to stand on skinny medians because of the beggars. Then they use their alms for pot. I want my sekret stet back.
Polite sage for off topic

No need to get upset

So many has-been celebrities are jumping on this theme for relevance, SAD!

Most electronica has white European DJs with no like influence. But please, do share what you consider "good" music.
"" inb4 inane screamo shit""

Meant kike, fucking android phone

Amplify how he talked shit about Devi the tranny. That will get libshits to turn on him.

Colorado is ruined. People thought the flood of Californians in the 90s was bad. The flood of faggots from the entire country that is happening now is way worse. Colorado is now a solid blue state. Any sort of mountain recreation near the front range is ruined because there are far too many people now, and too many of those people dont understand what a fragile ecosystem is and what "leave no trace" is. Rents and housing costs have exploded and wages have been stagnant. All the new housing that is getting built here because of the "boom" is the cheapest shit going for exorbitant prices. Denver transport infrastructure was not built to handle this many people and it's getting worse. Utah now is what Colorado was, and honestly the outdoor recreation is better. I think once Colorado turns too shitty and too expensive Utah is next on the chopping block.