Proper Disruption Tactics

What ways can /ourguys/ counter opposition events?

Rushing onto play stages and screaming like madmen in public is stupid, degenerate, and ineffective - it is literally the tactic of leftist morons who are incapable of real creativity or virtue.

Right now (((controlled opposition))) is trying to make the argument of, "Give them their own medicine!" which in their chosen methods only equalizes /ourguys/ with the opposition in the eyes of the public. This cannot be encouraged because it is a false narrative - the actual opposition is far different than (((their))) degenerate golems.

There are better ways, more effective ways, more Kekworthy ways to disrupt these events than acting like hysterical Leftists. Some ideas to spark discussion:

-Improv Everywhere organized relatively large, anonymous flash mobs to perform a simple task that in the aggregate created quite the spectacle. Their most famous example was the 'Time Stop' where people froze in place in Grand Central Terminal. The key was simplicity of action, mass anonymous instruction, aggregate effect manifestation, and minimal central organization.

-Using the accepted 'rules of conduct' of events creatively. For instance, clapping during a play could be used as a disruption if enough people continued to clap and cheer well beyond normal bounds or at compromising times. Overwhelming positivity like all the 'Sweden YES!' memes come to mind.

-Contrast demonstrations to make hypocrisy and degeneracy extremely obvious. This can be as simple as showing up well-dressed against the degenerate hordes, or singing coherently against the ugly wails of normal degenerates. Think 'Tank Man'.

-If manpower is lacking, strikingly interesting objects creatively placed can create a spectacle even without context. The red in the castle picture are poppies in a mass temporary sculpture - one flower for every British soldier that died in WWI.

Continue to speculate and offer up your own useful ideas for peacefully and legally disrupting or utilizing opposition events.

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Look at the Nordic Resistance Movement.

2. Copy the Nordic Resistance Movement.

If you want to build a movement, leave your shitty memes online. You want to look like men who can take care of women and cucks. You need to project the image of leaders and soldiers. If you need gimmicks to be seen, only the gimmick will be seen. You want to live and breathe your ideology, you want everyone who sees you to know instantly that you're fundamentally different from them. Once you challenge the rulers, you need to be fearless. Hit the gym, put on a shirt, carry your flag high people will come.

If you're not ready to step up yet, start putting up propaganda. Print out black-on-white and white-on-black rape statistics, jewish involvement in slavery, holocaust redpills, and paste them all over your town. Wheat paste is cheap. Cook some flour until it turns into glue, put it in a bucket, apply with a brush. Do it in the middle of the night to avoid being seen.

I really like the idea of overwhelming and confused positivity to the point of absurdity.

A non-centralized plan to stand and clap/whistle etc at mentions of diversity or female empowerment could really take the wind out of the sails. They are virtue signalling, so its the reaction they imagine is happening, only to an absurd degree. It has a devastating aspect on the psyche. It shows the perpetrator that not only are they viewed as contemptable, but completely figured out. We know what you are, why you do what you do better than you do, we UNDERSTAND you and you are disgusting.

So much this.
The internet is great for discussion, but we shouldn't act like on the internet in real life.


I got this.
Easy, effective and bystanders may not realize.


Autistically screeching doesn't really work though

it's basically mocking them, I like this.

I don't know any great overarching strategies. However from watching the may day riots I found that when people started chanting "TAKE YOUR MEDS" it would guaranteed get a few of the more spergy antifa to leave the bloc and get arrested trying to rush the other side. I would assume that this would be generally effective on any given leftist group though.

it's finally gone full circle. pool's closed due to aids

What leftists tend to do is call bomb threats to get radical right-wingers shut down. This is what they do to KKKris KKKobach, they hate him that much. I do


recommend any of us do the same to left-wing politicians, though. Not at all.

I just pictured this, and it would be pretty funny. The lone man clapping and whooping is awkward at the best of times - using it as a tool for mockery is clever. If you had two guys at the same event, you could take turns at it, pretending to "escalate" and outdo each other. It would be devastating for the speaker.

/WE/ don't have a crowd. That's the point. And that's how you know to be very suspicious of people gathering them.

We've seen it for the last 40yrs now, Spencer is just one in a long list of agent provocateurs.

Personally, I would buy a subscription to Red Ice. At least they provide good content on our race.

These kind of men don't live in cities in the US. You get Carl the Cucks in cities here. All the white men are out in rural America. Out there there isn't any sense of a need for a resistance movement.

Nice dubs, and excellent example. I think on the end towards higher organization events this is the way to progress forward - cultivate and display actual virtues like bravery, strength, and community that will make any resistance against it look degenerate and pathetic in comparison. It does take quite a bit of organization though, and I wonder how one goes about that in a way that doesn't risk honeypots or the 'group decay' syndrome.

Me too, plus it is funny and entertaining to do while being hyper confusing for the targets to deal with without looking like complete assholes.

Like said. Leftist tactics that do work are organizing mobs of people into having a seemingly unified front. That's it. Their degeneracy and degenerate tactics of shutitdown bullshit make everyone around them hate them more and more.

Taunting like that could work, especially if it is funny taunts rather than nasty ones. If a person attack you after you make a funny quip at them, it makes them look all the more unstable and butthurt.

I think as a rule of thumb one shouldn't engage in lying or deception to attain one's ends in this. Redpills are about truth, and you do not spread truth with lies especially illegal lies if you want the power of truth to stay on your side.

I like that. Could be like a whole skit that is not only delightful for those doing it, but light-hearted in a very visible way that when the security teams jump on you it seems all the more unjust and funny.

And that is a reason why the degenerates are successful in getting normies to use their lexicon and cowtow to their will even though they are otherwise completely and hilariously inept and stupid. It isn't the crowd that is the problem, but cults of personality like the Cernovich's and the Milo's and the Spencer's that appear with alternative ideas and motivations in mind like herding good goys to obtain shekels and fame.

Crowding however can be accomplished without central authority. Remember the crowding created by HWNDU which had no central personality creating it but rather a 'signal' of sorts to attract /ourguys/ independently of one another. That's a useful tactic that requires little or no solid organization - we just get an idea like overwhelming positivity and show up at an event so that when one /ourguy/ starts it, the others know it and start themselves. Finding other /ourguys/ in real life can actually be quite delightful as I've learned from personal experience.

Anyway, remaining solitary and idle isn't terribly effective as a counter tactic, and ultimately relies on others to do the work on your behalf.

This is not possible. The moment you do anything IRL, Jews will spam Holla Forums with thread after thread after thread "proving" that you and your entire group are just controlled opposition. At first, intelligent Holla Forumsacks will disregard the Kikery but as more and more lemmings hop on board with the Jewish psy-op, anyone who says you are anything other than a shill will be shouted down and marginalized.

Jews are cancer. They are unsurpassed in their ability to destroy.

Perhaps you shouldn't swallow those blackpills they also dole out, eh? Every strategy has its counters, which means just because there is the potential for others to fuck around with it doesn't mean one shouldn't engage with it if otherwise it is a good idea. To do otherwise is to be giving the Heckler's Veto to your enemies and censoring yourself for them like a good goy.

At the very least make (((them))) work for their shekels while we please Kek and ourselves. Don't do the work for them.

You're correct. We shouldn't let the Jews frighten us away from positive activism. My worry is the lemmings on the board. We might be made of sterner stuff but I am generally pretty good at spotting Jews and Jewish modes of arguing, indeed modes of thinking (they are indeed wholly different from us and I find the details so fascinating) and I have noticed a great many people, White people, who are starting to parrot the Jewish line. I shouldn't get angry at them because that is just how humans are. If a lemming sees loads of (((anons))) talking loudly about how activism is not a good thing, they will start to align their thinking with the (((group))) in an effort to seek approval. It sickens me so much I want to get angry at them. God!

One Jew with 5 or 6 IPs can do so much damage to the minds of younger and more impressionable Holla Forumsacks that they have probably bought years of "life" for their evil System. I did not believe in "evil" until I saw how Jews operated. I admit I cannot define "evil" so my analysis is admittedly subjective, but I can't describe what they do without resorting to that word.

Shoot them all


Good post to up our action. While following your guidelines their satanic ritual coding should also be exposed to suppress their action. youtube. com/watch?v=IvOyqiECBn0

false flag with home recipes that go boom
go suck some more kosher dicks FBIniggers. Maybe you'll earn that promotion if you do a good enough job

ummm yes it did.

That's the point. Who are you going to give the money to?

Why is going to organize it?

You want us to get on a train some place and go somewhere? I'm not getting on your train…

You want to give me the money? I'll start the fucking fire.

Don't forget about the suit.

I have an idea.

Let's crowd fun an alternative social media that has no mods to fuck it up and no owners. We don't even have a real Holla Forums anymore.

in fact!

Find me a way to have a website with no money and endless uploads that isn't owned by hipsters that will shut us down and I'll create a place for you.
I'll create a fucking Disney World online Holla Forums

You joke but this is the only real solution.

Such a platform already exists, for the most part of what you search for.
https ://

I agree with not dropping to their level. Trying to stop that play from happening is childish. It makes us look weak and hypocritical. A protest outside, so long as it's peaceful, is ok but ultimately ineffective.

IMHO TBQH FAM, we just shine the light on these degenerates. They can't come up with a coherent argument to save their lives. Interview/Film them as a non-partisan observer and reveal their idiocy and ignorance.

Continuously educate yourselves. Destroy their narratives with sound logic, reason, and discipline. This nobility is our strength, because we are fighting for what is righteous and just. All the while, be prepared for when these feral subhumans inevitably become violent.

We don't start the violence. We end it.

How bout starting a chant of die trump die just to accentuate their point a little too much?

I think what we're lacking the most before we can adequately disrupt the opposition is a place of centralized information. We have /polarchive/, /redstick/, /pdfs/, but we don't have a wiki-like or dossier-like place of information on the jewish problem and what is in essence, the redpill. To give everyone an analogy, one of the best things that ever came out of GG was a collective attempt to create a timeline of events related to GG and a dossier to inform what they hoped would be allies in high places. The dossier and the timeline was a payload of indisputable proof and that is why GG's opposition never dared to fight them on a battlefield where proof and evidence could be used against them because they would lose. GG realized in the end that they had no allies in high places but the mechanism was there to win over allies that were legitimate and were willing to read and examine evidence.

That's something that to this day Holla Forums is severely lacking. On Holla Forums, the best we can hope for is for someone to be in at the right place and at the right time, on a tertiary-related site or platform, and all of that is aside from people who seriously lurk on Holla Forums. Our avenues of gaining allies that are strongly in line with what is in essence Holla Forums, are extremely narrow. We need something on the level of a wiki, a timeline, a curriculum, or a dossier. This gets people up to speed on things that we consider entry-level redpill topics, allows anons with historical expertise and enthusiasm to share potent redpilling info, and is the place where people can stock up on redpilled information before they go off to beat someone in a debate. By crowd-sourcing information into one space, we can also consolidate and back up what knowledge we can share and gain and if it gets taken down, the next iteration will resume right where the last left off and grow bigger.

look into decentralized, p2p solutions such as zeronet.

No, it's great especially when a woman does it. The media is showing a constant barrage of celebrity women spewing hate to make it seem as if the consensus is against Trump. A real woman getting up there to defend Trump breaks that jew storyline.

Hear hear!

I suppose that is true, though Lebooooof was more of an object of ridicule rather than some ringleader of the Holla Forumsack actions. Same way how meme sprout up spontaneously surrounding a sufficiently lulzy subject. That requires no central planning.

Money? Unnecessary for the small stuff wholly possible for any local /ourguys/ to accomplish. For the larger stuff like the actual organized things, the money would have to be sourced from the crowd itself rather than some interest group's pocket to avoid getting (((subverted))). But that's a topic for another thread.

It's a dream of mine to create a company that will take the imageboard model on as a charitable loss. No attempts to make profit off of it, and thus the cesspool can maintain its purity at least in that regard… Just need to create a business vibrant enough to take on such a loss.

Dubs speak truth.

Definitely need this, even more important than this particular topic even. How did the GG'ers pull off such a collaboration? Consider making a topic on this for more discussion and action.

You forget that the media just doesn't show whatever it doesn't deem to fit its narrative. Plenty of actual people have said sound things in support of Trump, but you wouldn't know it watching the (((tube))). You'd have to implant redpills into spectacles the media cannot resist or trick the media by a bait and switch. Trump has done it for 2 years straight with the same tactics over and over again.